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An exiled jedi must defend herself against a deadly bounty hunter |
Okay, so this is a story I've been working on for the past two weeks or so. I always wanted to attempt something in the Star Wars universe, but using my own original characters so I decided to give a short story a try to see if I liked it. I'm pleased with the way it turned out and critiuqes are welcome, as I'm always looking to improve. So, without further ado... The dark skinned woman narrowed her good eye as she glared back at the Iridonian who muttered something inaudible to his human companion. Save for a few scattered whispers among colleagues, the interior of The Rusted Compactor cantina was completely silent, many of the patrons eyeing the woman with the black, close-cut hair and mechanical left eye that sat the bar. “Where the hell are you?” She asked before calmly lifting the glass to her lips. She threw her head back, downing a good portion of the foggy liquid contained inside. The drink burned her sinuses and throat as it made its way down and the effects began to take place right away. Her stomach quivered on immediate contact with the beverage and a pleasure inducing tingle ran up her spine and spread throughout her body. Her senses dulled for only a moment, making her ignorant to the fact that the whispers had stopped completely as heavy footfalls approached from behind. She then felt cold durasteel pressed against the back of her head, pushing it forward slightly as she suddenly froze on her barstool. “There you are,” She said, no hint of surprise in her tone. She had the feeling she was being followed for some time now. “Nevara Vect.” A man’s voice through a distortion box built into his helmet stated. “None other.” She answered, putting the half empty glass on the bar and placing her hands on either side of it. She looked straight ahead, focusing on the bottles and containers of various drinks from all corners of the galaxy and remained perfectly still. “Hope you enjoyed your last drink, Vect. Darth Tenebrous has quite a hefty sum on your head. Hefty enough, in fact, to bring me all the way out to this pathetic junk-planet to hunt your sorry hide down. On your feet.” The bounty hunter urged. Nevara stood up without argument, her cloth garments shifting slightly as she got up from her seat and turned to face her assailant with her hands above her head. The entire Cantina remained silent and observed the proceedings as Nevara looked her captor up and down, her monocle clicking and whirring in accordance with her wishes. “A Mandalorian?” She asked when she recognized the silver armor the bounty hunter was wearing as well as the twin blaster pistols he clutched calmly in his hands to be of Mandalorian design. “I guess it’s true what they say about you people. The once famous world-conquerors really have been reduced to fighting for table scraps. Pathetic.” She taunted. “It’s a living.” The bounty hunter replied. “This…line of work isn’t as invigorating as fighting wars, very true, but sometimes you just have make due.” “We have an accord!” Nevara smirked as she suddenly threw her hands forward. “GYAH!!” The bounty hunter gasped as he felt an invisible object slam hard into his chest and launch him back the moment his quarry threw her hands out at him. Several chairs, tables and even patrons of the small cantina were violently flung clear across the room from their seats as well once Nevara moved. Startled cries and objects crashing into the wall all rang out simultaneously while Nevara’s artificial eye changed from yellow to red. She watched her apparent opponent as he recovered from the surprise attack. The readout in her bionic eyed picked up movement from the other stunned patrons, who got to their feet and scrambled out of the way. Many of them hastily exited the establishment while the bounty hunter recovered and stood back up. He looked to his dropped blaster pistols, which Nevara quickly cast to other side of the cantina with another wave of her hand, before flicking his right wrist. ‘Snikt’ An eighteen inch long vibroblade appeared from his gauntlet. “All right then, Vect. We can do this the fun way.” Bounty hunter Ronis Craal concluded as he raised his weapon and charged. “Nevara quickly turned to her side and saw an overturned table from her original force push laying there. She held her hand out to it and quickly caused it to levitate before pulling back and swinging her arm in an arc, launching it at Craal from the side. “Wha…?” Craal turned his attention to his side when the onboard threat detection programmed into his helmet gave a quick blip. He quickly diverted his attention and used the blade attached to his arm to slice the table in two in one lightning fast motion. The two halves slammed into the ground on Craal’s other side with a thud before an all too familiar