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Combination of Poetry and Essay Works |
Any Adversity Does the Lord of love wish us to suffer? No, but we must suffer to be able to put and keep our trust in Him; that He will give us strength to make it through any adversity. We Can’t See It, But…. Love: A feeling that; when felt, is strong enough to touch even your soul mate, and not needing to have one single word spoken to express how you feel inside about your soul mate. A language no one has to learn to speak; yet everyone knows it without having to learn it, or ever having to hear it. Isn’t God wonderful? He gives us something that we don’t even have to learn, because it is a part of us just like any other part of our bodies. The only difference is, we can’t see it, or touch it, but we know it’s there when we feel it in our hearts. Fair To God Whenever someone close to you dies, you often think to yourself “It’s not fair!!” Well, let me say this: It’s as fair as God intends it to be. He’s the One who has control over everything including our death. And even if it isn’t fair to you, or anyone else, it’s fair according to God. Death Along Our American Highways Next time your taking the Interstate, or even the local highway, look and see if you notice any crosses and flowers to represent someone having been killed at the spot of the cross and flowers. See how many of these you see during your “trip”. I’ve noticed a good number of these on numerous highways. It started to rebound around in my mindless head, and finally registered (by some act of a miracle) that I was seeing a number of these markers. I think it is trying to tell me that there has to be something wrong. Why are there so many of these markers? Could it be that part of it is the fact that the highways are not as safe as we are lead to believe? And another thing being that our youth (and some of us “older” people) are not taking the facts as they really are? Our cars are not as safe as we’d like to think, as well as the highways not being as safe as we’d like to believe. We need to start looking at the “Ralph Nader types” as the ones who see it for what it really is, and start accepting what they have to say as being what it really is, and not something they “concocted” so as to have something to give them a reason to complain and pacify their own inner urges to complain about something. If we don’t, we will only continue to see these crosses and flowers (and maybe many more being added as time goes by). It is so sad to see a young life cut short even before its prime, but God has a reason for it. We aren’t supposed to understand why. For things like this are what show the complexity of God’s mind. You Are My Hero You give, And you give. Making sure all The while, we continue to live. You hold each one of us ever so close. As if we were each a part of a form fitting glove. You cover us all With your glorious love. A love so enormous And overflowing. Why? Why show such compassion? All of our “genius knowledge” falls far short of Your knowing. Everything that I do Equals a big fat zero. That is what makes You my Hero. Imagi-graphic Minds My definition: Someone capable of projecting (verbally) a description of a scene or situation, or somehow being able to describe something so that others can picture it in their minds eye is what I call an image-ographer. And someone capable of picturing what has been described (verbally) is someone with what I call an imagi-graphic mind. God never ceases to amaze me with His ability to allow us to “get the point or idea across” when it comes to having to describe something or someone, and do so with great clarity. Police artist would fall under this category I think. So would anyone who needs to put an idea down on paper so others can be able to put their “photographic minds” into action. Not everyone is capable of doing this. But there are people capable of seeing things in great detail when something is described to them on paper in such great detail. I think that is simply amazing. You hear people say “Close your eyes and imagine….” all the time. But you don’t always get things said the right way, or maybe the person who is trying to imagine your thought or idea missed something that is important to having the thought brought to life in their mind. Sometimes you might even be the one who left out an important key word or phrase necessary to have your idea come to life in someone else’s mind. Whatever you do, pay attention to detail. It can be the key to having an imagi-graphic mind. Patience (Or In Other Words, Just call it Having Faith) As I wonder around this small part of a very large world, I begin to see just how large my part of this world really is. Alone, it means very little. But when put together with the millions and millions of other people, my part can make a large impact on this even larger world. Now, stop and think about the above statement. Put yourself in the place of the person who thinks his part alone means very little, but yet, when put together with other peoples acts, it can have a very large impact on the outcome of a given act (be it a positive act, or a negative act). Alone, as a single person, his acts don’t have an impact on anyone or anything. But when other people doing the same thing, or the same way, are added to the equation, it enhances what is being done or not being done. If people were to all (or most all) start doing for the good of mankind, then the impact would be a positive impact for the betterment of this world, and all who are in this world. But on the other hand, if all or most all of us