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Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1146483
Part three of the story! Please Rate :)

................................................Part 3................................................................

Present Time
We finally got to Treim. We walked Julia to this old forest-green building. She turned to us. “Marcus, Mayhue, Rao and Vincent; thank you for getting me here. I am heartily sorry for your lose but this is something I must do alone. I shall mention the brave souls that were lost and the ones that made it.” she said. She then entered the building. I sat down on the steps. I noticed a statue in the middle of the forest. I walked over to it. Through the forest’s trees soft lights poured in on the statue. The statue was a man, tall and proud and he was standing on a rock. Under the rock there were wolves or some type of canine. Vines grew over the plate were the name was stated. I moved them. Jacob Strife it read. It was my father. He was treasured like a god. But of all places why would his statue be in Treim. Then I noticed under his name was his life-span. It gave me his birth-date but not his death-date.
I looked beyond the statue and saw the townspeople of Treim. They all starred and whispered. An old man crossed up to me.
“Jacob? Jacob Strife is that you?” the old man said. “Why now do you come back to Treim?”
“I’m not Jacob.” I said.
“Oh- but you look just like him, young man.”
“I’m his son Marcus. Do you know if he is still…alive?”
“Why it’s hard to tell, when he found out his wife died he went up to the mountains. Never came down. We all thought you died, Marcus.”
“What do you mean; I don’t ever remember being here before.”
“Why Marcus you were born here. My-my what a query you find yourself in. Well welcome back to Treim, Marcus.” he said then walked off. I then decided I had to travel to the mountains.
“Rao I need your help. I need you to get me to the mountains.” I said.
“Why, sir what’s in the mountains?” Vincent asked.
“My father.”
“I will be more than happy to help.” Rao said. “It’s the least I can do.”
“I’m coming too.” Vincent said.
“Fine. Mayhue stay here for Julia.” I said.
We then started for the mountains. We followed a basic trail up to the feet of the mountains. A small house was just off the road. We walked up to the house and knocked. No one answered. I knocked harder this time.
“Wait one damn minute.” an old man said from inside the house. The door opened. “Who the hell are you?” the man said. He wasn’t that old at all. He had grey hair, buzzed cut. Green eyes, which looked as if time worn down this man’s spirit. He had creases on his face along with a scar on the left side of his face. He was a very fit man. He was a bit bigger than me, but it really didn’t intimidate me. As for his attitude, it could use a serious adjustment.
“Well, what is it?” the man said.
“I’m looking for Jacob Strife if he is even alive. Do you know where he is?” I asked.
“Who wants to know?” he said.
“I do. I’m Marcus Strife.” I said.
“The Strife family is dead. Now get the hell outta here.” He said.
“No look I have identification. I am Marcus Strife.”
“Look kid…”
“What did you say your name was again?”
“Jake. Now look just go on home. There’s nothing about Jacob Strife you would like.”
“Are you Jacob Strife?” Vincent asked.
“Get the hell off my property boys. Or I’ll shoot you down.” he said.
“Hmph. Fine well if he is alive give him a message for me. Tell him it was his fault my mother died and I was stuck being raised in the army. Tell him that would you sir. It’s not like he give a damn anyway, right?” I said as a turned.
“It’s not my fault you little bastard. I was out okay!” he said grabbing me and slamming me up against the wall.
“Right and it’s not your fault you abandon me when I had no one else, right?”
“If I couldn’t protect her I knew I couldn’t protect you.” he said letting me go.
“Can we come in to talk?” I said.
“Yeah, yeah come in. All of you.” Jacob said.
As we all sat I noticed the sun go down. I began to wonder how Julia was doing. I then saw Julia. She was walking up the same trail I just finish walking up. I sensed she was trying to communicate with me.
Hello? I heard her say.
Julia is that you? I responded.
Yes. Where are you?
I miss you. Where are you?
I’m at my father’s house. Just follow the trail up until you get to a house. I’m there.
Okay I see the house.
Are you alone?
Yes I told Mayhue he could relax at my father’s palace. And don’t worry I see the house. I’m going to knock okay.
