Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1210691-The-Wrestling-Heart
Rated: E · Script/Play · Drama · #1210691
A challenged wrestler in the 1940's fight against all probability.Not finished
The Wrestling Heart
Act I

Fade in to a small east side apartment in the 1940's time setting . Everything is old and shabby.

Sitting in a hard back chair is a old woman her hair is gray almost white. Her face is lined with deep worry wrinkles, her back is humped over as if she has had to carry the world on her shoulders for a very long time.

She is sewing something by hand long into the night. The light is dim so she is holding the garment close to her eyes for she has very thick glasses on . It appears as if the garment is almost touching her nose as she works. She is happy you can sense this about her for she is humming a little tune that can just barely be heard.

There is a loud crashing sound coming from another room. The old woman does not cry out only waits. A huge man lumbers into the room, with rippling muscles .He was crying making sounds of great distress but no words are said the old lady gets up and slowly walks over to where he is standing. He is talking with his with his hands no word are said.

Tears are flowing down his face. The old woman is trying to calm him . She starts talking with her hands and she is saying it is all right you just had a bad dream no one is hurt we can get another lamp, now go back to bed for you have a big day tomorrow. Fade out

Act II

Its the middle of the day, doors open and we are entering a very dark smoke filled bar.The normal sounds of a lower class cocktail lounge can be heard,on the radio a woman singing softly, people moving around, chairs creaking, the bartender breaking a glass.

There is one table in the back of the room where three men are sitting close and talking very intently.

The youngest man seems to be in control of the conversation.He raises his voice a little and says to the other two '"you know it is the only way we can make that kind of money fast, the boss will take everything we have our business, our homes, our families, and that's is if we are lucky." The three men seem to agree on something for they all nodded and start to leave.

Fear and worry make men desperate and do horrible things. Fade out..

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