were to neglect doing things that are for the betterment of this planet, then this planet would become a very nasty, rotten place to be in. Now, I know this is only wishful thinking. And something that will never be as long as we are “alive”. So don’t think “Boy! He’s living in a fantasy land.” But maybe that is where the power of prayer can make a difference. Pray to God that one day, we will all have things without any negative feelings, thoughts, acts, or mannerisms. I personally think it can and will happen one day. And when it does, it will be of no surprise to me. Because it will be my new being in Eternity. And I, along with many others, will have had all our prayers answered. In the mean time, always remember to go with God, for He always goes with you. (Have some patience. Just wait. You’ll see. And then you‘ll be glad you had faith.) Reflections It’s nice to be able to recall the days of “yesteryear”. But when you get the fine details that go with those thoughts of the past, you find some of them rather hard to recall. You find yourself digging very deep within to muster enough strength to be able to face those things that are not so nice or pleasant. When those kinds of times, things, or events are finally recalled, and we analyze them for what they are (reality in its purest form), we are sometimes surprised to find that our true inner feelings about them are set more concretely than we ever realized before. Whether our feelings are negative or positive, we become more and more aware of just how strong our feelings have become. I like to think this was part of Gods’ way of helping us to become stronger in our faith. Faith in the fact that God did indeed allow His Son to become a human sacrifice for all our sins. Faith that Jesus did allow Himself to be sacrificed for all our sins. Faith that we will (on that judgment day) all be forgiven to our faces by God. But it all comes down to our having, and maintaining constant, strong feelings of believing through faith that we are forgiven (now). And showing our belief and faith by changing our ways from what, and how we live like from this point in time forward. No ifs, ands, or buts. Just simply turn 180 degrees from how we are right now. Allow it to be seen by all others (not for the sake of “Look at me! I‘m now a Godly person!” But rather as a witness for God as to say “I changed for the better. So can you.”). And, when we show it, we have to mean it at the same time. No false fronts allowed. Don’t forget! God knows it all. He can tell if you really mean it when you change your ways! And just to think about what happens when the judgment day comes should give you a feeling of peace and complete serenity for all eternity. Daddies Don't Ever Die Tell me Of the truth. What was it like, Back in your youth? Did you always dream Of having my sisters and I? Daddy, dear daddy; Why did you have to die? With God looking down From up on High, We ask His forgiveness For our every lie. I know, with you I 'd watch every word you'd say. Was it like that, too, Back in your day? We have so many Questions to ask. Your not around, So we gave mommy the task. When we ask her "Why, mommy, did daddy have to die?" She gave us This reply. "Daddy didn't Really die. He just joined a bigger Family up on High. So, children, Please don't cry. Always remember; Daddies don't ever die. They just join a bigger Family up on High." Now I know why Daddy had to "die". Take It To The Bank! I watched a movie tonight (August 22, 2004) and I thought about the idea of a pay it forward. I like to think that in some small way, some of the things I do from now on will be like “paying it forward”. Maybe I do something for someone, and they, in turn, will decide to do something good for someone else, and so on. The world today, would say that’s nice to have that kind of “wishful thinking”, but it will never happen. Well, I say they don’t know God very well, because if He wanted it to happen, it would happen. Take that to the bank! Teachers Hey Teachers! Besides the fact that you love being tormented and pestered, and inundated with ignorance, why do you continue to teach our children? Ever stop to think about that one? Besides the fact of the love of showing someone something they didn’t know, you get to watch their eyes light up with interest, and curiosity when they see what happens when certain events take place. You know; when you create an event with certain chemicals, or try to arouse their curiosity in whatever way it takes to arouse it. Down deep inside, don’t you think it’s really because of the fact that you look at these children as being inexperienced birds to be shown how to stay aloft in this life? The same holds true (I believe) in teaching our children about Jesus Christ, and His love for us. Each child receives God’s love through Jesus Christ as the time is right for them to receive it. Each child has to be openly willing to, and ready to accept God’s love and forgiveness. Only then can it be so for them to receive it. I have a saying I use whenever people leave me with the impression they don’t understand when I do something that involves our children. I call it “Of Winds And Wings”: As these children are the wind of meaning in our lives, beneath our wings, so let us be the wind of hope in their lives, beneath their wings. I thank you all for being the eagles that show our children how to stay aloft. Thank you for all your patience, and fortitude. The Man of Few Possessions One day, a man had someone knocking at his door. When he answered the door knock, he saw what appeared to be a man of few possessions