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This is a movie im makeing but this is episode 4 not the whole thing |
Episode 4 Element of Healing Justin Tim Veronica Justin: Run!!!! The building they are in collapses as they run out Tim’s leg gets mashed with a metal pole through it Tim Screams with anguishing Pain Tim: AWWWW fu** my legs’ broke Veronica tries to pull him out but makes him scream even louder Veronica: we cant pull him out Justin thinks of an idea and lifts the rock and pole that holds him to the ground Veronica pulls him out. Justin: there your fine Tim: you call this fine (under his breath) “ASS” Veronica patches Tim’s leg and Justin helps him up Tim: ok we should continue Justin: maybe we should wait a few days? Veronica: yes we should stay That night as Justin and Veronica are sleeping Tim looks at The Moon then hears rumbling in the bushes Tim: uh what’s that A Vampire comes out of the bushes go fast toward Tim Tim: ohhhh SH** HELP!!!! Veronica wakes up to see Justin waking up Justin wakes up Glowing green Grabbing Tim before the vampire could get him then the wound on Tim’s leg bubbles and heals the leg Tim: what!!!! Justin: get away from my friends in an deep voice Justin’s claws come out and he attacks the vampire killing it. Justin: Tim are you all right Tim: yes and my leg is ok to how did you do that befor Justin could answer he collapses and fates. Veronica: what the hell your leg was just broken... how.. did.. he???? Tim falls asleep and wakes up to see Justin and Veronica awake Tim: Justin what happened last night? you just like healed me Justin: i dont know Veronica thinks for a second Veronica: Justin thats it your element is health or healing Justin: thats right i remember i have an element just like you and tim but different Tim: i have and element? Veronica: yes you do and it is the element of Tme gives you the power to make every one frezze for about 30 seconds and mine is.... Justin: yes what is it Veronica: the element of intelligence Tim: wow thats cool thats why you know so much right Veronica laughs: i guess so Justin: all right lets move on were siting ducks out here lets go to Diro Gora its an old building that hold and ancient dragon that if you set him free he will help you Tim: what are we waiting for lets go. |