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My expressed thoughts on how to set free one's self from their self
Finding Faith I think that in order to have a different outlook on things, we need to have understanding. That is my most utter goal, to bring understanding so people can break their chains of bondage, setting captives free. Chances are you are similar to where I once was in my thinking, at one time, when I didn't know what to believe. I walked in much confusion. I felt that my value came with what was seen in terms of money, education, belongings and so on and so forth. My self esteem was low, I had no sense of peace or happiness. I felt as though, no matter what I did, no matter where I went, I was damned if I did, damned if I don't. Everything that I touched seemed to go sour, relationships, finances, the list endless. Maybe you can relate to one or maybe it is more than one whatever the case, I believe you can be freed. It is going to require that you have an open mind and to give thought to things that may question or conflict with idea's and beliefs you have already had instilled in you. I encourage you not to bias but to continue reading open mindedly, despite the lunacy that it may conclude in your mind. The best place for me to start I think is to give question to what is taught to be the "norm". Many times we have been taught of the evolution of man, I have found many times in research that the word "theory" is placed in it's content. For many "theory" conforms to logic or belief. What needs to be understood that "theory" means just that. It is someone's thought, but doesn't neccessarily have any significant fact. It however could have supportive logic. I also have found in reading the Bible, never is it written to be of theory. We have also have a nature to believe only in tangible. Meaning if we can see it then, it must be so. Giving obsolete to all that is intangible. What brings to question whose to say that everything that is intangible cannot bring forth some tangible evidence of its existence? For example, emotions. We can't see how one feels, what we see are signs or evidence of what one is feeling, the reaction. Without the reaction, we would have no clue as to their emotion. If I am not smiling, or showing other signs that say happy, you have no idea that I am happy. So then, why is it so hard for us to believe in God? When, maybe not directly you, but there are people who have witness directly or indirectly some form of miraculous phenomenon. Why then, could this not be a form of turning intangible into tangible? In reading the Book of Genesis, it is said that God hovered though darkness, in an empty void. That He then created in the emptiness the heaven and the earth and in the middle a firmament. I I know you are saying but if you look through a telescope we see the things of outer space, with no evidence of God. But, there is a firmament in between heaven and earth, so why can't it be that, the firmament is what we see? Being that we read that God hovered, it suggests that He is not of tangible matter, but of a spirit matter, unable to be seen. When Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden and they ate the apple it says that their eyes were opened. It doesn't say that their eyes were opened to what. Could it be that their eyes were opened in the sense to something else and closed to the sight in which God sees? For once they had eaten, which was against the law of God, they were cast out of the garden. Instead of destroying them through His mercy, He instead let them behold the consequence of their actions of cursing and plague which dwelt in their new land. Before going any farther I think that it is important that it is understood that God first created heaven and earth and all that is in it before creating man. When creating heaven, He created His angelic hosts. Much like the running of a business, having different ranks ( founders, presidents, vice presidents ect. continuing continuing down the ladder), so is heaven. Angels created in different ranks all with different duties. Like all man, angels were created having "free will". Meaning, that although there are "rules" the option of abiding them are up to you, however, it doesn't go without consequence. Their was an angel, in a higher rank, trusted and adored by God named Lucifer. (Ezekiel, Isaiah ) who had the Garden of Eden. Lucifer then grew envious and jealous of God. In his power given to him by God grew big headed, conjured up a plan to over throw God and take His place, ruling all the universe. Being that he had a high ranking in the hosts of God, he had a group of hosts that sat under him. He lied to them making promises beyond his power, that they followed him. Needing his army to grow he sent his hosts out to the other angels hoping that too would turn against God. Ultimately, resulting in a war in heaven. With the help of the strength of God, Lucifer was cast out of heaven to earth. Along with the hosts that followed him. God being merciful did not destroy Lucifer but sentence him to dwell in consequence of his disobedience in the darkness of earth. Keeping in mind Lucifer was created an angel, therefore possessing angelic powers, was also given dominion over the earth. Man, Gods most loved creation (created after all that is in heaven and earth), was then placed in the Garden of Eden, causing jealousy in Lucifer towards man. After man sinned he to then became "fallen" or cast out from God. Lucifer in heaven was beautiful, after being cast out, became hideous and known as Satan. So changes took place after being cast out from God. Being that Satan wants all of what God has and is has sworn to go about and destroy man and all the seed of man. Leaving no one for God to leave His inheritance to. Satan takes pleasure in our destruction. He comes only to destroy. Since God, being the only one almighty and powerful, has already overthrown Satan, Satan can not physically harm us. However, he can lie and deceive us through illusions, even convince us to kill and destroy one another. Remember, Satan was once an angel, so he can transform himself