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A fictional story about a teenager who is shrunken by a large black lady. |
Friday Mike hated school. He was in junior high, which automatically meant that no matter what, your life was going to be miserable until you made it to high school. It's not that he didn't have friends or anything, it's just that the teachers either treated the students like little kids or like adults. Normally it would be fine to be treated like an adult, but some of the students took it way too seriously. They thought that meant they were allowed to do whatever they wanted, which would get them in trouble, which would lead to everyone being treated like kids. It was a vicious cycle. Fortunately, there was one thing Mike enjoyed very much about school. Every other he had choir with Mrs. Greene. Mrs. Greene was a very (emphasis on very) large black lady, and she could have quite an attitude. She was known for being the meanest teacher in school, although in reality, this was only true if you didn't behave. Mike behaved very well - he wasn't a teacher's pet, but he had no interest in breaking the rules. Mrs. Greene clearly liked this about him and she would often show her appreciation in very discreet ways, such as giving him a wink when he came in or by not calling on him when it was clear he didn't know the answer. Another reason Mike behaved is because he had a bit of a crush on her. For whatever reason, he always like bigger women, and she was just the perfect size for him. Everyday he would imagine his face being in between her ass and the piano bench, being smothered underneath the soft skin until she decided to let him go. He knew he could never tell her this, although sometimes he would purposely stare at her ass until she saw him, hoping eventually she would get the hint. Fortunately for him, she did. One day after the last bell rang, Mrs. Greene asked Mike to stay after class. "Mike, I have a favor to ask you," Mrs. Greene said. Mike gulped, but tried not to show his nervousness. "I just recently fired my lawn guy and need someone to mow it this weekend, would you be interested? I can't pay much, but I can promise you you'll be glad you did it." She said with a sly smile. Mike gulped again. What did she mean by that? Mrs. Greene took Mike's hand and grazed it across her big, smooth bottom. She smiled. Mike gulped a third time and looked down in embarassment. She tickled her long fingernails on his growing erection and smiled at him. "So is that a yes?" She said with a snicker. "Ummm...uh...well....I, um.....I'm not really.....It's just...." Mike stammered. "Yes or no?" Mrs. Greene said somewhat impatiently. "Yeah...um.....I can do that...." Mike finally blurted out. "Good. Here's everything you need to know," Mrs. Greene said as she scribbled some stuff on a piece of paper. Mike took the paper and looked at it. It had her address, phone number, and what time to show up. "If you get tired, you can stay the night," Mrs. Greene said with a wink. "Oh...well...I mean...I don't want to impose.....I'm sure I'll be fine..." Mike said, embarassed. He knew his parents would be out of town, this would be the perfect time to try and get close to that beautiful bottom. "It's no inconvenience for me," said Mrs. Greene with a smile. "Oops," she said, as she dropped her pencil on the floor. "Could you get that for me?" Mike gulped again and got down on his knees to pick up her pencil. He reached in between her large yet very pretty feet, his hand grazing over the top of her left foot. She had beautiful chocolately brown skin and her toenails were painted dark green. He stopped for a moment to admire her perfect, smooth feet. He looked up to see her looking down at him, smiling, knowing exactly what he was thinking. He started to get up, but stopped again when his face became level with her ass. She was wearing a green dress, and being that close he could just see through it to see her black panties being stretched to the limit over her beautiful round butt cheeks. He stared for a second until he heard a voice above him. "Go on and give it a kiss," Mrs. Greene said, sliding her gigantic ass a little closer. Mike looked up at her and back at her ass, he closed his eyes and gently placed his lips on her left cheek, holding them there for a second before quickly getting up. "Here's your um.......uh......your...." "Pencil?" Mrs. Greene, said, lauhging. "Yeah....umm....I should.....go....probably get going...." "Run along," Mrs. Greene said teasingly, "I'll see you tomorrow." With that Mike ran out of the room, Mrs. Greene laughing and shaking her head, thinking of what the weekend would bring. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Saturday Mike woke up early the next day, having barely slept the night before out of so much excitement. It was only 7:30 in the morning, and he wasn't supposed to be at Mrs. Greene's house until 10. Mike took his time showering, making sure he was as clean as he could possibly be. He got dressed and made himself a good breakfast, and impatiently watched TV until it was time to go. At 9:45 Mike got on his bike and started riding to Mrs. Greene's house. His stomach was filled with butterflies thinking about what might be happening that day. He had never actually mowed a lawn before, but he knew that if he didn't agree to help her out, he might be passing up a great opportunity. He arrived at her house a few minutes early, but couldn't wait any longer. He went up and rang the doorbell. A moment later, Mrs. Greene answered the door wearing only a thin silk bathrobe. "Good morning Mike, sorry I'm not fully dressed yet, I got up a little later than planned," Mrs. Greene said, not so sincerely. "Oh...that's.....um...that's ok..." Mike said, already getting an erection at the sight of her huge breasts about to jump out of her robe. "I'll show you where the