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know one understands Kia know one not kay not aggie knowone..
it was just another day Kia got ready for school said godbye to her sister and told her not to fuss as she picked up her school bag and walked out the door, she walked along the cobbled street watching everyone chatting with there friends, she stooped at the turning and wonderd if she should go in to school, she thought then decided again'st it she already told aggie that she was feeling ill and she had wasted her monthly 2 pounds on a fake doctors note. I dashed to the publuc toilets locked the one of the toilets door and pulled out my clothes and put them on shoving my school clothes back in the bag i took out my glasses so people would'nt notice me as easily, so i was away roaming the streets all day i stole a bag of sweets a sandwich and a can of coke for dinner and then just read my book by the river when a boy came up to me he looked about 16 older than me,he had ginger hair all spiked up like the boys in Aniggie and my class i hated them so i was weriy of this boy. He came up ptold me that his mum had just died , i just stared at him not believing what he was telling me i had only just meet me , tears flooded to my eyes as i remebrd my dad he had been killed in a car crash he was taking me to london we were going to look at tower bridge i was so exicted then these young boys were driving on the wrong side of the rode over taking they crashed into our car my dads kneck broke and he died instantly, me i escaped with just a scare on top of my left check my mum never forgave me for not dying she could'nt see why i lived and he did'nt my mum turned ill and tryed to kill herself and me. now i live with my big sister Kay she thinks i'm over everythink but i'm not thats why i skip school so peolpe notice me they don't though. tears flooded to my eyes as the boy went on about heart attacks he told me that his mum thinks that he has now acceted his dad's death but he had'nt spoo he rebel'ed out by getting in trouble about graffiti he then asked if i wanted to come i just sttod there in shock i could'nt beleive how much our storys related so i agreed. soo i agreed to meet him at half 2 at night so i could go and meet him with out Kay realising!, i had such a great night that night the adralian thrill was in-belevie'able we agranged to meet up then next night i could'nt wate i even decided to go into school the next day. when i got in i went straight up to bed i had my pj's on under my coat i carefully took of my coat and trainers then went into the barthroom i was just coming out and Kay was there waiting for me ! "Kia were have you been?"she askked "knowere" i said crying to keep calm!2iheared the door" replyd Kay "you know you can't go out late at night there are people out there strange peeople and she nooded towards the window! " i tried to look sad but i was sooo happy the plan had worked i had got loads of attention i was going to do it tomorow for sure" the next day passed it was boring day at school i went to bed dozed on and of then my alarm went of i quickly turnd it off realisng it was stupid idea to use my alarm clock , i put on my shoes and coat grabbed my spary can i had brought before school and quietly creeped out of the house... Kay never saw Kia again no one ever found out what had happend to poor little Kia , but she got a lot of attention it was all over the news the 'boy' was right hisplan would get her loads of attention........ |