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On the night of the red moon her life changed forever...
(WinP)(LONG) |
I was once human, very much so. You most likely don’t know who I am, my name is Kage. I was a teenage girl who went to school at Grimson High. But that was before my life changed, never to return back to the way it was, I am this way forever. My story begins on the night of the full moon; it glowed, huge in the crystal clear sky. I was outside when I noticed that this moon seemed different; it looked like blood, deep crimson red, was staining it. To say that I was stunned would be greatly misleading. It was more like trance of some sort. All I could see was that giant red full circle hanging in the sky, and then I felt it. Like a raging river running through my veins and my heart just pushing it faster and faster, then picking up more and more speed. My first thought was that I was going to burst into flames. Then out of no where and for no explained reason my body turned icy cold, as if somebody had hit me with an auto-freeze machine. Next, while still in the trance facing wide-eyed at the moon, the ‘blood’ started to glow and fade away. When the trance released me I noticed that my form-fitting, dark green tee was soaked through, and even in the small night breeze I could not feel the cold that should have been there. I ran inside and up the stairs to my room with speed I never thought I had. What I saw I would never forget, the night of the stained moon will never change and will be in the back of my mind never to be forgotten. As I looked into the mirror over my dresser I could not believe what I saw, there staring back at me was a demon. I just fainted. My dad told me that he heard a loud bang and bolted up the stairs to find out what I was doing; because I am an only child he knew it had to be me. When he got to my room I was lying on the floor. He picked me up and put me on my full-size bed. When I woke up it was around noon of the next day. My dad had stayed by my side, not having anything to do because it was just me and him for the last year, since mom passed. I was only 16 when she passed. It was a cloudy, summer day, and mom left to do her favorite thing, run. I was over at Heiko’s house, his mom was my mom’s best friend in high school, when dad called me and told me mom had gotten hit and to meet him at the hospital. The very first thing I remember is yelling for Heiko to grab my keys and that I needed to leave. Him, being the carrying guy he is asked me what was going on. So, as I was throwing my stuff in my car, he was helping me, I told him that mom got hit. He jumped in the passenger seat of my car and called his mom to tell her that he was coming with me to the hospital. When we got there dad was waiting for us. Mom was not doing the best and got rushed to surgery. She had lost too much blood and the doctors couldn’t save her. For a few weeks after the funeral I stayed with Heiko and his mom, he has a split family, so dad had time to get his senses straight. When I went back home dad had some changes like his hair was longer and he had the word -power- tattooed on his upper right arm. When I asked him about it he said that I would find out soon enough and not to worry, everything happens for some reason that is unspoken. He knew that this would affect me, I found out later. As I sat up in my bed dad asked if I needed anything. “What happened to me?” I asked in a blunt, and to the point way. “You fainted,” he responded. “So I put you in bed because waking up on the floor is not as fun as it may seem.” “Dad, I am talking about how did I change into this,” I stated pointing to myself. “Do you remember a year ago when your mother died?” he asked looking at me with his pale-blue eyes. “Yes but…” “Do you remember how you asked me about this?” He pointed to his tattoo. “What does this have to do with what is going on now?” I questioned. He didn’t reply so I asked again what a year ago, and mom’s death had to do with the here and now. “A year ago, when your mom died something inside me snapped,” he started. “That snap made my inner demon surfaced.” “Dad, what are you trying to say?” I was more than a little confused about what was going on. Just at that moment the phone rang. Dad went to answer it. I took his leaving as a sign that I could get up and in comfortable cloths, because I want answers and I will get them. I walked over to my dresser and looked in the mirror, this time I didn’t faint; I just looked at my new features. My hair had grown down to the back of my knees, and changed to a charcoal black. My eyes also changed, into a pale blue-gray. Te strangest thing was that I had a dark, forest green tear drop at my right temple. My ears are now pointed, like a little child would think an elf’s ears would be. When I was done looking in the mirror I found a pair of baggy black