hissing sound called his attention back to Nevara. “Hyaa!!!” She yelled as she raised a crimson bladed lightsaber overhead and attempted to bring it down on his head. Craal quickly brought his vibroblade up and held the lightsaber at bay, despite Nevara’s advantage of surprise. Pulling his left fist back, Craal issued a mental command that his suit of powered armor followed immediately. “Ugh!!” Nevara groaned when she felt a propelled punched that had been given extra power by the servos in the bounty hunter’s armor crack a rib on impact. She lost her footing and staggered back. Craal didn’t let up. He dashed forward and leapt towards Nevara in attempt to pounce her, but was caught by surprise when she quickly leapt and pushed off of his shoulder as he lunged beneath her. Nevara twisted her body in mid air so she would still be facing him when she came down. “Ugh!” She groaned again as a sharp pain shot through her injured side once she landed. “Not too bad, Mandalorian.” Nevara complimented, clutching her injured side as her connection to the force allowed her to begin to mend her bones. Her monocle zoomed in once she observed Craal reaching behind himself. “Heh,” The bounty hunter chuckled, grabbing a small canister attached to the back of his utility belt and pressing the button on top. It gave off a small beep before he removed it. “You’re none too good yourself!!” He taunted before he launched the detonator at the Dark Jedi. She raised her arm and attempted to twist the force to her will and push the object back. Much to her surprise, the device erupted into a great ball of flame and concussive force that threw the Jedi back the moment she tried to repel it. Realizing something was wrong just milliseconds prior to detonation, she quickly redirected her command of the force to erect a protective barrier around herself in haste. A thundering boom rang out as sections of the roof, windows and a good part of the entrance were obliterated by the shockwave created by the powerful blast. Nevara’s ears rang and her head throbbed from bouncing against the ground when she hit it after being picked up and thrown out of the cantina by the explosion. She looked up at the gray sky that hung over planet TR-205321 only to have the dismal view blocked by blurred double vision of the barrel of a Mandalorian arm mounted cannon Mk II from the bounty hunter’s left gauntlet. She gasped when a heavy boot stepped down on her chest and Ronis Craal applied his weight as well as the weight of his custom armor, threatening to crush her sternum. She could see her defiant expression in the tinted glass of Craal’s visor as she paused, giving her vision time to readjust before she could act again. “I thought all of you idiots knew about my force sensitive detonators. I wouldn’t be much of a Jedi killer without them would I?” “Ha! Hehehe….” “Tell me what you’re laughing about and I’ll delay the part where I burn a hole in your skull by a few moments.” “You’re a little boy, Mandalorian. You’re only a child with expensive toys. Where’s that warrior spirit I hear you people have?” She belittled him to call his attention away from a piece of rubble that was laying on the ground close by. “I don’t waste that ‘warrior spirit’ on such easy bounties. I’ve killed far smarter Jedi than you, Vect. More attractive ones too. You’re the most annoying, by far, however.” “Is that right?” Nevara said, looking over at he piece of rubble she had identified. She swung her arm around and caused it to fly at Craal, who quickly faced it and disintegrated it with his arm blaster. His threat detection alerted him to a second piece Nevara had caused to fly at him and as he spun around to address it, the Jedi forced him of her with a strong enough push that he would stagger back and she could get to her feet. Blaster fire sounded as Craal destroyed the second piece of flying rubble before turning his attention back to Nevara, who was scrambling for the red lightsaber she dropped when knocked away by the explosion. Picking it up and continuing to run forward towards the reaching towers of scrap metal and collected space junk that covered much of TR-205321’s surface, Nevara ignited the blade and turned at the waist, launching the weapon at Craal. Not even looking back to see if it made it, she raised a rather large piece of rubble created from the explosion and launched that as well. Craal’s threat detection alerted him to the lightsaber as it flew at him, but he hadn’t moved in time. The blade melted through his arm blaster with ease, rendering it useless before flying back to its owner’s hand. Craal watched it disappear behind the approaching piece of giant rubble that almost completely blocked his view of Nevara as he sighed. “I had to go and call her ugly…” He thought to himself before the object connected. [B]Later[/B] “Ow…damned bounty hunter.” Nevara groaned