mower is and then I'll go get dressed, once I'm dressed I'll come out and keep you company." Mrs. Greene took Mike to the garage where the lawnmower was. He pulled it out and started mowing the lawn, or at least attempted to. His mind kept thinking about Mrs. Greene's huge body about to rip through that robe she was in. About 15 minutes later Mrs. Greene reappered fully dressed with a pitcher of lemonade. "Thirsty?" she asked. "Very," Mike said enthusiastically. Mrs. Greene poured him a glass and he took a seat next to her, gulping it down. "You know, I've seen you looking at me in class," Mrs. Greene said, in a more serious tone. Mike sat in silence. "It's kind of flattering you know, a cute young boy like you admiring a big woman like me. Makes me feel pretty good." Mike smiled awkwardly. "I would have said something earlier, but I wasn't sure if I'd be able to have the fun I want to have with you the way you are," Mrs. Greene said, looking around the yard. 'What did she mean by that?' Mike wondered. "Fortunately, I've figured out a way around it," Mrs. Greene said with growing excitement. Mike stil wasn't sure what she meant, but he didn't really mind, as he was finally going to get what he had always wanted. "Hey, how about a snack?" Mrs. Greene said, getting up. "Sure, sounds great," Mike said happily. She led him into the kitchen and opened up her refrigerator. "Slim pickin's," she said, closing the fridge and opening the freezer. "Ice cream?" she suggested. Mike certainly wasn't going to turn down anything from her at this point. "Sounds great," he responded. "OK, but give it a minute first," said Mrs. Greene. With that, Mike got very dizzy and felt himself starting to fall over. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- An hour later "AAAAAAAAAAAH!" Mike screamed, as a giant boulder fell from the sky, narrowly missing him. Just then another boulder fell next to him. They kept coming and coming. He looked around noticed he was sitting on a cold silver surface. The walls were shaped like a cylinder and went straight up into the sky. He was looking up when he suddenly saw something large fill his field of vision. 'No way,' he thought,'It couldn't be....' Mrs. Greene gave him a big smile. "How ya feeling little guy?" She asked, another boulder falling from the sky. "Wha....what's....going on?" Mike asked, very confused. "I shrank you. And now you're sitting in my saucepan." 'I'm in a saucepan?' Mike thought, not believing it. He looked around at all of the boulders around him, suddenly realizing they weren't boulders, they were giant scoops of ice cream, although they weren't really giant, he was just very small. "You did say you wanted ice cream right?" Mrs. Greene said with a laugh, dropping a few more scoops down around him. She disappeared for a moment returning with something else in her hand. "What is that........" Mike asked, getting nervous. "Oh don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you....yet" Mrs. Greene said with a big smile. Suddenly a stream of thick brown liquid came pouring down around and on top of him. "You do like chocolate syrup don't you?" Mrs. Greene asked mockingly. The mixture of ice cream and chocolate syrup was filling up the bottom of the pan. After emptying what seemed like the whole bottle Mrs. Greene disappeared again, returning with another container. Suddenly a hissing sound erupted from the container and a fluffy white substance came falling down around him. "You have to have whipped cream!" Mrs. Greene exclaimed. Mike tried to escape the downpour of Reddi Whip but it was no use, everywhere he turned he slipped on chocolate syrup and whipped cream, falling into scoops of ice cream twice his height. "Now for the finishing touch!" Mrs. Greene said. Suddenly all kinds of toppings came falling from the sky like a heavy rain. Chocolate chips, sprinkles, nuts, marshmallows, broken candy bars. Finally the onslaught of sugar stopped and Mike found himself lost in a sea of what would normally be a very delicious dessert. He looked up and could barely see Mrs. Greene through all of the ice cream and toppings, but he could see her smiling and hear her voice. "I've decided to play a little game," she said, grinning widely, "I'm going to eat this ice cream, and if you can manage to not get eaten by the time I'm done, I'll give you a reward. Sound good?" She said, not really caring if he agreed to it or not. "Wait! No! You can't do this! You can't eat me, I'm not your dessert!" Mike screamed, but it was no use, she was already lowering her spoon into what seemed like gallons of ice cream and toppings. Mike dove out of the way just in time, landing head first in a pool of waist deep chocolate syrup and melted ice cream. The thickness of his surroudnings made it hard to move, and although Mrs. Greene was busy watching TV, her spoon always managed to land just near him. He successfully avoided being her dessert for the next few bites. He was running through the ever-deepening dessert when all of the sudden a spoon appeared in front of him. He tried to turn around but it followed him and swept him off his feet. He fell backwards onto it and sunk underneath the thick ice cream and syrup. He struggled to keep his head above the thick liquid just enough to see her huge mouth coming toward him. He screamed and rolled over, falling off the spoon. He fell for what seemed like miles before landing on a soft, bouncy surface. He continued to bounce a few more times until he finally stopped in a very dark, but somehow comforting area. Looking up he could see Mrs. Greense flabby chin still eating her ice cream like nothing was even happening when he finally realized he had fallen between her breasts. Her beautiful, smooth, chocolate breasts were rising up for miles on either side of him. He ran his hand long the right one, feeling the soft milky flesh underneath his hand. |