Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1176730-Never-Alone-Part-2
Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1176730
Naruto returned to Konoha and met a girl.
Chapter III
Team 7 Meets.

It was seven in the morning and he felt like he didn’t want to get up. He had a tough but rewarding night and for a few seconds he swore he still smelled her on his clothes. After convincing himself that he needed to get up, he took a shower and got dressed. Not really caring if he combed his hair, after all he had never done it before. He grabbed a note that was in his mail slot, he read it while he heated some water up for his ramen. It said that at 9 o’clock he was to meet his new Gennin team mates. He ate and brushed his teeth. It all took about half an hour till he headed out the door with one thing on his mind. He was thinking about when he should ask Hinata out again, and then he remembered that he would have to fight another person.
He made it to the classroom where he was scheduled to meet his team and as he entered he felt like eyes were burning into his forehead. He first noticed the pink hair and saw that the person it belonged to sat next to black spiked haired person. He introduced himself to them and they did likewise.
“I’m Naruto and as you well know am new here, but hope that it won’t be a problem.” Naruto almost declared that he had a good feeling that they were going to be good friends.
“My name is Haruno Sakura and I don’t really care as long as I’m on the same team as Sasuke.” Sakura almost sang Sasuke’s name and took only the smallest glance away from her crush. But when she saw who it was she took a double take and on her second glance stared at him even longer.
“I take it that makes you Uchiha Sasuke, the heir apparent of the Uchiha Clan.” he said it with as much respect as he let into the phrase, looking at the brooding twelve year old.
“What’s it to you?” Sasuke didn’t seem at all pleased that Naruto sounded merely contempt to apply respect to his clan.
“Well we are to be teammates and I don’t suppose that we only talk when we go on missions.” Naruto saw that Sasuke figure out Naruto made sense.
“Now, do any of you know who our Jounin leader will be?” they both shook their heads.
Fifteen minute later the door opened and in stepped their new teacher. Naruto saw silver hair, one eye covered and a little book, one of which he knew the writer and creator. This Jounin was the copy ninja Kakashi and even though he’s never seen Kakashi in a fight he knew that he should never underestimate his fellow ninja.
But he saw that the others didn’t feel that way toward their new leader. He told them that they were not yet Gennin and that it was up to him if they were going to become Gennin. After a brief session of getting to know each other on the roof of the academy, they grew a little more acquainted and a little more comfortable around each other. Although both Sakura and Sasuke were a bit shocked to learn that Naruto had been a Sannin’s apprentice and had also met the great medic ninja Tsunade and had also studied under her. More than not they all felt a little sub par next to Naruto and his special training from two of the strongest ninja’s in the world.
Then it was Sasuke but he did not feel like divulging any information of himself. On the other hand Sakura was not all too forthcoming with her life since the telling of Naruto’s, but she said she had good grades in school and had been marked as a higher than average shinobi.
Kakashi told them that his information was classified and that the little get together was over. He then told them that they had not yet become Gennin and it was up to him if they were going to become ninja or not. He told them that the test would take place the next morning and that they were not allowed breakfast because they might throw up and he didn’t want a mess on his hands. He said they were dismissed and would meet up at nine for their test and vanished, although they didn’t disperse immediately because they wanted to know more about their new teammate.
“Were you really trained by Tsunade the medic ninja?” Sakura asked with a sincere tone.
“Yes I was, but I was also taught by her apprentice in the use of senbon needles. She was probably my first friend, because we never really stayed anywhere too long.” Naruto answered her question as sincere as he could without sounding too cocky.
“Could you give us a demonstration of your power, if you don’t mind?” Sasuke had been the one to ask the second question.
“I don’t mind, but where could I do this little demonstration you would like to see.” Naruto felt on top of the world since last night and he didn’t want to upset a possible friend.
“We could use the academy training grounds; it should be empty by now.” Sasuke got up and headed out the door with a pink haired girl on his heels. Naruto followed soon after, he was thinking about what technique he would show them.