pants and a crimson red shirt that had the words she devil on the front and a devil hottie on the back, and my dark red ponytail holder. As I took a quick shower I saw that my body was now firm and filled out. When I was done and dressed I went downstairs. Dad had made me some lunch and sat it on the table for me. As I ate, he told me that it was Heiko who had called to check on me because I had not met him at the park like I was going to around 11:30 am. Dad also said that he told Heiko to come by and that he should know what has happened. Heiko was stunned when he saw me like this. I had to hit him to get his attention. “Ka...Kage is that you?” he final gets some words out of his open mouth. “Yes it’s me,” I tell him. “Who else would it be?” “But what happened to you?” he asked. ‘If I knew I would tell you,” I said. “Dad has yet to tell me what happened. He started to when you called.” “Oh,” was his o-so smart reply. Dad had gone into the living room so Heiko and I could talk, but I think he is just trying to avoid talking to me about the change. Heiko was a little surprised when I walked up to my dad and hit him on the head. Dad just looked at me with the what-was-that-for look. And I told him that he needed to tell me what he knew about this that I don’t if he wanted to or not. I was shocked beyond belief when he smiled and told me I was just like my mother when I wanted answers, doing whatever to get them and stopping at nothing until all my questions had them. This time I thought before I asked a question, making sure that he can’t answer in a way that leads to something completely off topic. “What happened to change me into a demon and don’t try an’ change the topic,” I said in a low, demanding tone. “Alright,” he said. “You win; I will tell you what I know.” “Great,” I replied. “Heiko sit down! You wanted to hear this to.” Heiko and I sat down on the gray loveseat opposite of the gray chair my dad was in. Dad told us that when he was born his mom and dad were not supposed to be together, so he was sent here. His mom was a miko, priestess with powers to purify demons, and his dad was a demon and so they were forbidden to be together. When dad was sent away he had only his first name and the knowledge that he was a forbidden child. A family found and raised him as their own, because they couldn’t create a child of their own. So he was given their last name. As he grew-up the miko energy kept his demon side in check. When he meet mom in high school it was love at first sight. Mom and dad went to two different colleges, when dad’s demon energy was picked up on by a powerful half-demon who has lived here for ages she took him in and trained him. After college my parents got married and then had me. Mom was only a quarter-demon but she got the privilege of growing up with her half-demon parents, so she already knew about what dad was because she had had training in detecting these types of things. Mom was trained in not only sensing others out but in fire, light, shadow, water, and earth as well. Dad explained that because I am a mix of many powers I would only receive the control of the dominant powers. So I have some miko powers enhanced by mom’s power of light. The other powers I have are shadow, fire, and water. The marking of the tear drop came from dad being forbidden. Dad’s demon side had a break through when mom died. So when I came home dad had his demon traits and using his power cast a spell to conceal my powers for awhile. The spell was lifted by the stained moon on the year of my 17th birthday. By the time that dad was done talking it was 2:30pm and Heiko was bored of him droning on and on. Dad told me that I needed to find myself a teacher, because I am in need of training. So I got Heiko to help me find a shrine to train at. Dad showed me how to hide my marking, and then Heiko and I were off. We had to stop at his house so that his mom didn’t get worried about him. Heiko also thought that it would be a good idea to research some training shrines to check out. We narrowed the list down to three and headed to check them out. At the first shrine: The owner was a 50-year-old man who knew loads of legends, but not much about train someone who has more then holy powers. The shrine was small and just the old man lived there. He told us some tips on miko energy and then we left him to his work. At the second shrine: There was a family of a mother, father, and son around the age of ten. The mother owned the large shrine and train people in the ninja fighting style. She said that not many people under her but the ones that do came back to help her with her lessons. The woman gave us a list of training hours and then we left the family to their peace. At the third shrine: Twins, a girl and boy, owned this shrine. Ying, the girl, trained people with miko energy, and water. While Yang, her brother, trained