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Awesome poem, not entirely religious and not my views, it's more a poem about a story |
Now the heavens have started to fall, Now depraved Satan claims us all, Our souls shall now belong to him, Head to toe and limb to limb, Forever in darkness we shall grow, Lost will be the world we know, Fire will plague the forests today, The mountains will go in early May, Tomorrow will be an early frost, All the worlds flowers will be forever lost, Over the seas a blanket of ice, Our only hope is the special dice, With three rolls our problems will be gone, Six, six, six he sings along, For this is the number you must roll, Or you shall pay an unfair toll, Death is the consequence you shall pay, For trying to save the world today, Soon the world forgot the past, Forever it seemed darkness would last, Then one day a boy stepped up, In one hand a diamond cup, "Mother" he said in a questionable way, "I'm sick of living like this" the boy did say, "How will this darkness end? What do I do, what rules must I bend?" The mother thought for a moment or so, "The old woman down the lane, she should know", And so the boy traveled down the lane, He hoped the woman would still be sane, He asked the woman how to defeat Satan's rule, She did recall a story she knew, So she told the boy of the devils success, "I'll beat this devil, I won't settle for less", And so the boy traveled far, He talked to a man with a weird shaped scar, "So your looking for the devil are ye? Well its a good thing you be talking to me", He pointed North and told him to go, Warning him the devil would give him much woe, After one year of traveling North, He finally made it to Satan’s porch, His travels he knew had made him tough, But he wondered was he tough enough? He knew many had died before Lucifer’s feet, He could win or be dead meat, Slowly the boy knocked on the door, A demon appeared and looked at the floor, "The master is upstairs he is, But to get to him you must drink this fizz", And so the boy did drink, He so wished there was a sink, It tasted so bad he almost spit it out, Then he remembered he was a scout, So he plugged his nose and drank the rest, A tingling he felt in his chest, The demon took him up to a room, There Satan sat in the gloom, He laughed and asked what a mere boy would need, The boy turned as red as a bead, "I've come to try your challenging game, Rolling three dice and landing all the same, Three sixes in a row and if I lose I will die, This is why I'm here Satan I do not lie", Satan looked at him for a moment or so, Then he called the boy closer and talked very low, "Boy, many have died trying this task, What makes you think you'll do better than the last?" The boy just looked at Satan with a glare in his eye, He knew if he failed he would die, "Satan give me those dice so I may live my life well, Trust my word it will be me who breaks your spell", With that Satan called his demon slave, "Get my dice and we'll see how much this boy will rave", The demon brought out a box with lining of pure silk, In this color it looked like cream or milk, The boy rolled the first di, six, "That's one boy two more must be added to the mix", "Satan your done for I must win this", He rolled the next di, yet another six, Satan looked a little nervous and the boy was smiling wide, Clearly the boy had a lot of pride, Satan handed the boy the final di, Then he took a great big sigh, "Boy if you think you'll win that'll give me a kick", The boy rolled the last di, making it six, six, six, "Ha!" Said the boy victory in his voice, "Now my world will be free you have no choice", Satan gave a grunt and left the world alone, But ten years later baby Damien was born. Thirty years have since past, That fateful day was my fathers last, After all who perished that boy had won, But now he shall deal with me, Satan's son, My name is Damien I seek revenge on this boy, He ruined my father he must have felt such joy, But now it is Damien he must defeat, And it is me he wont be able to beat, My father was foolish; conceited you might say, Ah, here is the boy I will defeat today, He is not a mere boy anymore, But a man who clearly is not poor, 'How do you do sir?' The man said to me, I'll be fine when this day is over but you shall not be, I've come to claim your soul in the name of my fathers pride, I've waited for so long with too much time to bide, Every waking moment I think of you, All you've taken from me every single jewel, 'Who are you again?' The man asked very slow, I'm Satan's son by name Damien and you I do know, Your name is not important just duel me right now, If you don’t then I suggest that you just bow, 'Your not old enough to remember that day...' Shut up old man my father told me of that May, After reminiscing I got to the point right away, I could put it off no longer I had to be on my way, Fight me now old man we shall settle the score, And when we're done you'll go through the door, We fought until the light was gone, You see who