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a short script about a man who helps a long lost friend... and gets.... repayed. |
ACT I Scene I: CURTAIN OPENS TO: A Dark London alley way with unwelcome cold looking buildings lining it. Center stage is an old oil burning lamp post. Downstage Left sits a ragged looking man sitting up against a building. This man is Abe McGuiness, he is a medium height man in a ripped up looking suit and a popped out top hat. ABE: (slurred) Life stinks. (Pause) Where’s my booze? (Long pause) (Sniffs) Somethin’ stinks, oh yeah… life. ENTER STAGE RIGHT DR. XORLOF (A tall slender man in a blue suit and top hat.) DRX: No, I think its you my friend. (MOVE DOWN STAGE LEFT)You look almost as bad as when I last saw you 30 years ago at graduation. ABE: (Slurred) Michael? Is that you? DRX: Yes Abe it’s me, but now people call me DR. X, or the X-factor, or DR. X-traordinary, or the X man, X-meister, X-arooney. Hey you don’t look so hot there. ABE: (slurred) Who ME?! NAH! That’s hogwash, I’m fine. All I need is a little liquor, that’s all… that’ll freshen me up. DRX: No, no no no my good pal, you need to sober up. Here’s a plan. How’s about I take you back to my place and, uh, you can stay with us for awhile. Sound good? ABE: (slurred) NAW! I couldn’t do that to ya, I mean after all you’ve never done for me. DRX: Well too bad you’re comin’ anyway ABE: (slurred) Well if you insist doc. EXIT ABE AND DR.X CURTAIN CLOSE SCENE II: LIGHTS UP: CURTAIN OPENS: A regular small apartment in the city of London. ENTER STAGE LEFT DR X & ABE DRX: Here we are Abe ole boy now lay down on the couch right here ABE: (STUMBLING TO CENTER STAGE) I love you man… you’re my hero. DRX: Yeah yeah, go to sleep now buddy. ENTER UP STAGE CENTER CARRIE XORLOF (Long red haired girl chunky, and full of cheer.) CARRIE: Hey hot stuff... oh and hi to you too Mike DRX: Very funny. (Sarcastically) You should write a book; really I think it’ll make millions. CARRIE: (MOVE TO CENTER STAGE) Oh I see you’re a comedian too. Anyway who’s this fine lookin’ chap? DRX: Just an old friend I used to know in high school. For some reason he always tried to dress like me and followed me everywhere. CARRIE: (sarcastically) maybe he was trying to get all of those gorgeous women you always had trouble fighting off. DRX: (Jokingly) you’re mouth… close it. Anyway, I found him passed out in the street and I decided I owed it to him after I humiliated him in front of the whole school at graduation. So he’s staying with us until he can get back on his feet again. CARRIE: What did you do to him? DRX: Sorry, I’m too embarrassed to say. CARRIE: Wow you must’ve been a jerk in high school. Glad I didn’t know you then. (ABE WAKES UP WITH A SHOT) DRX: Hey Abe, you OK? ABE: Yea I’m fine. Just had a nightmare about something. Hmm what was it? All well, not important. I am starving, got anything to eat? DRX: I’m sure my wife can make you something if you ask. ABE: Hiya miss. Ya got any bologna? CARRIE: Sure thing hun, comin right up. ABE: Hey, ya got a name? CARRIE: Yeah, Carrie ABE: nice. EXIT CARRIE UPPER CENTER STAGE (KITCHEN) ABE: (to DRX) she’s nice DRX: And taken, so don’t think about it. ABE: I never would ENTER CARRIE FROM KITCHEN CARRIE: Here ya go sweetie ABE: A thank ya miss CARRIE: Well boys, it’s been fun but I really need my beauty sleep DRX: (Jokingly) Boy do you ever. ABE: Don’t listen him, you look fantastic. CARRIE: I never do. But either way I really am tired so g’night boys. ABE &DRX: Night sweetie. EXIT CARRIE STAGE RIGHT DRX: What did you say? (Sits in chair) ABE: (quickly) nothin’. Oh well look at the time I must sleep, tomorrow I’m gonna look for a job, but first, new clothes. DRX: And where are you going to get this money? ABE: That brings me to my second question.. DRX: There wasn’t even a first. ABE: My point exactly. Anyway, can I borrow some money so I can get new clothes for a job interview? I’ll pay you back when I get a job. DRX: Yea ok, here’s 500 have fun. ABE: You my friend are the bee’s knees. DRX: Thanks? ABE: Night then. DRX: Night EXIT DRX STAGE RIGHT STAGE LIGHTS DOWN CURTAIN CLOSE SCENE III: The next afternoon at the apartment. Carrie is sitting on the couch STAGE LIGHTS UP OPEN CURTAIN ENTER ABE STAGE LEFT (Dressed just like DR.X) CARRIE: Morning sweetie ABE: (walks towards Carrie) Morning (leans down for kiss) CARRIE: (Screams) WO! You’re not Mike! ABE: (Demeaning) Yes… I know this. I am Abe, remember? CARRIE: (flustered) Yes I know who you are. You just surprised me, that’s all. ABE: It’s ok CARRIE: You look exactly like Mike now. How? ABE: I just gave the hair stylist a picture, and bought a suit exactly like his. CARRIE: It’s happening again. ABE: What is? CARRIE: Mike told me all about you in high school and how you tried to be exactly like him. ABE: (angered) did he also tell you that he completely humiliated me in front of the entire school and my family at graduation? How he recorded me talking about my deep dark secrets, about how I secretly hated every single person in that school, even the teachers who were nice enough to give me a scholarship to a huge college for 4 years? And that they took it away from me at the last moment and gave it to him? CARRIE: (worried) where’s Mike now? ABE: He’s a little tied up at the moment, but I will be sure to tell him you were concerned. You should’ve been mine, all of this should have been mine! CARRIE: As long as he’s tied up and cannot escape. You deserve me, he doesn’t. All of this is now yours, and so am I. You’ve earned this, or at least you should have. ABE: You mean this? CARRIE: Of course, you are exactly the same as he is, except with everything fixed that was wrong with him. ABE: Now after all these years I am what I always should’ve been. Dr. Michael Xorlof STAGE LIGHTS DOWN CURTAIN CLOSES |