“We’re here and no ones around. Could you please give us a little exhibition of your talents?” Sasuke seemed to think Naruto had made it all up.
“What element of jutsu’s would you like me to display?” Naruto told Sasuke in a very confident voice.
“Surprise me.” Sasuke still had a cover of arrogance over what Naruto felt was fear that he was as strong as he said.
Naruto stepped into the center of the training grounds and stood there while the rest of team seven stared at him. “Earth and Fire Type Jutsu Combo: Flaming Meteor Shower” Naruto put his hands in a strange gesture and fifty rocks fell from the sky and caught fire. They were headed for the blonde but he just stood there not flinching, until the nearest one was less than fifty yards from him. He then yelled “Water and Air Type Jutsu Combo: Freezing Rainstorm” after he spoke a large cloud appeared as if from nowhere and blistering cold water began to fall. The fire from the meteors went out and Naruto jumped into the air, he went for the meteors and started kicking them hard towards the ground. After about a second he landed back on the ground after all the rocks had made out a shape into the ground and the shape was the kanji for Naruto and Hinata surrounded by a heart and with an arrow through the shape.
Sasuke’s mouth was agape and so was Sakura’s, they had never witnessed such a feat and all of it done by someone their age. Sakura was the first to speak, “So you weren’t lying, and I had heard of mixing elements but I have never seen it been done. How did you learn all of these moves?” Sasuke just looked away and began walking, but Sakura had not followed him. He didn’t care because, he was trying to come up with a plan to use Naruto to help him kill the one person he needed to kill.
“Well, as I said before, I was trained by two Sannin and a Jounin rank apprentice.” Naruto felt very proud that his team was impressed with him. “If you want I could show you some techniques." Naruto smiled at Sakura and she reddened a little but it was barely noticeable considering her hair color kind of hid it.
“You’d really show me how to do moves as powerful as that?” Sakura’s heart kind of raced a bit, she would become powerful enough to be noticed by Sasuke.
“Not as powerful as that, but I could show you some advanced Gennin techniques.” As he said that she kind of got a little sad but Naruto changed the mood, “But there are some techniques I made up when I was younger that should be quite impressive.” Sakura said a grateful thank you and left in the same direction as Sasuke.
“Looks like I don’t have anything to do until tomorrow morning, I wonder what Hinata’s doing right now. I’ll go and see if she‘d like to have lunch together, but I did waste some of my chakra doing those moves. I might be okay if I only use taijutsu on the guard.” he made his way to the Hyuuga compound and stopped outside; he again went through the same steps to get a lunch date with Hinata.
Hiashi chose out his opponent and cleared the compound training grounds, he had been told about the moves Naruto had pulled out in the academy grounds and knew that if someone used that much chakra most wouldn’t have any left over to put up any sort of fight. "This will be a one-on-one single round fight; it will go on until one of you is knocked out or gives up."
Naruto smirked and stood in the same stance as he had when he fought Neji, but his opponent moved into the Jyuunken style almost out of reflex. "This is going to be fun." Naruto snickered.
He started at the guard and saw the man turn on his Byakugan but Naruto had already done his thing and the man doubled over gasping for breath. It took everyone a second to register that the man had lost and the boy had won again.
Naruto told Hiashi that he would like to take Hinata out to lunch and told him that he didn't need to be followed and that if he wants to have someone to protect Hinata he needs to get better guards. He went to wait in the foyer for the shy girl, he was counting tiles on the ceiling when someone stepped up to him and spoke to him.
"How did you beat me?" it was that guy he had fought for his first date with Hinata, he remembered his name was Neji. "The only other person I ever saw move that fast is my sensei and my teammate." he was sizing up Naruto from head to toe.
"If you want a rematch you just tell me the place and the time. But for now I have a date with Hinata and I can tell you that it won't be the last one. One more thing, we can be fiends and I could teach you how I did what I did or you can be an enemy and I can show it to you but never teach it. It's all up to you my friend." Naruto got up when he saw Hinata come through the door and walked up to her.