into any illusion he wishes, even disguise himself as hosts of God. After knowing this, is it than possible for things we have came to believe to be true, be only delusions of Satan in his mission to destroy man? Being that there is no fact in an illusion therefore causing things to be theorized and questioned? Leaving people confused about who and what to believe? Bringing all the closer the destruction of man. See, God manifested Himself as man (going from intangible to tangible), to suffer the temptations and illusions of Satan to resist and go through as man, to understand and set example. In the end, needing to become the living sacrifice for the salvation of all men. But in order to receive this salvation, man must believe in God, and that God manifested Himself in the form of His son Jesus Christ, who gave Himself as the ultimate sacrifice for ALL the sins of man. All of Gods children who accepts this and believes, abiding to all God's laws, is able to be abundant in His gifts, power and authority and become an inheritor of the realm in heaven set aside for them. Therefore, if Satan can persuade us to believe in something else (which is, in him and his works of illusion) the children of God will die out and leave no heirs to His inheritance, leaving only he and his hosts. Now, let us go back to Adam and Eve. God told Adam and Eve that if they ate the fruit of a certain tree, they would die. But Satan, in the form of a serpent, said that it wouldn't make them die but become like God, knowing all good and evil. In some aspects there was a hint of truth in what he said, they didn't literally die. They did however, die in the sense that the spiritual way in which they lived died, for at that time they knew only of God's goodness. He also gave them the delusion that they would become like God. Which they did not they just allowed themselves open to the evil of Satan, of deception, plague and curse. In fact the opposite happened. They lost their ability to hear and see of the angelic existence that they were once acustomed. Causing a sense of destruction to man. God, being forgiving and merciful gave man a chance to redeem themselves for inheritance. But now, man must with stand the temptations and illusions of evil, not to conform to this world and that which is in it, despite the fact that they must live in it, but to abide in His law. Okay, I see that there is questions concerning this because you don't know if you believe in a spirit realm or in supernatural, things not of this world. If you take our make-up, flesh and bones, what do you have? Just a vessel. Is it living? No, it is not living until you add the organs and blood begins to flow. Even with this make-up, do you have a being? To some extent, yes. But what does it do? Where is the life? What about personality or emotion? Life comes in when spirit is added. Our spirit is our life, it is what gives us the ability to use this fleshly vessel. You have heard the expression that one's spirit dies. Now think about the picture that expression illuminates. Usually one that is in a "vegetable" state, or without lots of life. If we can believe in that statement one lost his spirit, or their spirit died and any other form of the saying, then why can't we believe that our bodies are mere vessels for the dwelling of our spirits to be in a tangible state? There is no profound evidence that says that it is not. Only the deception of Satan causing confusion bringing it into question. I believe that we have been caught up in questions that we can no longer see truth as it exist. There is tangible proof that good and evil is real. If there was no such thing then why would we need rules/laws? Everyone would then share opinion, there would be no need. Even then, if there was no good and evil then why do we have those who don't abide by the laws? How then do we know what enjoyment is as to what is not? If all you ever ate were saltine crackers how would you know that you don't care much for them and prefer a butter cracker instead, or that they were your favorite of all crackers? To keep balance there needs to be an opposite. So the concept of good and evil, heaven and hell, God and Satan should not be of conflict. Nor then, should the concept of spirit. For we have flesh and the opposite then would be spirit. I think that the concept of supernatural in a sense scares people causing it to be easier not to believe then to believe. People have a sinful nature, and self critique is hard, well any critique is hard to absorb. For it is much easier for us to change or conform our beliefs to our emotions then vice versa, for then it may mean that we have faults, or some may even feel that something is wrong with them. It is instilled in us that having faults is wrong when the very opposite seems to be true. We need to be able to accept critique if we are to ever grow, heal, expect different results. Mistakes are alright, it means that we aren't perfect yes, but we aren't supposed to be. As long as we learn from our mistakes, mistakes are part of living and maturing. It is the way we gain knowledge and wisdom. So really, there's nothing to fear, the worst that can come out of it is that we become a better person. Unless of course we aren't lined up with the will of God, then it is His wrath we should fear. Being cast into the Lake of Fire should be a fear, and respectively so. So, you don't know if you believe in hell. Why? Could it be fear? Could it be a fear so deep inside that it is cover with other things in which you could believe that would much more pleasant of a thought? Before hastily answering, please give it much thought. If a person can be so over whelmed by an incident that has happened to them to the point that they completely block the very thing from their minds, why could one block their belief, by overwhelming fear of possibly going to hell? Or could it just be that we are to lazy to conform and obey the word of God, because it is too much work and requires too much sacrifice of ourselves, that we deceive ourselves into believing that such things don't exist? Or, is it possible that we are to selfish and