Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1209633-A-Decision-Made
Rated: E · Script/Play · Drama · #1209633
Dramatic scene between the future Queen Elizabeth I and her brother, Edward.
                                          A Decision Made.

                                        By Rebekah Sawyer.

( Elizabeth sitting under her oak tree as Edward and Robert speak in the distance. )

Edward: (to Robert) My sister has been rather glum of late. 

Robert: Oh ? Why so ?

Edward: The death of our latest stepmother has troubled her greatly. 

Robert: Ah.  Was your sister close to her?

Edward: Our stepmother was kind to Elizabeth, and though she was more of a friend than a mother, Bess was rather fond of her.  I fear, so many stepmothers being put to death adversely affects her. 

Robert: Your sister is pretty in spite of her troubled countenance. 

Edward: So she is.  But Bess is more than just another bonny face.  You may ask any of our tutors.  She has the mind of a man and is smart, witty, charming, athletic, possesses a fiery temper and is not very fond of men. 

Robert: She sounds rather intriguing, shall you introduce me now ?

( Edward and Robert approach the oak tree where Elizabeth is seated. )

Edward: Hello there Bess!  Why the long face ?

Elizabeth: You know very well why Edward. 

Edward: So I  do, but it saddens me to see you looking so distraught. 

Elizabeth: Well brother I am not as distraught as you imagine me to be.  I have become well acquainted with death,  although this death has stirred me more than the others. 

Robert: Ahem...

Edward: Oh yes!  So sorry.  Bess, this is my friend, Robert. 

Robert: ( warmly with a smile ) Hello. 

Elizabeth: ( coldly ) Gives a curt nod. 

Edward: Bess, you say that this most recent death has stirred you.  How so? 

Elizabeth: My thoughts have been stirred.  I have decided, I shall NEVER marry!

Edward: Ha!  Never marry?  Bess that is ridiculous!  Do you plan to convert to Catholicism like Mary?    Edward:(continued) and become a nun? 

Elizabeth: Of course not Edward!  Don't be so foolish. 

Robert: That is rather foolish, Ed. 

Elizabeth: (flashing an appreciative smile) Thank you, Robert.

Edward: Do you agree with her then Robert?  Do you support this foolishness about never marrying? 

Robert: Well, er, um, well, no.

Edward: Ha!  I thought not!  Good man.

Elizabeth: I care not what either of you think!  I have no use for men! Especially husbands.

Edward: Bess!  Not even brothers?

Robert: Or friends?

Elizabeth: Well, I suppose brothers and friends may be rather useful. 

Robert: Helpful, too.

Edward: This matter of never marrying must still be discussed. Women are expected to marry.

Elizabeth: I know this!  But I see what happens when women are wedded off.  They are unhappy, divorced, or dead.

Edward: That does not always happen, sister.  Right, Robert? 

Robert: Right, Edward!

Elizabeth: Keep your opinions, do not try to change mine!  My mind is set.  I shall never marry! I have no use for husbands or lovers... but I do have use for brothers and friends.

Robert: Brothers and friends it is!  ( Then quietly to himself ) Though some may wish for more.   

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