When Neji heard Naruto’s statement he almost felt like he was being made fun of and he was not going to take that type of disrespect especially in his own home. He turned as fast as he could and thought he could take Naruto down while his back was turned. Naruto not only expected Neji to try to hurt him but counted on him doing so. He then moved six inches to his right and caught the hand that was meant to hit him in the spine. He twisted Neji's wrist and got him on his knees, but after a second Naruto let him go and helped Neji up.
'I can't believe he was able to do that.' those were the only words that came to Neji's mind. "Forgive me for the attempt on your life but it's that I have never faced a person as strong as you in my life. If you do accept my apology I would very much like to learn from you." Neji bowed and put his hand out for Naruto to shake.
"Only under these conditions; we have to be friends and you have to apologize to Hinata for keeping our date postponed with that little outburst." Naruto grabbed Neji's hand and shook it vigorously.
"Sorry about keeping you from your date Hinata-sama. And to your request Naruto I agree." Neji left them with a smile which seemed to surprise Hinata.
As they left the ground they bumped into that boy that had helped Naruto find the academy grounds. "Hey you're Rock Lee right?" Naruto held out his hand the bushy browed boy took the hand and shook it trying out Naruto's strength. "You are right it is I, Rock Lee, "The Beautiful Green Beast of Konoha!" and you are Naruto, the one who beat the genius Hyuuga Neji." Rock Lee began a long speech about the springtime of youth. Naruto saw that Hinata felt like she wasn't part of the conversation, so she began to separate herself from them and looked away from the blonde and green clad boy. Naruto grabbed Hinata's hand and brought her closer to himself and caught Lee's attention by telling him that if he ever wanted to spar that he should just look him up, but that right now he had a lunch date with Hinata-chan. Naruto handed Lee a piece of paper with his address on it and bade him farewell. With that Lee ran off and with a wave was out of sight in the next minute.
He asked her what she would like to eat and she told him that it was okay with her if he chose the restaurant. He saw a sign that read grill your own food, and said tepenyaki chef on staff. Naruto couldn't pass up the chance to show Hinata his cooking skills, so while still holding her hand he led her into the restaurant. They took the nearest table and saw that it was the tepenyaki table. They watched the man go to work on the beef and shrimp that they had ordered, but before the chef was done Naruto stepped up to him and whispered in the mans ear. Naruto was handed the knives and he put the chef's hat on his head Hinata let out a small giggle and Naruto put on a serious face to seem like he was concentrating. He grabbed the remaining shrimp in the spatula and flung them into air, he them cut them in mid air, separating the meat from the outer layer and cut them in half. He let them sizzle on the grill before he was nearly done, he then picked them up with the spatula and with his free hand he grabbed a set of senbon needles from a holder on his waist. After he flung the shrimp into the air he followed with the senbon needles, skewering them and the remaining needles hitting the others deflecting the shrimp covered ones in front of Hinata. He then bowed and handed the chef his tools of the trade, he sat next to Hinata and grabbed up one of the needles and began eating. Whilst everyone else in the restaurant was clapping, Hinata grabbed one of the needle kabobs and tasted the shrimp.
"They're delicious and that was the most impressive cooking I have ever seen." she let out a small smile and kept eating.
Naruto put his hand behind his head and thanked Hinata for the compliment but he didn't know that he still had the senbon in his hand. With that motion he accidentally stabbed himself and began to bleed from his neck. Hinata saw this and got to her feet with a handkerchief and immediately put it to Naruto's neck.
"Oh my god look at what I made you do to yourself." Hinata kept applying pressure to the wound and Naruto told her that it was not her fault and that it would be okay in a minute.
"Don't worry I'm a fast healer and it really didn't hurt. I'm the clumsy one here, not you." Naruto tried to reassure her that it wasn't her fault.
