Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1178858-November-14
Rated: E · Non-fiction · Women's · #1178858
About the life and thoughts of an individual.
The speed of this day was a suprise to me. It went by faster than days normally go by. Usually, days are so slow and I'm trailing behind, slowly as well -- well <i>my</i> days, anyway. But, today, this day, I was barley managing to keep up. It was such a busy, but exciting day.
I like those days though. Maybe because I don't like routine. I like things fresh and new, it makes things exciting. Today, it was college fairs. I'm not in grade twelve yet, but it was still really exciting to see everything. I have my mind sent on one University, imparticular. I'm really glad I have it roughly planned out. I want to be a journalist and travel a lot. I know I'm a good writer regarding poetry and things like that, but I'm not really sure how well I'd do in Journalism. I'm sure I'd do okay, but I don't know if that's what I want to do all my life. That's why I'm going to take other courses such as Fashion and I want to write a book and poetry, as well. It was all just extremely exciting, and I really liked it. I can't wait till University.
Something that's been bothering me lately, though, is <u>drama</u>. Drama is everywhere! I think it's really stupid though because most things people are starting fights about is just a pathetic cry for attention, considering it's not even logical and definitley not anywhere close to mature. People start over nothing. Mainly apperance. What you wear, now, defines who you are. It really shouldn't be the case. Everything you wear fits into a certain label and nothing you can do can change that -- only what you wear. Eveyone has become freakishly obsessed with apperance and it is really, really annoying. I know that human nature causes us to be somewhat judgemental on apperance when it comes to first impressions, but friends who already know me should not care what I look like and should focus on me as an individual, not a fashion model. I don't know how to get past this because I know that no matter what I do I cannot convince them otherwise and I'll continue to wear what I want. I have better friends that love me for who I actually am and not what I wear so I don't have to worry about my friends who are obsessed with clothing in a mental manner. I will just be me and if people like me then that is great but if people don't I am not going to beat myself up for it. I know that I am a good person and if others can't see that then it is not my problem to deal with. I will contine being nice and friendly to others and live my life to the fullest anyway.
I'm getting my marks back soon. I'm kind of nervous to see what I got. But I think I did pretty well. I'm really proud of myself this year. Last year my marks were terrible but I actually tried this year and did alright!
Well, that pretty much sums up my day. Stay tuned and I will write more, for sure. Thanks! :)

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