lived, it was me Satan's son, So once again the world is in the dark, I'll not be defeated 'cause I'm as sly as a shark, There are no dice to save this world from me, Nor is there a lock that can be opened by a key, So if you think your strong enough to beat me tonight, Come along and we'll see who wins the fight. In the heavens God heard the plea, "HELP US!" he heard Earths people scream, "My son, it seems there’s a problem down there, Seems Damien has arrived fight him if you dare, My son you must stop the evil reign, And be careful for Damien is sane, He is sly and clever and won't lose without a fight, He is fast and quick and his mind is bright, He'll trick you to take over your mind, My son, Damien is not kind, Now go my son and make me proud, Make Damien scream so very loud", And so he went down to Earth, He'd been waiting for his chance since his birth, To prove himself to his father above, To win the peoples respect and love, "Excuse me sir could you point me to Damien’s lawn, I just haven’t traveled here in so very long", "Yes sir 'tis that way toward the sun, Your journey there will not be fun", And so he left not knowing a demon was watching him now, "Sooner or later God's son must bow, I will inform Damien he's coming here, And present him with my fine deer", To Damien's castle the demon went, And although his fathers sword was bent, Damien waited calm and cool, He knew the son of God was not a fool, "What to do about an intruder coming here, God's son, and God who loves him dear, If I destroy him the world is mine, The feeling of victory is so divine, But if I lose a price I'll pay, Death I should call it in a torturous way", He looked out the window with an evil grin, "That fool God's son cannot sin, If he does he can't go back, Oh his brain does lack, Everything he needs to beat me, I will win you will see", And so God's son flew to the castle gate, He has to be careful of Damien's bait, Careful he must be not to sin, So how on Earth would he win? "I have a plan to beat Damien's rule, He should know that I'm no fool", God's son slowly knocked on the door, There was no answer so he knocked once more, A demon appeared with horns a foot high, "So your the one who will die", The demon said Damien awaited upstairs, And to go and fight him if he dares, So he went up and into a room, "This time God's son you have chosen your doom", "I'm here to right your wrong, I have waited for this far too long, Give up Damien or else you will pay", "Listen God's son to what I have to say, Or you can try to fight me and lose, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes", "I will listen but agree I may not, I know your cunningness measures quite a lot", "The people of Earth are full of hate, Think of me as their punishment; wait, Even better think of what this means, Things are not what they seem, You see it's their fault I came, It's their fault my fathers insane, God's son I am not the enemy, It's them on Earth don't you see? Your father- God created Earth, But the humans trash its valuable worth, They're not worth us fighting over, So I offer you this peace clover", "No Damien, I'll not be tricked by you, I'll not make peace because you're not true", "So be it" Damien said keeping his voice low, ”But you cannot fight me that you know", ”That is true but you forgot about this", His face glowed with a lot of bliss, God's son started undoing the locks, Then a monster came out of his box, Damien blew the turtle away with one punch, It was clear that he was not out to lunch, God's sons face was full of surprise, He also had hate in his eyes, His plan had failed he knew not what to do, "Damien" he said "I'll make a deal with you, You say your the punishment for their sin, So I will pay for every Bob, George, Harry, and Lynn, Take me instead of the human race, You can kill me in their place, So what say you Damien from hell?" "Your words have rung me like a bell, Of course that is quite a deal, Alright then, eat your last meal, And then come back so I can kill you, That is- if that's what you want to do?", An hour later God's son kept his word, Damien awaited with his bird, "Ha-ha step down God's son, Shall I say I have won?" "You haven’t yet won you forgot one thing, My father and his ability to sing, The Lord will live forever more, But your going back to Earth’s core, With his necklace he spun 'round his head, Smoke filled the room and there was Damien’s worst dread, God himself was there with a mike, Along with a guitarist, and drummer alike, "Ozzy Osbourne?" Damien said with aw, He could believe what he saw, "Father you have arrived" God's son did state, "Oh how long you've made us wait", "Father?" Damien questioned Ozzy, "you liked my dad, I don't get it I thought you were bad", "Your father knew his limits and now you’re done", So Ozzy started singing and Damien's torture begun, His voice was so pure it sent Damien back to hell, And then his soul he had to sell, The world is safe and now it mends, And so the fight of the world ends. |