Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1150343-Lost-Her-Mind
by Ronnie
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1150343
Making it right or did they?
Sure that the entire room could hear her heart beating, she attempts to calm her trembling hands enough to dial the stored number on her cellphone. Hesitating on hitting the send button, she hadn't spoke to him on the phone in forever, and what a conversation and time that call was, intense. Hearing the groggy voice answer the phone she contemplates just hanging up, but that voice always held her, more so the man behind it. "Hi, It's Ronnie, please hear me out." the only words she could really muster as everything fought to fall from her lips, she waited for what clicked by as an eternity, for his response.

"I'm listening Ronnie, what is it?" was his response, not much more could be expected, though things had been worked out friendshipwise, they had not spoke on the phone recently, or met in person. Taking a deep breath her nerves shot all morning. "I am up here for a show tonight, I don't know if you saw that the group would be here, there are 4 tickets at willcall for you and whomever. I was really hoping to get to see you, to hug you. I understand if you can't make it or don't want to, but I didn't want to leave here without even trying to see you. Always left wondering." finally out of breath she ends almost with a laugh at herself. "My hell Ronnie, I said I was listening you didn't need to talk that fast, I wasn't going to hang up on you. I saw that they were going to be playing The Commadore Ballroom and wondered if you'd be there. I don't know though if I can meet you before or after. I just don't know." processing his words to heart, she smiles and says a soft bye, and closes her phone.

Many things to get done, to keep her mind busy and away from the sting of it all. A sting she brought on herself but one still. Shrugging it off the best she could she had a job to do and she was going to get it done. With the table setup all she had left to do was hang the banner, the guys would never remember and they were nowhere to be found. "Typical." she exclaims as she climbs up on the ladder, she hates ladders especially ones not secured by another person but this had to get done. Stretching for the last grommet the voice right behind her, and the hand placed to the small of her back, startles her enough to cause her to jump. Struggling for balance and not to fall, her body trembles under the touch now applied to her legs to steady her. Knowing before even hearing the soft whisper who was holding her. "Come down here Ronnie, I am sorry I startled you, guess we proved that point didn't we?" Chuckling softly, her foot searches for the rung to lower her, stepping down to it a bit shocked that his hands remained on her as she moved, slowly sliding up her back as she lowered closer to the ground and Him.

Safely on the floor, her blood racing through her veins, to her cheeks not sure if she could turn and face him her stomach lurching with nervousness. "I am glad you decided to come, I am shocked but glad." Holding the ladder in front of her the cold metal helping her focus, and honestly balance. Her legs felt like jelly and at any moment they were going to throw her to the ground. Forcing herself to remember to breathe, as the tick of the clock above her counts off every passing moment of almost sheer torture. He's so close and yet there is nothing she can do, nothing. Too afraid to turn and face him, knowing that every emotion showed clearly on her face. Chuckling in spite of the tightness in her chest and the rolling waves of her stomach.

No time to think as his hands move to her shoulders and spin her round to face him. Sucking in a sharp breath her brown eyes fall upon a face that she had so many times dreamt of and watched on a screen. The eyes looking to hers ones that always seemed to hide some mischief behind them. There was a lot hidden in the depths of those eyes but she couldn't look too deeply for if she saw pain there it would kill her, for she knew that some of that she caused. Traveling slowly down his face her eyes touch over him, the cheeks that he swore would never hold a blush, for real men don't blush or giggle he had claimed. A bet was placed on that but would never see any fulfillment. Shaking her head her eyes rest upon the lips that surprisingly, to her, are curled into a smile. Oh those lips, the lips that even now she wanted to taste. The lips that spoke to her many times of many things; made her laugh, made her cry and made her want. Another time, another place she chides herself.

God that smile, unable to stop herself she presses her body against him, pulling him in for a hug. Her arms pulled tightly around him, if he protested with words she heard none for at this moment she was deafened by the beat of her heart as it slammed against the bony cage of her ribs. Every beat surging through her like some force of will to pull her apart. Lost to the tick of the clock too, unsure of how long she just stood there and held him in her embrace. Finally breathing again, her senses return, he was holding her back, returning her embrace with just as much as she gave. Licking her suddenly dry lips, wetting them in hopes of being able to speak, a soft voice clears her tightened throat. "I have missed you, and am glad that you decided to come in." Looking up as she speaks the words that seem to form so slowly, the irritating tick of the clock chimes behind them.