wrapped up in what we want, much like that of a child throwing a temper-tantrum for not getting their way, that we conform our beliefs, morals and values in a way that best suits our desires? If what is said in the Bible is true, that the devil delights in our destruction, his soul purpose being to deceive us in order to steal, kill and destroy us, then could it be that our definition of fun has been deluded? Let's break down a few of what many refer to as "partying". Drinking. Drinking, it impairs thinking and reaction, it may causes dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headache and diarrhea. Possible Possible side effects may include, car accident, DUI, and alcohol poisoning, bodily injury; more common effects, belligerence, fighting, crying, and feelings of remorse. Possible scenario, get together with others, laugh, joke, drink. Pretty soon, someone gets emotional, maybe temperamental, a debate begins, turns into an argument, possible fight breaks out, or harsh words exchange. Later the rooms feels like it is spinning, or your stomach may not feel so well causing one to vomit. If you lay down, the room feel like it is spinning and you pray that you don't throw up again. The next day, your head hurts, stomach bubbly with diarrhea. Gambling, it comes with hope that you COULD win and a solution to your problems and a way of gaining your dreams with out effort. Possible effects, decrease in your finances, guilt, and remorse. The casino, one walks in with the mind of having fun, they set a price limit to spend. They to a table or machine, whatever game they desire to play, spend a bit of money so they can play. Oh, they came so close to winning, but no cigar. High stake cards, one sits at the table, cashes in, plays a few hands, feeling good, cards seem to in their favor. Soon, things begin to turn and bankroll is going low, but luck in on their side today. So in goes some more money, because they came so close to winning the last time they just have to win this time. Soon all that money is gone. So they play just one more time, because their luck just has to change. After awhile, the money is gone and it is time to go home. As they walk out, they think of all the money that they just blew and how they will ever make it up. But they really thought that maybe this time. Maybe a debt is owed some where, and this could mean their time is limited when it comes time to collect. Now they are worse off then they were when they first came. The enjoyment of getting high, drugs. So someone decides that pleasure comes from a drug of some sort, so they do that drug. Side effect read much like that of drinking but may also include physical effect, weight loss, change in skin color, tooth decay, change in outer appearance due to change in mental health and distorted thinking; mental effects, fatally addictive, sense of got have, loss of good judgment, loss of reason; may alter or add to occupation, thief/robber/burglar, liar, assailant/murder/suicide; change of residence, hospital, rehab institution, jail, bridge, alley, park bench; health, STD's, gonorrhea, Chlamydia, AIDS/HIV, ect., heart attack, problems breathing, brain damage, DEATH. At first it starts out leisurely, gradually becoming more often until one day... Pay day, all is good. One is ready to "party". Persuaded by peers or maybe out of sheer curiosity, a drug was tried, once upon a time ago. Now, they have urges that can't be control, will do whatever necessary to get high. A problem may exist but it can be justified despite how silly the rationality is. Until one day, a dead end is hit, but now it's too late. The side effects came into play. Funny how they sound so closely related to the labels of prescriptions warning us of how harmful they could be. Let's look at the definition of fun. Fun = what provides enjoyment. Enjoyment = something that gives keen satisfaction. I I always thought of side effect such as the ones above as being signs of sickness, or could they point to destruction? An illusion of fun and enjoyment, secretly being tools use to destroy? As a person who has experienced at least one of these categories, never gave thought to it as any other way then having fun. After giving things some thought and seeing it in writing, it doesn't seem to make much sense to call these kinds of things "having fun". Throwing up is not fun, as is having a headache, having diarrhea, a heart attack, contracting an STD, going to jail, being broke wondering how ends are going to meet, homelessness, having feelings of remorse. Really, what fun are these things? Where can one really find enjoyment in partaking in such activities that we look down upon one who does not engage themselves in such ways? Could it be because they are smart then thy? A lot of times these things result in feelings of doom. Is the purpose of us having life to feel doomed, hopeless, worthless? If logic at all has a part in the way we determine what is believable and what is not, then, shouldn't this concept be taken into consideration. Before throwing away the possibility of God, shouldn't one examine more the words of the Bible? Bringing the intangible to the tangible in one's own life. Now, I know there are some people who say that I've tried that, and.... Could it be that may be it was the way you went about finding God? I have been there. I believed with no results, so I thought. I felt that if there was a God, He sure don't hear me. And gave up on Him. But things in my life never got better, they actually got worse. My life was spiraling out of control. I had reached a place of darkness, depression, doom. I felt as though I was bound to invisible chains that prevented me from going up but sure could pull be down further and further even when I didn't think I could go any lower. One day in the midst of my chaos, I broke down, fell to my knees, and asked God to help me. Not just to help me out of the mess I found myself in but also to guide me to find freedom and happiness. And, He did. He released the chains and has set me free. He has guided me to a new level of living. Though I still struggle, with certain areas of my