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Copyright. 2004
A story about a group of very powerful Vampyres. |
... CHAPTER 1 1999 L.A.-Credits appear as the Camara slowley pans in to a large building that reads. 'LOS ANGELES INSTITUTE FOR CARE' Inside we see a large living room and then a close up of a petite woman in her early twenties,she picks up a ciggerete in her long fingers and brings it to her plump lips. Her hair is a dark red shoulder length & Wavey. Her eyes are the color of dark juicy purple grapes. She is wearing a white robe. A young meischouves male, smirks at her and says, "How can you smoke so many ciggerete's and still stay so young?" He looks at her curiously. " In fact you never seem to age." She smirks as well. "It's a gift I have." *Fool* She thinks to herself. A nurse at a counter yells, "guys, It's time!" The patients go up to the counter each excepting pills & water. The Redhaired girl is given a little cup of what looks like pig's blood. The man again looks at her curiously. " Why do you drink that?" She slowly looks up, smiling snidly. a glint in her eyes. "Would you rather I drink you instead?" In a blink of an eye, she is in front of him. stroking his hair. "Well?" He stutters and gulps. "Wh-What are you?" "What do you want me to be?" She slowly moves his shoulder length hair. Just then a female "Docter" runs out. "Levathia! Let him go! we're not doing this again!" She shouts. Levathia curses under her breath, "Damn!" and lets him go. A group of male "Docters" come and grab Levathia by the arm. shooting a needle of garlic into her neck. "I let him go, what are you doing?" she tries to fight them off but, falls. The female 'Docter" yells, "She's weak,get her!" "Where are you taking me?" Levathia asks groggily. The Nurse goes close to her ear and hiss's. "This is for your own good....Vampress." "What? No! No! Nooooo!" she screams and tries to break free but, is too weak as she is thrown into a room filled with sunlight. At that same time outside the building: A small girl at about 20 years old. Dressed all in black, a black robe hiding her hair. looks up at the building. "I've finally found you. my love, Levathia." She takes off the hood, shakes out her waist length Jet-black hair with red streaks and proceeds to walk into the Institute. ... She walks into the building. Takes off her robe to reveal black velvet pants, a dark red tank top & black steel toed combat boots. She walks confidently up to the 'Resource' counter and leans on the counter top. " I came here to see levathia Chase. is she here by any chance?" "And you are?" She smiles kindly down at the stern black woman. " Katrina Leear." They walk down a hall. "We have her in the psch ward because, she was giving us some trouble. she's been really antsy lately. I think she's bored." "Maybe she's hungry." Katrina said, smiling seacretively. "Oh we feed her." "That's not what I meant." The woman gave Katrina a sidelong glance. "Yes well... May I ask how you know her?" "We're old friends." Katrina's eyes shined as she looked at the door. Awhile later... Katrina steps into the room. her hood hiding her from the sun that seemed to GLARE down at them. Katrina's eye's widened as she saw Levathia in a shadowed area, curled up in a ball shivering. "Oh Levathia! what have they done to you?!" Levathia looked up slowely. "Fair Maiden?" "Angel Eyes!" Katrina ran to Levathia envoloping her in a hug. "We will get you out of here. You're my sire, the strongest Vampress I know. You can't be in here!" "Who's we?" Levathia asks. "Byron,Cataluna,Lesteel & Keearn." "They're all here?" Levathia asks weakly."How did they get in?" " Well, the head bitch seems to know what you are. But,the others dumb as the humans I've drained.This isn't 'Wolfram & Hart', I got in here eisley. Nothing whent off. But, I can't sneak you out your too weak and sun outside will only make you weaker. I'll come tonight.' "But-" "I promise" Katrina kissed her hand, looking at her with Ice blue eyes. Then as suddenly as she appeared she dissapeared. "Katrina." Levathia whispered. Then her eyes closed once more. That night: Katrina is outside along with Cataluna, Byron, Lesteel & Keearn. "Okay here's the plan." Katrina says, " Byron & Lesteel will stay out here and call us if there's any danger. Keearn will gaurd inside. Cataluna will climb on top of the roof holding the rope. And I will go get Levathia." Keearn grins wildly. " Yeah! we're getting our Queen back!" Katrina looks at her sharply. " Keearn shut up! We don't want to make a scene." Byron looks sideways at Lesteel. "Why do we have to guard the entrance?" he rubbed his head and sniffed. Lesteel looked at him darkly. " Well,If you didn't smoke so much pot. we could actaully fight every once in awhile." "What are you talking about I don't...." (Snore) Byron starts to fall asleep. Lesteel hits him on the head. "Wake up you cracker!" Katrina sticks her head out of the door. " Be quiet or I'll have Levathia eat for her energy instead of a gaurd!" Byron and Lesteel cringe. "Sorry boss." "Uh Hum." Katrina clears her throat composes herself & walks back inside. The lights cut off and 2 security guards look on in confusion. " Sweet dreams." Katrina whispers grabs the two gaurds heads and knocks them together, cracking the skulls. " Ooh boss, can I eat them now!" Keearn asks excitedly. Katrina waves an idle hand. "Go ahead." "Oooh, Goody!" Says Keearn and drinks from both of them. "Just two guards how pathetic. you'd think that with as many crazy people as you've got here. you'd have at least ten." Katrina looks at the 'Resource' counter that again holds that same black woman. "Who are you?" Katrina smiles darkly. " I told you, a friend." she replies as she decends on the woman. A little while later.... Katrina wipes her mouth and walks steathly down the hallway.towards Levathia's room. She slowely opens the door and whispers,"Levathia." Levathia wakes up and sleepily says, "Katrina?" Katrina rushes to Levathia side and slowly pulls her up. " I told you I would come." she glances up. "psst! Cataluna now!" The top of the roof opens and a rope emerges. katrina grabs onto Levathia and the rope, as Cataluna pulls them up. "Cataluna go have the others stand outside. she is here." Cataluna simply nods & jumps off the roof. Levathia starts to fall & Katrina grabs her. " You are very weak. You need blood." Frowning, and hesitating only for a second. Katrina reaches inside her robe and-pulling out an excato knife-cuts the back of her wrist." Here drink." Levathia drinks hungerily from Katrina. Meanwhile.... Byron paces back & forth. " Where are they?" Lesteel grabs onto Byron's shoulders. " They will come. when ready." Just then Keearn points happily. " There she is!" Levathia floats slowly down to the ground. Dressed in a short leather mini skirt, Knee-high boots, dark red turtleneck sweater & black cotton trench coat. holding Katrina's hand. She throws down the ciggerete she was holding in disgust. " Finally, no more having to pretend to like those things. they were hell on my lungs." Levathia says jokeningly, knowing full well Vampyres do not breath. She kisses both Byron & Keearn on the cheeks. " Hello darlings. Miss me?" They smile adorningly. she turns and gazes at Lesteel as if trying to remember him. "And who are you again?" "That's Lesteel Sire." katrina answers. She grins fondly. "Ahh yes. My favorite." She circles him. "When i sired you, you were just a skinny nerd with glasses. now look how handsome you've become. I hardly regonized you." Grinning, she peirces his dark skin with one clawlike fingernail, drawing blood from his cheek. Then licking it slowly away. " Yes, I remember that." Lesteel shivers in delight. Levathia looks into the sky, grinning wickedly. " Good evening kiddies. Mommy's home." Meanwhile.... A tall redhead holding a crossbow hidden by tree's. Wearing a black fedora and in dark blue. Gazes at the scene before her. and says, " She's out and it's all about to begin again." (END OF CHAPTER 1) |