Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1148263-The-Faeries-Tale
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Fantasy · #1148263
The tale of how a faerie fell from grace then became a queen twice.
                                    ~~~~The Faerie’s Tale~~~~

    These of the words of Mab, Queen of the Universe.  It tells of her past and how she became a queen, twice, for even after becoming Queen of the Universe, she remained Queen of the Faeries.  This file was the only thing found after the destruction of Earth, the Palace, and the Underworld.  Now it will be kept in our archives.  Let us all hope that whatever happened to them does not befall our civilization.

Official Copy, KL-59 Archives
ID- Mab, Queen, Palace, Creator
85499674583332, Official Librarian

    Before I begin my tale, I believe I should tell you how we came into the situation.  It was entirely our fault, I admit.  We have no one to blame but ourselves.
    I hope you have heard of the angel who wanted more than he was allotted.  Yes?  Good.  But part of the story is untold.  See, the archangels (mainly Lucifer, Michael, and Rapheyl) wanted more.  They wanted to be like the creator.  Gabriel tried to talk sense into them, but they destroyed him (the Creator later brought him back).  But the Creator found out about the archangels’ plan, and a huge battle occurred.  Some angels fought on the side of Lucifer and his army, but many sided with the Creator.
    At the end of the battle, the Creator banished Lucifer and Rapheyl to the Underworld, along with all the angels who fought with them.  Michael was forgiven, somewhat, but was kept on a tight leash after that.

    Yes, I know I did not mention my tribe.  At that time, we were the lowest cast of angels, and during the fight we waited until we knew who the winner would be, and then we joined in.  For that, the Creator banished us, not to the Underworld, but to Earth along with many of the tribes of angels.

    On Earth, we separated, going our own ways.  Maybe you have heard of some of my kin?  The djinn, the goblins, daemons, centaurs, vampires, zombies, fauns, nymphs, just to name a few.  The daemons Jokester and Lilith are cousins of mine, from a slightly lower cast than I, of course.

    Pardon?  Oh, yes, on with the story.  We are banished, and I took the rest of my tribe- mainly pixies, banshees, faeries, and brownies- and settled on a green isle.  I have heard the mortals call it Avalon, the Isle of Man, the Emerald Isle, or the Isle of Mists.  But the most common name was Ireland.  Some of the tribe moved across the water into Scotland and Wales.  England we left alone because they had enough trouble all on their own.  Anyway, I changed my name to Mab, and became leader of my banished tribe.  I do believe the mortals called us “faey”.

    I amused myself by taking on a mortal image.  I had long black hair and pure skin.  I always wore a long, dark-colored dress.  I thought it was funny to take the guise of a mortal and then change it to my liking, such as adding horns or wings.  Not all of us were small, though.  I myself am as big as a mortal, as you can see. Yet for some reason many of my tribe stayed small.  I guess they thought it was funny to be short.  Some of us decided to have wings, and only my nobles had horns.  After all, there had to be something reserved only for the upper class, don’t you agree?  Oh, yes.  Some of my tribe turned evil, but for the most part we remained good.

    I started a tradition in that land.  I would go riding with the nobles and hounds, and kidnap any mortal who dared look upon my entourage.  Soon it was well known that I, Queen of the Faeries, went riding when the moon was dark.  I wore my blood-red dress during these raids (it scared the puny mortals) and soon it was told that my dress was made of the blood of my victims.  I did the raids to keep the nosey busy-bodies out of my business.  I still had hopes of returning to the Palace.  Humans became harder to catch, but I still kept on with the raids.  They livened my days.

    Anyway, one dark and stormy night, I decided I wanted a ride, even if it was cold and wet.  For some strange reason, I remember deciding to wear my blue dress.  My nobles were outfitted in blue, and so were my hounds.  We rode our black horses with the wind howling like a changling in our ears.  Some my nobles turned back, but most of us kept riding.  We knew that something was going to happen.

    We rode through the countryside until we reached a large green plain.  There in the middle of the plain were the dark angels from the Underworld and the angels from on high.  We watched the angels struggle and I could take it no more. 

    “Charge!” I yelled as I drew my sword.  I galloped into the foray, swinging and slashing at the dark ones.  My nobles and I helped beat back them back, but not without punishment.  I was dragged into the Underworld. 

    I watched in horror as my nobles’ faces retreated further and further away.