standing there. Before the man of few possessions could say a word, the man said that he did not want to seem rude, but he did not want the man hanging around his front door. The man of few possessions said he could understand that, and he turned to go away. The home owner said “Thank you“, and went back inside and closed his front door. At that same instant, something told the home owner to ask the man of few possessions to wait a moment so the man could try and explain to him why he said what he said. When the home owner opened the door, the man of few possessions had already disappeared. Vanished. Was no where to be found anywhere in the neighborhood. (Seems very eerie to me.) “How could someone disappear so quickly?” the home owner thought to himself. This continued to plague the him for the next few days. He finally had to ask his pastor about the matter. He explained to the pastor what had transpired a few days earlier, and then after some short thought, the pastor reminded the home owner about the times that people had been tested in the Bible. “Could it be that you just had a visit from God?“ the pastor asked. Now, these are modern times here, folks. Why would an old test be used in this day-in-age? Maybe because people of today are so rushed and hurried that they wouldn’t even begin to think of something like that being done to anyone. Well, I think that God has all the time in eternity to do something like that. It would help us to slow down a bit and remember that this is just the type of thing that God would like to see us doing. (Helping others as we would like others to help us in our time of need.) Don’t get me wrong here. There are those out there who are willing to take the time to help others, but they are somewhat scarce by comparison to the general populous. They’re called true believers in the word of God. To Be A Pastor It's got to be very tough to be a pastor. You must be unopinionated. You must be self sacrificing. You must have a loving wife, who is willing to totally sacrifice you on a spur of the moment basis 24/7/365. If you chose to go it alone, then you must be willing to be sacrificed on a spur of the moment basis 24/7/365. You have to remain totally neutral on any grounds. You have to be willing to be available for any situation. You must be willing to not make or expect to keep any plans due to an unexpected emergency. You must make equal time for all situations. All these things are almost impossible to do, but for the help of God. That way you get to do all these things and not worry about how you are going to accomplish everything. Oh, and you also must have an unshakable, unending faith in God to help you be able to accomplish it all. Congratulations, Pastor Steve, for coming as close as I have seen to filling these requirements. (Not saying your "Superman", or anything, but your awfully close in my book.) Tsunami Can it be one of God’s ways of getting us to be forced to working together for a (lot) better cause? Why does it take such a catastrophe to get people of this world to realize it’s time to start learning how to get along with one another? Something as simple as doing a little “give and take” should take very little common sense, and a little willingness to be a little less selfish than we “normally” are. Don’t wait for the catastrophe to hit home. There is no need for anymore suffering than there already is. Have You Had Your Dose of Humiliation Today? I recently got a dose of humiliation that I won’t soon forget. I can forgive, but not forget. It came from a blood family member. I can forgive him for saying what he said, but can not for what he said. Those words will forever be with me until I die. And having said it while in my presence was even harder to bear. It was like I wasn’t even there. How can anyone talk that way? It’s almost as bad as blaspheming God’s name. For that reason, I now remove myself from that family forever, or until God decides what He wants to do about the matter. And speaking of talking a certain way, while at my last reunion, I sensed a strong sense of being ignored. Very few, if any of the people there said anything to me outside of asking my where I live. Then they moved on to talk to others. Incomprehendable Land We live in an age where most of what we see is on the edge of incomprehendability. We see things happening, and then we try to absorb it, only to find ourselves saying “What was that all about?” or “What is this world coming to?” We just can’t find any meaning, or answer that makes any logical sense. It won’t be long (at this pace) before we will see everything, and everything we see will make no sense, or have any logic to it. The only ones who will be capable of making any sense of anything will be those who get their answers from God. If we want to make any kind of sense of all that will happen in the future, we will have to have a good relationship with God. If we don’t have a good working relationship with God, then we will be doomed to disaster for eternity. I say “we” meaning all of mankind. Because it is just possible that all of mankind could end up in hell for all of eternity. I personally pray that I, along with everyone else in this world, will be spending our eternity in Heaven. But to do that, there has got to be a good working relationship with God. I pray that this is not only possible, but also what will be in the end of this incomprehendable land. Guilt A feeling (self-imposed) that one has about their actions or words having an effect on someone else’s life. Now, mind you, I don’t like to think of myself as someone who doesn’t care