as she collapsed against a derelict space craft after having put considerable distance between herself and the cantina. Her head still ached from the explosion, her chest still hurt from being stepped on and her pride was still injured from almost being bested by a damn Mandalorian. Not sensing any sentient life close by, she slid to the ground closed her eyes, hoping she had at least bought enough time to heal her injuries before Craal caught up with her. An uninviting wind carried through the canyons of twisted metal and long dead star vessels that made up Nevara’s surroundings as she slowly began to drift to sleep, her body worn and tried from her ordeal. [I]Nevara found herself on her back, lying on a cold metal floor. Her breathing was ragged as she was forced to stare at door a few feet away with a small viewing window built in to it. She tried to move towards the footsteps she feard approaching from the other side of the door, but could barely do that. Blood ran from a scar down the side of her face as she glared hatefully at the smiling gray skinned Twi’lek woman that appeared in the viewing window. “If you focused half as much time practicing your combat abilities as you do running your mouth, you may have stood a chance, Nevara.” Nevara coughed and gagged, blood threatening to fill her lungs. “Keep on with that, Visona. I’ll tear all three of those stupid head tails of yours off before-” Visona held up her hand to silence Nevara. “I have heard it all before, you would do well to say something original for once. You’ve lost Nevara. It’s over.” She explained, putting her hands on her hips. “Lord Tenebrous is through with you and has bestowed the honor of your disposal upon me.” “H…he…couldn’t be bothered to do it himself, eh?” “Quite the contrary.” Visona corrected her. “I wanted this. When presented with the opportunity to finally be rid of you, I pleaded with Lord Tenebrous to let me do it. I mused simply defeating you in combat and giving you a warrior’s death, but you aren’t worth it, I finally determined. Someone like you deserves a much crueler, much more painful and slow end. I was going to feed you to a Sarlacc, but finding one is an immense hassle. I figure that what I have in store is just as adequate and likely as painful as being digested by a Sarlacc, though.” Visona watched as a furious expression crossed Nevara’s face. Visona’s attention then went to the burn scar her lightsaber left where Nevara’s eye was not too long ago. “I’m assuming that missing eye hurts quite a bit, doesn’t it? No worries. What you’re about to experience is far worse from what I’ve heard.” She paused again, expecting a smart-alecky response, but only receiving an extremely hateful look from her defeated foe. “What am I going to do, you wonder? It won’t be long at all before you find out. May the force be with you. You’re certainly going to need it” Visona said before slowly backing away from the view window. It wasn’t long before an alert began blaring and a flashing red light filled the room. Nevara’s heart raced when she heard a loud hissing sound coming from the room. “Warning: Depressurization commencing. Airlock opening.” The system voice announced throughout the ship. “Oh, sithspit…” Nevara thought. [/I] ------- “Pardon me, sentient.” “Huh, what?!” Nevara quickly opened her eye and went for her lightsaber. It came to life only for the Jedi to find a gray, orb shaped probe droid floating on the other end. “Do you require any assistance? Perhaps you seek a part?” The droid asked in a near aristocratic tone. “No, no…I’m fine.” Nevara lied as she stood up. Her injures from the fight with the Mandalorian were still tender but healing nonetheless. She deactivated her lightsaber and reattached it to her belt. “But tell me, is there a star port close by? “Yes, you are not far at all.” The droid told her. “Outstanding. I’ll be going that way then.” “Very good, sentient. Follow me.” The droid practically ordered before floating in the direction of the star port. “You don’t have t…never mind…” Nevara stopped herself, not up for arguing as she followed behind the droid. ------ “Ugh…run full diagnostic. What’s the damage?” “Systems 80 percent operational. Damage to exoskeleton: moderate. Threat detection: Offline. Primary servos: failing. Non-threatening bodily injuries to host detected. Administering synthetic solutions.” The system voice of Craal’s powered armor spoke in his ear as the bounty hunter suddenly felt a series of small injections forced into his torso, back and arms. “Ugh…aaahhh…” He sighed with relief as he felt the painkiller/stimulant combination course through his veins, causing the pain in his body begin to fade and his level of energy to be restored. His armor was battered in many places and the signal on the digital readout inside his visor was scrambled. The bounty hunter climbed a top a piece of