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I just... wrote. |
Sometimes it feels just like I’m shoved against the walls inside My head. So I just run around And try to drown the feelings that I have. -- I’m slipping from the edge Of the cliffs I’ve made. I’m falling underneath the shadows Of my blockade. The toxic air of my dreams Blurs delusion. And now I find myself Stumbling at the illusion. -- Can’t try to get away, the glass is made So I can’t see The world. A stone inscribed with words is thrown right through my window, But I cannot seem to make out all The words. -- I think I’m babbling Every time I speak. Can’t see the crisis that I’m Going to have this week. Throw me a dying wish So I can make some life. What if I’m stagnant; Just been standing here the whole time? -- I’ll tell you one more time It is a crime to never say My name. Blame just the common thoughts, Ideas and voices there to keep You sane. -- Escape formalities When you’re losing grace. I can see everything Written on your whole face. If you can hear the words That I’m saying now, Please takes the next few bits As my solemn and devout vow. -- I will not cage a thought I’d rather not put needles in My bed. When finding you’re distraught, Just grab another truth before You’re dead. -- Let the lies fall out. Let yourself breathe now. Let the best things shout. |