life, trying to get it in order, I have peace. I have plenty yet to learn, but, I feel free, burden free. You too can be set free. The answer to cry of help is on the way! Whether you directly or indirectly, help is on its way. The Lord says, I have heard your cry. Matthew 8:22, Jesus says, "FOLLOW ME; AND LET THE DEAD BURY THEIR DEAD". Jesus is saying follow Him, you now are living with the dead, but follow Him and have life! It don't matter what you have done, where you have been, who society says you are, God has a better plan for you! Stop believing in what the world around you is compiled with, and believe in God and the gifts He has for you. What ever your lifestyle may be, if you have reached your limit, go to Jesus, follow Him. Matthew 11:28-30, "COME TO ME ALL WHO LABOR AND ARE HEAVY LADEN, AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST. TAKE MY YOKE UPON YOU, AND LEARN OF ME; FOR I AM MEEK AND LOWLY IN HEART: AND YOU SHALL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. FOR MY YOKE IS EASY, AND MY BURDEN IS LIGHT. Go, He wants to give you rest, comfort, His arms are wide open, waiting for you to come and seek refuge. We are all children of God, for He created us. We just need to seek Him out. Matthew 7:7, "ASK, AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN TO YOU, SEEK, AND YOU SHALL FIND, KNOCK, AND IT SHALL BE OPENED TO YOU". In your cries, you have asked and seeked, now open yourself to receive and find. It is easy, just believe in Him. Mark 8:12, say "THOSE BY THE WAY SIDE ARE THEY THAT HEAR; THEN COME TO THE DEVIL, AND TAKE AWAY THE WORD OUT OF THEIR HEARTS, LEST THEY SHOULD BELIEVE AND BE SAVED". Believe, and you will be saved. John 10:10, THE THIEF COMES BUT TO STEAL, KILL AND TO DESTROY; I HAVE COME THAT THEY MAY HAVE, LIFE AND THAT THEY HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY. We are supposed to have abundant lives, not lives of shame, heartache, pain, poverty, homelessness, remorse, guilt, and so on and so on. Abundance, abundance of peace, joy, love, finances, all the things of God. The devil comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. Steal our peace and joy, kill our love and good things in life, to destroy our abundance, our belief, our inheritance. Come out of the lies of the enemy, the belief in theories, and come into salvation. You hold the power to rise above. Luke 10:19, BEHOLD, I GIVE TO YOU POWER TO TREAD ON SERPENTS AND SCORPIONS AND OVER ALL THE POWER OF THE ENEMY: AND NOTHING SHALL BY ANY MEANS HURT YOU. God has given us power to trample of the devil and all of his hosts, to have power over them and protection, that they can't harm you. Why wouldn't Satan try to confuse our thinking if we read Gods word, and dwell in Him, we have power to defeat Him. Satan can no longer hold us in bondage, control our thinking, render us to doom. I know you think I am crazy. Even if there was any truth in what I am saying, it wouldn't apply to you. I say, prove me crazy, just try and see what happens if you try God. It don't take much, if you have been able to ponder this thought, if you can doubt, well maybe, then you have enough belief/faith to begin to see things happen, and change around. Luke 17:6, AND THE LORD SAID, IF YOU HAVE FAITH AS A GRAIN OF MUSTARD SEED, YOU MIGHT SAY TO THIS TREE, BE PLUCKED UP BY THE ROOT AND BE PLANTED IN THE SEA; AND IT SHOULD OBEY YOU. And that's not all, Matthew 17:20, AND JESUS SAID TO THEM, BECAUSE OF YOU UNBELIEF; FOR I SAY TO YOU, IF YOU HAVE FAITH AS A GRAIN OF MUSTARD SEED, YOU SHALL SAY TO THIS MOUNTAIN, REMOVE YOURSELF TO YONDER PLACE; AND IT SHALL REMOVE; AN NOTHING SHALL BE IMPOSSIBLE TO YOU. Faith of a mustard seed, do you know how small a grain of mustard seed is? Just a smidgen of belief in Him, will allow you to up root trees and move mountains from your life. Wow! All the circumstances of your past that has taken root with in the inside of you, that hinders you causing your hurt and pains can be removed by a simple command by you. You don't have to go around haunted by your secrets of your past. No longer do you have to wail in the inside, hide what causes you shame, guilt, or remorse. How awesome is that? And any obstacles that jump in your way all you have to do is command it to move, and it will disappear? Thank you Lord. Remove those shackles and get up! Climb out of your woes. You do not need to sink in that hole any farther! You do not need to totter on the devil's threshold any more! Be FREED! It is the power God has allowed you to have if you can believe in the amount of a mustard seed. Let me share a bit about myself. I didn't know what I believed at one time. I had thought there was a higher power but not sure who or what that higher power was exactly to me. I knew things had happened in my life that made no sense. Many many times I felt that I should of died, and for whatever reason I was still here. I had looked through some old note books I had from back then, in it was a poem, that gave a graphic picture of how I felt. It wasn't titled but it went like this: I am bound by invisible chains, that keep me drowning in all my pains. The world around me seems so dark and cold, I am teetering at Satan's thresh-hold. Sometimes the chains loosen and I begin to climb from out of my pit, But then all of a sudden despite my desparate attempts I feel the chains and their tight fit. I am pulled backwards, in attempts to stop my fall, scratch marks from my finger trail down the wall. Down even farther then I was before, my mind is so messed up and my body is beaten up and sore. I feel so empty on the inside of me, I have no room for happiness, joy or glee. Just echos of screams from my life of torchure and pain, I think I am living in hell and going insane. No matter which way I go or which way I turn it all ends the same, I must be destined to be the hex and hold everyones blame. Cries for help come from the calls, of my inner wailing walls. God, if you hear me, please rescue me from this burning pit. Please find it in you that your mercy I am fit. A couple days after that I could never forget, God sent a word to me through a friends mother, who