rubble and stared through his visor into the distance. He pressed a button on the side of his helmet, hoping his communication line to his ship was still open. ------ The signal inside the cockpit of the Iron Vulture beeped incessantly until DL21 opened his glowing yellow optic receptors in response. The rust colored pilot droid shifted in his permanent housing, the jungle of wires and lines connecting his exoskeleton to the rest of the ship moving accordingly. Moving his four arms skillfully across the many keypads that lay stretched out before him upon his reactivation, DL 21 opened the incoming transmission. “Come to my position.” Craal ordered his droid. “Judging by your tone and the barely audible signal I am receiving this transmission in, I am assuming your equipment has been partially impaired and the hunt is still ongoing.” The droid replied, the bulbs on the sides of his head giving off the same yellow light as his eyes in synch with his speech. He quickly went to work initiating the Vulture’s launch sequence. “Just fly over my location. Drop my glider when you pass and then start monitoring any channels in the vicinity.” “Should I be looking for anything in particular?” “Don’t get smart with me, droid.” Craal snapped. “Just find that damned one eyed jedi. She couldn’t have gotten far.” “I hear and obey.” DL21 said before closing the line. The Iron Vulture rumbled beneath him as he commanded it to lift off from its resting place after the engines hummed to life. The afterburners scorched the ground beneath them, lifting the craft slowly while DL21 monitored the levels closely, making sure not to put two much stress on the engines too quickly, as per his programming. One of his hands held a lever as the droid slowly adjusted it to give more power to lift the ship while the fingers on another hand danced across the keypad to check, correct and check again the take off trajectory. A third hand slowly turned a dial, checking traffic channels to make sure no other ships were flying too close while the fourth hand pulled the landing gear into the housing and closed the compartment. Feeding more power into the engines and amplifying the intensity behind the afterburners, DL21 took off for Craal’s last given position. Estimated time of arrival: 1 minute, 17 seconds. ------- “Good afternoon. How may I be of assistance?” The Czerka corporation representative said to Nevara with a pleasant demeanor as she entered the space port the probe droid had led her to. “I need passage off of this rock.” She said, tucking her lightsaber into her loose fitting clothing as best she could while she carefully eyed everyone in the area. As far as she could tell, most of the people there were merchants visitng the planet on business and wouldn’t give her any trouble. She then noted a small group of soldiers in sith armor on the other side of the room carrying a conversation with two uniformed merchants they were more than likely accompanying. “Dammit…” She whispered to herself, hoping she wouldn’t go noticed. “Miss?” Nevara turned back to the Czerka representative, having forgotten about her that quickly. “The next passenger ship is scheduled to leave the planet tomorrow morning and there are still seats available.” The representative explained again. “No, that doesn’t work. You don’t have anything that leaves earlier? Like now would be good.” “I’m sorry, miss, but the last ship for the day has already departed and-” “What about private ships?” Nevara cut her off to ask. “The Czerka corporation is not at liberty to divulge that information to non crew members and those not in planetary law enforcement. You will have to-” “You will tell me when the next ship leaves.” The Czerka representative suddenly felt something come over her. She looked Nevara in the eye, and then down at the data screen built into the kiosk where she was stationed. Feeling compelled to provide Nevara with the location, the representative quickly scanned the information on the screen in front of her until she found what she was looking for. “Docking bay number 12, miss. Final preparations for departure are being made now.” “Thank you.” Nevara said before hurrying off as quickly as she could. Walking at a brisk pace, she headed to the automated double doors that led to the docking bays. “You’ve got to be joking!” Nevara said through clenched teeth to no one in particular when she peered around the doorway that led into docking bay number 12. As technicians and dock workers were making last minute adjustments, withdrawing the refueling lines and carrying the last of the ship’s cargo into the hold, Nevara began to second guess whether she wanted to leave the planet this badly. The moment she saw the ship sitting in the landing bay she had recognized it as one of the sith’s merchant vessels. It belonged to the small group of sith she saw in the lobby, no doubt. She