Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1192666-In-the-Beginning
Rated: E · Poetry · Nature · #1192666
About life, the universe, and everything. A secular Sh'ma.
In the Beginning
(formerly Listen)

A song dedicated to Carl Sagan

In the beginning there was a void;
Time and space had not been birthed yet.
Out of the darkness, there came a point,
a singularity.

In the beginning there came a blast,
faster than light, a true Inferno.
Out of the chaos, in a brief flash,
Our universe was formed.

         Behold the diversity
         that came from this superforce.
         Matter split from energy.
         In time: stars and planets.

Earth is our home it circles the sun
giving us air and warmth and water.
We wonder if it's the only one
that can enable life.

Here we have plankton, lichen and trees,
Insects and birds and fish and mammals.
We're all a part of one family.
Come from a single cell.

         First we're born and then we die.
         Life seems just a minute.
         We reach out to others here
         to make some sense of it.

We might well wonder how it will end.
Will it succumb to entropy or
Will it collapse and begin again.
This we may never know.

In the beginning there was a point,
hurling its contents through the ages.
All we've become seems separate, disjoint,
but we began as one.
© Copyright 2006 Marcia Landa (marcialou at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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