Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1157813-One-more-chance-at-glory
Rated: 18+ · Other · Death · #1157813
this is the first chapter of a book i am writing

Silence filled the room. Ryan walked in about 30 minuets after the attack. The faces of all who were in the room were a pale white. Ryan noticed the girl lying on her bed. She was very quiet.

"What's your name child?" Ryan asked. The answer, or so it seemed, came from a loud screech. "I wasn't talking to you. I asked for her name, I will get to yours soon enough." The room continued silent for several more minuets.

"Jessica" came in a short, strained voice.

"Will you give me permission to help you?" asked Ryan

"Yes"-replied Jessica

"Now I ask for your name, traitor." Ryan knew quite well that the force in Jessica's body was not natural. He had figured thus far it was a demon. It is common knowledge that demons don't like one thing, and that's to be called a traitor. In each civilization, traitors to their kings are punished with the death penalty. It is the same with the demons, calling them a traitor reminds them that God will soon kill them as well.

"What power do you think you have over me? Do you not know that I can destroy you with less energy then it takes for me to breathe this toxic air? Call me number 2." Said the force

"No, you know what I mean when I ask for your name." At this the girl once again screamed with agony. The bodies of the onlookers flinched and began to shake terribly. The demon had once again been rustled by Ryans words. There are two names that every living thing has; first they have their literal name that is used commonly, then there is there true name, a name that when spoken in the ancient tongue gives you the ability to control that individual in every way.

The girl's eyes became bloodshot so that the blood began to run down her face like tears. "You will not learn my name earth man. You have insulted me twice thus far; the third time will be the charm. This girls life means nothing to you, so unless you wish for me and my hoards to destroy you as well, I would turn and run."

Ryan did not move, because he knew that when a demon challenges you its spirit links with you. If you begin to move away it will cut one of the lines in your life. It would be like cutting a vein. It will slowly kill you. "If you are so brave, why don't you show yourself?" At that Ryan went to the desk in the room and grabbed a Polaroid picture camera from the dresser. He then placed it up to his eye and took a picture.

A dreadful grin over came the girls face. Ryan removed the picture from the camera and waited for the development. When it developed, he dropped the photo to the ground where it ignited in flame and dissolved. The demon just smiled and said, "That was lucky number 3."
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