Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1154254-Word-Soup
by Sweets
Rated: E · In & Out · Activity · #1154254
Compacting words to make single nonsense words... but some that sense to some

This I&O was created by our good friend Forge . He had too many things in his port so this activity moved here. Please continue to be creative and add your new words. Do it for Forge!

*Gift2**Balloon6**Gift2* !!! Word Soup !!! *Gift2**Balloon6**Gift2*

This In-Out is about compacting two words to a common vowel or trimming syllables to make a single word.


Washing Machine -> Washine

Cradle Blanket -> Cranket

Try your own - and most of all have fun, you may even find your word actually makes sense!...


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silly activity = slactivity (John~Ashen )

banana frappucino = banapacino (Mrs. Whatsit )

chocolate icecream = chocream (Rebecca Laffar-Smith )

pace car = pacar (Rebecca Laffar-Smith )

breakfast cereal = brereal (Rebecca Laffar-Smith )

best seller = beller (Rebecca Laffar-Smith )

silly + nincompoop = silcompoop (Mrs. Whatsit )

blithering idiot - blidiot (Mrs. Whatsit )

garden + hose = gose (Rebecca Laffar-Smith )

television remote = telemote (Rebecca Laffar-Smith )

sly + fox =slox (ussycat )

Australian Idol = Ausidol or Austridol (Rebecca Laffar-Smith )

American Idol = Ameridol? (sounds like medication) (Rebecca Laffar-Smith )

frozen dinner = fronner (Pat Baker )

coffee cake = cofake (Pat Baker )

cheese cake = cheake (Pat Baker )

so bored = sored (Pat Baker )

Mystery Writer = Myster (SmokeyMtn )

Action Writer = Acter (SmokeyMtn )

Black Room = Bloom (Crimson Goth )

pillow talk = pilk (wenda )

Soft Hard = Sard (Crimson Goth )

glow stick = glick (Pat Baker )

Stomach + ache = Stomache... (Ravenwand, Rising Star! )

totally + rad = Totad (Cierra )

new word = nerd umm .... (Caren Rose )

composition book = composook (Caren Rose )

Hello Hey=Heyo (Crimson Goth )

hope vision = hopsion (Kemma )

dog + food = dood (storyteller [retired] )

water+bottle=wattle (rain )

midnight + snack = midnack (rain )

golf+shot= Osht! (Coal )

Halloween + Thanksgiving + Christmas = Hamas (Steev the Friction Wizurd )

Chalk + Lots + Meat + Juice = Chalklotmuice (Coal )

writing+table=writable (saheli )

Bus+Train=Burain (Mac )

Quirky + Kid = Quirkid (Jasmine )

Total Displayed: 38

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1154254-Word-Soup