thought about her options. She could stay and risk Craal finding her before she could find another ship, or she could take off right now in one of the Sith’s own merchant ships and hope there weren’t others tracking it. Looking up, she could see the ceiling was already withdrawn. The getaway would be easy enough. “Slag it!” She said as she ran towards the docked merchant ship. She timed her sprint carefully, making sure she stayed out of site of the dock crew. Ducking behind a stack of crates, Nevara was careful to keep her keen eye on the gangplank while keeping her other senses alert to her surroundings. She noticed a Czerka corporation worker exiting the ship and quickly remembered him as the same one she saw carrying cargo on to the vessel moments ago. “That’s the last of it!” The worker announced to the other Czerka employees in the area, who began to leave the bay one by one after the fact. Nevara moved alongside the crates so they wouldn’t see her as they began walking out. She glanced at the ship as if expecting stragglers to run out behind them, but no one appeared. Nevara took a deep breath and then headed for the ship, moving as quickly as she could the moment the last of the Czerka crew disappeared from within the dock’s doorway. ------- Bleet! Bleeeet!! The incoming transmission alert sounded in Craal’s ear as he sped across the gray skies of the planet. The engines of the small glider his boots were magnetically attached to roared as the bounty hunter stayed low to cut down on wind resistance. Keeping a close eye on the spires of junk and piles of scrap that intermingled with the occasional occupied Czerka corporation facility, he raised a gloved hand to press a button on the side of his helmet and accept the transmission. “Tell me you found something,” “I monitored a transmission that took place above one of the space ports mere minutes ago. I’m routing it to you now.” DL21 responded. “This is Czerka Main air traffic control. You are in a stolen vessel and not authorized for take off. Do not launch or we will be forced to take action.” A man’s voice spoke authoritatively. “Slag you, Bantha brain!” Nevara answered just as engines began humming faintly in the background. “There’s no need for that kind of language. Shut down your start up sequence now or-” “What part of “SLAG YOU” don’t you understand?!” Nevara finished before cutting off the transmission, effectively ending DL21’s recording. “She has quite the galactic sailor’s tongue.” The droid observed. “How far?” Craal asked. “You should be seeing the space port in question any moment. Her ship lifted off as that recording was playing, it would seem.” “Meet me there.” Craal ordered. “I’ll inform Czerka to stay out of our way.” DL21 replied before closing the channel. ------ “Ugh! Damn freighter!” Nevara cursed as the ship rattled under her pushing its engines too hard. She could feel it jolt and struggle under her guidance, her affinity and preference for piloting lighter, faster space crafts apparent as she fought with the ship to keep it in the air. Easing up on the engines, she could feel the ship settle down slightly. “Okay, take it easy, but get us the hell out of here.” She seemed to be speaking to the ship as she increased altitude, deciding to worry about setting a course once she hit the atmosphere. Feeding a little more power into the engines as she climbed, Nevara nearly jumped out of her chair when a deafening proximity alert sounded, flooding the cockpit with a red light that flashed incessantly as the alarm blared. “Those sons of-” She started as she leaned forward to peer out the windshield, thinking that perhaps Czerka had initiated some sort of ground to air counter measure to take the Jedi down. The alarm continued to go off, but she couldn’t see or hear any artillery fire coming from the ground. Then the screaming started. Quickly looking up and to the ship’s port side, Nevara could see the Iron Vulture closing in. A pair of missiles protruded from the front of the vessel at the pilot’s command. “Target acquired.” DL21 gave right before pressing button to fire the projectiles at Nevara’s newly commandeered ship. Nevara heard the missiles hiss after they launched from their housing and screamed towards her. The projectiles, painted with monstrous faces and fanged mouths, flew neck and neck beside each other in pursuit of their cumbersome prey. Nevara simply shook her head and let out a sigh. Craal arrived just in time to see the sith freighter get slammed by the two missiles. He watched as the vessel banked and titled to its side before it began losing altitude, the point of impact on its hull giving off a pillar of smoke that reached skyward. “What did you do that for?!” Craal screamed at DL21 as he raced down towards the falling freighter, forcing his glider along as fast as it would go. “After calculating all possible