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Jay starts taking lessons when Nellie starts dating Marcus. |
Jay ran out of the diner after almost forgetting to pay. He had to tell his roommate, Scott, about his plan. He threw the door open, "Scott, you won't-Oh God!" Scott had company. Female company. Clara to be specific. "I'll, um, just, uh-I'm leaving now," he closed the door, doubting they even knew he was there to begin with. Nellie heard the buzzer and pressed the button, "Hello?" "Um, Nellie, the guard outside the building is giving me crap again," Jay stuttered. "Tell him I'll kick his ass if you're not allowed in." In five minutes Jay was standing in the doorway with a pillow, "Um, Clara's at my place." Nellie rolled her eyes, "What's she doing there?" "Scott." "Oh, wow, that's going to suck when they break up." "Shouldn't be long," Jay said, knowing their short attention span. "You mean, after they finish what you walked in on?" She laughed. He nodded, "Anyways, would you mind if I stay here tonight?" "Sure," she said, letting him in, "But you can't stay in Clara's room, you might get something, and I like my room to myself, so, you can have the lovely couch." Jay laughed, a heartless, empty laugh, "That's what MaryAnn said a lot when I'd get drunk." "I'm so sorry, I didn-" "It's okay." MaryAnn was Jay's only other love than Nellie, he'd been engaged to her when she cheated on him. "By the way, where'd you get the pillow?" she fearfully asked. "I always have one hidden behind the plant in the hall for when he has company," he explained. After sitting in the kitchen, talking and snacking on cookie dough, Jay went on the couch and Nellie pulled a blanket out from her room and put it over him. "Good night, sleep tight," she started. "Don't let the bed bugs bite," he finished, smiling. He heard her door close then rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. He needed to decide a pretty important part of his plan. He awoke to Nellie singing beautifully, her back to him, "You sing really pretty." She jumped, almost spilling the pitcher of orange juice. She smiled shyly, "I-I didn't know you were awake." "You woke me," he answered. "Oh, I'm sorry, my voice, it's horrible," she laughed shyly. Obviously, she wasn't used to people hearing her sing. "No, it's beautiful," he said. Then he remembered what he'd wanted to know last night, "Hey, what's your favorite instrument? I mean, to listen to?" She smiled, "The piano." He nodded, thinking of where he could get piano lessons. Later, since it was Saturday, Jay went all over town looking for piano lessons. When he found them, the teacher amazed him. "Wow, you're old," he said. "No shit sherlock," the teacher threw back, "Now, why are you here?" "I'm in love with this girl. She's in love with music. I want to impress her." "Ah, love. Okay, I'll give you lessons. Anyone looking to woo a girl is determined. By the way, my name's Mr. Henderwithe." "Jay." "Okay, Jay, report here tomorrow." "Thank you, I appreciate how quickly you can get me into lessons." Back in their apartment, Nellie and Clara were talking. A sigh came from Nellie. "What?" Clara asked, not taking her eyes off the magazine. "I just miss Kevin's music." Clara jumped up and went over to her address book. She skimmed a few pages then stopped. "How about Marcus, he plays the trumpet?" "Is he good?" "I don't know, I haven't don-" "I meant at playing his instrument." She nodded. Then Nellie nodded back, "As long as he won't cheat." "Oh, he won't," she told her, already dialing the number, "He's really shy and really nice." "How do I tell Jay?" Nellie asked. "Jay, I'm dating Marcus, the trumpet player. It's not like it matters. You two have no past as more than friends." "Yeah, but he gets so upset. Do you think he likes me?" Clara snorted, "I know he does. Everyone but you knows he does." "Then maybe I should just date him?" she said it like she was looking for permission. "No! Just go out with Marcus. You'll like him. Besides, Jay needs to ask you. Oh, hey Marcus, I was wondering if you wanted to meet my friend, Nellie." She paused. "Yes? Okay, tonight at eight? Okay, see you then!" "Well, you've got a date with a hott musician!" Nellie smiled, "Jay'll be devastated." Clara, "Good, then he'll want you more. You two should really explore your options, you're only twenty-three." Jay and Nellie were both younger than their roommates. And, Clara was right, they hadn't explored their options much. Even though they both had the potential to date many people. Nellie had bright blue eyes that sometimes changed colors. Her long, brown hair had just enough volume and shine. She was curvy. She had no fat but she wasn't skinny. She was all muscle, but she didn't look like a body builder at all. She was beautiful. Jay had greenish-hazelish eyes that Nellie secretly loved. He had reddish-brownish hair that almost reached his shoulders. It was sometimes greasy, sometimes clean. He had muscles...but he normally just stuck to being a wiry looking guy and didn't try to look big and built up. He was handsome. At seven fifty-eight, Jay walked in the apartment with caution. Scott sat on the couch with a beer, his eyes glued to the TV. "Where's Clara?" he asked Scott. "She took Nellie to meet some guy," he explained. "You let her!" "She's a big girl, she does what she wants." "Damn, I already paid for lessons." Jay was beginning to regret this idea. "What lessons?" Scott asked. So Jay told him his entire plan. "Good, when this guy fails, you can easily woo her with your skills." "So you think I have a chance?" Jay felt wonderful inside. "Sure, now shut up and get some beers from the fridge for us." "Can't, I have to go get a book on learning the piano." "Wow, giving up beer for her! You didn't even do that for MaryAnn." "I told you, I love her." And with that he walked out to start the crazy plan. To be continued... |