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Rated: · Other · Fantasy · #1157020
Short bio for a character in a game.
((Short bio for a gnome in a game. This is hardly what I'd call a masterpeice or a rivetting read but it is atleast slightly interesting.

Not exactly my best work considering I don't do bios often. I ussualy weave those into a story but anyways this is one of my first attempts at a bio.
All right reserved yada yada please don't copy my work. I take no credit for the use of mythical creatures created by D&D and all that other fun stuff.))

Zamugo Firedust

Bio: Gnomes are a curious bunch of creatures always inventive, skillful in the arts of creation so was the case with the Zunon Clan. A clan of innovative gnomes who are known for their great wizards and, potions, among other things their family was famous, so thus they where a highly revered clan of gnomes who dwelled in the hilly lands of Smoggy named after the first gnome adventure who named it after the last words of his great grandfather before he died in a terrible dragon attack. As with all famous clans their comes a black sheep or two within the family, one such person was aptly named Zamugo Firedust, but he had a twin named Taeago Firedust, they where great friends and spent a lot of time with each other. Until at the age of fifty ten years before Zamugo was exiled Taeago left against the families will to train with the Monks. Zamugo was sad but allowed his brother to go promising that one day he would seek his twin out and they would brave the world together.

As a young student within the clan he attended classes to become a wizard but yet something didn't seem to work. Although fascinated with the prospect of magic the daunting work of studying, huddling over a spell book until the day one died simply didn't appeal to him, nor did the careful strenuous planning a wizard had to do before each and every day. That was a bother to him. Unlike the others within his class only a few select spells came to him as if it was meant to be.

To Zamugo becoming a wizard was boring, contemplative memorization of words and symbols without end so naturally he threw such prospects away instead turning towards what his clan considered to be an uncivilized, barbaric use of magic. Though they constantly showed their disdain for Zamugo's self taught ways, he cared little caring only for the unstable pieces of energy wrought by his hands, and his study increased study of dragons and lore. Now normally doing something different wouldn't constitute being banned from your own clan, but Zamugo was a different case.

Zamugo was sophisticated, well dressed gnome. Garbed in a nicely woven robe of brilliant gold?s, reds, and the blues of his clan, he was a fine attractive gnome with short brown hair and a sharp nose, and pointed eyes that glistened like diamonds in the sun. For all his looks this did little to overshadow the small fact that he was weakling by gnomish standards so thus an easy target for other others thus he was challenged to many duels, in a way bullied or at least at first, that was before he began dabbling in the arts of Alchemy and mechanical creation creating something wondrous a weapon through the age old process of trial and error. Most would say three times the charm well they didn't know this determined gnome?s bad luck. After destroying the Alchemy lab seventy-three consecutive times in under a month, miraculously escaping series harm. His madness was rewarded with the creation of impact oil, he could use it to fight those stronger than him in combination with spells that way he wouldn?t have to rely on his twin who though looked the same possessed a greater physical prowess than Zamugo could ever hope to achieve.

Although he was skilled at creating magic controlling it was a different matter in the weeks to follow Zamugo proved his magic and new found oil a chaotic weapon. Through countless duels with wizards a problem arose. Yes, he won but at the expense of the surrounding structures, sometimes it was even so bad they had to close whole portions of the city off for reconstruction. The once proud clan was now becoming bankrupt by the reckless efforts of Zamugo. Though they tried to dissuade him, it could not be done.

They thought that perhaps if he learned another skill he would become wrapped up in it and thus leave them alone. They choose archery introducing it to him; naturally he was decently skilled at it becoming a great shot, and for time the obsession to perfect this new skill kept him out of their hair until finally he decided to combine all three of his passions magic, explosives, and archery. This proved to be his down fall, since his first experimentations with impact oil an idea grew within his mind etching forth a glorious creation one that could perhaps rival magic in destructive power. He spent 5 years boring funds from the clan to finance his research. The idea was to create a portable object that through the use of long barrel combined with a blasting chamber could possibly propel an object ten times further than a crossbow.

It took a few years but he managed to create a working prototype out of iron. Using impact oil as the fuel to the blast chamber he succeeded in creating cannon which he named Ear splitter but it was small and packed a large kick it wasn't practical for him to use yet. Being sure he could modify it later ambition drove him to create a larger cannon built our of iron once more he tested it first but still it didn't satisfy his taste for a massive explosion so he upped to the amount of oil, using a massive barrel full that filled the blasting chamber. This might have worked had previous blasting not worn away at the metal cracking it. At last he believed it time to unveil his master piece.

Almost all the nobles attended the mage guild wisely placed a protective wall of force around the audience as they watched in breathless anticipation. What ensued was a catastrophic explosion that vaporized half the mages guilds tower, where he'd previously learned about dragons studying every aspect down to scrying upon a real one. In the midst of the rubble everyone lived though shaken they found Zamugo barely breathing, bald and singed. Grudgingly the community nursed him back to health labeling him a danger to himself as well as those around him. After he had finally recovered back to full health and a head of hair he was banished by his family in a desperate attempt to keep what little social standing and wealth remained. This saddened Zamugo who had properly earned the name Firedust due to the fact that dust is all that seemed to remain after his duels.

The little gnome simply wished to create something of note worthy value to impress his fellow gnomes, teary eyed he looked back upon the city he'd known for so long and started on his way to seek out his brother, his only true friend who had left some years ago to seek training. With the blue prints to his Ear splitter, and a several vials of impact safely stashed in his pack he was certain that could fix it given the time and money.

So Zamugo set off leaving the only home he knew to honor his pact of adventure made with his brother so long ago. Upon finding each other they where inseparable, and thus Zamugo Firedust set out with Taeago Firedust to find adventure and perhaps create something that would satisfy his eccentric need for explosions.
© Copyright 2006 Krazlen Geke (sakuto at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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