about others. But, when it comes to my actions directly effecting someone else’s life, well, I am very sorry, but I can’t say I think that statement is always true. People will do what ever they are going to do. No one forces someone to do something (under normal circumstances) even if they don’t want to do something. Most people will say “OK.” and let it go at that if someone chooses not to do something. Short of forcing someone, people will do everything they can to convince someone to do something with them, because they really want to do a special something with that person, but out of respect for that person, they will not force someone into doing something. Now, when something happens to someone while they are doing something with someone, I think that God’s will has come into play. God may have given a nod to Fate, and Fate took over doing exactly what God told Fate to do. Fate reared its ugly head, and the rest is (as they say) history. No one thing can be blamed as the cause of what happened. For God directs all things when they happen. So, I don’t think anyone has any right to lay blame on themselves for things that happen. But some people will not accept that. They feel so deeply responsible even for what happens to those they care so much about. Can’t Seem To Help Myself It seems like when I think about not being able to do things for the church I attend, I just simply cannot get past the fact that I am unable to make a good contribution to the church society. And that makes me feel ashamed. I feel that if I am attending the church, I should be able to give back to them for what they are giving me. I have received so much from the members, but now, I can’t do what I should be doing. And that makes me feel like I don’t deserve to be a part of something to which I should be giving back. I’m receiving; therefore, I should be giving. Serving God does not mean all I do is take, take, take. I am to do, do, do, for God. And I am unable to do for God. I just can’t seem to help myself. I can only hope that He will forgive me for my shortcomings. Love Love has strength Love is cruel Love can last forever Love makes you have to duel. Love makes you show compassion On a very willing level And at times it makes you feel like It’s acting like the devil. Love has its moments, There is no doubt And at times it makes you feel Like all you want to do is shout. Until finally, you can Take it no more, And you try your best to hide it With what ever there is (the amount is galore). When, after a while, You think you’ve found a tolerable level. Once again, out Pops the Devil. Let me tell you, It’s a loosing battle. You’ll fight it, and fight it Until you shake your head, and you hear your brain rattle. It’s just one of those things in life, You have no choice. You have to go with the flow, And listen to your inner voice. It will let you know when, And then.... You’ll be able to start With a brand new heart, and then.... I Think I’ll Just Take Off I think I’ll just take off. Not let anyone know about it. Let them find out on their own. Who cares? Doesn’t seem like anyone around hear does. Keeping the real feelings to myself has its advantages. No one knows what or how I’m thinking. Gives them something to do. I’ve got a few bucks in my pocket, and the keys to a truck are handy. So why not. The above was written as the actions of a fine young man of 15 decided to do something he should never have done. It’s a dangerous world out there and he’s all alone now. No one to turn to for guidance or help. Should he decide to call and ask one of those who love him for help. He’ll receive it, and have a request made that he come home to personally receive the help he needs. He’ll not be condemned for doing what he has done to this point. That does nothing to get to the root of the matter. Email Power I can’t believe how corresponding by email can do what it does. A friend and I correspond by email periodically, and somehow when I get done reading their email, I get a feeling of tranquility. Like if reading their email somehow says “Guess what! Everything is ok now. You need not worry so much.” And by the time they are done writing about their problems, they seem to be feeling better about themselves and their problems. Most times, everything ends on a note of feeling good about most everything. We live about 1000 miles apart, so there is none of this “Let’s go across town and visit with them for a while.” just to be able to make sure we can see them, and make sure everything is ok. It feels like there is some kind of connection between us via email that lets each person know the sincerity of the other person. An honesty that seems to burst out like doves being set free. It’s not like there is any doubt that casts a shadow anywhere on or in the email. I think some people might call it a mutual trust that is unconditionally accepted, and never needs to be questioned. This is only my feelings in my mind. I can only hope that is the same feeling by my friend. Unconditionally, I accept them as my friend. I have to accept them that way, or I don’t feel I could call them my friend. Unconditionally written this day of our Lord, 12 February 2006. “War” For Life (P) Does your “best” enemy Annoy you every day, of every Week, of every month, of every Year? (Multiply that by twenty plus years.) Well, this is what the veterans of Viet Nam Deal with every day. The abuse they took When they got back was just an added Factor to compound things. Most of us could not have handled This kind of confusing problem very well. Some of those who were on the receiving End of this could