Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1196584-Pleasures-and-Perils-of-Coffee
by Lannis
Rated: E · Column · Experience · #1196584
A description of advantages and disadvantages of drinking coffee
The turning colors of the leaves in autumn, the crisp, cool, sometimes damp mornings make that aroma of fresh-brewed hot coffee even more irresistible. For me, a cup or two of coffee is mandatory in my morning routine. I count myself among that army of the caffeine-addicted.

There are literally millions of web sites and blogs about coffee. A few positive claims that I like include one that says that coffee is actually one of the healthiest beverages that billions of people consume regularly. It has antioxidants—something I plan to research more later.

Another statement says coffee can encourage an increase of up to 30% in metabolic rate. (This one is probably why I find it so helpful in the morning.) Coffee with exercise can increase energy and reduce fatigue and increase the level of burning fat. (I can’t speak to this one since I usually ignore the exercise part.)

Caffeine in coffee keeps our brains alert and receptive of new information. (The need for an alert brain becomes more obvious after reaching the age designated as senior citizen.)

Regular consumption of coffee decreases the risk of type II diabetes and many other health risks. (This sounds good but could be from studies by coffee producers.)

On the negative side, coffee when consumed in excess can be addictive, a stimulant, and a mood changer. (Sometimes I need a little stimulation, especially to get going in the mornings. Addictive sounds bad; mood change could be good or bad, I guess, depending on original mood.)

A large amount of coffee or caffeine consumed all at once can have a negative affect on blood sugar levels that influences fat burning that could change into storing fat. (Uh oh, this one sounds like the opposite of the one about increasing fat burning.)

Too much coffee over time can stain your teeth. (This one is definitely a minus -- except for the companies that sell teeth whiteners.)

How and why did we get started drinking coffee in America anyway? I always thought as a child that Americans drank coffee because of the Boston Tea Party. Tea was a British thing, so coffee must be the American thing, although no one every “taught” me that and, as a Southerner, I drink plenty of sweet tea.

I do remember that it was the smell of coffee that first attracted me. I was told I had to develop a taste for it. I made many cups of coffee and just smelled them, pouring the contents out later. After trying it black, with sugar, with cream and sugar, with cream, I finally arrived at my favorite – coffee with cream. I have tried some of the flavors in coffee shops, but I still prefer the regular coffee with cream. I usually only drink one or two cups in the morning. All things in moderation, some famous philosopher said.
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