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Rated: GC · Fiction · Fantasy · #1191514
Dare to Dream
Call me modesty…..

A reasonable man full of humor and charm that was what she thought when she first met Mr. K. His years of wisdom were apparent yet he caught her attention the moment he stepped into the department she worked. Lisa had worked there for almost two years and had developed the art of getting people to do exactly what she wanted, when she wanted. Surveying him carefully and being cautious as to how she should approach a man which was obviously years her superior, she decided to take the average approach.

“A casual greeting that’s how I’ll start,” she thought to herself.

“Hello, I’m Karl …..,” he said smiling. Before she realized it they were exchanging life short stories and smiling intriguingly at each other.

His life was no fairy tale and held little drama. He had grown up pleasantly well, got an education, dated a few women and settled into his life rather comfortably. Yet something about him made her uneasy and intrigued her to learn more about this man. Good byes were finally said then in seconds he was gone.

“Well that’s that, she thought. “Breath, encounters that’s what they usually are.
But there was something else about this one that made her unsettled. Was it the way he had first smiled at her upon entering the store, or the way he lingered and showed interest in items she knew he had no intentions of buying, maybe the warm feel of his hand when it meet hers for that first hand shake or that he held on to her hand longer than the average shake requires. She was not sure but there was something about him that intrigued her.

“Oh yes there is something about him, Lisa said unaware that her breathing had become shallow thinking of their first encounter.

“Stop it; she said shaking the thoughts out of her head. “He is probably twice your age and probably married.” “What is wrong with me, she thought. “Your black he’s white, he thinks of you as a kid if he thinks of you at all.” “He is just a man nothing more, she continued.”

“Yeah, but an experienced man,” and what an experience he would be, the thought came again

“What is wrong with you girl,’ ‘you really need to stop this, she mumbled to herself.

Everyday for the next thirteen days Mr. K found every possible excuse to visit the shop and visit Lisa. Every day his handshake became longer and longer and on day fourteen Lisa decided to take things one step further.

“So are you married,” Lisa blurted out quickly.

“No,” he answered coyly


“No,” “How about you any kids?”

“No to both questions,” she said her heart rhythm slightly elevating every time he spoke.

“Girlfriend?” she continued.

“Had one but did not work out,” he said.

“Sorry to hear that,” came from her lips, but “NOT” was screaming in her heart.

“So what else are you curious about Miss Lisa,” he asked.

“Not curious… just making pleasant conversation.”

“Oh I think you are,” he said leaning in close.

The feel of his breath made her stomach bubble. She had to turn away in order to catch her breath.

“You all right,” he said. “You look flushed.”

Trying to change the way the conversation was headed she said smugly, “so what are you not going to buy today Mr. K.”

“What?” he said surprised at her statement.

“You hardly ever buy any thing when you come here,” Lisa said as she moved to polish an item that did need not be polished.

“Exactly what is it that draws you here,” she went on.

“Maybe it’s the cool air in here,” he lied, outside can be harsh on a person in this heat.

“Oh!” came from her lips a little more disappointed than she had wanted.

Seemingly reading her expression he continued on. “You know you are going to wear out that item if you keep polishing it like that,” “there is something else that draws me here.

“Oh,” she said once again have I been polishing it that long?” exactly what else draws you here,’ she asked all in the same breath.

“You,” he said watching his watch and heading towards the front door. “Well I have to go now, will see you again.”

His answer had caught her completely of guard. She knew the reason he came to the store but having him admit it was definitely unexpected. The chimming of the door brought her back from her present thoughts. She was ready to respond but caught only his back, he had already gone.

In the comforts of her home Lisa thought of the conversation she and Mr. K had and felt the sudden rush of wanting. She was about to step into the bath when a knock at her door sent the thoughts out her mind.

“What….. How …. what are you doing here,” she said. In her door way stood Mr. K

Before she could speak another word he stepped forward wrapped his hands around her pressing her to him then kissed her deeply. Her mind was a swirl of thoughts and emotions, these were however pushed away by the intensity of desire she felt for this man. On their own accord her hands rose to his neck and that’s where they stayed untill he broke the kiss.
She squeezed her eyes once then twice to be sure she was not fantasizing then came at him locking their lips together again.

“Don’t stop,” she said.

“I hadn’t planned to,” he answered.

“You smell delicious,” he breathed into her hair. She gasped at the realization that his hands were removing her robe and making their way down her body, massaging and exploring her curves while his lips worked magic on hers.

“Milk with the right amount of chocolate,” she thought then shivered as more naughty thoughts flowed through her mind.

‘Indeed, he said.

Lisa had not realized she had spoken out loud until he answered her comment. She wanted him she couldn’t deny that. She was hungry for him to be with her, working her fingers into his hair in a tangled mess. Without removing his mouth from hers he hurriedly unbuttoned his shirt then his jeans. His longing for her was evident as his body heat sprang forward.

“Beautiful,” she thought.

Together they lowered to the floor. Continuously kissing and massaging each other, exploring one another bodies. With one leg he parted her thigh and slide inside her inner folds. A swift thrust of his hips planted him deep inside her. Her back arched as her breast pressed hard against his chest.

“You’re wonderful,” she said.

“Lisa,” he said.

A knock at the door startled them both in a frozen position. Again the knock came and she was once again standing at her door.

“Hello.. Lisa,” said the voice.
What’s going on? Instantly confusion flooded her mind.

“What…., how……, what’s going on,” she thought. In her door way stood Mr. K again and just as before he instantly stepped forward circling her waist pressing her against him before he claimed her mouth to his.

“LISA!… LISA!….. LISA!… a distant voice and the feel of a hand on her cheek startled her.

“That must have been some dream,” said Careen, Lisa’s co-worker.

“What? … what are you doing here careen?” Lisa snapped.

“Excuse me! I work here so do you…. remember?”

“Oh……. Yeah….work, damn it I must have closed my eyes for a minute,” she said.

“You have a customer girl snap out of it,” said Careen.

Lisa’s mouth fell open as the figure stepped forward with a hand stretched out to her.

“Enjoyed your nap?” he said steering at her questioningly.

“Hello… I’m Karl you can call me ……….,” he said winking at her.

To be continued…….
© Copyright 2006 snakeeyes (snakeeyes at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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