scenarios I concluded that this was best.” The droid answered as the Iron Vulture made a pass overhead while Craal continued his descent to try and catch up with the falling sith vessel, worried about his chance to be able to finish Nevara personally more than anything else. “You are, however, going to want to prepare for close quarters combat.” DL21 advised. “What? Why?” The bounty hunter asked. “Because-” The droid started just as a section of the ship’s hull warped, bubbled and exploded with a powerful blast of force energy just as Craal drew close. The bounty hunter saw a flash of bright red light as an object was launched skyward from the innards of the ship, scattering pieces of metal in all directions upon its appearance. He tracked its movement, watching it momentarily block out the sun before it began to descend on him, the silhouette taking the form Craal had hoped for as it came closer. “-Nevara Vect still lives, and I imagine she is quite livid at the moment.” DL21 continued, his own speech paralleling Nevara Vect’s actions while she fell towards Ronis Craal after leaping from the ship, red bladed lightsaber raised over her head and murder in her one natural, brown eye. ------ Sonia Wen-Karri, first mate of the capital ship The Hand of the Mighty and personal assistant to Visona Ketra, strode proudly through the winding halls and corridors of the space faring leviathan that meandered its way through the dead silence of the galaxy. Her gloved hand held a data pad clutched firmly against the breast of her prim, immaculately neat gray officer’s uniform. Her light brown hair bounced about her shoulders and the thick heels or her shined leather boots sounded against the grating that made up the floor. She absent mindedly whistled a nameless tune while rapping her fingers against the casing of the data pad in synch, her harmonious symphony coming to a stop only when she reached the door to Visona’s quarters. The door automatically slid open and Sonia found Visona kneeling on the floor deep in meditation, the dark Jedi’s back to her assistant. The Sith officer stood in the doorway, already well aware of the fact that Visona knew she was there. “What news do you bring?” The Twi’lek asked after a few more moments to herself. “We received a transmission from a crewman of one of our merchant ships visitng the nearby planet TR-205321. Their ship was stolen.” “Do they need a ride?” “Not if they plan on spending the rest of their days on that glorified trash heap. That isn’t why I’ve come, mistress. The fact that their ship was stolen is only the beg-” “Sonia.” “Mistress?” “Does the point arrive any time soon?” “We received information on the thief’s apparent identity from a representative of the Czerka corporation, who runs the planet wide junkyard there, and-” Sonia was suddenly cut off again when Visona, with an exasperated sigh, held out her hand and pulled the data pad away from her assistant so that she could inspect the transmission loaded into it herself. The Twi’lek’s light blue eyes quickly scanned the incident report, at which point one eye twitched involuntarily. “Shall I have a course set?” Sonia asked. “The planet isn’t far off at all provided we use a hyperspace route.” “Then have my fighter prepared for take off. You’re coming with me. Pack accordingly.” Visona ordered. “I do so enjoy our field trips, mistress.” Sonia said with a smile. She slowly backed out of the room, the door closing when she was clear of the threshold. Nevara’s ears rang as a deafening boom sounded in all directions. A mighty blaze ignited far below moments later when the Sith ship, devastated by the missiles from the Iron Vulture and no longer able to fly due to it suddenly being abandoned, hit the ground and erupted instantaneously. She held her hands out to her sides while she fell freely through the air. The wind whipped about her face, hair and clothing as she closed her hands into fists and began to clear her mind. Everything around her fell silent and colors began to bleed and meld together as she closed her eyes, fading out all image in favor of an endless void where she had found peace. The beat of her very heart slowed down seemingly of its own volition, her thoughts focusing on one thing and one thing only. The atmosphere twisted, warped and adjusted to her will. The force pulsed through Nevara’s veins, coursing through any inch of her being that would hold it. She could feel reality bending around her. She felt lighter. Sound began to gradually return and the images began to reappear as a pallet of gray just before the colors faded back in. Nevara saw the ground approach as the atmosphere around her carried on its continual shifting and reshaping with her very thoughts. “Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.” She recited to herself quietly in the final moments before impact. She suddenly felt the force