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More dreams related to the first.
A body fell to the ground with a loud thud. The sound could not be heard though over the drums ringing through the land, and the screams of hundreds of men. As the corpse fell, a paw ran over it's face, claws extracted. The paw reached the neck, and quickly sliced across. Blood gushed out over the ground. Eyes, black as night with a slight yellow glow, stared down at the body. A grin seemed to appear on the feline face as it slipped back into hiding and lurked through the trees and bushes.

The battle raged for days and days. Bodies falling everywhere. The screams of pain, and war seemed almost deafening.

The feline continued on through the war, lurking through the shadows of night, and the bushes during the day. Slowly picking off it's targets before they knew what happened.

As the feline reached a small hut, voices could be heard inside, somewhat hushed. A female and male. They could be heard rushing around their small home, grabbing whatever they could. As the man ran outside of the hut, calling for his love, a claw quickly flashed in front of his face, gliding across his neck. His body fell to the ground before he could let out a sound. His lover, followed shortly behind, stopping at the doorway as she saw his body on the ground, blood flowing on either side of it. As her mouth opened to release the scream building inside of her throat, the claw came down in front of her face, and again quickly ran across her neck. The woman's body fell to the ground beside her lover. Her arm around his body as she fell, as if in one last embrace.

The feline sat on top of the narrow doorway, staring down at the lovers corpses. It's head tilted to the left a little. The black in it's eyes seem to fade. The bright glow with it. The grin on it's face falling. It's face seemed to show almost no emotion, except for it's eyes. Turning it's gaze out over the land to where the battle raged on, a sudden saddness seemed to overcome the eyes. It let loose a loud growl.

A scream came from nearby, pulling the feline from it's thoughts. Another growl came from the feline as it recognize the scream. Running in the direction of it, the feline came upon a man in the grass. His eyes looked up, a small smile coming to his face as he recognized the cat.

"Run." He whispered. "They're looking for you, and will do worse than they did to me. Run!!" His voice trailed off as he murmured something. The cat looked at him once more, a tear forming in it's eye. Quickly it looked around before running off towards the mountains. The screams of the battle chasing the feline the entire way.

As the cat was but yards away from the mountain, a group of men jumped out from the trees. Quickly surrounding the cat. It quickly looked around in panic, searching for an escape. Coming face to face with a man, the stench of his breath seeping into the cat's nose. The feline instantly knew it would not reach the safety of the mountains, and it's claws extracted, as a low growl formed in it's throat.

Lashing out at the men, the cat fought with all it's fury. Scratching at the men's faces, their backs and chests. Digging it's claws as deep into them as it could. The growls grew louder with each swing.

Rain began to fall heavily on the lands. The feline's fur quickly became matted from the mixture of rain, sweat and blood. A deafening clap of thunder sounded overhead, and lightning struck down a tree yards away. The tree started to topple over, slowly. Looking up, the cat watched the tree being to fall straight towards it. The screams of the remaining men were the last thing the cat heard as the world turned black and went silent.

Her eyes snapped open. She was once again covered in sweat, and her breathing was heavy. She could feel the tears building up inside of her eyes as she thought about the nightmare that had just plagued her sleep.

"Why am I having these now?" She asked herself quietly.

Looking to her side, she couldn't help but smile as she saw him there, sleeping peacefully, a small smile on his face. She lay back down, wrapping her arm around him and kissing him lightly on the cheek.

Why does he insist on me letting that side out so much? Why must I?

She looked at him a bit while she thought of her nightmares.

Will my past haunt me forever when I attempt to reach out and let that instinct back into me? I must be strong, and he will help me with that strength.

She gazed at him lying there sleeping, and smiled. Giving him another kiss on the cheek, she lay back down and closed her eyes as she curled up to him for warmth and comfort, she slowly fell back to sleep.

A wolf's howl startled her awake. Her eyes opened slowly, scanning her surroundings. They stopped to rest on the face looking at her with what seemed to be concern. She let her eyes focus more on the face. As she did so, the elf began to speak.

"Child, you are lucky that Elune is with you, or we may never have found you. What were you doing near that dangerous battle?"

She just stared up at the face. The glow in her eyes faded. The color in her skin disappeared. Tears began to form in her eyes as she thought about what the elf had said and of the battle.

Regaining her thoughts, she looked down at her hands, then to her clothes. They were not her normal clothes.

"You were covered in blood, child. We took the liberty of cleaning you off while you slept. Your clothing is over on the shelf. We thought of burning them, but figured we'd wait until you woke."

Quickly, she sat up in the bed. Her head began to spin.

"What in the name of Elune are you doing, child?! Lay back down before you hurt yourself more!" The elf tried to push her back down, but she fought to sit up.

"I will not lay here. Leave me be!!" Her eyes turning black, she stared at the elf. "I must go. Thank you for your kindness, I did not deserve it."

With that, she placed her feet on the ground, slowly standing on them, testing her strength. Nodding to herself, she stood completely, gathering her clothing off the shelves. She reached inside, looking for her money pouch. Finding it, she grabbed a handful, throwing it on the bed.

She walked out of the room, not turning to look back as the elf yelled for her to wait.
© Copyright 2007 Kal'men'el (goddess5683 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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