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A fictional futuristic story of an extinct race of 'angels' coming to earth. |
Chapter 1: Mysterious Although there have been many events in which one desired person took another desired persons breath away. There had been countless moments when people were left speechless at the sight of beauty or even horror. However, this had been a normal day. And only footsteps, inaudible due to the chattering of excited children, were to cause such an event. But they went unnoticed, and they continued to progress through the empty hallways in their quickened way. The shrill ringing of a bell continued of for several seconds. The students laughed their laughs and spoke their words, but quieted down. The inaudible sound of footsteps was now a loud sound – the scraping of cement and cloth, the wind whistling without a care in the world. And there she stood. Those same footsteps stopped, as she took a deep breath, trying to disguise her obvious panic and exhaustion. Her heavy breathing, however, was not the first impression the students grasped of this very same girl. And soon came the silence, the very same silence of shock, of amazement. She looked up from the concrete to the eyes of the breathless students and flashed a small smile. As if on cue, the whispering began. Although she could not blame them for whispering – she was something different. Especially for this part of the world, for this country, this state, this school. And the awed students. Her curly locks tumbled down to her knees, their raven black color radiating in the blinding autumn sunlight. Her eyes, too, held an emotion inside. Almost like they were laughing and happy to see the world, the same students, the same concrete on which they had been glued to from the very beginning of the day. Azure and playful, they laughed openly without a sound. Her body was lean and tall, sporting an outfit that should have been the sun itself. Although the room was covered in black and blue uniforms, her was adorned and white, glowing with happiness, just like her eyes, her hair. And even though all this happiness radiated off the girl, her mouth was showing no sign of a smile. She wasted no time, and at once approached the teachers desk. “Alright, alright!” the educator whispered loudly. The room quitted down again, awaiting the announcement they were sure their teacher was to say. “Students! Attention please. I would like to introduce you to our new student, Selena Silver! She’s an exchange student from…what was it again, honey?” The girl rolled her eyes rather noticeably, and cleared her throat. “I’m an exchange student from Belarus, and my name is actually Siera Shields. That is spelled with one R, just so you know.” The silence had ended. The whispers begun. Siera sighed and looked back to the teacher. The tag she was wearing read: “Lori Dinkins, Algebra II Teacher” “Um, alright then. Well, Selena. Would you mind going to sit by Sabrena? She’s the one in the back, with the long purple hair.” Siera shook her head slightly, with obvious frustration as those same footsteps that had been inaudible several second ago went up the stairs to the very top row, in which her seat, and seat-mate, resided. Siera took her seat, and the hustle and bustle of the classroom quieted down and the class was back in session. “What are you doing here?” whispered Sabrena. Siera directed her eyes toward the girl. Her eyes, colored a vibrant violet, were moving back and forth wildly, as her fingers over…a controller for a hand-held video game. Siera smiled slightly, “Sabs…I assumed you would understand my situation. Resuming a normal life is the most important step in our situation, is it not…daughter?” “I told you,” Sabrena said, with her face slightly flushed. “Don't you ever call me that. You may be officially my mother, but we are the same age.” “Then, of course, we are friends.” Sabrena sneered, but said nothing. “Do you need to warn me of anyone? I don’t take kindly to lunatics, as you know.” Sabrena grunted, but a second later started speaking. “Taka. Taka is insane. He believes in…things that could never actually be explained. He is the one with the dyed blue hair. Rather easy to recognize.” “What’s wrong with him?” “No one really knows. He’s just insane, babbling about demons all the time. He often gets taken out of class by the police. No one is sure why, its supposed to be classified business, but people assume that he is a psychic. He does have an abnormal sense of the paranormal, or so I’ve heard. No one really knows much about him, why he is how he is. He’s just your type. Mysterious.” The sun showed signs of setting as it slowly lowered itself into the horizon. Chattering students flooded the sidewalks, Sabrena and Siera being two out of what seemed like hundreds. “I’m sure you still don’t have things figured out, back at home. I don’t think you should live a normal life. Not until you find things out. Not until you figure out who Dorian is, not until you accept that your parents are no longer around.” Sabrena expressed little concern in her words as she walked, hands thrust into her pockets. Siera smiled slightly, her eyes looking toward the concrete on which they were looking. “I know you don’t really