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Re-doing it, so not all of it is posted yet! be paitient |
Katie Merin was a busy girl, and she wasn’t getting any younger. In her mind she was approaching the age that meant your were an adult, no longer a child and you better be doing the job you love or else you’ll be stuck doing one you hate for the rest of your life. Now was the time to change. She had just turned 27 less than a week ago; she was engaged to her long time boyfriend and best friend since they were 9. They only thing she wanted to change was her job, she hated it. She was the secretary at a major law firm, but what she really wanted to do was write. Whether that meant for the local paper or that she’d finally publish a novel she didn’t know. But it felt like she was waiting for something, some kind of inspiration to give her that last and final shove. Her boyfriend, no her fiancé, had given her two tickets to a private club where Daniel Carter, her long time idol and amazing piano player was performing. She knew it must have been hard for him to get the tickets and she was extremely excited about it, there was only one downside: Matt couldn’t go with her. Unfortunately, he had gotten the flu and was much to sick to leave the bed let alone go out, but he was persistent in making Katie go without him. It was too short notice for any of her friends, though Katie suspected they just didn’t want to go, so she had given in and would attend it alone. That was how she had ended up here, standing outside waiting for the club to open, she had braved it and actually decided to do her hair and make-up, added to the fact that she was even wearing somewhat revealing clothes, she looked amazing. She wore a dark blue top that dipped low with a black tight skirt, her usually straight brown hair was curled and partially up in a bun the rest fell down onto her shoulders. In her hands was a small black purse and her journal, she carried it with her everywhere, just in case. Finally, the doors open and Katie had to resist her urge to jump up and run inside screaming. She instead shuffled in slowly with the crowd, flashing her tickets she was gestured towards a table near the front, set for two she would instead sit alone. A waiter came and asked her what she would like to eat, but she asked for nothing but a glass of red wine, not in the mood for anything of substance. It was still nearly fifteen minutes before Daniel entered the stage, and when he did, he captured everyone’s attention. Katie held her breath as his name was announced, and it escaped with a soft sigh as he entered the stage. Their eyes locked, his cool blue meeting with her soft green gaze, and she couldn’t look away it was as though she was frozen to the spot. He seemed to falter as well, but only for a moment, then he sat down at the piano gracefully, stretching out his fingers. Katie felt as though it was only the two of them in the room, nothing else mattered. And even though he had looked away she could not remove her eyes from him, but she didn’t want to. She watched his every movement, his chest rise and fall, his soft brown hair as it moved slightly when he sat, the sparkle in his eyes, and his look of determination right before he began to play. At first, as his fingers began to hit the soft black and white keys Katie heard no music, the only thing she could hear was her own breathing and her heart racing. The piece was slow and methodical though and it made her relax slowly, eventually she let the music take her in, and without even thinking she opened her journal and began to write. She didn’t know what she was writing or where it was going, all she knew was that it had to be said. The hours flew by until Katie had completely lost track of time altogether, he had stopped playing and the abruptness of it seemed to startle her out of a trance. She looked up, Daniel had stood and was taking a bow, most of the audience was clapping but Katie didn’t, she felt unable to move. She felt his eyes rest on her and she looked away, her face growing hot, she was ashamed, and afraid but of what? She tried to stand up but suddenly felt dizzy; she had definitely drunk more than one glass. She almost toppled over as she tried to leave but didn’t fall; Daniel was suddenly at her side, his arm steadying her. She felt a ripple of emotion, desire race through her body and she wondered where it had come from. She looked over and up into his smiling face, it seemed so warm, so welcoming. “Most people would thank me.” Daniel spoke; his voice was deep and resonating but had a slight laugh in it. Katie wondered if he realized the power that voice had over her. She felt her heart pounding and even then was still unable to speak. “It’s alright, you can just help me clean up, then I’ll walk you home, I don’t think you’d make it on your own.” Katie nodded in response, she was staring up at his eyes, and she couldn’t leave his side, so she waited for him to leave her. After he did she had to shake herself out of the spell before she could think clearly enough to move, she began picking up plates and glasses that the guests had left behind. She didn’t remember seeing many people yet there were so many dirty tables, in fact if you asked her to describe any one that had attended, she would have realized she was unable to recall anyone’s face. There really wasn’t too much to do, and she tried to get her mind off of Daniel as she worked, but found that altogether impossible. . It was during a particularly tight squeeze that Katie began to think that Daniel was feeling the same thing she was. That uncontrollable urge to touch, to be touched. And then it happened as she moved between two tables, Daniel, seeming to think he could fit, tried to pass behind her. As their bodies moved close together, she couldn't help but notice the fact that he seemed to press his body against hers. Her