not accept what was being Given. I think those who suffered (In more ways than one) should Not be judge wrongly for having served Their country with pride and sincerity. I think it would be self-destructive and Morbid to judge those people wrongly. So, if self-destruction and morbidity Is not to your liking, please don’t judge them wrongly. The same would apply To any other soldier In any other war of The past, present, or the future. An Angel’s Kiss An angel’s kiss has 1000 times more Power than the Devil’s bite anytime. That same angel waits patiently for us to Decide to turn to God for what we really Need. Contentment with what the Devil “Gives” us is nothing compared to the eternal Glory God will bestow upon us when we devote Our lives to doing His will. His glory is Unmatched throughout all time and space. So wonderful. So forgiving. So unconditional. An angel’s kiss is backed by God. Nothing else Can match it. Unconditionally. An Example While I am still able to, I want to give a relatable example of what is happening, as well as what will eventually be for me in the future. You will see what appears to be mistakes in this piece, but they are “mistakes” made on purpose for something to relate to. So please hold your comments about so many “mistakes”. They will be there for a reason. Right now, it is n t real bad for m . I have an occasional time of forget unless. But as time goes on, t w all get wo se nd w se. Things wil get to a p nt whe I can’t reme ber mor a d m re th ngs. A d ev nt ally I wi l hav lit l rec olle tion of an thi g. Th n it ge s to t e poi t wh re th re is not ng le t. And my p ge, or br in is l ke a bl nk pi ce of pa er w th no hin on it. I will now repeat the previous paragraph so you can understand what I just wrote. Right now, it is not real bad for me. I have an occasional time of forgetfulness. But as time goes on, it will get worse and worse. Things will get to a point when I can’t remember more and more things. And eventually I will have little recollection of anything. Then it gets to a point where there is nothing left. And my page, or brain is like a blank piece of paper with nothing on it. I may not relish this fact of life, but it is a fact of life that I must deal with. I want you all to know that when I die, I shall have my memory in tact. For God will not let something like this go without being corrected. I will then give Him my request for the care of each of you to be safe, and happy. So, in the meantime, until I reach “that point”, I shall pray for all. The following received an Honorable Mention in the “ Honoring Our Veterans” Contest on Veterans Group at the Writing.com Writers website. Dear Sir/Ma’am: I take it an honor for you to accept my letter. I would be honored to have you read the whole thing. I don’t have many people to talk to, so I write my thoughts down, and read them back, and then just file them away. At least I have released my emotions and feelings by just simply putting them on my computer if nothing else. I’ll let you get started now, as your time is probably valuable to you. Thank you for your time. First of all, I’d like to explain this letter. I am a disabled American Veteran, and am very proud to be one as I volunteered for the U.S. Army back in 1966. And I don’t regret that decision one bit. While in the military, I noticed a lot of those who got out were not being treated as well as I had hoped, and started to notice it even more when I was discharged (honorably, and medically). I have over the years noticed that our veterans, even today, do not get the treatment they deserve. I think my vision of treatment is mostly from the public in general, and some from the U.S. Government that we so proudly served back then, and now as well. These thoughts began to “haunt” me, and I was somehow “forced” to try and get rid of them. My way of doing that is by writing it down, rereading it, and then filing it away. I have been thinking since the 4th of July, 2006 of those same things coming back again. I wanted to express them, but found I had no one to whom I could express these thoughts. The first piece, second piece, and third piece, are all what I think of as “voices” of actions as they are what I noticed from veterans who served in Viet Nam (even though I never spoke to any of them, their actions said a lot to me). I said to myself “These may be the actions put into words about veterans from the Viet Nam era, but other veterans of other wars had to have had similar experiences, and war does not seem to have changed much except for the technological advances. So why not let everyone know that these must be the general aftereffects of war. Please understand that no one wants to have these aftereffects. They are all part of what comes with that package. And they are very powerful reactions and effects. I apologize for babbling on so. Maybe you should just read and judge for yourself. It would help me a lot to know that my words are there for others to read, and have the knowledge that someone else cares, too. Thank you for your time. The Vet The man of whom I'm about to speak, Is a man so cold, Yet mild and meek. He's a man Who knew What he Had to do To keep this Country safe for People like Me and you. This man In Nam, Dodged many A bomb. He watched People die. Many like You and I. They were mostly innocent, Or so you might think; Or would they stab you in the back And an eye never blink. Trust is something There was little of. It was mostly Faith That came from Above. Most of his tour Was a living Hell. And when he got home, His pride nearly fell. Here he was, Home.... And