was a minister. She simply asked if I believed in God. I told her how I felt. She said that it is important that one believes in Jesus Christ. She pulled out her Bible and began to read. I told her but I wasn't brought up to believe that. And she said that's alright, God forgives you for whatever your beliefs are because He knows you did not know. He knows your experience and He says it is o.k. now you know. I remember I just balled. Tears flowed down my face. I didn't really understand why. I had just felt a comfort in the midst of my shame. In the back of my mind I pondered those words. The next time I saw her she asked what I wanted most. I told her to be free. Free from the chains I wore. We prayed a couple weeks later, I was freed. God put me took me out of that situation, removed the shackles and I felt free. I rejoiced with her for 20 minutes, and many times after that. Especially when I would look outside and see the freedom and smiles on my children faces. Something I never seen before. I was freed at first through my small faith which took the place of doubt in what I believed at that time. I still wasn't sure what I believed, but I questioned that with maybe, I questioned the possibility. That maybe, ended up being my begining. It was alright that my faith then wasn't perfect, or even non existant, but, I had the belief of a mustard seed, for everyone must start somewhere. That freedom allowed my faith to grow even more through time. The months that followed, I ponder my beliefs. I didn't dwell and still questioned but I had some sort of faith. I was more willing to try or trust that maybe God could do or give the things I was hearing, because of the dramatic change in my situation. It still wasn't the best situation, it was certainly a whole lot better. Eventually, I wanted to move to another level and again it didn't matter my attempts, so I began searching for help. When ever I seemed to search for help, someone always seemed to show up with the word of God. That's when I heard about mustard seed faith, and began reading the Bible. Which I tell you, did not make sense at first. I heard some where that to achieve understanding you had to pray for understanding. I was so blown away by the power of belief in God. I had the power to remove obstacles, to heal my wounds. It sounds almost too good to be true. That was my turn around. That was my state before any sort of faith. I think so often people forget where they came from and quick to pass judgement. You can't let that hold you back. Just as we birth a child, they don't come out able to walk and run, there are steps they have to go through before they walk. Faith and growth in God is the same way. We have steps we need to go through. Everyone, learns at different rates, and the use of different tactics. No one should pass judgement. Besides, it is not our job, it is Gods. Being Comforted In Faith Psalm 37, " DO NOT FRET BECAUSE OF EVILDOERS, NOR BE ENVIOUS OF THE WORKERS OF INIQUITY. FOR THEY SHALL SOON BE CUT DOWN LIKE THE GRASS AND WITHER AS THE GREEN HERB. TRUST IN THE LORD, AND DO GOOD; DWELL IN THE LAND, AND FEED ON HIS FAITHFULNESS. DELIGHT YOURSELF ALSO IN THE LORD, AND HE SHALL GIVE YOU THE DESIRES OF YOUR HEART! COMMIT YOUR WAY TO THE LORD, TRUST ALSO IN HIM, AND HE SHALL BRING IT TO PASS. HE SHALL BRING FORTH YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS AS THE LIGHT, AND YOUR JUSTICE AS THE NOONDAY. REST IN THE LORD, AND WAIT PATIENTLY FOR HIM; DO NOT FRET BECAUSE OF HIM WHO PROSPERS IN HIS WAY, BECAUSE OF THE MAN WHO BRINGS WICKED SCHEMES TO PASS. CEASE FROM ANGER, AND FORSAKE WRATH; DO NOT FRET ~ IT ONLY CAUSES HARM. FOR EVILDOERS SHALL BE CUT OFF; BUT THOSE WHO WAIT ON THE LORD, THEY SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH. FOR YET A LITTLE WHILE AND THE WICKED SHALL BE NO MORE; INDED, YOU WILL LOOK CAREFULLY FOR HIS PLACE. BUT IT SHALL BE NO MORE. BUT THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH, AND SHALL DELIGHT THEMSELVES IN THE ABUNDANCE OF PEACE. THE WICKED PLOTS AGAINST THE JUST, AND GNASHES AT HIM WITH HIS TEEETH, THE LORD LAUGHS AT HIM FOR HE SEES THAT HIS DAY IS COMING. THE WICKED HAVE DRAWN THE SWORD AND HAVE BENT THEIR BOW, TO CAST DOWN THE POOR AND NEEDY TO SLAY THOSE WHO ARE OF UPRIGHT CONDUCT. THEIR SWORD SHALL ENTER THEIR OWN HEART, AND THEIR BOWS SHALL BE BROKEN. A LITTLE THAT A RIGHTEOUS MAN HAS IS BETTER THAN THE RICHES OF MANY WICKED. FOR THE ARMS OF THE WICKED SHALL BE BROKEN, BUT THE LORD UPHOLDS THE RIGHTEOUS. THE LORD KNOWS THE DAYS OF THE UPRIGHT, AND THEIR INHERITANCE SHALL BE FOREVER. THEY SHALL NOT BE ASHAMED IN THE EVIL TIME, AND IN THE DAYS OF FAMINE THEY SHALL BE SATISFIED. BUT THE WICKED SHALL PERISH; AND THE ENEMIES OFTHE LORD, LIKE THE SPLENDOR OF THE MEADOWS, SHALLL VANISH, INTO SMOKE THEY SHALL VANISH AWAY. THE WICKED BORROWS AND DOES NOT REPAY BUT THE RIGHTEOUS SHOWS MRECY AND GIVES. FOR THOSE BLESSED BY HIM SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH, BUT THOSE CURSED BY HM SHALL BE CUT OFF. THE STEPS OF A GOOD MAN ARE ORDERED BY THE LORD, AND HE DELIGHTS IN HIS WAY; THOUGH HE FALL, HE SHALL NOT BE UTTERLY CAST DOWN; FOR THE LORD UPHOLDS HIM WITH HIS HAND. I HAVE BEEN YOUNG, AND NOW AM OLD; YET, I HAVE NOT SEEN THE RIGHTEOUS FORSAKEN, NOR HIS DESCENDANTS BEGGING BREAD. HE IS EVER MERCIFUL AND LENDS; AND HIS DESCENDENTS ARE BLESSED. DEPART FORM EVIL, AND DO GOOD; AND DWELL FOREVERMORE. FOR THE LORD LOVES JUSTICE AND DOES NOT FORSAKE HIS SAINTS; THEY ARE PRESERVED FOREVER, BUT THE DESCENDANTS FO THE WICKED SHALL BE CUT OFF. THE RIGHTEOUS SHALLL INHERIT THE LAND. AND DWELL IN IT FOREVER. THE MOUTH OF THE RIGHTEOUS SPEAKS WISDOM, AND HIS TONGUE TALKS OF JUSTICE. THE LAW OF HIS GOD IS IN HIS HEART; NONE OF HIS STEPS SHALL SLIDE. THE WICKED WATCHES THE RIGHTEOUS, AND SEEKS TO SLAY HIM. THE LORD WILL NOT LEAVE HIM IN HIS HAND. NOR CONDEMN HIM WHEN HE IS JUDGED. WAIT ON THE LORD, AND KEEP HIS WAY, AND HE SHALL EXALT YOU TO INHERIT THE LAND; WHEN THE WICKED ARE CUT OFF, YOU SHALL SEE IT. I HAVE SEEN THE WICKED IN GREAT POWER, AND SPREADING HIMSELF LIKE A NATIVE GREEN TREE. YET HE PASSED AWAY, AND