face reddened and she felt desire fill her. "Thought I could fit." He whispered into her ear, his voice soft and breath warm against her. Katie felt more shivers and sighed softly, she wanted to hear more....what was happening? Was it possible to feel this strongly about someone? Or was it only some kind of fantasy that she was simply imaging the details of. They cleared the rest of the table without further incident. They finished shortly after and Katie returned to her table, to grab her things. As she was putting on her coat and about to grab her journal she saw someone reach for it. She tried to take it but they held it out of reach. Looking up she saw Daniel and began to topple again, he caught her with a short laugh. “You’re all over the place, good thing I’m here.” He looked at her journal flipping through to today’s date. “So what is this?” “It’s my journal, I write whenever I’m inspired.” Katie replied, now realizing that this was the first words that she had spoken to him. She wanted to say more but stopped, realizing he was reading it and she found herself partially angered, but let him read on. "Oh god..." Daniel looked up from the page, his eyes wide in wonder meant and he looked Katie over with a new sense of awe. "Did you...? Did I inspire this?" His voice cracked as he talked, he wanted to read more but perhaps it was best to leave it. He handed the book back to her. Katie took it from him and held it close; blushing at the intense look he was giving her. Her cheeks were hot and she was suddenly nervous, “Yes, your music is so powerful. And so much more so in person, I will have to come see you again. Perhaps we could talk more afterwards..." Katie said, and looking past him she saw a woman approach them. She was tall and curvy, it made Katie feel invisible, as she wasn't the most attractive woman and knew it. She had all the right curves, but also had something that made her...quirky. “Why hello there,” The mysterious woman said as she put an arm around Dan’s shoulder and a light kiss on his cheek. “And who might this young lady be?” She looked Katie up and down and smiled to herself, evidently she felt secure of her place. Katie looked at Daniel, her eyes seeming to ask who this woman was. Had she misinterpreted how he had seemed to take to her? “My name’s Katie Merin, and you must be…” She looked the woman over again and her face paled. On the woman’s left hand sat a gold wedding band with a twisted ring of diamonds around it. She willed there to be nothing similar of Daniel’s own hand, but there sat the exact same ring, there could be no doubt they were a pair. “Daniel’s wife.” She finished without missing a beat and forcing a smile, but the resentment was obvious in her voice. "That's right and any friend of Daniel's is a friend of mine, I'm Stacey Carter." She said her voice was deep and flowing, but it didn't hold the slightest hint of attraction or affection when she spoke his name. If anything there was a hint of scorn. "Daniel, why don't you escort our friend home? I don't think she'll make it alone, and then you can meet me back home." She left before getting an answer, evidently expecting him to agree with her. “Well, looks like we have little choice on the matter now. Ready to go than Ms. Katie?” Daniel asked, there was a slight twinkle in his eye that had disappeared the moment Stacey had appeared, but now he seemed back to his charming self. Katie had noted the change and she nodded and smiled, as he took her arm she felt the familiar shock of energy erupt through her, and felt him tense slightly. But they left saying little. On the way to her apartment they didn’t say much of anything, making small talk on various topics such as music, or the weather. Daniel did however give Katie his jacket after she couldn’t stop shivering. Then, once they reached her door things became a little awkward. Having wanted to kiss Daniel all night and now knowing it would be completely unreasonable, she felt unsure of what to do when they reached her apartment. "Well...goodbye then..." She mumbled softly. "Bye..." Daniel said in return and turned to leave. But just before he could Katie grabbed his arm, and he turned to face her, their eyes locked and they both seemed frozen in time. They both wanted to kiss but neither wanted to make the first move. "I'm sorry....I shouldn't have..." Katie said and let him go, eyes downcast she turned the key in the door and quickly raced into the apartment her heart pounding in her throat she slammed the door, almost on Daniel's face. She tried to relax and calm herself when there was a knock at the door. Katie jumped, and trying to gain control of herself and relax she slowly turned to open the door. Daniel stood there looking a little awkward and blushed, he opened his mouth to speak but didn’t get out a sound before Katie lunged forward and kissed him passionately. Slowly their arms moved to wrap around one another as there bodies reacted to the kiss. She felt him move with her and began to relax, it seemed the perfect moment. Eventually the managed to be able to tear themselves away from one another’s sensual grasp. Katie looked up at him and felt her fingers brush against her lips, she wanted more, it felt so right yet her mind kept telling her no. “You have my jacket…” Daniel said finally able to speak again. Katie felt her face pale, that’s why he had knocked again, not to kiss her. She took it off sheepishly and handed it to him. “Sorry…” Daniel shrugged and smiled softly, “Don’t worry. So I’ll see you later then.” He said and turned to leave, this time Katie made no move to stop him. “Yea….” Katie managed to say, but by that time he was already out of ear shot. She crept back into her apartment and walked over to her couch. Finding herself without strength to make it to her bedroom she flopped down there and fell asleep. **Not done yet!! Try and right more soon!!** |