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by Justin
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1211718
First page of the history of Drifter Thorn Lightbreeze, Guardian of nature.
*          “Trance, it wont be long before they will realize what has happened”, mused Violet lightbreeze while glancing down at the bleeding corpse of the village elder. Violet Lightbreeze, a female elf with wild berry dyed red hair that grew down to her waist that looked like the fire contained within the many gas globes strapped to her person. Clad entirely in black traveling leathers and with a gleaming short sword she had the look of a rogue, an alchemist. Alchemists wield the power of science and magic combined. Their trade is to create gas globes filled with poison that could create effects ranging from sleep to instant death.

         “Never Mind that love, we will be long gone before any of these people awaken and come looking for this old coot” spoke Trancian snidely.

Then with the look of a lunatic in his eyes he quickly whispered “Make sure he isn’t dying, bash him in the head, then feed him some poison of forgetfulness. Then we will allow a few minutes to pass for the poison to take a strong hold in his mind then we can blade the man and hide his body in the closet. It may buy us some time, so if his spirit comes back he wont be able remember our smiling faces”.
All the meanwhile tossing around the old mans belongings looking for things of value. But they had gotten what they came for. A magical bow that was said to protect is holder and cast spells like that of a mage. It was only called upon on rare occasions when a hunter from the village would take it up to defend against orc raiders or other denizens of the wyldwood.
         Trancian stood a moment admiring his newly acquired weapon and grin on his face. The bow looked like it was crafted from some sort of dark green crystal, but It was once ironwood and the look it now has came from the enchantments woven into it.
Trancian was a bit larger then the average elf, with piercing blue eyes and messy short brown hair that often fell into his eyes he giggled as he strapped the bow to his back. Wearing no more protective layers then short tight fitting blue and black robe that befitted him a elf of the arcane arts.  He also had a nervous twitch that would occur mostly when agitated, this accompanied by the varying patterns of speech he used made him easily pointed out as a madman when he wasn’t going out of his way to control his actions.
A slight creak in the wood outside the front door alerted them to the presence of a spy. Without a moments thought Trancian quickly mouths the spell to a destroy spell.  Immediately, the door splinters and explodes in a loud wood snapping crash. Behind the newly opened doorway stood an extremely surprised and frightened young elf male no more then in his twenties.
“Greeting’s, would you like me to pour you some tea?” mocked a grinning Trancian. Before he could finish his sentence Violet had already unsheathed her short sword and buried it hilt deep in the awestruck youths chest, dropping him to the ground immediately.
“Trancian, always with the flashy loud spells, you most likely woke half the village!” scolded Violet anger clear in her dark blue orbs.
“Let them come, my magic is to powerful for them to give a fast enough chase. If you would kindly step outside I will show you. The vicious pair quickly stepped out side where Trancian opened up his thick spell book laden with scrolls. He began casting wind spells that would usually use the force of wind to pick up and throw ones enemies but when coupled with a protective spell that made you light as a feather you could maneuver yourself to allow a short flight. After a while of fleeing from the village, each in short constant bursts of flight and sprinting they came to rest miles away with their sought out trophy in hand.
“Trancian. What of the little ones, I almost fear leaving them in that little town was a mistake. I know we can’t carry them along our backs all the time but what will come of them? . Said Violet as she sat alongside her maniacal lover against the thick base of an oak tree.
“They will be fine, they our made of lightbreeze stock. They will grow strong like their Mom and Dad. Little Drifter and Kreegal will see us again one day. Either way we cannot rest long, we have a tiresome run ahead of us. They will send hunters, but if we are swift they will not trouble us.
The two rose, gathered their things, and left the lives of their two twin children for the rest of their innocent years.

[please give some feedback, would like to know how it looks and sounds so far]


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