"He took her hand off the wound and showed her that it had already healed and that he was fine." Naruto felt a pang of guilt at worrying her, but felt really happy that she was worried about him. He had only had a few people ever worry about him in that manner. He took her hand and looked in her eyes, she blushed a little and looked back into his eyes and gripped his hands. That was when Hinata decided to believe everything that came out of the blonde’s mouth; she could see that he would never lie to her. He helped her back to her seat and they finished enjoying their meal, but when it came time to pay Naruto didn't really care and pulled out a handful of money and left it on the table. They were walking on the main street when he came up on a shop and saw something in the window. It was a hair clip with the design of a purple lily, he told her to close her eyes and wait where she stood while he got something really quick. He ran in and asked the owner how much the clip cost and paid every cent for it. He exited the shop and walked up to her; he held out her hand and placed the clip in it. She opened her eyes and saw what was in her hand. She blushed at the gift and thanked Naruto for what seemed like an hour, but they continued their walk after she tried the clip on her loose hair. 'She's really beautiful. I still don't understand why she said yes to us going out. I can't believe I have a girlfriend, but maybe she doesn't think she's my girlfriend. The best way to know is to ask.' Naruto began getting a little pensive and Hinata could see that he was thinking pretty hard and he probably hadn't noticed that he had taken her hand and now were walking down her street back to her home.
"I had a great time and hope that we can do this again soon, I mean if you want to?" she looked down at her feet and waited for his reply.
It was silent for a moment, and she decided that he had probably denied her. And yet his hand was still in hers, he pulled her back and lifted her chin. He looked in her eyes again and spoke, "Why wouldn't I want to go on another date with my girlfriend." Naruto stood there and saw a deep red blush rise in Hinata's cheeks. She leaned in and so did Naruto, their lips met again and this time it felt like it was an eternity, and that the previous kiss had only been a prelude to the kiss they were now sharing.
They parted lips and found that both were now as red as beets.

Chapter IV
Shifting Loyalties

A second later Hiashi stepped through the gate and led Hinata in.
"While Hinata was gone her teammates came by with a mission and it is supposed to take three days." Hiashi smiled at the thought that he would be keeping them apart till his background check on Naruto was finished. Neji had heard his uncle’s plans and he knew that as Naruto's friend he needed to tell him about the plot.
As soon as he felt it was clear for him to go and find Naruto he left the compound, he had a hard time finding the apartment but when he turned a corner he saw him. Neji confronted Naruto with his information about his uncle's plot; Naruto didn't seem bothered at all about the things he had heard.
"He can try all he wants but I can feel that Hinata and I will end up together." Naruto's voice showed that he had all the confidence in his statement.
"So you’re not worried about what I just told you?" Neji felt that he must have missed something as he thought about what would happen if he had been in Naruto's situation. He had harbored a crush on his teammate Tenten for awhile but felt his status as the Hyuuga prodigy wouldn't allow him to date anyone not part of a clan. Or that's what he felt his uncle thought like and he didn't have anyone closer to him than his uncle. The more he thought about it the more he realized that he didn't know his uncle so well. He felt a little put off with how petty his uncle seemed to act with his daughter.
"You were being a good friend by telling me this even if you would have been punished for telling me. Your kindness will not be forgotten and if you ever need help, all you need to do is ask me." He held his hand out and Neji took it, they shook hands and parted ways.
On his way back into the compound he was stopped by a guard and told to wait outside so his uncle could talk with him. He stood there for what felt like an hour, Hiashi walked out and not once did he look Neji in the eyes. "You've betrayed my trust and for that I banish you from this household. You are also forbidden to use the Jyuunken fighting style, but as to your eyes you may still use them so long as you don't use them on a Hyuuga." Neji stood there in shock but snapped out of it as Naruto's words rang in his head. '"If you ever need help all you need to do is ask."'. Hiashi walked through the gates, and they closed behind him. Neji fell to his knees and began to cry, but it wasn't long till someone came through the door and it was someone he hadn't expected it was Hinata. She was dressed in her mission clothes and was attaching her kunai pouch to her leg when their eyes met. What she saw was not her cold eyed cousin but someone who needed help, she asked him what had happened and he told her everything even the plot her father had made up to keep her away from Naruto. She almost started to cry but Neji told her not to, that he would be able to make it on his own and that she should act like he hadn't told her anything. Otherwise she would get the seal he had, and she was seething which could either have been tears or anger or maybe both.