BEHOLD HE WAS NO MORE; INDEED I SOUGHT HIM, BUT HE COULD NOT BE FOUND. MARK THE BLAMESLESS MAN, AND OBSERVE THE UPRIGHT; FOR THE FUTURE OF THAT MAN IS PEACE, BUT THE TRANSGRESSORS SHALL BE DESTROYED TOGETHER; THE FUTURE OF THE WICKED SHALL BE CUT OFF. BUT THE SAVATION OF THE RIGHTEOUS IS FROM THE LORD; HE IS THEIR STRENGTH IN THE TIME OF TROUBLE. AND THE LORD SHALL HELP THEM AND DELIVER THEM; HE SHALL DELIVER THEM FROM THE WICKED, AND SAVE THEM, BECAUSE THEY TRUST IN HIM." Be encouraged, all who feel domed. Come, find faith in the Lord and despare no more. You will not be judged by your past. What you did not know because of the illusion of Satan, is not held against you. Take refuge in the Lord and find rest and peace. It is time for change! Take a good look around you! See what the world has become. Too many are believing in the lies of the devil. Progress in good. It helps us yes. But because the world is changing and new things are being developed to make life "easier", doesn't mean we have to change. The "easier" life becomes, the less of God's people we become. I remember when I was younger, people believed in God, they went to church. People tried to help one another, they smiled at one another, they were courteous towards each other. But look now. How cold we have become. I have heard out of mouths of people who not even twenty years ago believed in God now say they don't know what they believe. This is so sad. Don't believe the lies! They are for your destruction! They are to steal your joy, peace and happiness. Look around and you will see it to be true. The lies are killing our compassion, respect, integrety, our children. We are being destroyed! Families are being torn apart. Children aren't minding their parents. Lots of us can't stand to look into the mirror to hard because they don't like what they see. But God, God can set us free! It don't have to be this way. But it needs to start some where. It needs to start with you! You don't even need to be perfect at it. God is not looking for us to have perfect faith but to have faith in a perfect God. He knows we are not perfect, that the devil is a good deceiver. That it makes it hard to know what and where we need do or be. He asks that we try and trust in Him. Delight yourself in the Lord, and have the desires of your heart. Trust and obey the Lord and delight in His abundance! Be delivered from the wicked and find your salvation! Just as we are with our children, God is with us. We love them and wish that we could always just reward them. Unfortunately, they don't always behave or listen to our commands, and we need to issue a consequence. So does God. Most of us are not as hard on a child who comes to us, admits and apologizes for their mistake; opposed to stumbling upon it ourselves and being lied to or if they seem to have no remorse. Alleluia! That is how God too is with us. He never stops loving, but sometimes He needs to stop blessing, until we can get it together. Think of the words you say to a child. This is what God is saying to you. Do to Him what you are telling that child to do to you. Then, you can reap the goodness of Him. The only difference between God and us, no matter how old we get, he never leaves us to ourselves. Where our children grow up and leave to seperate on their own. We would never leave a young child to defend themselves from something mightier then them. God does the same for us. He is our strength, our protector, He helps us, He supplies our needs all we have to do is believe and trust in Him. Look at the Lord's Prayer. You can find it in Matthew 6:9-13; and Luke 11:2-4. I am going to use Matthew 6. "OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN, HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME. YOUR KINGDOM COME, YOUR WILL BE DONE, ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD. AND FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS, AS WE FORGIVE OUR DEBTORS. AND DO NOT LEAD US INTO TEMPTATION, BUT DELIVER US FROM THE EVIL ONE. FOR YOURS IS THE KINGDOM AND THE POWER, AND THE GLORY FOREVER. AMEN." Let us examine this for a moment. 1. Our Father who art in heaven - I believe this to imply our relationship to Him, He as our father, we as His children. 2. Hallowed be Your name - He is almighty, and holy and deserves our worship. 3. Your kingdom come - I think of this as showing us His lordship, Him being supreme, the King. A reminder it is His kingdom not ours, His laws not ours. If we accept this we find or dwell in His kingdom. 4. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven - That we should seek or pray for His will to be done in our lives. He is Almighty and His will brings us peace and joy. Our will bring misery. 5. Give us this day our daily bread - He is our supplier! He will supply us with ALL our needs; food, clothing, shelter, finances. And that we need to be grateful and thank Him for supplying our needs. 6. Forgive us our debts - That we should be more mindful of our actions. Be repentful and acknowledge our wrongs; admit to them and then ask for forgiveness. 7. As we forgive our debtors - Just as we want forgiveness, we need to forgive. We are not to hold grudges or deny anyone our service. That we should pray for those who wrong us. 8. Lead us not into temptation - He gives us strength and guidance to go beyond our fleshly desires. 