people in shadow and fire. Both had knowledge of the demon slayer’s fighting form so either could teach it. The ground that the shrine was on had a forest which inside had a lake with waterfall. The twins got the land from their grandfather who had it granted to him from the king of the demon world which was part of this world long ago. The twins were given the shrine to keep a hidden link between the worlds. Heiko and I both liked the twins and signed up to train with them right away. Heiko having no powers know to anyone will mainly be spending time with Yang who offered to train him in the demon slayer’s form, just as long as he did slay them or me. We left the twins and got back to my place around 5:30pm, dad had dinner done and a movie to watch. After the movie was done Heiko went home. I told dad about the twin’s shrine and how me and Heiko had signed up to train with them. At first he was a little sad because I would be staying at the shrine for a month, but he finally gave in and said that it was great I would be learning to control my powers soon. At 9:30pm Heiko called and told me that it took him almost an hour to get his mom to let him go to training with me. “She kept on asking what I needed training for,” Heiko explained. “Don’t worry I only told her a half-truth; I said it would get me in shape and that you were doing training too.” “As long as you didn’t just straight out lie to your mom,” I made clear. “I guess what she doesn’t know won’t kill her.” “I hope you didn’t just jinx her,” he joked. “Very funny,” I stated. “It is late I will call you tomorrow, ’kay?” “ ‘Kay, talk to you tomorrow.” Then we both hung up. That night it took me awhile to get to sleep. I kept on thinking about how I was going to live now that I am a demon. Will I be hunted? Will I ever have a chance to be normal, or at least semi-normal, again? As I lay awake in bed none of the answers came to me. “How could they just keep this information from me as I was growing up?” I voiced my main thought into the darkness of my room before I fell asleep. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… The next day I rose with the sun. I took a nice relaxing shower then went downstairs to make breakfast. After I ate I went and woke up dad then called Heiko. Ring, ring. “Hello?” “Hi Ms. Jagen, is Heiko there?” “One minute, Kage,” Ms. Jagen said. In the background I heard her yell for Heiko, and then to me she said, “He will be right down.” “Thank you,” I said. Ms. Jagen sat down the phone as I waited for Heiko to pick up. “Hey Kage, what’s up?” Heiko asked. “Nothing much,” I stated. “When would you like to leave for the shrine?” “Mom said that I could leave anytime but she probably wants me to leave soon because she said something about a vacation at The Islands,” Heiko said with a laugh. “Now that she is letting me go she can’t get rid of me fast enough.” “Okay then, how about you come over to my place and we can leave when my dad gets home, he just left for work and he would like to send us off.” “One of these days he is going to be late to work,” Heiko said. “I will be over in a little bit.” “Make sure that you tell your mom you will be back in a month.” “Okay, bye.” “See yea.” Click. Heiko got to my place around 7:30am, because it was summer we didn’t have school. “So Kage, what do we do ‘til your dad gets home?” he asked. “How about we go to Yasha Park, I heard that there is a new roller coaster,” I said. Heiko jumped at the idea of a new rode. “Should I leave a note for my dad just in case we don’t get back ‘til later?” “Yeah, but hurry up,” He said joyfully. ......................................*At Yasha Park*........................................................... “Hurry up Kage their loading again!” shouted Heiko. “You are just like a little kid,” I laughed. “I’m going to sit out this time.” “Okay, don’t go too far so I can find you,” he yelled over his shoulder as he ran for the coaster. I went and got an ice cream then sat down on a nearby bench. A red head sat down and kept trying to slide closer to me. ‘Oh let him, if he tries anything I can always smack him,’ I thought. “He does look kind of…’ I was pulled from my thoughts as he started to talk to me. “My name is Kai,” the red head stated. “It is nice to meet you Ms….” “My name is Kage, and drop the Ms,” I said. “I’m not that old.” “Sorry, I meant nothing by it,” Kai apologized. “Whatever.” We sat in quiet for a few minutes before Kai started to talk again. “What is beautiful girl like you doing here all alone?” Kai asked. “Eating an ice cream and I came with a friend, what’s it to you?” I asked curious as to how he would react. “It is just that girls are so weak that they shouldn’t be by themselves,” he said as if I was a preppy, little school-girl. “Who do you think you are to say that girls are weak?!” I yelled at him. “I am not some lost, little schoolgirl that has to hide behind some guy who thinks that he is all that!” Right when I finished I saw Heiko coming off the ride and heading my way. “Kage what is going on over here?” Heiko asked once he got in talking distance. “This guy:: points to Kai:: is trying to tell me that girls are weak and need to be protected!” I yell out. “Hello, I am Kai, I was just talking to your friend here..” “Talking, talking?” I ask. “Yeah right!” ‘This guy is really getting on my nerves!’ I thought. “I’m sorry Kai, by the way my name is Heiko, Kage is very touchy on the subject of girls being weak and protection.” “Jeez, Heiko thanks for siding with him,” I stated sarcastically. “Kage, I’m not siding with him,” Heiko said, sounding hurt that I was blaming him for siding against me. “You are touchy about that stuff, and even more so since the stained moon,” he whispered the last part but I heard him perfectly. “Oh, ha-ha, yeah I guess your right,” I said while rubbing the back of my head. “Well I have only met one girl who can beat me…” Kai started. “Is that a challenge?” I growl out. “Kage,” Heiko breathed. “I don’t think now is the time. Plus we need to head back to your place it is 2:30pm and I am sure your dad is worried.” “Fine let’s go,” I said to Heiko as he headed to my silver beetle. “Look, Kai, when I get back next month we can end this, is there a number I can reach you at when I return?” “Sounds like fun ::writes down number:: her you can reach meat this number,” Kai said handing me the paper. “When I get back I will call you first thing to set a time,” I said before starting after Heiko. “I am looking forward to this little match, Forbidden One,” Kai whispered to himself. ...........................................*Going Home*.......................................................... Heiko was sitting in the passenger’s seat listen to my Big & Rich CD, looking out the window, when I reached the car. As I slide in he gave me the I-know-that-you-are-up-to-something look and told me to spill it. I stared to drive home before I answered him. “Look, Heiko it’s nothing to be worried about,” I said. “And why such a fast exit, you know that dad won’t be home until around four o’clock.” He tried to hide the blush that tainted his cheeks. “No reason,” he said. “Oh my god,” I blurted shocked. “You think I was hitting on him, don’t you?” “No, no, not at all,” he protested. “I was just getting a weird feeling is all. He seemed to know you.” “Oh,” was my calm response. The rest of the drive was silent. When we got to my house dad came out to greet us. “Hi Kage, Heiko,” he started. “I was beginning to think you left without a goodbye. I got off work early today thinking that you would want to leave around 3:30pm at the latest.” “Didn’t you find the note I left you? It said that we would be back,” I said. “No,” he responded. “I must have looked over it.” “Are you doing anything while we are gone Mr. Yoguru?” Heiko asked my dad. “My mom is going to the Islands and I think she has a spare ticket, I am sure she will let you go with her.” “Well she did call and ask but I am having an old friend of mine coming to stay for a while, who should be here soon,” He said. “They may be here when you get back; I think her son is around your age Kage. It is around time that you start looking for a mate.” “Dad don’t you start with me looking for a boyfriend I have enough on my plate right now that I don’t need a guy lusting for me,” I said. “I need to focus on completing my training, and what I am going to do about finishing my education. I don’t need to be worrying about being tied to a male and loss focus on what is most important right now.” “Sorry girlie,” he said. “But you need to find somebody.” “Why is that?” I you know ask. “What do you know that you are not telling me? Why do I need to get into a relationship?” “I guess I have to tell you,” He said. There was a pause while he thought of how to tell me the news. “Now that you have come into your demonic powers and are going off to get your training you need to look for a mate. If you can’t find somebody within a month after you’re fully trained, then I have to pick your future mate and you will not be permitted to be with any male other then him. That is among the Demonic Law that all demons and anyone with more then one quarter of demon blood must follow.” “So you are pretty much telling me that I need to fall in love within the next two months,” I expressed my worry and disbelieve in the fact. “And that if don’t then you will force me to give myself to any guy that you see fit to have me?” “I don’t want to make you fall in love or have to pick anyone for you but that is the law and we must follow it,” He said. “And don’t worry about it; if I had to pick somebody then it would be someone that you seem to have a connection with. End of discussion!” “Fine, then Heiko and I should go,” I said, then turned to Heiko. “Go grab your bags and put them in my trunk and we can leave.” “What about your things?” He asked. “My stuff is already in there,” I replied. Then Heiko left to do as told. “Dad, if I don’t find love what am I to do?” “Kage go to the shrine, get your training and have fun. We will talk about this when you get home,” Dad said to me. “Heiko, watch over her for me.” “Sure thing Mr. Yoguru,” Heiko replies to him. We all said are goodbyes. Heiko and I got in my car and when we pulled out I saw a red mustang turn into our driveway. “Heiko,” I started. “Yeah Kage?” He responded. “N..never mind,” I said. ‘I swear I saw Kai in that car…must be wrong.’ …………………………….*Inside with Kage’s Dad (his POV)*……………………….. As Kage and Heiko pulled out, my friend Hina and her son Kai pulled in. “Hello Hina, Kai,” I greeted. “Why hello Riku,” Hina said. “Was that your daughter we saw leaving?” “Yes,” I answered. “Her friend Heiko and her are going away for a month to train.” There was a pleasant silence while everybody was lost in his or her own thoughts. “Nice girl,” Kai started. “Her friend, Heiko, is pretty protective of her is he not?” “Kai..what do you know that you’re not telling us?” Hina asked her son. “Jeez mother, I didn’t read their minds if that is what you are thinking,” Kai said. “ I met them yesterday at Yasha Park. She started yelling at me when Heiko got off the new coaster and walked over. He jumped right in trying to calm her down and said she is touchy about something. Then she said something about him taking my side in the matter…he looked really hurt by that comment.” “I don’t know what could’ve happened to make her –yell- at you but I am sure you two have worked something out. You are clever kids,” I said. “It is taken care of,” Kai told me. “Hey Hina do you think that maybe Kage and Kai can have a friendly spar when she returns?” I asked while Kai looked lost in thought. “You know like we did when we were kids.” “Sounds fine with me. What do you think Kai?” Hina asked pulling him out of his thoughts. “A spar would be fine when she returns, if she is up for it?” Kai said. “I have something to take care of and a friend to meet up with, Mom can I take your car?” “Oh sure honey,” Hina said. “Here.” And she tossed him her keys. ………………………….*Three and Half Months Later* -Author POV-………………… As you approached Free Spirit Shrine all you could hear was the clash of metal against medal and shouts of two boys saying “Go sis!” and “You get her Kage!” As you got closer you could see two blurs of color, one blur was black and white while the other blur was midnight blue and silver. The two boys that were heard were standing by a large clearing in the woods, one wearing black and white and the other in purple so dark it was nearly black. As the blurs slowed the boys started toward them. When the blurs actually came to a halt you could tell that they were in true two girls. The female in black and white started to speak to the other girl. “That was great Kage,” she said. “Thank you Ying but it is still a draw,” Kage said. “But you are much better then when you started,” Ying said. “Yeah,” Kage laughed. “I remember. But how is it that I can beat Yang but not you? He is the one who trained me in swordsmanship.” “He may have trained you,” Ying said. “But my master was purely trained in swordsmanship whish is what he taught to me.” “Then why don’t you teach how to battle with a sword?” “Because we want our pupils to be trained equally by both genders,” Ying said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. ………………………………….-Kage’s POV-…………………………………………… “You were great Kage,” Yang, Ying’s brother, started. “I think that you are the only demon that has tied with Ying this many times.” “Yeah Kage you are the best,” Heiko said. When we got here he didn’t have any powers but now that Ying and Yang have been helping him, he can call to me telekinetically and has pain endurance plus he can fight with a staff that has a strand of each of our hair entwined in it’s core. **Come on Kage or you will get left behind** Heiko mentally tells me. - -Jeez what is with the telepathy? My ears work just fine- - I shoot back. “Fine, come on I’ll buy ice-cream,” Heiko shouted from the doorway. “Let me at least change into something other then my fighting outfit.” “Hurry up, I won’t wait forever,” he said. I said a chant under my breath so that I would be wearing a pair of baggy black jeans and a big black hoody with a red flaming dragon on it. “Okay lets go,” I said. “Ice cream here I come!” “You are getting really good with your chants,” said Ying as Yang and her came up to us. “Thanks I guess,” I said. “Are you two coming with us?” “No, that’s okay,” they both said. //Plus I think Heiko wants to tell you something Kage// Ying thought to me. She is the one who told me how to talk telekinetically. “My ears work you know!” I yell to