She helped him up and asked him if he had anyone he could go to and if he couldn't that she could lend him money for an inn. He told her that a friend owed him one and that he wouldn't mind him crashing at his place. It sort of put Hinata at ease, but she asked who he as going to and he told her that it was Naruto. A shocked look soon filled her face and was replaced with a look of bewilderment. He told her of what Naruto had told him and she smiled and she told him where he could find Naruto's place which she had seen on the paper that Naruto had given to Lee. She promised not to tell her uncle that Neji had told her about him but that she would talk with Naruto about what they would do. She told Neji that she had to go on the mission, and it was a C class mission to the Village Hidden in the Mist.
She bid him farewell and pointed him in the direction of Naruto’s apartment, he began walking and he was at the address before he knew it. It took some time before he walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. He was greeted by a smiling boy and was welcomed in with a pat on the back and a hard question to answer.
“What are you doing here Neji, have you come to spar?” Naruto could not have been happier to have a friend enter his apartment. But when Neji entered, the room felt a little different and that led Naruto to a conclusion. “Hiashi found out you told me about his plan didn’t he?” Neji answered with a nod. “What did he do?” Naruto’s face grew stern and Neji could almost see the rage in his eyes.
“He banished me from the Hyuuga manor and forbid me from ever practicing the Jyuunken style and told me never to use the Byakugan on a Hyuuga. I don’t know what I’m going to do Naruto.” Neji almost broke down when Naruto put his hand on Neji’s shoulder and told him that he could sleep at his place as long as he needed to.
“The couch pulls out and there’s enough food for both of us in the fridge. Under one condition can you stay here, that condition is that you will learn my fighting style and that you are now my brother.” Naruto’s face was very stern and Neji felt very proud to have Naruto as his friend.
“I was about to make myself something, would you like something to eat?” Naruto got up and went to the kitchen. He turned on the stove and pulled out some steaks he was going to make. After adding seasoning, he tossed them on the skillet. He thought how great it felt to have Naruto as a friend and he felt that Hinata lucked out with her first boyfriend. He took off his headband and sat at the table, but as Naruto sat on the table he saw something Neji forgot to tell him about. The branch family seal on Neji’s forehead, the one reason Neji had not fought Hiashi when he had been kicked out. Naruto asked Neji about the seal and Neji told him about it and that a main branch member could hurt any branch member with only a glance, he also told him that Hinata was at great risk of being overlooked as the heiress to the Hyuuga Clan, and that she would be put in the branch family and sealed. And that only the head of the Hyuuga clan could place and remove the seal.
Naruto’s eyes flared a little red, and saw the metal cup Naruto had been holding bend inward. Naruto told Neji that he would have a talk with the hokage about that, but Neji informed Naruto that it has been this way for as long as the village has stood. They finished eating and Naruto brought out some blankets and pulled out the couch for Neji, again Neji thanked Naruto but he just told Neji that it was okay.
That night all Naruto could dream of was not of Hinata and him being together forever, but of Hiashi placing the seal on Hinata’s forehead and hurting her for the sheer pleasure of it. He woke up to Neji telling him that he was going to go look for a place to live. Naruto would have gone to help but he needed to talk with the Hokage about the seal on Neji’s forehead and how it could be removed.

Chapter V
Mission 1

That was when it hit him; he had to meet his teammates at the rendezvous point for their test. He found it was still an hour before his test and then his stomach rumbled and he just happened to be passing by Icharaku’s and the old man waved him in.