9. But deliver us from the evil one - He gives wisdom to and again strength to overcome the lies and illusions of Satan. He protects us from the wicked. He keeps us from harm. 10. For Yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever - God is the one to be glorified for it is His kingdom and ONLY He is king. He is the only one that has power to strengthen, overcome, to destroy, to supply. That we need to stay connected with Him and trust Him and He will always provide, protect, comfort and tend to our individual needs. Take heed and cry for help no more! Believe, trust and connect yourself with God and hurt no more, worry no more, stress no more. Find comfort, rest, love, peace. This is who you are. This is who we all are. We should not feel damned. We are not a damned people. That is a lie from Satan. He is a Liar!!! Stop allowing yourself to be subjected to this thinking. You are somebody, an important somebody, YOU ARE GOD'S CHILD! You play a very important part in His kingdom. Your way has not worked. I don't care how many times you try to revise your plan, it is not going to work if you don't have God! Maybe you have been blessed with some things in some areas, but are ALL your needs being met? Then try something else, what do you have to loose? But look at all that you have to gain. We need to stop placing EXPECTATIONS on things and people. Part of the reason that we feel as though God doesn't answer us is because we expect it to happen when WE want things to happen. We have become very selfish people. ( We may address that later) We need to realise that God does things in His own time. Stop with expectations. We place expectations on people that they can't alway meet. Then get angry and upset about it. Stop! You would be much more peaceful if you didn't expect so much. We are all created with different gifts. What comes easy for you may not come easy for me. What works for me may not work for you. We are all uniquely made out of His image, we may look alike but we all have different spirits in us giving us different personalities. You can not expect anything but one is capable of. You don't expect orange juice to come out of green pepper. So don't expect people to be like you. If you want to expect something, expect that God will work it out and expect that He will be on time, not your time, on time. Expect people to do their best, not your best, their best. Expect all people NOT to be perfect. Every one makes mistakes! And that's alright. People EXPECT christians especially those in the high positions, to be perfect. Stop expecting that! They are human just like you, THEY ARE NOT PERFECT, they have things that need work, just like you do. This also goes for you christians that are walking around like you are holier than thou. Stop it! NO ONE ON THIS EARTH IS PERFECT! Just because one decides to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, or is baptised and born-again, does not mean that all of a sudden, at that very moment, miracleously they are a perfect being. It don't work that way. Or that suddenly they aren't affected by the temptations of the world. Not saying that God is incapable of making such things happen. I am saying it don't happen like that. God can bless me with the wisdom of understanding His word, put me in a place to minister His word, it doesn't mean that I no longer have things to work on. It means He has given me a gift and that I should share it. It don't mean I no longer have things to work on or that I am no longer tempted by the world. I am still made of flesh and the flesh is weak. Satan will try to attack those who are following God then those who are still caught in the world. If you are still living in his confusion, what threat would you be to him? But those who follow God and are learning the truth oppose a threat to bring sight to those who still dwell in confusion. Making it harder to destroy man. If you are playing a game, let's say football, are you going to worry about your own team mate making a touch down for the other team, or are you going to worry about the other team making a touch down? Your stragety is to stop the other team. Satan is not worrying about you if you are living in confusion. You are on his team, whether you know it or not, you are on his team. But God's followers, they are on the other team and he worries about them. That is why, those who are new or not far in their faith, are attacked more often then those who have come to know and understand the power and authority of God, and how to use it to keep him under their feet. It is just like the lion, when they are hungry and looking for prey, they single out the weak. The injured, the young, the old. They don't go attacking the stong and fast. If they did that, they may not eat. Satan attacks harder those he thinks he can overcome. Just stop expecting. Even to yourself. If you put expectations on yourself and you don't achieve them, you feel bad. Expectations are just another form of lies and illusions from Satan, don't fall for it. They will never be met. If you expect yourself to have what every one else has instead of just being happy with you what you have, your expectations would never go away. Don't fall in that syndrome of "keep up with the Jones" it will never end and you will never be happy. Every year manifacturers come out with the newer more improved product. If you are continuing to try to keep up with the Jones' you will always throw away and never sit and savor, enjoy, what you have. That is so ridiculous! Stop expecting and start just accepting and being thankful for what you have, what you do, all the blessings that are around you that you have not took time to notice. The answer to a cry to be released from captivity is here, in God. Believe, trust. Keep an open mind. Be willing to make changes. Your bondage, can be broken, through Jesus Christ it is in Psalm 37. I said earlier that I may touch on selfishness, I think that is exactly what I am going to do, touch. In all that I am writing, it is all a base line only. There is much to learn and there needs to be growth. I once was lost in the wilderness, in the world, but ALLELUIA! I have been found. I have cried out for help and I know that many are too. I am trying to relay a message from someone much greater than I. Selfishness, sometimes I wonder if we even realise how selfish we are. When I was reading in the Book of Matthew, there is a parable that Jesus told about a servant, and the servant is told, "well done my good and faithful servant". I remember how that struck me, right in my heart. It stuck with me, heavy on my heart for weeks. I decided when my time comes, I want my Lord to pat me on the back and tell me, well done my good and faithful servant. I don't want Him to say well, umm, and I certainly don't want Him to deny me into heaven. I really had to take a close look at myself and what I found was I was quite selfish. It is not