free. But himself he found He could never be. A Ranger's Wish We all have an instinct to live. And who knows, without the Ranger, We might be In real danger. Their Main goal Was to save a Buddy's soul. So they could All come home And never Feel alone. Rangers Are men Willing to do Whatever, and then, Justify as They need, Their "Dirty deed." What seems dirty To us, is A fight for Survival to them. At least That's the way They lived Every day. They come Home for affection But, instead, Find rejection From a Country They All love. Their feelings are.... They wish they were dead. All the while thinking.... "What a shame! How my buddies blood was shed." They feel Anger and Shame. And it's Themselves they blame. Because their country Turned its back away, But they still try to live From day to day. All these Things above Are what they get From a country they still love. M.I.A.'s Forever When our Boys came back, It seems to me, They caught a lot of flack. When they got home, They weren't themselves. And most people just shoved Them back on separate shelves. People didn't know Who these men were. Some used to be Like a cuddly ball of fur. But now, they were more Like a keg of nails. Many of them were Sickly and pale. They didn't Act the same; And no one took the time To ask "Who's to blame?" To most of these guys, They'd seen better days. Now they feel like The M. I. A.'s. They know They'll never be What their families Used to see. They know the True fact! They'll never be able To bring themselves back. Reality has This to say; They will always Be "M. I. A. 's." And last, but not least, our flag. Regardless of what day it is recognized. My interpretation of what the colors of our flag stand for: Representation Under The Flag As we all know, there are three colors to our great Representative of Freedom: The Blue represents the beauty of our great land, and at the same time, the hard hits and bruises we've taken to get where we are today. The White represents our being the "Good Guys" who try to help other nations when they are struggling for Democracy and self-representation. And last, but not least (by anyone's standards), the Red represents all of the many men and women who gave their life's blood to see to it that we are able to celebrate our Freedom. Why then, do some "people" want to desecrate that representation? Thank you for taking your time to read through this. Wrdz I overheard a conversation one day that made me think about just how some would like to (if they could bring themselves to) do the unthinkable. Anyone in their right mind would not take this seriously. It is meant to be taken lightheartedly (though some would like to try and take it realistically). Feeling Stressed? Picture yourself near a stream…. Birds are softly chirping in the crisp, cool mountain air…. Nothing can bother you here…. No one knows of this secret place…. You are in total seclusion from that place called “The World”…. The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of serenity…. The water is clear…. You can easily make out the face of the person whose head you’re holding under the water…. There now….feeling better? Lord, Can I Please Recall…. Lord, can I please recall the times when I was wed, and had a beautiful daughter, who walked proudly down the isle to profess to all there who witnessed her vows of love to her love? She must have been beautiful. All decked out in that wedding gown. With all the flowers and frills that go with such an event. She had to have nothing but the love everlasting that day. I know, I was not there, but I would love to have had the honor of walking her down that isle. There wouldn’t have been a single button left on any of my t-shirts. I’d have popped them all off. You know, Lord, I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life of 59 years. IF I could have just one wish to have fulfilled, I’d wish for the ability to go back and correct not just one, but every one of those mistakes. For knowing now, I have but one goal in my life. That is to do the best I can to make the lives of those I touch, as soft, gentle, and loving as you have been to me. Even though I was not so nice to you for many years. I know it isn’t possible for me to do that on my own, Lord. But it sure feels nice to have that kind of attitude about how to be in this world. Even with all that is going on. Because you are there with me through it all. Thank you, Lord, from the deepest part of my heart that only you can see. Death Starts A Life…. Death takes a life, And also starts a new one. Same thing as when Christ Died on the Cross, so we have A new life waiting for when We die as if on our own “cross”. We “pay” for our sins by dying, Only to “live” in eternity; filled With love and forgiveness. It doesn’t get any better than that! Understanding In our feeble little minds, we comprehend the spirit as being something we can not see, but believe to exist. If the truth were known, we have no way of comprehending the true definition of the word spirit. I believe that is why God sent us His Son in a human form; so we can have something to relate to when it comes to understanding the Spirit of God who spoke through the human form of His Son. Everything that Jesus said was the words from God. Jesus was only a “medium” for God. Oh, don’t get me wrong! Jesus was very real! He was here on earth as a way for us to relate to the Spirit of God. Why do you think He said “No man cometh unto the Father but by me.” He was (at that time) trying to tell us that He is only a focal point for us to relate to when we want to speak to God. I also believe that we will