everyone in a mile radius. Yang and Heiko just looked at me like I was crazy. “Let’s just go Kage,” Heiko says. “Fine,” I say quite calmly. We walked to the car and drove to the ice cream store and then headed to the small park we had found at the beginning of our training. ……………………………*At the park*………………………………………………… “Kage….” Heiko said. “Yeah?” “I…I….” “Spit it out Heiko!” “I…I am…I am a…” “Sit down,” I ordered. He sat. “Good, now sit there until you say what you need to,” I said trying to make him relax. “Thanks,” he said. “What I am trying to say is that when I was working with Yang, he found out that I am… part monk.” He looked at me like I should been worried. “What’s wrong with that?” I asked not sure if I wanted the answer. “It means that we are suppose to be enemies not friends,” he said after a pause. “What are you trying to say Heiko?” I was worried now. ‘What is going on with my best friend?’ I thought to myself as he thought of how to answer. “We can’t be friends anymore Kage, I am suppose to hunt your kind… I am leaving in the morning to join my people.” I was lost to the world not hearing the last few words he had said. “Heiko I can’t believe you of all people would do this to me,” I stated my face and words cold and hard as stone. “Goodbye.” “Kage.. Kage wait.” Heiko said as I turned around. I left him there with only a blur of my leaving and started running back to the shrine. Thinking the whole way that I won’t cry over this. When I got back I yelled that I was there to Ying and yang, Ying came out to the top of the stairs to greet me. “Why are you back so early I thought you would be gone longer and where is Heiko?” she asked. “I left him at the park,” I said, venom lacing my words. “He is at the bottom of the steps, I will be at the waterfall.” “Um… okay that was weird.” I heard Ying say as I fled from the house area heading to the waterfall. …………………………..*With Heiko (his POV)*……………………………………… I was heading up the stone steps leading to the shrine thinking to myself when I noticed Ying looking down at me. “Heiko what is going on with Kage and what happened?” she asked. I ignored her question by asking where Yang was. “He is around back,” she answered. “Thank you,” I said starting to walk toward the back. Turning around I said, “ You should go talk to Kage. She should have beat me here, and she is not happy with me.” I then turned back around and shouted out to Yang that I needed to talk with him. “In here,” I heard him shout from the dojo. I walked in and before I said anything he asked, “What exactly did you tell her?” ………………………….*With the Girls (Kage POV)……………………………………. I was setting in the tree that leans over the pond by the waterfall when Ying came into view. “Kage… what happened?” she asked me gently. “Come on up. It will be easier to talk,” I said. Ying jumped up the tree and sat across from me on the branch. “What do you want to know?” “Well lets start with what happened when you left first.” “We went and got ice cream then I let Heiko drive over to the little park we had found that I told you about,” I said starting to relax. ‘This place always calms me.’ I thought to myself. “Okay what happened at the park?” “We were walking, we had finished our ice cream, and Heiko called my name. I asked him what he wanted and when he kept pausing I ordered him to sit down and say what he need to,” I started to explain. “He said that Yang had found out he was part monk…” Ying gasped at this. ‘Yang must not have told her.’ “…He said that we can’t be friends because he is suppose to hunt my kind and that he would be leaving in the morning. I just couldn’t handle it, so I told him that I couldn’t believe him and ran back here.” I finished. …………………….*Back with the Guys*(Author POV)………………………………… “…then I told her we can’t be friends anymore and that I am leaving in the morning to join my people,” Heiko was explaining to Yang. “She said that she couldn’t believe me then ran off. I tried to stop her, to tell her more but now she won’t let me get within shouting distance.” “How do you know that?” yang asked. “When I got here she was at the top of the stone steps with Ying and once I took the first step she bolted off, leaving Ying to meet me at the top of the steps. I ignored her question of what happened and asked where you were. After I thanked her I told her that she should go talk to Kage.” “Great,” Yang growled out. “I am going to get it now. I haven’t told Ying about you being part monk or that you planned to leave in the morning. She is going to skin me alive.” “Sorry about that,” Heiko said. “She is going to know now, Kage had the ice tone when she said bye.” “Oh that’s much better. I have to deal with two angry females after me,” Yang groaned. ……………………………*Back with the Girls (Kage POV)……………………………. “Kage I am so sorry I had no idea. I thought that Heiko… I can’t believe he did that to you,” Ying