Terribly hard for her to pull back out of his arms, but she had to, being this close to him was clouding her judgment. Oh how she wanted to taste his kiss, to share one with him as so many times they had talked about, and she had since dreamed of, but that was not in the cards any longer. Lines had been crossed and they couldn't be taken back. It didn't do anything to smother the fire that burned for him, but it was not her choice. Only he could take it from where it stood right now. She had decided this was the best route to go, less likely chance of hurting him again.

She hated being in this position right now, but God how it was wonderful to see him, to hold him. Time that would be cherished always. Finally stepping back from him her eyes dart up to his playful and curious all at the same time. "I can leave here in a bit, I just have to lay down the table." smiling softly she turns away. "Unless you would prefer to be here?" Scarcely breathing his voice filling her ears as he speaks, unsure what he is going to say to her, she busies herself with the table. "Ronnie, what is it that you hope for here? I mean what is your agenda today?" pondering his questions, she was stung but he had good reason for asking.

Damn the chime of the clock behind them was starting to get annoying as she turned to sit upon the table she had meticulously been working on. "Well I didn't think of one yet, so I have nothing." smiling coyly with a slow bat of her lashes, she was still stung and biting back..."Honestly my agenda is to have you fuck me right here, right now on this table." Her chuckle lost, with him calling her bluff and clearing the distance between them within the single chime of the clock.

Feeling his hands slide up her inner thighs her heart races. Squirming under his touch or maybe it was the scrutiny of his stare as his hands became completely concealed under her skirt fingers drumming over her sensitive flesh. Pulling her hips back up the table her squirming pulling her away briefly, but with him planted squarely between her legs she had nowhere to go. Suddenly pulled by her hips back down hard against him, her hips hitting his. "OH really now Ronnie, is that what you want to say? Still playing games with me I see."

God the smirk on his face brought her temper up, could he not see or feel how her body was reacting to him? Blind and Dead he would have to be not to notice. Biting her bottom lip not wanting to speak her thoughts at the moment. That and his hands had slipped back up her skirt, teasing her with promise, but the torture was that it was He playing the game he accused her of. She wanted him, and had for a long time. Wanted to please him, to feel him quake at her touch. Closing her eyes her mind drifts for a moment, still bothered by the rage that his smirk brought her words fall carelessly. "And if I said yes??? Or worse what if I'm not toying with you?" Not waiting for his response, she wraps her legs about his hips holding him tight to her hips.

The look of shock on his face was worth the surge of her body against him. Barely a moment to think before their lips were brought together hard in an angry passionate kiss. Nothing gentle or loving about it, completely claiming and demanding, each taking everything the other gave. Literally devouring the kiss between them, the tension had built up though she was not sure that they had the same reasoning but at this point she didn't care. Even this kiss caused her dreams of such to seem pale in comparison.

Each seeming to be lost in the intenseness of it all, arms holding, clinging as if to lay claim, or to prove something in the process. Hearing the rip she realizes that her hands and want have torn open his shirt, pulling the shirt back down off of his shoulders tightly pulling it against him, in essence pinning his arms where they were. Though not limiting him in his movement, his hands were already on her thighs. Gasping back, feeling his fingers press upwards into her, the soft material of her panties between his fingers and the most sensitive part of her. This didn't stop him though, and he seemed to be enjoying the fact that they were becoming wet against her.

Breaking this heated kiss, her lips dropping to his neck, teeth biting not so gently but not enough to really hurt, working her way down his neck and chest. Nipping at his nipples, trying to keep her sense about her, his touch making that nearly impossible. He was driving the fiery passion she felt into dangerous heights, his every move intended and precise. Though as of yet he had not shown that it was really affecting him in the least.

Moaning against his now bare chest, unable to not hold it back with the workings of his fingers over her. His thumb pressed firmly against her clit moving in a range of circles upon it, as his fingers stroke back teasingly over her covered flesh. Feeling the tremble of his body under her lips only driving her a bit more over the edge. Not having a moment to react before one of his hands slipped into her hair pulling her head back, firmly holding her there. Neck and lips exposed, her lips feeling the extent of the passion in him first, locked in a kiss only rivaled in intensity by the one they had just shared moments ago. A low gasp escaping her, in reaction of his teeth sinking into the tender flesh of her neck, only the slightest sting of pain, but that was lost to the pleasure brought.