just me, I hear people say all the time "what about me". All day long they are saying what about me. They put expectations on people to meet "what about me" and get offended when it is not done in their benefit. What we need to be asking ourselves is what about them/others. An answer to a cry for help, stop being selfish! If you just read this and got offended, or irritated, I can almost garentee you too have a problem in this area. And like I once was, you probably can't see past the tip of your nose. Praise God. Yeah, yeah I know, you can see past the tip of your nose, ( what about me ), and all the whatevers, and you never too. You have a problem with selfishness. God wants us to be good and faithful servants, and in order to do that we need to get of me. We need to serve others and graciously. It is not about what we will get in return. It is about being Christ like and giving to someone. Satan wants us to believe that we are losing something. Attention, love, money, something, because he knows that we gain more when we don't think of ourselves. The Bible says that we need to be like Christ, Christ did the most unselfish act of all, He gave His life for all of our sins, to save the world. Think for a moment what life would be like if Jesus decided to be selfish. WE WOULD NOT HAVE GOD'S POWER, HIS AUTHORITY, WE WOULD BE DOOMED. But THANK YOU JESUS! We have life, and we have LIFE ABUNDANTLY! We gain nothing but depression, hurt, anger being selfish. You help your neighbor, God will help you. If we are fortunate enough to be blessed in this world, then we should use it to help others less fortunate. We you leave this world, you can't take it with you. Stop identifying yourself with your belongings, they mean nothing, they don't make you anybody! Things are nice to enjoy, but they don't show who you are. You think poor me, next time think of what the person on the other side thinks or feels with your unneccesary yelling and screaming. How they feel with your ridiculous rules or high maintance needs. POOR THEM!! If you want the pat on the back on judgement day, you need to think about others before yourself. And be happy for others. Don't miss out on your blessings because you can't see beyond the tip of your nose. Open your eyes and see, the destruction. You want to be freed, freed from your bondage, you are going to have to change some things. When you can begin to believe, God can release you. He will begin to give you the authoriy to overcome the enemy. John 16:33, THESE THINGS I HAVE SPOKEN TO YOU, THAT IN ME YOU MAY PEACE. IN THE WORLD YOU WILL HAVE TRIBULATION; BUT BE OF GOOD CHEER, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD. It all goes back to the beginning, to the fall of Lucifer. He was cast down and given dominion over the earth, the world. Our tribulations, come only from him and his attempts to destroy us. But when God cast him to the earth, He already overcame him. Satan's lies, deceptions, illusions are just that. You just need to see the truth. Because God has already overcame Satan, that is why He can give us authority over all that is wicked and we can't be harmed. Luke 22:31-32, AND THE LORD SAID, SIMON, SIMON! INDEED, SATAN HAS ASKED FOR YOU, THAT HE MAY SIFT YOU AS WHEAT, BUT I HAVE PRAYED FOR YOU, THAT YOUR FAITH SHOUOLD NOT FAIL, AND WHEN YOU HAVE RETURNED TO ME, STRENGTHEN YOUR BRETHREN. We are all Simon, we can all replace Simon's name for our own. We came to life knowing God, Satan has sifted us, now, being saved we are return to Him. Now, we need to strength our brothers and sisters. I'd like to note that I never intented for anyone to take offense, and I send my apologies if I have. God and His words are truth, I don't intend to candy coat them. When we get offended, often times the nail has been hit on the head. Self evaluation is not easy but very neccessary for our growth. It may hurt but you will be a better person overall. To everyone that thinks they have no faults, you really need to take a closer look. I don't care if I were to live until I was 900 years old, there would always be room for growth, mistakes would always be made, God would always have a message and things to deal with me about, and the same goes to all. Please, don't think that you can't be helped, or your things are much to big. Nothing is too much nor too big for God. Matthew 19:26, JESUS BEHELD THEM AND SAID, WITH MEN THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE, BUT WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSILBE. ( It also says it in Mark 10:27; Luke 18:27) Let us not disbelieve, if you can believe it, it can, in God's due time, happen. Mark 9, IF YOU CAN BELIEVE, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO HIM THAT BELIEVETH. This is where, and how I found answers to my cries for help. I couldn't just click my heels and wish, there is no magic wand to wave, just faith and words. It didn't happen overnight, but over years. The results began to show immediately, but only that in which I could believe. I am hard headed so it took me longer. God has an amazing call on my life, and had to make me that way. I had to go through many things so He could use me the way He has planned. I even fought Him tooth and nail on what He has called me to do. From personal experience, it is much easier to just submit to all He asks you to do and do it graciously. Even when you may not feel worthy, or able. Let go and let God, your obedience will not go unrewarded. It is much more than I was looking for. The joy that burns inside of me is more than I could have ever imagined. I feel so free! Even in the midst of tribulations I am free and have an abundance of joy inside. I know if I just hold on, God will take me out and my blessing for remaining a good and faithful servant will be more than I know what to do with. God is so GOOD and is more then WORTHY of our PRAISE. AMEN. I thank all of those who brought me the Word of God, and introduced me to Jesus Christ. If you weren't good and faithful servants, God wouldn't have been able to use you to minister to me, and I would not be free from my bondage now. Thank you Lord, thank you. |