Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1191348-The-Awkward-Liar
by JudyB
Rated: E · Fiction · Other · #1191348
She needed to ditch work to finish her Christmas shopping.
Terrace Assignment 26

Plot: Darcy ditches work to go Christmas shopping
Setting: Darcy's house, early in the morning.
Beginning: Phoning her boss giving him a story as to why she won't be in to work.
Ending The "wrap up"
Word Count 491

"You're not going to believe this, but my house is literally preventing me from coming in to work today." I paused briefly to await the snide comment which would surely slither out of Mr. Jordan's mouth, but there was nothing but silence.

"Mr. Jordan? Did you hear me?" My boss had answered the phone but said nary a word since I told him I would be missing work. Finally I heard the unmistakable sigh, a sound similar to what a driver makes when the flashing red lights of a police vehicle are suddenly seen in the rear-view mirror.

"Darcy," he finally snapped, " you know how important it is for you to be here today!" I jumped at the unexpected sound of him angrily rapping the phone receiver against his desk. "Just what the heck do you mean,...your house won't let you come to work? Is it holding you hostage?"

"Actually, yes sir, it is...sort of." All of a sudden my story was sounding really ludicrous but this was the only day I could do my Christmas shopping for Gary and the kids, while he was gone on a holiday field trip with them.

Trying to renew my confidence, I gave my head a toss and sat up straight...and then proceeded to tell Mr. Jordan the rest of the story.

"I was almost ready to leave for work when I heard a loud commotion, and literally felt the house moving beneath my feet! We are having extensive plumbing work done in the yard, off the back patio where several of our pipes froze and burst." I was trying hard to paint a picture of why I couldn't leave through the rear door. "It looks more like we're having a giant swimming pool installed!"

His reply was short and terce. "Yeah, so how is that preventing you from getting here? Don't you have a front door, or one that goes out into the garage?"

My mind raced as I groped for believable answers.

"Of course we have a front door, Mr. Jordan." I chuckled, feigning amusement. Somehow I got the impression he wasn't smiling with me and clearly heard him mutter, "She's a true blond."

I couldn't help but wonder if I was digging my own grave, but I continued on. "We've always had a front door, sir, but my husband is very strict about it not being used." A few days ago when the kids were running in and out with their friends, he blew a gasket and put a deadbolt lock on the door. Only he has the key!"

"As for the garage, I can get in there just fine Mr. Jordan, but when the plumbing truck slid on the freezing drizzle we had last night, it plowed right into the garage and backed my car up a good five feet into the wall...and that's why I can't come to work today."


© Copyright 2006 JudyB (judbie46 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1191348-The-Awkward-Liar