“Where’s your little female friend, you know the Hyuuga?” the old man just started pouring him a bowl full of Ramen and placed it in front of Naruto. As Naruto began to talk with the old man he didn’t notice that he had begun eating the Ramen and when they finished talking Naruto saw that he had eaten at least three bowls. He thought he made a big mistake, but it was too late now and paid for the meal. He waved goodbye to the old man and his daughter behind the counter who he had been introduced to. Her name was Ayame, and she was really pretty but way older than him. She was least the same age as the teacher named Iruka from the academy. And it didn't matter because he had Hinata and he finally had a girlfriend and a brother all in the first week he was there. Now all he needed was to have a team he was proud to be a part of and he was going to see what Sasuke and Sakura are made of. He decided that a run to the rendezvous point would help him digest the noodles and soon found himself at the bridge and the grounds. He sat on the bridge and waited for the team, but not for long because Sakura showed up and said her hello but looked around for Sasuke almost immediately. Yet when she saw he wasn't there she turned her attention to Naruto and saw his eyes shining with the light made them the brightest blue she had ever seen. And a gleam from his teeth nearly blinded her, but for that moment she hadn't even noticed that Sasuke had showed up. When she came to her senses she immediately went to sit next to where Sasuke was leaning up against the railing. She was complimenting on how his hair looked and informed him about her being free that night. He didn't even acknowledge the fact that she had spoken to him and in a split second he gave Naruto an angry glare, but Naruto caught it. He didn't know how he had angered Sasuke but thought that he should have a little talk with him after their test.
They waited for half an hour past the expected time and found that their Jounin leader was not an early bird, nor was he a late bird; he was even later than that. But even Naruto barely picked up his chakra before he appeared, the others didn't know till he called to them.
He told them the reason why he said not to eat breakfast and why they were there to begin with. They were not allowed to eat lunch unless they got one of the two bells dangling from his waist, which also meant that only two of them were going to get lunch. Naruto had just then thought back to what he had done earlier that morning, not only did he eat but he ate carbohydrates which would give him the energy to finish this task with little work. He just then heard Sasuke and Sakura's stomachs rumble in hunger, but he was good and ready for a challenge.
"Let's get started." and the test began. Sasuke went into the bushes to the left and Sakura dashed to the right into a thicket of trees. Naruto just stood there staring at Kakashi until he finally spoke 'I'll try the path of least resistance.' Naruto's mind was on how to help the others get their bells. "Could you hand me the bells Kakashi-sensei?" Kakashi was a little shocked at Naruto's request and there was an audible laugh coming from the Copy Nin. Sakura was wide eyed and Sasuke's face didn't really show anything besides shock. "There is only one way you're getting these bells and that's for all of you to come and get them." that’s when Naruto came up with the solution to the test. They were supposed to work together but he needed the other two to meet up and get a plan together. In his sleeve he made a hand seal and his chakra flared but barely noticeable, in the bushes and in the trees two separate Naruto's snuck up to their teammates. They found that neither Sakura nor Sasuke were really prepared for this situation, but he was smart enough that when he tapped their shoulders he covered their mouths because he didn't want them to scream. It worked because he barely covered Sakura's mouth when she screamed a loud scream that could have been heard five feet away. While Sasuke's eyes showed a little anger at the fact that he had not felt Naruto's presence earlier, he listened as the Naruto clone gave him the plan. Sasuke got it all down as Naruto explained it, but with Sakura he had to draw it out on the floor. The clones disappeared and team seven was given their signal to start, Naruto leapt at Kakashi at a relatively slow speed and took a swing at him. Kakashi smirked and jumped back but as he did so he was caught off guard by Sasuke grabbing him from behind and flinging him at a tree. When Kakashi hit the tree, Sakura threw a set of kunai and throwing stars. The projectiles hit and Sakura felt a pang of nervousness at the fact that they had probably hurt their sensei. Her worries were put aside when the corpse turned into a log and fell to the floor, which was when Kakashi appeared on the pond and began clapping his hands. "I was hoping to catch up on a little reading, but you all surprise me at how well you work together with little preparations." As he said that he reached into his kunai pouch and took out a kunai and prepared himself for their next try.
