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Random Writings of Morons. FULL |
Hello all. Since theres only gonna be me and my friend Making random crap up on this, dont bother sending an invite ok? Just grab some popcorn and get ready to either be disturbed, amused greatly or just plain bewildered. Cause, honsetly, these are a lot of "you had to be there" things, but you should find some of them funny ^-^ I know most of the people who know us will find these incredbily funny. :D FEAR THE RANDOMNESS OF AMY AND LAUREN!!! PH333333333333333RRRR THE MUSHROOOOoooOoOoooOooOoOooo........m! :3 Woot. |
Lauren was resisting arrest after stealing a new hug jacket when she ran into a holy cow |
"RAWR!" Lauren proklaimed and bit Amy's brain, killing the rest of her two brain cells. |
Now that Amy was like Lauren she let go and hollered "MOoOoOoOoOoSE!" and ran towards the moose shaped cookie. |
Today Lauren and Amy went to the Hopital.... They got these awesome Jackets. They were so special that they got to hug themselves. But Lauren Was soon special-ER because she ditched her jacket and went streaking. |
The M that fell off gottrampledalong with poor Amy and Lauren by the falling M...REVENGE OF THE M!!!! |
"WHEEEEEEEEEE! LAuren screamed as she rode the kiddy Rocket outside K-MART! |
Lauren came flying down the isle, riding a grocery cart like a surf board, calmly saying, " MUNCHIEEEEESSSSSS!!!! " And ran Amy over. |
Lauren was running UP the DOWN part of the checkout line when she tripped and gut sucked under. |
"CAAAAaaAAaAaAAAaAaaAaaaNDYYYYY!!!" Lauren Poked her head out of the register and ate all the canty Amy put on the check-out line. Lauren ran anfter Amy, swinging a Nerds Rope like a whip. |
Lauren howled and screamed like a dying madwoman, clutching where she had been shot. "I'm HIT I'm HIT! OoOoOoOohhhh Farewell Cruel World!! Lauren fell over into the pudding isle and landed face first in a can of choco-pudding. |
Lauren tried to gurgled something into the pudding but only made bubbles. Then a dancing guy came down the isle. He then tripped over Lauren and Lauren rolled over, sitting up and screamed. "THE LIGHT! IT BUUUUUUURRRRNNSSS!" |
Then PRINCIPAL STAMLERkicked Amy out of the box and yelled "My Lucky Charms! I AM The ANGRY leprechaun!" |
Lauren laughed and stared singing "Everybody was kung-foo-fghtiiiing! HHYYAAH! Everybody was fast as lighning!" then she ran away befre Mrs. Hood could beat her in the head with a potato. |
Lauren snuck up behind Amy and shoved pack of Man Thongs in her face and ran away laughing. |
Lauren came back and poked Amy with her foot while she burned the man thongs. "AAAAaAaAAaaAAMMMMMYYyYYYyYYyYYY! Wakey wakey!" Lauren pulled out a AIR HORN and blew it directly in Amy's face. |
Lauren blinked twice then fell over backwards, and lay there at an angle becuase her hair held her head up. Blood slowly tricked out of Lauren's ears and she glared at Amy. She yelled, "Amy you are on CRACK!!!" |
"OH MY FREAKING GAWD!!!" Lauren burst into flames and ran through the store, setting off fire alarms, and running the direction Amy had fled. |
Lauren tuned into a smouldering pile of ash after the kool-aid impersonated kerosene. Lauren'sGhostie floated out of the ash and yelled, "IM ALLERGIC TO MYSELF NOW!!......CHUCKIE CHEEEEEEeeEEeEeEeEeEeEeeeeZE!" the ghostie floated after Amy and possesed a random stray dog. |
"NO!" Lauren shouted then tuned awar before amy xould do her puppy eyes. |
Lauren could not resist the puppy eys and sighed and followed Amy, dragging the puppy along by his fluffy ears like a zombie. |
Lauren got the medication shoved down her throat and turned into a GIANT SUGAR PILL! Lauren started running around, laughing insanely, but then tripped and startedrolling away! |
Lauren finally slowed to a stop and turned with a POOF back into herself and started running twards Amy, waving a oreo-ka-bob when she was tackled by a SOFTBALL CATCHER! |
"RAAAAAPPPEEE!!" Lauren screamed and shoved Amy off,accidently poking herself in the eye with the oreo-ka-bob. |
Lauren was running around screaming, holding her eye when she tripped over the dog and rolled into ChUcKiE ChEeZe after Amy. |
Lauren rolled into the ice cream section and got ice for her eye and made it all better, then dove into the ball pit after Amy. |
Lauren squealed and tried to swim away from the AMY SHARK and the Jaws theme song. |
Lauren blinked and pulled a slim jim out of her pocket and munched on it before turning into a PAC-MAN GHOSTIE and swam in the bagel bites randomly. |
Lauren swam off eating the bagel bites and ate a giant pizza, making all the bagel bites dissapear. |
Lauren laughed at Amy's sad little puppy eyes, and threw a Chucky Cheeze mascot head at her. |
Lauren stared at the speaking mouse head in confusion, one eyebrow raised. "Are you ok amy?" |
Lauren said sh would lovers a cookie and ate the peanut butter cookie that Amy gave her. Then Lauren gave Amy a brownie, Amy not knowing it was a "happy" brownie. |
Lauren laughed and pointed at Amy who was rolling around on the floor screaming. "Did I feed you magic brownies? YES I DID!" Lauren laughed and ran away. |
Lauren came running back with the Whack-a-Mole hammer and started playing it. The moles popped up and Lauren bashed their little heads in, and when it came to Amy's stuck little head, Lauren knocked her head, making it bounce off the bottom of the machine and back out, making her fly into the hot dog cooker. |
"Aru, aru? Wheres the full moon?" Lauren looked around, and then cat ears poked out of her head. "AAHHHH! IT MUST BE A FULL MOON!" Lauren sceamed and ran around in circles. |
"Amy...Im a cat..." Lauren pojnted at her ears and they twitched, along with her eye. |
Lauren screamed like somthing dying and tried to run away from the canine-looking Amy-bop. |
"Waaaaaahhhhhh! Dont eat meeeee!" She screamed and ran away, climbing a tree. |
"Yesh, I know we is friends, but chi is a doogie and I is a cat, and that cant end good." Lauren said , poking her fuzzy-eared head out of the tree. |
Lauren pointed and laughed at the silly amy dog and fell out of the tree, anding on her hands and feet like all cats. "Well hell...I guess cats always DO land on their feet!" |
Lauren screeched and jumped backwards. Then she clamed down and nodded. "Yes, I would lovers some cheezy cake!" |
Lauren sat there eating cheese cakes and her ears fell off, looking like a headband, and her tail fell off as a belt. "Aww....oh well, it was fun while it lasted." She said and shoved a whole cheese cake in her mouth. |
"Ah ha ha haaaa! Aww, I made myself sad..." Now ear-less Lauren said, and dove into athe pile of cheeze cakes munching through it like pac-man. |
"AAAHHH ITS JAWS....but AMY STYLE!" Lauren yelled and grabbed a pixie-stick harpoon. |
"Ohmygawd a PICNIC?! SUHWEET!" Lauren screams and races Amy to tackle a Gorilla. |
it was fun while it lasted, but now the energy has run dry and we must say goodbye. The End! |