Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1195787-My-SalvationChuck
Rated: E · Poetry · Romance/Love · #1195787
I wrote this for the man in my life
My Salvation~Chuck~

I know one day GOD looked on me,
HE knew I'd been so unhappy.
Always involved with the wrong men
who used and didn't respect me.

HE allowed us to meet at an accident scene
where we didn't even know one another.
When the professionals finally got there,
I looked at you and began to wonder.

I knew I'd seen your face before,
perhaps just the previous week.
I went back home and checked Myspace,
your profile and pic I did seek.

And lo and behold, there you were.
A friend added, who would have guessed
that we could have met in such a way?
Under circumstances that weren't the best.

The very next day I wrote to you,
to see how you were doing.
Such a stressful time for all involved
And therein began my undoing....

In a wrong relationship, then I surely was,
too many lies and too much drinking
An abusive relationship, at best
What could I have been thinking?

You encouraged me to get out while
I was intact and in one piece.
Hoping that he'd quit his crap,
the lies and abuses would then cease.

I didn't take your words to heart,
I thought that I could fix him.
He made me feel so sorry that
my intuition was dim.

But you were there, you always called
to YOU I did confide.
I shared with you like no one else,
you were ALWAYS by my side.

When I finally got the guts up
and told him to 'get away',
it was to you that I did turn,
and the end of that awful day.

We talked or texted almost every day.
We even spent time together.
We shared, we cared and quickly became
good friends thru any 'weather'

Then you invited me to go with you,
one weekend to 'Summer's End'.
I couldn't have known or even have guessed
to what that weekend would mend.

It started by me saying,
'We are such good friends,
I don't ever wanna lose this,
I hope our friendship never ends.'

'But I have really been thinking,
suppose that I want more?'
That's when you said you felt the same
and that opened up the door.

We've spent almost every day together
since that incredible night.
I know GOD put you in my life
to make all the wrongs right.

You've been so very patient,
sometimes I am a pain.
But when one has been hurt so bad,
they struggle to see the gain.

YOU have shown me what love is,
without limits or expectations.
In your love, I've found myself
I am a new creation.

I thank the Good Lord every day
for what HE'S given me.
And that he has allowed me YOU,
to clear my head, and make me see.

That not every man is JUST a man
but that there is something more.
I just can hardly wait to see
what, for us, he has in store.

You've become such an important part
of my life, how can that be?
But I wouldn't want you any other place,
than to be here, sharing it with me.

Erica B.
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