"Careful Ronnie in what you ask for or who you toy with, you never know." A sentence whispered against heated and now moist flesh, one sparking a flash in her. She was not toying with anyone at this moment she wanted him even if he didn't know it, or more likely even if he was teasing her about her desire. With an arch of her back and a staggered breath, she pulls herself up into a more sitting position again. Not taking in to account that doing so would cause his hand to tighten in her hair and make the pressure and stroking against her undies nearly unbearable. Catching her breath stealing a taste of his lips, her fingernails rake down his chest and sides, stopping only at his waist band. Undoing the buttons of his jeans her hands reciprocating the pleasure he has been tormenting her with. There was no doubt left that he wanted her just as badly as she did him now.

Licking her lips slowly, the taste of their kisses still lingering there, hoping to be able to speak. "I have not asked for anything that I truly do not want, or am not willing to share or give back. As for toying with you, That Dear, I am not doing" Moaning again soft at his increasing the speed in which he move his thumb she leans up to his ear taking the lobe between her teeth briefly. Barely able to force a whisper, her voice being found in time with her hands slipping under the material they had been stroking him through. Stroking him with the back of her fingers before encircling him fully, with the whisper spoken, her actions adding to it. "I want you more than I have wanted anyone in my life, if that is toying then maybe you should stop toying with me."

The ripple of his entire body evident, but she's sure that even the clock didn't have a moment to chime in reaction. In the blink of an instant or the beat of a heart her skirt rested against her waist and the barrier of her white satin panties were now on the floor next to the table. His arms slipped under her thighs gripping the table next to her, knees resting against his shoulders. A moments hesitation from him the sensation of the head of him sitting against her causing her to squirm, no it wasn't that it was the hesitation from him.

Soft eyes looking to his watching the flashes change as he contemplated how he was going to take her. Slowly to prolong the sensation he had wanted to or swiftly wanting to quench the rage within his veins. Then once again in the flash of an instant, he drove himself deeply and completely into her. Her calling out is name lost in the cover of the deep growl resonating from him her body accepting him sheathing him. Lost in the burning between them, he continues to thrust into her with a cutting passion. Deeper and Harder into her filling her perfectly, each thrust rocking them both, nothing between them, nothing holding them back. Letting the passion carrying them.

Arching up into him her body shaking against him, her hands slipping over his locking there though only briefly as a flash of wickedness crosses his eyes and smile. A tender hand placed to her cheek his smile sending its own shivers through her. The hand pulled away he moves both of her knees to his shoulders along the sides of his neck, leaning his shoulders towards hers, rolling his hips sliding against each silken wall. Crying out his name in a low moan breaking his control burying himself into her several times his body quakes against hers, every nerve in her body tense and screaming for release she feels the warm sensation of him spilling into her. His voice echoing within the room the sound of her name between staggered breaths and gasps.

Her body tensing more under him small tremors building, sensing that she had not yet met full climax, but that she tethers there upon the crest of it all. His mind pleasure drugged, he slips his fingers back over her clit moving them rapidly back and forth. "Don't hold back from me Ronnie, share with me share it all" turning his head kissing her knee, his fingers continue to pull her over the edge. Bucking against him, her back arching he lets her legs slide of his shoulders. Washed away into her climax, muscles constricting and releasing around him, anything but soft screams and moans filling the room around them. His name rolling off of her lips, the waves rolling over her and taking her with them.

Her body quieting against him, he steps back slightly letting her legs rest against the table and his thighs. Reaching a hand up under her neck, pulling her up to him, his lips covering hers with an all consuming kiss, but one that held a different intenseness and meaning than the first one they had shared. Whispering against her lips finally the chime of the clock was quieted by the sounds of passion. Closing her eyes a tender smile curls her lips...

...*RING* Hearing the groggy voice answer the phone she contemplates just hanging up, but that voice always held her, more so the man behind it. "Hi, It's Ronnie, please hear me out." the only words she could really muster as everything fought to fall from her lips, she waited for what clicked by as an eternity, for his response..."I'm listening Ronnie, what is it?"...
© Copyright 2006 Ronnie (sheleighli at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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