care about me or my life, Sabrena. But I have to do this, I have to return and let all the other problems just fade away for a while. My life is good now, I’m wealthy, and I have you here. No matter how many times you may deny it, we’re friends.” The wind howled. Siera’s hair flew through it with no struggle. They soon reached a lake, on which a fare boat stood. Siera quickly flashed a card and the man escorted them onto the boat. Several minutes, it started its crawl to the other side of the lake. “Sometimes, Sebrena, we must admit to it. Destiny is unstoppable.” “Well? Isn’t there anyone, at ALL, to challenge me?” The mans voice was loud and threatening. Blasts of gunpowder filled the area with terror, but the man did not stop shooting the gun and laughing maniacally. Blood flowed smoothly over the streets. No one dare whimper a sound. The man looked around satisfied, spreading a malicious grin over his face. Although there was somewhat of a fearful look to him – he was heavily overrun with muscles, and his height was undeniably there. Much like an ape, hair over ran his face, hands, and places that were not seen by light. “No, NO? NO fucking ONE? I’ll kill THEM!! I’ll kill them ALL!” His shouts rang out through the silent streets, increasing the fear that hung around the place so that it was even visible. He reloaded his gun, and with one sharp movement, shot at several police cars. Sirens automatically went off. In silence, a policeman fell out of a police car. Dead, and blood flowing freely out of his temples. Ruby red blood ignited hearts and nightmares inside the several people that were too shocked to move – to run away from their hiding spots. The man reached into his pockets, grabbing several more bullets and thrusting them into the gun. Suddenly, as it seemed for no reason, the gun flew out of the mans hand and he started screaming, staring at his hand. The veins popped out violently on that very same arm as blood ran down his hairy arms and dripped slowly onto the ground. He looked around wildly, only to lock eyes with the sapphire blue eyes or his attacker. “You IDIOT!” the man screamed, as he held up his hand, for the boy to inspect. From the back, you could see a small knife, shaped much like one of the ancient Indian arrows, sticking out from the palm of his hand. The boy just nodded and ran a hand through his blue hair. Smirking, he reached behind himself, and another knife, similar in size and shape, rested in his right hand. “Don't kill, its not healthy,” said Taka, with a sign of arrogance in his voice. He inspected the blood drenched streets, taking his time. Increasing the drama. The man just continued to stare at Taka, his eyes wide and shocked. But not afraid. “You son of a – “ the man choked on his words. With his mouth fully open, he looked at his chest. Only the handle of the knife was visible, but it was true – the second knife had been thrown, and has hit him in the heart. Slowly, the man looked back up to Taka. Taka just smirked and showed his right hand. No knife. With a grunt, the man fell to his knees. Seconds later, he was sprawled out on the ground, whimpering in pain, and apparently waiting for death. He ran his hands through his hair once again and smiled to himself. Sirens started up, somewhere in the distance. Soon enough, however, they were nearing. Coming closer and closer, until those very same sirens were ringing in Taka’s ears. Members of the squad came running out of their cars cautiously, stopping every couple of seconds and looking out, making sure that the man was not moving, then moving foreword again. “What the hell have you done? Taka, you listen! I have told you, over and over again! How dare you kill innocent people? Did it ever occur to you that he might be insane and need medical help?” Taka turned around and rolled his eyes. “Nag nag nag, blah blah blah. What are you, my mother? Look, I know you have the feeling, I had it too. You see the people on the ground? You see the blood? Its all real. But not his. Because he is a demon.” Maya was rather pretty, with a well-shaped body, golden hair that was neatly tucked under her police cap and honey-brown eyes, that currently took on a worried look. She leaned in closer to Taka, and whispered, “this one was always convincing, but we can always depend on you. Now, lets be careful. It wont take long before he finds out that we know he’s not really dead.” With their backs to each other, as for security, they slowly approached the man. The gun that was held firmly in Maya’s hands was beginning to shake violently. “Maya, are you al…” Without a word said, Maya pointed to where the man, previously thought to be dead, was slowly raining himself off the ground. An insane laughter filled the streets. Both Taka and Maya tensed at once. His movement was fluid, almost like a dance, as he came fully to his feel, eyes glowing blood red, his body decreased to the size of a teenage boy. His skin was a discolored tinted shade of white, and what seemed like paint littered his body with colorful blobs. His laughter just continued to grow with each step he took, a red aura surrounding his body. “I’m surprised, very surprised that such a small town knows of demons. Even have a demon hunter. “ his laughter picked up again, and Taka’s eyes narrowed out of habit. “But he’s just a boy, a little boy that DOESN’T KNOW WHAT HE’S GETTING HIMSELF INTO!” His eyes widened violently and he pointed toward Maya. At once, his arm extended at an incredible speed, much like play dough. His cackling increased again. ‘Its much too close, I cant dodge it without hurting Taka. Might as well stand my ground.’ “MAYA? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?” Tears ran down Maya’s eyes, as she quickly pet her arms in front of her heart, and waited to die. And waited. Maya opened her eyes, only to see the play dough hand on the ground, wriggling and twitching uncontrollably. “What the –“ Maya looked to Taka, for an explanation, but what she caught in his eyes made her stare in the same direction as him. She gasped slightly, amused but at the same time confused and amazed. She was absolutely stunning. Even those words didn't seem to do justice to the woman standing in front of Maya, a gigantic sword held out of her with a certain arrogant ease. There was an odd carving out in the blade – of a star-like object, although it didn't look exactly like a star. Her hair was short, reaching barely to the chin of her long face, and colored jet black. Even so, Maya could somehow see brown highlights, with the lighting and a squint of the eyes. She turned around to face Maya, letting the woman continue her evaluation in silence. Her eyes looked like ice. Baby-blue, without emotion, they stared into Maya’s very different honey-brown. An add disfigurement adorned her face – a star-shaped scar, placed directly in the middle of her forehead. It was exactly the same as the mark that was carved on the woman’s sword. She wore a tight shirt, without shoulders and a deep cut at the chest, making her obvious femininity almost visible. Although, even though there was not enough cloth on that certain part of her body, on her hands there seemed to be more than enough, as large bell-shaped sleeves showed nothing of her hands. She also wore a mini skirt with many dangling gold chains, dangerously reflecting the sunlight. Her shoes seemed to be knee-high boots, but they had no high-heels, and were rather flat. Most unlike the rest of her blindingly white outfit, the woman wore a long silver cape, which elegantly hung down from their attachment to her shirt over her long back and down her long legs. Around her neck, she wore a golden necklace, which seemed to be in the shape of a starburst, with a tiny red ruby placed in the middle. Above all else that was disturbing about her, the snow-white wings had to take the cake. They extended from her back, which oddly had a hole in the shirt, as if specifically for the wings, and came down to her heels. She didn't move, but continued to stare at Maya until the monster behind her gave a small grunt. She turned back around. “Who…what are you?” squealed the monster facing Maya. His arm on the ground no longer twitched, and now lay completely still. He gave no acknowledgement of it, and just continued waiting for the answer. “My god, she must be a soldier…” Taka whispered under his breath. “Wha-“ “Shut up.” Taka ordered the older woman in a low whisper. She was obviously offended, but made no move to show it. Silence overcame the small square in which they were all located. “A better question would be why a demon is in the human world.” “I –“ She cut him off immediately. “It’s a sin. For that, you will die.” Before the demon got a chance to speak, with incredibly fast movements the woman neared him. He looked around helplessly, for he was unable to see her with such fast movements. “Hello there.” He tensed and turned around slowly, but she gave him no mercy. She made an elegant spin and hit him with the handle of her sword, enough for him to stumble over his shaking legs and fall to the ground. He tried crawling, but she stepped on his stomach, making it impossible for him to move. “I’m sorry it had to end this way.” With a quick movement, she slit his throat with her sword. Blood splashed everywhere, and the screaming was overfilling the street with a sense of fear and death. In only seconds, what was the murderous demon was now a pile of ashes. She stepped over them and neared Taka and Maya once again, her eyes focused on the two that had not moved since Maya was attacked. She gave neither one the chance to speak before she turned away and started walking away, ever so slowly. Taka panicked. “Whats your name?” She turned around, and for once there was a calm and a kindness in her eyes, very odd for a girl that had just killed a demon right in front of their eyes without a hesitation. “I am the Soldier of Eternal Light.” With those words, the woman spread her wings and started to fly at an incredibly high speed. Within a minute, she was nowhere in sight. Excitement overcame all. Chattering among cops of what they had just seen was loud, and others cheered even though many dead body’s littered the street. It was only Taka that remained unmoving. There was a stunned look on his face. “Taka, I need you to tell me. What are Soldiers?” The distant look in his face cleared up at once, but that was no atonement. The look on his face was grim. Maya cringed at the thought. ‘Its going to be a long night.’ |