Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1149089-Canadian-girl-at-Hogwarts
Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1149089
just like the title says, it's about a canadian girl who's transferd to hogwarts
After storing her trunk on the train Allex found an empty compartment and took a seat, she rested her head against the window and watched all the other students saying goodbye to their families. As the clock struck 11 the train started off toward Hogwarts, she yawned and settled in for a long ride. Humming quietly to herself Allex twirled her wand between her fingertips, she didn’t need the wand to do magic, but since everyone else appeared to need a wand, she figured shed pretend to be like everyone else. No need to stand out anymore then she already would.
‘Bad enough I’m going to be the only Canadian there, and the only transfer student. Don’t need to add super freak to the list as well.’ Who would have guessed that wand less magic was considered almost impossible among the magic community. Allex was a girl of 16, with shoulder length chocolate brown hair, and blue eyes were stunning. Her complection was fair and she was tall, 5'9 to be exact, with a fairly athletic build. The only jewelry she wore was a necklace which she never took off, a pentacle, it had been a gift from her mother.

Her thoughts were interrupted as the compartment door slammed open,
“piss off will you, I’m tired off all your sniveling.” Yelled a tall blond boy at someone in the hallway. Allex blinked, he was stunning, his hair was a gorgeous platinum blond, his face was elegant yet masculine with fair skin, and he seemed to just radiate sex appeal. He slammed the door shut, as he turned to take a seat his eyes landed on her and he froze, looking her up and down.
“ Who the bloody hell are you?”he snarled. She tilted her head to the side and looked into his silver eyes, the only thought that ran through her head was ‘wow’. She blinked and frowned slightly,
“ I’m Allex, and who might you be?”. The boy leaned against the wall, crossing his arms across his chest and arched an eyebrow.
“Draco Malfoy, Hogwarts prefect. And you’re not a Hogwarts student, and you don’t even sound English.” She crossed her arms across her chest and arched her eyebrow, imitating his pose as best she could from her seat.
“ Hmm, you are right about one thing” she said smiling slightly, “ I’m not English, I’m Canadian. But I am a Hogwarts student, or at least I am this year, just got transferred.” He sat down across from her, and continued to size her up.
“Since when has Hogwarts accepted transfer students? And why wasn’t I informed of this?” he seemed to ask more to himself then to her, she shrugged her shoulders and went back to looking out the window. After several minuets of silence she looked back at him,
“what’s Hogwarts like?”, He shrugged his shoulders
“it’s one of the top magical schools in the world, or so they say. I don’t mind it too much, a schools a school after all. It has a lot of history and what not like any old castle, and there are the four houses, Slitherin, Ravenclaw, Grifindor, and Hufflepuff.” Just then the door slid open and an old witch peeked in
“anything off the trolley dears?” Allex bought a couple chocolate frogs, and a box of Bertie botts every flavor bean, she sat down and carefully tasted the beans,
“they really do mean every flavor, yuck.” Draco chuckled as she spat out a sardine flavored one. Draco continued to tell her about Hogwarts as the train rode on toward the castle.

An hour later the two were still talking, Allex asking questions about the school, and the wizerding community around London, and Draco answering as best he could. He chuckled to himself as he listened to the type of questions she asked, there were the normal ones about what the teachers were like, and about the classes and what not, he liked how she kept throwing questions like, where there any secret passage ways in the castle, and did he know where they were. He liked how her mind seemed to be like that of a Slitherin, though she also seemed too nice and caring to belong in Slitherin. Draco felt relaxed around the new girl, she was easy to talk to, he found himself kind of hoping shed end up in Slitherin House, and not in Gryfindor. Suddenly his train of though was interrupted as the door slid open and a boy with messy black hair and vivid green eyes poked his head in,
“hey Ginny you in here?” he stopped as his eyes

landed on Draco, he frowned.
“Well if it isn’t Potter” Draco sneered, “lost the littlest Weasel have you?”
“Malfoy” the boy growled “back again? Thought you would have run off to Drumsrang by now.” Allex looked from one to the other, she could almost see the sparks of hatred shooting from their eyes, she bit her lip and twirled a strand of her hair around her finger. The Potter boy, noticed movement out of the corner of his eye, he seemed to realize there was someone else in the compartment, he looked over at her and blinked.
“Who are you?” he asked “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around school before, what’s your name?” she smiled slightly, admiring him, he was tall and looked to be quite well muscled under his robes, and her fingers itched to run through his jet black hair
‘wow, haven’t even got to the school yet and already I’ve run into two really hot guys, is this my lucky day or what. I wonder why they seem to hate each other so much?’ . She blushed slightly,
“my name’s Allex, I just transferred to this school . . . ”but before she could say any more Draco jumped up out of his seat and stood in between them, glaring at Harry.
“Sodd off Potter, we don’t want you here, go back to the Weasel and the mudblood.” Sensing a fight Allex jumped up between them, doing a quick silent spell to calm them down, and pushed them away from each other, she blinked away some bad thoughts as her hands felt how muscular both of their chests were.
“Chill out you two, please?” she smiled at both of them. Harry smiled back at her,
“I’ll go now, but I hope we can talk another time.” he scowled at Draco one last time then jogged off down the hall. Allex turned back to Draco,
“so who was he, and what was that all about?”,
“Harry bloody Potter, ‘the boy who lived’, he’s bloody full of himself.” he looked out the window, sighed and made himself relax, he looked back at her
“I’ve got something to do before we get to the school, you should get changed into your school robes, were almost there.” then without waiting for a reply he turned and left the compartment.

Draco stalked down the hall, his anger at Potter returning as he got further away from the new girl, he wondered briefly why he had let Pothead go without a fight. A spell maybe?, no that couldn’t be it, no won had so much as taken out there wand, never mind cast a spell. He’d wonder about it later, but right now he needed to find some one who he could take his anger out on. He headed towards a compartment near the end of the train were he knew Crabb and Goyle were, he figured yelling at them would work.

Allex changed into her new school robes, ‘these are going to take some getting used to’, her school uniform consisted of a skirt, white button up blouse, tie, optional sweater vest (which she swore she’d never wear as long as she still drew breath), black outer robe, and plain black shoes. She wondered what else was in store for her in this new school, she sighed and tucked her wand away in her pocket.
Harry raced back to the compartment where his friends, Ron and Hermione where having yet another argument.
“No Ron, I told you many times, no one can apperat inside of hogwarts, it’s impossible.”,
“but mione...”, Harry rolled his eyes, better stop them now before they get all worked up and stop speaking to each other again.
“Hey Hermione, as prefects wouldn’t you two be told if we got a new girl at hogwarts?” Hermione gave Harry a confused look, Ron laughed
“Harry, every year we get new first years, you know that. What’s gotten into you?”
“No, not a first year Ron, I was looking for Ginny when I stuck my head into a compartment and saw a new girl talking to Malfoy. I imagine she’s in the 6th year with us, and she sounded like she was American or something.” Harry sat down next to Ron and looked across to Hermione. Hermione tapped her finger against her lips,
“sounds like she could be a transfer student, but I’ve never heard of any magic schools over in north america, there almost all in europe. How odd. I’ll go ask the head boy and girl, see what they know about her.” she hurried out of the room. Ron looked at Harry,
“so this new girl.....was she pretty?” he grinned, Harry grinned back, “ya, very attractive.”
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