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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Holiday · #1186092
A Christmas Poem for our times.
Give A Thought …
By Stephen A Abell.

Number of Words: 307

Christmas comes but once a year
It brings with it faith, love, and good cheer.
Friends and relatives come from near & afar
Like the three wise men that followed a star.

Presents are given and feasts are eaten,
It’s a wonderful time for all of the children.
For Santa is coming with his sack full of toys,
To hand out to all the good girls and boys.

So, was little Tommy bad this year?
For the only present, that he receives is fear.
Because Daddy’s been drinking this Christmas time
And beating the boy, is his favourite pastime.

Then there’s Suzy who’s cold and all alone,
Her parents are spending Christmas, destination unknown.
They say she can look after herself and the flat,
It had better be clean and tidy for when they get back.

What about Mandy, a runaway living on the street,
Trying to keep warm and striving for a bite to eat.
What will she do just to keep herself fed?
One day she may be found, beaten, used, and left for dead.

Liam writes a letter to Santa and asks for a baseball bat,
So that he may be able to break Uncle Tommy’s back,
When he comes a calling late on Christmas Eve night
To give him a special present, “that’s our secret, right?”

Then think of all the nameless others across the lands,
And ask yourself who’s walking in a winter wonderland?
For not every child has eyes filled with wonder.
Pray that none be laid to rest, six feet under.

So give a thought to those less lucky than you,
And the trials and tribulations that they go through.
Not just on this most wondrous of days.
But everyday and in a multitude of evil ways

Unfortunately, evil will always be here,
But, Christmas comes but once a year.

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