"Well now that you're taking us seriously, we can really break a sweat." Naruto began a few seals and at least twelve of each team member appeared and they went into the mix. The Sasuke clones went in with some Taijutsu combos, but never landed a clean hit on his sensei. After that a large puff of smoke appeared and all but one Sasuke were gone, and Kakashi soon followed with (Jutsu where he pulls Sasuke from the ground). The Sakura's saw what happened and they all threw their Kunai's and stars, but none of them hit. Some of the Sakura's went towards Kakashi with a bevy of punches and kicks, while the others started digging out Sasuke. Seven puffs of smoke later and Kakashi was on the Sakura's who were digging out Sasuke, and five more puffs of smoke and he was holding his kunai to the throat of the remaining Sakura. He quickly turned to block a kunai that was thrown at him, but when he turned both of the Genin were gone and in their place were two Naruto clones who began fighting Kakashi and it took a lot longer for him to destroy the clones. They had even succeeded in wounding his leg, but they didn't get close to the bells.
Three more Naruto's appeared out of a tree and attacked the Jounin, they began to run at Kakashi but at that moment they disappeared. One grabbed him from behind as the others began making seals, one ended in a tiger seal while the other ended in (seal that symbolizes ice). When they finished a ball of fire and a stream of ice raced towards Kakashi but as they reached him he disappeared and all that was left was a log and a wasted clone who puffed out of existence. Two kunai's went flying at the clones who hadn't noticed and they too puffed out of existence, 'That leaves seven more, plus the other three. I can't let my guard down.' and clones and tossed it at the rest of them, and sent a Kunai flying through all of them.
He found that there were only the three left, and that they were somewhere near to have seen the fight. He called out to them and told them that they had an hour and a half before lunch. Naruto jumped out of a tree followed by Sakura and Sasuke in a triangular formation, Naruto jumped at Kakashi and landed a punch that was caught by the Copy Nin. Naruto's punch was followed by a kick from Sasuke and a punch from Sakura, Kakashi blocked for the kick and awaited the punch but it didn't come and he soon felt that Sakura was gone. And Naruto was gone along with Sasuke; all three were ten yards away with Sakura holding the bells up and Naruto congratulating his teammates.
"There are two bells, now which two of you all will have the lunches?" Kakashi spoke with a bit of annoyance in his voice.
"We'll share the three meals." Sakura said in a stern voice. Sasuke nodded and Naruto said it was okay with him, something that surprised the Jounin.
"You all pass the test." Kakashi said with a smile. He explained that they exhibited what it means to be a team, in both the fight and with the sharing of the food. He said that ninjas who betray their friends are worse than those who don't follow orders.
They were all surprised at the statement but felt very proud at the fact that they had passed the Jounin’s test. Now that they were all on the team, they found they felt more comfortable in front of the Jounin. He told him not to get comfortable because they were scheduled for a D class mission before the end of the day, but said that they had an hour to rest and eat lunch. Naruto told them that he had a thing to do and would catch up with them at the Hokage tower in an hour.
He went home to change out of his clothes and check if Neji was there so he could help him find a place. He got there in about five minutes in a run, but when he got in he heard two voices and wondered who the other one was. He stepped into the living room to find Neji and a girl with hair buns sitting next to him on the couch. Neji got up and introduced Naruto to Tenten and vice-versa; she thanked Naruto for taking Neji in after the ordeal. Neji told Naruto that he still hadn't found a place and that he wouldn't stay too long. That was when it hit Naruto.
"Stay here and we'll go half and half on the rent. I really wouldn't mind and the place is big enough for the both of us." Naruto said it like it had already happened and to the shocked teens in front of him it was a little unbelievable. "Look Neji, your my girlfriends cousin who got kicked out of his house for trying to help us. This should be the least I do for you." Naruto found that it was easy to say these things to his new brother.
"I can't believe that I found a friend that's as good as you and it's only been less than a week since you got here." Neji got up and took Naruto's hand, and told him how lucky he had been to befriend Naruto. Neji thanked Naruto and went out the door followed by his friend Tenten, after he had explained that he had a mission. Naruto gave Neji an extra key that had been given to him by the landlord.