energy she had gathered explode outward from her body in a violent burst that distorted the air before quickly dispersing and becoming only a memory. The ground cracked and split beneath the Jedi after she suddenly landed in a kneeling position, her eyes on the ground as she remained as a statue for a few moments after the fact. Her palms lay flat at her sides, resting in the cold dirt of TR205321’s surface. Nevara’s bionic monocle glowed bright red and her legs ached, and would do so for about another week, but she had felt renewed. Rising to her, she looked around. The smell of smoke and melting metal assaulted her nostrils long before she eyed the wreck of the sith cargo ship. Ronis Craal’s broken form lay not too far away from the wreckage, his glider sputtering with sparks of electricity from a cauterized lightsaber wound in its underside. Her attack happened so quickly and unexpectedly that when she struck at the bounty hunter from above with her lightsaber, neither of them was entirely sure what had happened. Nevara narrowed her eye at the bounty hunter. “That’s for calling me annoying you son of a-” Nevara’s quip was suddenly interrupted by an exploding blast of energy that was heralded by the cry of the Iron Vulture’s engines. The explosion launched Nevara back a good distance, further ravaging the corpse of the Sith ship at the same time. Before she could even hit the ground, the Vulture flew overhead and began to circle around for its next pass. “I have her in my sights. This will be over soon.” DL21 announced to Craal, who only heard a scrambled, inaudible message as he lay on the ground half conscious. Inside the cockpit of the Vulture, the droid forced the ship to go fast as he activated the targeting computer. The small view screen lowered from above his head and positioned itself in front of his optic sensors, putting Nevara in the dead center of the targeting reticule just as she was getting to her feet. Gripping the fire control for the twin pulse cannons mounted on the vulture’s wings, DL21 prepared to fire again. Nevara stood defiantly as she watched the Vulture swoop in for another attack. She took in her surroundings, searching for a way to end this when the dead Sith ship caught her eye. She held out a hand towards a rather large piece of metal. “Target locked,” DL21 confirmed as he slowed the Vulture’s speed very subtly to steady his shot. Making sure that the Jedi was in his sights, DL21 was about to fire on her when the Vulture’s proximity alerts blared moments before the Vulture violently jolted and the ship began spinning uncontrollably. A wicked grin cross Nevara’s face while she watched the Vulture spin out of control towards the ground, line of smoke behind it as it screamed, wounded, through the gray skies. The piece of sith rubble and the wing that it severed from the metal bird spiraled off into the distance in the opposite direction. Nevara shifted her focus, concentrating on the biggest piece of rubble she could find. The Sith ship’s ruined fuselage rattle and shook under Nevara’s influence over the force. Bounty hunter Craal groaned when he heard metal scraping against the ground, the grinding sound overpowering the throbbing feeling in his skull. His body suddenly began to move involuntarily. He was floating. “Ugh!” Nevara grunted, struggling to lift the objects. She turned her head to see the Vulture coming in closer, threatening to slam into her as it spewed erratic pulse fire from its twin cannons while DL21 fought vainly to regain control of the runaway fighter. The energy shots missed by a wide margin, but the vessel was coming right for her. Desperation fueled her push as she got the rest of the wreck, scattered pieces of scrap iron and Ronis Craal and his broken glider off the ground all at once. She waited just a few moments more. She then thrust her hands towards the diving vulture, sending the barrage under her control towards it all at once. “Well played, Jedi…” DL21 said when he saw the objects all coming at him. Nevara watched the collision and resulting explosion when everything met. The boom sounded across the sky like a mighty crash of thunder and burning ship remains fell from the sky, scattering in all directions after being propelled by the resulting explosion. Nevara let out an exhausted sigh and collapsed onto the ground, her chest heaving as she fought to catch her breath. She looked up at the sky that hang over her head and closed her eye. She wanted to sleep for a week after what she had just gone through, but it was not to be. She had sensed a faint, very subtle disturbance in the force high above the planet, realizing immediately who had just exited hyperspace and was approaching orbit. "You damned three tailed hussy!!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. END Next: Darth Tenebrous, a musician with a very big gun and a cat fight. |