understand the Spirit of God only when we ourselves die and become a spirit. For only a spirit can comprehend another spirit. Only then will we be able to truly understand what the complexity of a spirit is when we are transformed into a spirit. That is why I believe that God sent His Son in the form of a human. Because we have no ability to comprehend the kind of complexity involved with being a spiritual being, without actually being a spiritual being ourselves. Read it for yourself in the Bible. I rest my case. There Is No Take Or Fight One person can make all the difference. There is something in each of us that is the same. Something that makes us all feel the same feeling when it comes to knowing that someone is very special. Something within each of us can seem to tell without so much as a sound of someone’s voice. Isn’t God an amazing gift to have (for each of us. Not just for a select few.)? He does things like giving us this gift, and thinks nothing of it. It’s that natural for Him to do what He does, and we can’t even begin to comprehend it. Because in our world, we have to take what we want, and then fight just to keep it. But God made sure none of us has to fight to keep what He gives us, because everyone else has the same exact thing as everyone else. Besides, there is no way for anyone to “remove” what God has given to all of us. It’s ours. For Eternity. Great Spirit On High You surely may use this piece and any other that you might find worthy of displaying for someone that it might help !!! Of course my new friend Thank you for the kind and uplifting comments you have awarded me, for your words are like a an oasis to a thirsty man in the desert. Your new friend Emilbus Great Spirit You watch over me When I don't know how, You know, feel, and see You come to me then and now I beseech thee to watch over Those who are like me Those that befriend me, even When the path is not clear, for they see With Your insight that You alone supply Thank you for those sent Angels May they with You sit on high May I one day be one you send... The above piece fits well for those who have sent me emails. May this help you in some small (or large) way. I don't know what else to say, except "Thank you all". wrdz Mary CHRISTmas Mary CHRISTmas, everyone! (Mary was Jesus Mother. Jesus is the One Christ.) It's a time to be merry, so have a very Mary CHRISTmas. wrdz “******ism” If we can take the “TERROR” out of “terror”ism, then we won’t have it anymore. They’ll have to figure out a new name to call it. “Love”ism maybe? How about “Friend”ism? Or “Hope”ism. Any kind of ism is better than the horrific experience we went through on 9/11. Slow To Develop This is the story of a slow developer… me. I’ve had some time to think about some things, and one of them happened to be how (and/or if) I’ve changed over the years (besides physically), and I started with when I lost my dog to bone cancer (a major “event” in my life). It all started when I lost my dog due to bone cancer back in nineteen eighty four, and I had no choice but to have her put to sleep. It was not something I wanted to do as we had 3 months shy of eight years of almost constant contact. I used to watch her every move, and each move told me something about how she felt. Most of her moves were “speaking” of how she felt towards me (kind of like what Jesus says to us all without speaking a word, but through His past actions). Now… I don’t want you to get the wrong idea here. I’m not “classifying” Jesus with a dog or animals, but rather using the comparison idea as something to relate to. Anyway, after her demise, I went for about eighteen months having this “empty” feeling inside of me. Finally, one day something told me to start putting my feelings and emotions down on paper. Now, mind you, I’m not a professional writer or anything close to that. But I started slowly, but simply, getting my thoughts together and down on paper. To begin with, my first words were “told” to me as if someone were saying “Now this is what I want you to say on paper.” I don’t know why, but I thought to myself “This is something I must obey.” From then on, I seemed to “go like gangbusters” writing whenever a thought came to mind (wherever it came to mind), and each time being “told” to write it down. Sometimes I would wake up out of a sound sleep and be “told” to write down a thought. About half way through all this writing, I got to thinking about some kind of “category” for all this material. I came up with “Quotations of The Heart” as a relating point for all this material. Here it is…two thousand and one, and I’m just now beginning to realize the main “source” of all the “something telling me to write this down, and almost telling me what to write as well”. I now believe it has all been coming from Jesus. For many of the pieces are of a religious nature. Not saying that what I have written is anything new or that of a revelation of sorts. But I believe that what I have written was written as simply as I could write it so anyone could “get the point” of what I was saying. I have approximately one hundred and fourteen pages of material. As the old saying goes, “Not everyone will appreciate everything”, but everything came from my heart and at the orders of Jesus. I sincerely believe that. I also believe that if I can get this published, my work for God will be finished, and I can finally go home to be with those who used me to do part of their work. And I am overwhelmingly honored and glad to have been chosen to be a part of that work. It has been an honor indeed. This is where I believe my writings all started. |