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loving a vampire can pose problems. |
Trinity is a young high school student, well she was but when she scored impossibly high on the pre-ACTs she was allowed to graduate at the end of the fall semester. She didn't really have any friends so she agreed and started going to the community college. So now she's alone at only seventeen and there something strange following her around at night. ***************************************************************************************************** Okay I just found out that the first chapter isn't showing up even though it's still there when I get on so if anyone can tell me what I need to do it would be greatly appreciated! I'd also like to see some reviews so I know if anyone is reading it besides my friends. Thanks! Until then I'll just have Ch.1 posted on this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay college life is not going to be that bad, Trinity told her self, I mean everyone's best memories are about college, but then again they were old enough to drink and party without getting arrested. Trinity got off the bus and stepped out onto the lightly powdered grass of a rather small community college campus. It was her first trip to the college and she was alone because she didn't want to trouble her parents, she had told them she already had a place to stay, a lie, that she even knew a few people who had graduated last year and had come here, also a lie. She hate troubling others with problems she knew she could work out. But the her problems were beginning to pile up and she had run out of time to straiten them out so now she was with out home, it's really cold out side, and she had no idea what to do. She started walking toward the admissions building to see if there was by some miracle someone had dropped out and now there was a room available in the dorms. "Okay now which way did that lady on the phone say I would need to go to get to the admissions building? Crap, I'm lost and I haven't even moved a foot."She mumbled to her self. She picked up her old fashioned suit cases and just walked over to the old looking gazebo. It had beautiful lattice work all around and was made of a dark wood that Trinity didn't know of. She looked around and noticed there were actually a few students out here in the cold, maybe they could give her some directions though with her luck they would just ignore the very young freshman. Her self inflicted depression distracted her from noticing that a student was walking toward her. He moved with impressive grace and wore dark clothing, to most he looked gorgeous, not that she was noticing anything beyond the fact she had no where to go even if she knew her way around. She leaned her head back in defeat and just laid her arm over her eyes in hope that it would all just disappear. So it would stand to reason that when the young man walked up to the side of the gazebo that her head was hagging over and said," Little girls shouldn't be out side at this time of night," that she would just about jump out of her skin and fall over, all of which she did."Sorry did I scare you little girl?"he asked laughing at her reaction. "Yes! You scared me! It's not nice to sneak up on people! And quite calling me 'little girl'! And stop laughing at me!" She said her heart still racing. "Sorry, sorry, you looked lost when I saw you get off the bus and thought I could help. What dorm are you looking for since your obviously new here."He asked still snickering a little. She was just going to ignore him because he had insulted her and was still laughing at her, but she found her self answering him anyway," Actually I don't have a dorm to go to,"then mumbled under her breath,"I don't have any place to go." He looked at her for a second and then offered," Well you could come stay with me. Well it wouldn't be just me there are four others that live there with me and the house is big enough for you to stay there too." She just stared at him for a second wondering how much she could trust him or the people he lived with. "Why in the world would I just randomly agree to live with a bunch of total strangers?" She asked really for no reason. "'Cus you seemed a little desperate for some kind of option, and living cost is easier to pay split six ways rather than five. And you don't need to worry about the other occupants we're all like family and most aren't much older than you. The two youngest are eighteen. And you could leave when ever you want. We wouldn't care and at least you could have somewhere to stay until a space opens up in the dorms and you wouldn't be alone. So are you sure your willing to turn down such a good deal?" He said smiling a strange smile that she was unsure what it was concealing, but she felt that it was the right thing to do and she didn't know why. "I guess I could stay for a few days at least until I can make other arrangements." She said surprising her self. "Wonderful, I'll even help you carry your bags. My name is Asher by the way. Just follow me I was on my way home any way, but we do need to stop by the store I hope you have some cash everyone pays for their own food and since your new and none of us have gone to get more food yet, you get pushed strait to the top of the list. By the way what did you say your name is?"He said all too cheerfully, probably happy he doesn't have to spend his money. "I never said my name, but it's Trinity."She said wondering if she even had enough money to pay for a house hold worth of food. "Nice to meet you Trinity."He said as if he were holding back a laugh, which was normal to Trinity. Most people thought her name was strange so she just let it lie. The grocery store wasn't very big which wasn't really expected, the town wasn't all that big either. He walked with her as she pilled things into the cart like: milk, eggs, cereal, bread, and so on. He just kept nodding at the things she would pick up, she occasionally would ask what the others would like to eat but he would just answer,'what ever you like'. She had to stop when so she could begin to count up what she would have to pay. When she started to put a few things back he gave a puzzled look and asked,"why are you putting those things back? Is something wrong?" "Well I'm kind of on a budget and I kind of got ahead of myself."She answered blushing because of her stupid mistake. "Haha, what are you some kind of kid just get a job if your that tight for money."He said amused and laughing at the thought of having to do that. "Well I doubt there are many jobs available in this small town, and I need to focus on my studies for right now."She said blushing even more now because she had been caught and forced to show her childlikeness and poorly covered it with the lame excuse of 'focusing on her studies.' As they were walking out of the store Trinity hadn't realized how late it had gotten because it was very dark outside now and there wasn't a single person out on the street and it was very eerie. But the one thing she did see was the most adorable puppy across the street with no collar. She couldn't help but immediately run over and pick it up, it was all alone just like her. No matter what it was coming home with her whether Asher would let her or not. "Asher," She said in her sweetest voice that always got her parents to do what she wanted," What is your policy on dogs in the house." He tried so hard to avoid looking at her face or the puppy's so he could at least attempt to say 'no' but he just barely looked down and was caught in both their gazes, so he defiantly couldn't say 'no' now. "Well, I can't say it's ever come up before, but I guess since technically it's my house I guess you can keep it, but any mess, anything destroyed, or any complaints will be your responsibility to correct. Got it?" He said watching her eyes light up like a child's. "Yes I understand thank you! My parents would never let me have a pet, they thought I couldn't handle the responsibility. But I always knew I could handle a pet."She said happy to finally have her childhood dream come true at last."I think I'll call her Kasa." After running back into the store for some dog food, a collar,and a leash they continued on toward the house. They walked in silence for the most part but that was just fine it was too cold to talk. When they finally reached the house Trinity was amazed by the sight of the large and beautiful old house. It was a gothic style mansion, though it was hard to get a good and proper look at it in this light, for there were very few street lamps and the closest one was a few blocks away. "Home sweet home!" Asher said with a cheerfulness that seem to openly mock the gothic feel of the mansion."Well lets not stand out side all night it's even better inside." He said leading her up the long drive way."Now don't be surprised if they're not too chatty. They aren't exactly very social and don't take to new people right away. You'll just have to get to know them. Well here we are!" He said as they walked up the front porch. |
Chapter | 1 | This is family?(2) | 13.80k |
Chapter | 2 | Something weird is going on here, and I know what it is(3) | 17.66k |
Chapter | 3 | Suddenly everything makes since and it's great!(4) | 19.16k |
Chapter | 4 | The things that go bump in the night, are back(5) | 17.22k |
Chapter | 5 | Princes of darkness, an explaination(6) | 14.83k |
Chapter | 6 | Valentine's Day 'H-E-double hocky sticks'(7) | 21.39k |
Chapter | 7 | The Unexpected Guest (8) | 23.14k |
Chapter | 8 | A Dirty Little Secret!? | 8.62k |