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Meet Tucker Mouse and all his friends as he takes you on real life adventures! |
In the middle of a large field next to a small farmer’s house, there is a great big red barn. Inside the tiny hole tucked away in the corner of the barn lives a small field mouse. His name is Tucker. One night Tucker couldn't sleep so he decided to take a small walk out in the barn to see if he could relax. In the barn he met Nanna, a big brown horse. “Why Tucker,” said Nanna, the big brown horse, “what are you doing up so late?” “I can’t sleep,” Tucker said, “do you know how I can get to sleep?” “Well,” Nanna began, “I look out my window and count the stars. After a while I fall asleep.” “Thank you Nanna. I’ll go try that,” Tucker said as he scurried back into his home. Once inside, Tucker climbed into his bed and looked out the window. In the night the stars twinkled and danced around a big silver moon. Slowly, Tucker began to count. “One, two, three . . . I wonder what Molly Rabbit will be doing in the morning. I’m going to write a note to remind myself to go to Molly’s den after breakfast,” Tucker forgot about counting the stars, got up and went to his desk. “Now that I’m up, I think I’ll go outside and take a walk.” Tucker put down his notepad, grabbed his jacket. Outside Tucker took a deep breath, “I’m not even the slightest bit tired. I wonder if anyone else is awake.” Tucker walked towards the stream that ran along the backside of the barn. “Hello Tucker, what are you doing out so late?” Tucker poked his head through the tall grass and came face to face with Bernard Cricket. “Hello Bernard,” Tucker greeted, “I can’t sleep, do you know how I can get to sleep?” “I just sing a little song and soon I fall asleep,” chirped Bernard. “Thank you Bernard. Good night,” Tucker said. With that, he turned and hurried home. When Tucker got home he took off his jacket, hung it up and jumped into bed. “What song can I sing?” he asked himself. Tucker thought a moment and then began to sing. “Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream . . . Hey! I wonder if Bernard would like to go fishing with me tomorrow,” Tucker forgot all about singing, got up and went to his desk. “I’d better write this down,” he said as he grabbed his pen and notepad. “Oh no! I’ve done it again,” he put his pen and notepad down and looked out the window. “I might as well go back outside,” Tucker put his jacket back on and went outside. Tucker walked towards the big oak tree. When he got there he sat down and sighed heavily, “I’m not even the tiniest bit tired!” “Who?” Tucker heard “Me,” Tucker said as he looked around. “Who said that?” “Who? It’s Wise,” the voice replied. “What’s wise?” Tucker asked “That’s my name. I’m in the tree Tucker,” the voice said. Tucker looked up and saw Wise Owl. “What are you doing out so late?” “I can’t sleep, do you know how I can get to sleep?” Tucker asked. Wise thought a moment and then replied, “Go home and drink a glass of water. Get into bed and close your eyes. Don’t peek. Think about all of the things you’re going to do once the sun comes up.” “Thank you Wise,” Tucker said as he got up and headed home. Once again Tucker got home and took off his jacket. He hung it up and went to get a drink. After his drink he climbed into his bed and, remembering what Wise had told him, he closed his eyes and didn’t peek. He thought about going to Molly’s after breakfast and fishing in the stream with Bernard in the afternoon. Before he knew it, Tucker was fast asleep. The End |