    I don’t know what happened, but I must have fainted.  I awoke in what looked like a throne room.  There, standing at the foot of the throne, was Rapheyl, acting as if nothing was wrong.  Upon the throne itself was Lucifer.  He still looked as magnificent as he did before his defeat.  I though that his looked would have become as twisted and ugly as his soul was.  Obviously not.  What?  Oh, yes.  I was startled.  He noticed my surprise and laughed.  The sound sent chills down my spine.

    Yes, yes, I know.  I was in the presence of the King of Hell, the Creator of Demons, the Lord of all Evil, the Dark One.  Big deal.  I have known worse than him before the universe was even created.

    If you are through interrupting me, may I continue?  I sat up, for I was not tied down.  Lucifer started talking.  He wanted an alliance between all sections of my tribe and his demons.  I did not listen to his prattling.  I knew my tribe still had a small chance of getting back into the Palace.  All he talked about was how the alliance would help him.  Pompous being.  All he could think of was himself.  But then again he was always like that.           

    On and on he went for what seemed like hours.  He paused for a deep breath, and that’s when we heard the singing.  Angelic, beautiful, sweet music with voices chanting in harmony.  We looked up and saw Michael descending on folded wings.  He dropped to the floor with nary a sound, and looked at his one-time friends, now his bitter enemies.

    He withdrew a parchment from his golden belt.  A blinding white light erupted from it, and all we heard was the Creator’s voice.  Lucifer and Rapheyl trembled in fear, and I cringed, wondering was would happen.

    "Lucifer and Rapheyl, even though I banished you from my realm, I command you to release Mab.  If you do not heed my words, I will destroy you.  Beings of light do not exist in any form, shape, fashion, or state after being destroyed, unless I will them to come back.  Release her NOW!”

    With that a large explosion rocked the throne room.  Lucifer and Rapheyl were thrown back, and I was jerked towards Michael.  He held my hand tightly as he spread his wings and soared towards the Palace.  I closed my eyes tightly against the wind and swirling colors sliding by.

    We burst through the Palace floor, and he let go of my hand and flew off somewhere.  I was in a white room.  No furniture, no decorations, nothing but white.  I turned around and around, but hard as I tried, I could see nothing.

    “Welcome Mab, Queen of the Faeries, Matriarch of the Lowest Cast of Angels.  It was been long since we last spoke, has it not?”

    I trembled and began to kneel down, for it was the Creator who was speaking, but He called out again.

    “No, don’t bow or kneel to me.  We are talking as equals.  I have watched you since I banished you.  I saw how you destroyed those how harmed the people of your isle.  I watched you banish those in your tribe who turned evil.  I looked on as you deliberately withdrew your tribe from the mortals, making them both fear and respect you, saving them from your own sin.  I saw all, and was impressed.”

    Thoughts raced through my mind about what the Creator was saying.  He was impressed?  Then I wondered why He called me here and why He reacted so swiftly to my kidnapping.  I looked up and noticed a form coming out of the stark whiteness.

    He looked mortal with two arms and two legs.  His hair was white-blond, long and fine.  His ears were pointed, and He was long in body.  His face was the fairest that I have ever seen, and His eyes were a deep, dark, swirling blue.  The Creator was showing Himself to me!

    Yes, yes, I know.  The Creator does not have a form.  Yes.  Yes.  Shows what you know.  Now stop interrupting me.

    Anyway, he looked at me and stepped closer.  He took my hands and my heart started beating faster.

    “I watched you and I realized how lonely and hard it has been for me to be here, day after day, since the beginning of time.  Humans on Earth worshipped me, burdening me with their every single problem.  It is hard to keep so many religions going at the same time.  So, I ask you, for you are the only one worthy, to join me in ruling the universe.  Say yes, and I shall give you all that you want.  Within reason, of course.”

    My heart stopped beating as He said those words, then it started again, faster than before.  I stammered, “But, I am only the leader of the lowest cast of angels.  How can I be worth to rule beside you?”

    He kept on, naming all the ways I was worthy to marry Him.  Eventually I gave in.  That is how I became Queen of the Universe.

    My tribe?  Oh, yes, my tribe.  They were reinstated as angels of the highest order, but not all of them.  Some turned evil, remember?

    No, do not send this to Earth.  If the mortals get hold of this, there will be chaos.  Just keep it in the archives.  I must say, I do not see the point of this exercise.  What?  Just in case?  In case of what?  Nothing can happen to the Palace or my husband.  Oh, do go away!  You cherubs are can be so cheeky sometimes.

Official Copy, Palace Archives
Chana, Cherub 9th Level
Official Transcriber
© Copyright 2006 Tabitha Mitchell (tabitha05 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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