Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1160587-Spartan-Space
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Sci-fi · #1160587
Homoerotic Science Fiction
Chapter 1.

It was a dark and stormy night. The weather pattern over Saugus City State was a classic Nor-Easter. Of course being 2076 there was no snow this January evening. Snow had become fairly rare on this northern corner of the BosWashMeg.

Saugus C.S. was made up of six residential geodesic domes surrounded by forest and well landscaped modern automated diamond steel concrete industrial buildings and smaller domes. The large residential domes were also geodesic and made of prestressed concrete with large diamond panes. In the center of each dome a large concrete sky scraper connected to top of the dome to the earth. On top of the domes a large circular VTOL pad. was busy 24/7 with commuter traffic.

This part of North America was middle-class wealthy by most world standards. Crib to Coffin free medical care. Free education with intelligence drugs and Mind/Wiki interface. The energy infrastructure lined the coast of North America.

Sixty years earlier 2 Wentworth Institute engineering undergrads were having a threesome love affair with a handsome ceramic wizard bong and some mutant killer hydro weed a friend was growing in her apartment. The smoke tasted like blueberries! After 20 minutes they both looked at each other didn't say a word, went to their workstations and in 6 hours had prototype designs for a Wind turbine, Wave-energy and bio fuel algae grower. By the end of the weekend they had gone through the blueberry bag and had prototype designs of a Hybrid Acoustic Fusion/Fission power reactor. The Acoustic Fusion Technology Energy
Consortium, collectively shit their pants when the Patent Department asked for them to review the designs. Both undergrads were from Saugus.


There they were, the last step to becoming a Spartan Warrior/Engineer. After these nanotechnology genetic modifiers there is no turning back. I will go from Homo Sapient to mutant Homo Spartan.

I knew since I was 8 I wanted the Spartan life. My Dad's older brother became a Spartan mutant and the subject of Sparta would always cut deep into Dad's life.

There they were, unwrap them and pop them into my mouth and I become an alien to everyone I know. Is this decision so different? I worked hard in high school achieved 5 certificates in science and engineering. Those were choices that I made in my life. They didn't separate me from the 4 billion on earth or the 10 billion homo sapiens of the inner solar system. It was the 10 billion Spacers who got the most amount of help from the Spartans. In fact Sparta can be said to have saved earth in many ways. 40 percent of the habitats that spacer humans were living, working and more important generating wealth were Spartan hand me downs. The Spartan would just put out a radio call and say at so and so time we are leaving this O'Neil Habitat fit for 20k happy people. The airlocks will open for you, all the life support is working and the farming ponds, soybean fields and cattle pastures are ready to be worked on.

My thoughts went back to the last time I saw my Dad. He hugged me so hard I had to work hard to breath. Then he did something he had never done before, he started crying and started kissing me on the neck and cheek while the weeping got more and more intense. I could feel the tightness in both of our denim jeans show a default sexual desire which really scared me because I love my Dad but never lusted after him. The same with Dad always a loving and patient father but always completely hot for mom totally mono and het.

Then Dad spoke in a halting way in my ear while still holding me close.

"Son I love you so much, you have not only been my son but my best friend. I named you Samuel after my older brother who I also loved and who also was my best friend. Now my heart has been broken twice, but that is alright I am so proud of you becoming a Warrior/Engineer just like Big Bro.

I know Spartan Space is wide and far but if you ever physically meet him please hold him hard and tight and long like I'm doing to you and cry and kiss him like me now and tell him about the love I have for him, the same strong love I have for you."

I got a cold glass of water and popped the nanotech modifiers into my mouth. Then I went to the sink a washed my face of the tears that were streaming down from my eyes. Looked into the bathroom window and forced a grin. An alien spartan warrior/engineer grinned back.
The Spartan federation owned a few facilities on earth mostly self contained. Once you became a mutant under international law you were an extraterrestrial and no longer were a citizen of earth. Sparta traded with earth at all major spaceports but it's large facilities were space cannon spaceports.


Scifi crumb001 getting out of the life pod

I hate suspended animation! Truly you feel like the undead waking up for your first Brains breakfast, "MMmmm Brains!"

For me, it is different for everyone ,some even feel refreshed ( I HATE THOSE PEOPLE!) Well for me it's a throbbing headaches and a truly horrible taste in my mouth.

I finally open my eyes and a stainless steel sphere with antennas, compound eyes, and an insect mandibles are in my face.

"Good morning Doc, how am I doing?" I tried real hard to sound chipper.

"Good afternoon sir it is 15:40 GMT, please tell me your birth date and ID number"

"06, 21, 1955, id 040-48-665"

The insectoid medical robot started purring as it accessed the ship's network..

"Puurrr, Good afternoon Mechengineer Apostolos, you vitals look good. Are you suffering from "throbbing headache" and "tastes like mouth filled with rat shit"?"

"Oh YES! Big time Bro! Can you fix it?"

A little arm with inhaler nozzles at the end was gently shoved into my nostrils.

"Purr, please inhale deeply through your nose sir."

The little devil with the hammer in my head became a memory 4 happy purrs later.
The Doc pulled out the inhaler and another robot hand appear with a small liquid nozzle.

"Sir open your mouth and stick out your tongue"

The bot extruded a small amount of paste on my tongue.

" Do not swallow, please swish tongue around in your mouth, purr."

The rat shit taste went away replaced by what tasted like raspberry/mango.

"Oh thank you Doc, your a life saver"

"MechEngineer it would be helpful for my checkup if you could break wind for analysis"

"Sure Doc let me know when you want me to let loose the nerve gas"

The bot extended a medical sensor close to my cheeks.
"purr Let it rip Captain..purr"


Thank you mechengineer purr"

"purr please stay in the zero gee webbing while I review your medical stats, I have activated the com panel for your entertainment purrr."
Doc's med lab microchips worked hard producing data for his human diagnostic A.I.
The doctor was finished with my exam fairly quickly. I got out of my webbing and headed for the locker rooms. A fast hot shower in a zero gee stall totally brought me back from the dead

I grabbed my gear from storage, went to the nearest com link and checked out if my boss was on duty. Turned out he wasn't even aboard the ship, but left me with a fairly long to do list. First on the list was spend 48 hours get settled and enjoy yourself on board.

The transport ship was an old Spartan design, spun down so it proved to be great fun flying through the halls and large spaces between work areas.


Green Rings Around Venus

Pete and Repete were buds for over 5 years. They were young and on their first deep space tour in the inner Solar System. Most of their work assignment were the same, they just clicked so well together. On top of that every work team they were in productivity would increase for the whole crew. They were fun to be around.

There were close to 5 million Spartans living in the space between the Sun and Venus. With good reason that was where the cheap solar power was thanks to the inverse square law. Every asteroid between Mars and the Sun was utilized. Earth was happy with this situation because it made the Tunguska event hopefully the last.
© Copyright 2006 beartech420 (beartech420 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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