Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1184301-Prey
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1184301
A Teen girl finds herself as Prey. would like some feedback good or bad. Beginner.
Pain. It's the only worry I have in this surreal moment. The person (or is it thing?)
standing opposite me might not care about the fact that I have a low pain tollerance. The fact that I might die within the next few moments dosn't even phase me. I'm not afraid of death. The thought of pain is what makes my hands shake uncontrolably and tears well up in my eyes. I'm a coward, I know that, but it dosn't make it any easier to accept. He can sense my fear, I can tell by the way he smiles while I stand, waiting. Waiting for the flicker of movement where he's next to me, and then the pain. I know that that's the only thing that can accompany the sharp teeth that send shivers down my spine. He dosn't miss even this slightest movement and his smile grows wider. The only thing keeping me from looking away is my fear and anticipation of the inevitable. I can hear my heart beat and I know he does too. why dosn't he say something, tell me why I'm his next target? Standing across from this predator that shouldn't even exist questions run through my head.How did this happen? I couldn't help to think that I could have prevented this.Or was it bound to happen no matter what? This most certainly isn't the time to walk down memory lane, but I can't help remembering the events that brought me to this moment.
© Copyright 2006 Lady Nightingale (singnbookworm at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1184301-Prey