He got cleaned up and got ready for his mission; he grabbed a few scrolls and some extra kunai from the set he had bought the day earlier. He decided to wear his hair up the rest of the day, and tied it up with a senbon needle the way Shizune had showed him. He still had twenty minutes till his meeting and both runs with the fight had left his stomach a little empty, so on his way to the Hokage tower he stopped by the ramen shop and found the Bushy browed ninja on one of the seats. He sat next to him but didn't talk to him right away; he instead sat down and ordered a bowl of miso soup. He said hello and dug into his ramen, Bushy Brows stood up to say hello and sat back to some ramen.
"I would like to thank you for taking in my teammate after he was banished from his home. I now hold you in high regards, and I would like to ask you to spar with me." Lee was back on his feet with a fire in his eyes. "I must know what it's like to fight the apprentice of one of the Sannin, for it is the springtime of youth and I must prove myself to others that hard work can triumph over genius." Lee had made a challenge to the blonde and with a smile Naruto accepted, but informed the green beast of Konoha that he had a mission that day and that they would have to schedule it for another time.
Naruto said his farewells to Bushy Brows and the old man; he still had twenty minutes left till he had to get there. So he headed to the tower and found that Sakura had arrived at the same time as he did. They formally introduced themselves to each other, starting with Sakura.
"My name is Haruno Sakura. I was in the top ten at the academy and my favorite thing to do is be with Sasuke. Now that I know what kind of girl he likes I’ll be able to win him over. So, when will our first training session be Naruto-sensei?" Sakura’s eye’s lit up and she stared at the blonde with all the respect she could muster. Inner Sakura was screaming that she would finally get the Uchiha.
“Well, it seems that you’re not the only student I have. You will be training with a good friend of mine, his name is Hyuuga Neji and I think that you both will be good friends. As to the time I think tomorrow would be good unless we have a mission that is.” Naruto gave Sakura a big smile and that was when Sasuke showed up in his brooding mood. He was followed by the quick entrance of Kakashi, that time Naruto had felt him only a second before he had appeared. Kakashi informed them of their mission which was actually a list of chores that some villagers had needed to have done.
Naruto just thought that they needed to start somewhere, but the others of team seven were not so passive. Sasuke just huffed and Sakura didn’t really seem like doing the work, which included raking leaves, pulling weeds, and finding a lost cat.
Naruto suggested that they split up and finish it up that much faster. They all agreed and Naruto headed off too rake some leaves, Sasuke to pull some weeds, and Sakura to find the lost cat. Naruto found the house and informed the owner that he was going to start raking some leaves. Sasuke showed up and knocked on the door, he told the girl that he was going to weed her garden and that it wouldn’t take too long. Sakura on the other hand had just started her search in the last place that the cat had been seen.
Naruto grabbed the rake and got to work and as soon as he got in the yard, he was done in twenty minutes with barely a sweat. Sasuke had a tougher time with the weeding and there had been no shade in the areas he had to weed. The girl he had spoken to stepped out of her home with some lemonade and a sandwich. She handed a glass to him and he took it with the same look he always has. But as a change he said thanks to the girl, she smiled and the sun was now covered with clouds and he finished the work with a little help from the clouds. Sakura on the other hand had not had such an easy time with the search; she had found a cat that had matched the description. It turned out that it wasn’t it, but she did get a little reward for the cat she had found. She went back to the bridge and saw that both Naruto and Sasuke were there and thought it would be nice to ask how they were doing. When she asked she found out that they had already finished and had been waiting on her, she told them that she had not finished and Naruto offered his helping hand and Sasuke just nodded.
They went to the park and Naruto caught a glimpse of the feline, and they were off in the cat’s direction. Naruto went to grab it from behind but it jumped and he just grabbed air, Sasuke reached for it in mid air but the cat jumped off of his face. Sakura ran at the cat and in the moment when she reached for it, the cat ran up a tree and Sakura slammed forehead first into the tree. All three of them got up and dusted themselves off, Sakura was rubbing her forehead. That was when Kakashi pulled out a rubber mouse and squeezed it, it squeaked and the cat jumped off the tree and landed on his head.

© Copyright 2006 hazy_vision (hazy_vision at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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