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Rated: ASR · Short Story · Experience · #1200713
A true tale of my experiences in the spirit realm.
When Ma died I was 8 months pregnant with my second child. It was so hard to give birth and not have Ma present. When I gave birth to my first child Ma came in the room and prayed for me. I jumped from 3cm to 6cm to 10 cm within 30 minutes. I remember an expecting nurse amazed said "Ma, when I deliver, will you come and pray for me"? I was told that I would deliver early because of the stress from losing Ma and I did. I can remember clearly how Ma was there. I couldn't see her but I jumped from 3cm to 6cm then 10cm the same as before and I cried after I delivered something crazy because I felt her presence leave the room. The Doctor asked the nurse"why is she crying"? and the nurse explained. I know he never heard a cry like that after a woman delivered. It was not a happy sound, but that of mourning and he detected it. When my baby was 2 weeks old, Ma would come to me every night in night visions and would comfort me. She would give me words of wisdom that I needed much later on in my life. She told me that I was the only one that would have all of her gifts. I remember telling my sisters what she told me and at that moment I felt like I was bragging and I stopped sharing that with them.

Ma once told me about something that happened to her as a little girl. She had a little brother that died. I think he was around 3 or 4 years old. She said that the cemetery he was buried in was right down the street from her house. Everyday Ma would go and visit her little brothers grave. Ma said that she played with her little brother everyday and would fall asleep in the cemetery. She said that my grandmother which we called Ma-Moo, would come and take her home. She said that Ma-Moo told her one day not to go back down to the cemetery again. Ma said she was crushed as she loved to play with him. Years later after Ma was an adult, Ma-Moo told her the reason she stopped her. Ma-Moo said that one morning Ma was sitting on her chamberpot as she would first thing in the morning. Ma-Moo said that her little brother was tapping Ma on the shoulders telling her as he used too. "Get up" its my turn.

Ma-Moo said that he didn't want to let go of Ma and had followed her into the house. Once Ma stopped going to the cemetery he never showed up again. It's my knowledge that he would have ask Ma to come with him, just like my sister asked Timmy when he was little. However, Ma wasn't ill like Timmy. There are various members in my family that see in the spirit world and we never asked for this gift. We didn't will this to happen to us, but we were chosen. I have a niece that would not go to the restroom alone in the house we grew up in because she saw my grandfather, who died before I was even born. She said she saw a tall man wearing blue jean overalls walk right threw the front door. My eldest brother said that Grandpa wore overalls. She was a child when this happened. I know some people will think this strange but its my family calling and I know there is a reason.

I am not into witchcraft and I don't astral project. GOD takes me into the spirit realm whenever he choses and usually for a purpose. There was one occasion I had been praying all night. All of a sudden while lying on my bed, I was taken in the spirit and ended on a plane and was sitting beside two men I had never seen before that spoke with an accent. I remember looking down on the land and seeing a huge mansion. The men couldn't see me but I could see and smell them. All of a sudden, there was engine trouble and a voice told me to pray. As soon as I started praying,the plane ascended back into the air and they started praising and thanking GOD. As soon as that was over, I opened my eyes and was back in my body lying on my bed.

When my eldest child was 2 years old, he used to say to me"Ma, shut the door there is a man". We would be in the bedroom preparing to go to sleep. I knew he had the gift and could see in the spirit realm, however he was too young. As far as I know the youngest in the family. So I prayed for GOD to take it away and he did. However, he has visions and dream and has the gift of prophecy. The man he saw used to live in that house and even when we weren't home would guard the house. My brother Timmy and sister Rose came looking for us one evening. They knocked on the door and there was no answer so they went back to the car. They said they saw a man peeking threw the blinds and thought it was my nephew. When I told them no one wasn't home at that time they said well the man was there. It wasn't strange for us to speak like that to each other.

On one occasion I took my children to a relative so I could get a rest. I must admit that the relatives had carefree attitudes but being so tired and run down I left them there for the evening anyway. I remember lying on the sofa and being woke up by the man. He hit me on my leg and told me to go and get my children. I jumped up and went. When I got there, the relatives had placed them in a cold room with no heat after they fell asleep. I believe if I hadn't gotten there they could have frozen to death. The relatives said they didn't realized how cold it was in there but I knew it was more to it than that. I am not saying they did it to harm my children, but not realizing the danger. You see there gas had been cut off and I didn't know this until I picked them up. The man was a blessing to us from the spirit world. When I got home I thanked the man and said out loud" okay they are here but don't show yourself cause they are too young and will get scared". The man never showed his face again. We moved from the house but I always felt protected when I lived in that house.

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