said. “You couldn’t’ve known,” I consoled. “With that brother of yours. You know what I think, I think Yang was going to keep this bit of information to himself.” “Your probably right,” Ying said. “Come on lets go out for dinner, the boys can find their own food after what they did.” “If you’re paying let’s go.” I said laughingly. …………………………*Later that night (still Kage POV)………………………………. “We’re back boys!” Ying yelled out. “Hey sis,” Yang said. “Where did you two get to? We were worried.” “We can handle ourselves,” I stated. “We went out to eat,” Ying said. “Is that a problem?” “No, but you could’ve at least called,” Yang whispered the last part but I heard him clearly. “So Yang. Where is Mr. Monk at?” I asked feeling like getting some answers. “Heiko is asleep in his room,” Yang said reluctantly. “ He must not have been that worried if he can sleep,” I shot at him. “You could take a page from his book.” “Kage you didn’t hear him all the way out,” Yang started to say. “That isn’t my problem now is it?” I interrupted. //Kage calm down// Ying ‘said.’ - -Fine- - “Goodnight,” I said to the twins, then headed to bed. ……………………..*Next Morning with Heiko* (Author POV)……………………….. It was 5:30 am when Heiko got up to leave. Ying, Yang and Kage got to sleep in today because they are going to be setting up for the Mask Ball, which will be held to introduce Kage as fully trained. He had said goodbye to Yang last night and left notes for the girls as he headed for the bus station that morning. It was quiet and he was glad for that. As he boarded that bus he whispered, “Don’t forget.” onto the wind. ………………………*Back at the Shrine* (Kage POV)……………………………… I awoke around 6:00 am. “Guess I was trained in more then I thought,” I said aloud as I walked to my bathroom. I took a quick shower then headed to the kitchen for some food. “I see you couldn’t sleep long,” I heard Ying say in greeting. “With us waking her at 5:00 am for almost a month are you surprised?” Yang asked sister. “Here this was on the table when I awoke. It has your name on it.” “What is it?” I asked taking the envelope from Yang. “A letter,” Ying said. “I got one too.” “Well what does it say?” Yang asked, “I didn’t get one.” He pouted. “I haven’t opened mine yet,” Ying stated. “I was waiting for you to get yours.” “ Well it can wait for now. I am going on a walk,” I said to them both. “I’ll be back in time to start.” “See yea,” both twins, said. …………………………..*With Kage* (Her POV)…………………………………… I was walking with the unopened letter in my hand. I made it to my tree by the waterfall my feet knew where to go. I jumped into my tree then decided to open the letter. It read: Dear Kage, I know that you wouldn’t talk to me but I have to tell you. I loved all these years I had you for a friend. You need to make friends with other demons and I would’ve just held you back because of what I am. This is hard for me, letting you go, but it needs to be done. Don’t forget, Heiko P.S. Goodbye ‘How dare he do this! Saying that like it is my fault he left. When I see him again he is going to pay for this.’ I thought. ‘You will pay for what you have done to me Heiko, if it is the last thing I do.’ I jumped from the tree, removed my clothing and went for a swim in the pond. After around 20 minutes I got out and headed back to the shrine to help set up for the Mask Ball. Ying was there to greet me when I reached the top of the steps. “Well?” she asked. “The next time Heiko and I meet, it is as enemies,” I said calmly like it was a common thing. “That is a big decision,” she stated. “He made it,” I said. “I just announced it.” ………………………………*Back with Heiko* (His POV)…………………………… “Mom,” I said. “I’m home.” “Hi, Heiko. Why are you home so early? Did you and Kage finish your training?” my mom asked. “Well yes and no,” I said a little worried about what she will say. “What do you mean?” she asked. “Kage and myself wouldn’t be talking anymore,” I started to explain. “We are no longer friends, the next time we meet it is on opposite sides.” “But you two were such great friends,” Mom sounded lost and confused as she spoke. “What happened that would make you kids enemies?” “I don’t want to talk about it right now.” “Okay honey,” Mom states. “I will be here when you need to talk.” “Thanks Mom,” I said as I headed to my room. ‘I wonder how her dad is going to take this.’ ……………………………*With Kage* (Her POV)…………………………………… “Is that everything?” I asked. We were setting up for the Mask Ball in one of the large rooms of the shrine. “Yes that is all for today,” Yang said. “Other then you girls going shopping.” “You’re not coming with us?” I asked confused. “No, a friend is going to go with him,” Ying said walking in. “Trying to keep Yang from becoming our pack mule.” “Sis,” Yang started. “Do you know how much those shopping bags of yours normally weigh?” “Very funny,” Ying shot at her brother. “Come on Kage we have shopping to do.” “Have fun Yang,” I said walking out. Ying and myself got into my car and took off for the mall. “So Ying, what is this friend’s name?” “He told us not to tell you,” she said. “It is very unlike him because he loves to meet the people that we train, female demons in particular.” “Why does he not want me to know his name? After all it is just a name,” I asked. “All he said about that is that you know who he is,” she said. “Is he a demon?” “Yes,” Ying answered. “A hybrid of fire and wind.” “The only demons that I remember ever meeting are you, Yang and my dad.” I told her. “I have no clue who he could possible be.” There was a pause then Ying started talking again. She mentioned something about him concealing his demon self, I wasn’t paying much attention as I was thinking of who this demon could be. The rest of the drive was quiet. ………………………….*With Yang* (Author POV)……………………………………. Ding-dong. “Kai what took you so long?” Yang asked as he answered the door. “I had to get away from my mom,” Kai answered. “Plus I had to make sure that Kage had left the shrine.” “Kai, we are friends right?” Kai nods. “Then spill it man, how do you know her?” “We’ve met end of story,” Kai stated bluntly. “Now we’re getting somewhere,” Yang whispered. “So where did you two meet? I mean, she came to us for training so it couldn’t have been in battle.” “No we didn’t meet in battle, and we are friends as you questioned correct?” Yang nods to Kai confused. “Then why are you pushing me? Where and how I met Kage isn’t something I am ready for you to know yet.” “Fine Kai, I’ll drop the subject,” Yang said. “Come on we need to go get our stuff for the ball yet.” Kai and Yang start walking out the door to go and pick-up their tuxes when Kai asks, “Why didn’t you just have Ying pick it up for you while she was out? I have all night to go get mine.” “Because I need a new one and no doubt if I had her pick one for me it would end up match her dress just like last time.” “What, don’t want to look like your twin?” Kai asked. “You match with her for a whole night and you’ll know why,” Yang stated shocked that Kai had to even ask that question. “Never mind,” Kai said. “Let’s go, I’ll drive.” And with that they went out and got going. ………………………….*With the girls* (Kage’s POV)……………………………… “Hey, Ying, what do you think of this one?” I asked as I stepped out of the fitting room, in Kats at the mall, wearing a sparkling midnight blue floor-length dress. It was cut in a v-shape down to just before my breasts, with thin straps over my shoulders holding it up. There was also a slit on the right side up to my thigh. “That fits you and your elements perfectly,” Ying said. “Now all you need is your mask and you’re set.” “What about you? Don’t you need to get a dress and mask too?” I asked not wanting to be the only one I knew in a dress. “I wish I knew what Yang’s outfit is going to be like, That way we could match like last time,” she stated with a thoughtful look on her face. “Oh well, what color do you think will work for me?” “How about seafoam-green? You are peppy most of the time and happen to have a closet full of clothes that color.” I told her. “Oh that sounds great,” She said with delight. “What about this one? Think I should try it?” “Yeah that one would be great try it,” I said. She went into the fitting room and put it on. Over the door she was talking to me. “I don’t know about the cut of the dress though. It seems a little to ‘I’m ready for a runt cycle’ to me.” “Just come out and show me, it can’t be that bad. Plus you need a guy other than your brother around,” I said blatantly as she started out of the fitting room to show me. “You are one to talk about needing another guy around, living with just your father and after what happened with Heiko...” “DON’T bring him up again,” I interrupted. “ Nothing was going on between us. Anyway it doesn’t matter now that him and myself are now enemies.” “If you say so Kage. But that is not what I saw and I am not the only one who did see it.” “What do you mean?” I asked. “Who are you talking about? Nothing was going on between him and myself.” “All I am saying is that you two seemed to be more emotionally attached then just friends, and Yang saw it too,” Ying answered. “Why do you think that we were so shocked at what he had said to you?” “Really, what did you think he was going to say?” I questioned. There was a pause. “Huh? What did you think he was going to say?” “Do you really want to know?” she asked. “Well I am the one who just asked the question.” “Not all asked questions have an answer you know. Like the question are we alone in the universe.” “Ying just answer the question. The one that I asked, I can handle it.” “Well, I thought that he was going to tell you…” Ying starts to say when her cell phone rings. “Sorry, just give me two seconds.” Is not the end go on to Shadow Continued! |