I then heard a knock at the door. I rose and walked to the door. I opened it. Julia was there standing so innocent. I invited her in. We all sat in what was considered a room. Julia sat right next to me. I felt her hand gently glide against my thigh and held my hand. I caught the shivers. Jacob looked up at Julia.
“Hello General Strife. I’m Julia.” Julia said standing up holding out her hand.
“I don’t even remember the last time someone called me that. Well it’s a pleasure to meet you ma’am. How exactly are you tied to Marcus if I may ask?” Jacob asked.
“I-we…”Julia began.
“It’s my duty to take her to Treim. That’s all.” I said. Julia looked at me. She looked hurt.
“Really, why?” Jacob asked.
“Oh-business of the council.” Julia said with a smile on her face. Jacob looked suspiciously at her.
“Council? You’re Julia Rain. Daughter of Keldo Rain leader of the Redwood Riders?” Jacob asked.
“Oh-I didn’t know you knew my father. How pleasant.” Julia said. “Well time is of the essence and I don’t want to intrude on anyone’s behalf. After all I have to get to Treim. Good-day sir.”
She started for the door. I jumped to my feet and started after her. She walked outside. Just as I left I heard everyone’s conversation.
“What’s up?” Jacob asked.
“Oh they’re romantically involved.” Vincent said.
“Oh-got it.”
I walked out. I raced toward Julia. I grabbed her arm. I turned her around. Rage was drawn across her face. “Why did you leave?” I asked.
“Do you take me seriously, Marcus?” Julia asked.
“W-what do you mean?”
“Do you love me?!” It began to rain, she began to cry.
“Don’t cry.”
“Answer my goddamn question! Do you love me?”
“Haven’t my actions proven that I do?”
“No your actions have proven that you are devoted to your mission!”
“What? I love you, you psychotic noble!” It stopped raining.
“I rather be psychotic than stupid! Marcus Strife what you did in there was stupid.”
“How what did I do?”
“You told your father that I was your duty, like I am some secret!”
“Let’s not get started on secrets. Ms. I’m related to the goddamn enemy!”
“You never asked!”
“Well same goes here.”
“No it doesn’t.”
“Why the hell not?!”
“Because I shouldn’t have to ask you not to keep me a secret!”
“She got you there.” Vincent said standing outside with everyone else.
“Julia listen, you want me to tell him fine I will.” I said.
“It defeats the purpose now.” Julia said.
“Because he heard us arguing and now he knows.”
“You are impossible.”
“Than why did you fall in love with me?”
“Because you lied!” I yelled. Everything grew silent. Oh-I messed up.
“Lied about what?” Julia said folding her arms.
“If I knew you were like this I never…forget it.”
“No finishing saying it. Say it!”
“No Marcus I will not stop. I told my father about you. I told him about the amazing man you are. I doubt if he sees you like this he’d agree with me.”
“Of course not look what I’m working with.”
“What does that mean?”
“You are impossible! I understand now why you’re still single.”
“Why Marcus?”
“Because everyone saw through that deceitful pretty face of yours the whore you really are!” I had this bone chilling feeling. Her hand swatted me across my face. “I’m sorry.” I said. It began to rain.
“How can you say that?” Julia began with a soft voice tears streaming down her face. “I’ve been nothing but honest and compassionate to you. I’ve told you things I never told anyone and I loved you like I did no one. How can you stand here and call me a-a whore… I hate you Marcus Strife.” Julia said. She turned and began to walk down the trail. I ran after her. I caught up to her at the bottom of the trail. It was still raining.
I grabbed her and turned her around. She looked to the ground.
“I am so sorry Julia. I didn’t mean any of it. Don’t leave me. I love you and I always will. I should’ve told him, but I didn’t because I felt he hasn’t earned the right to know about the most important part of my life. It has nothing to do with me keeping you a secret. I’d rather the world know than stay ignorant to my happiness. Please Julia forgive me.” I said looking, waiting.
She looked at me. She just looked at me. “Marcus, do you remember what I told you on the boat before we were raided?” she asked.
“I told you, you needed a lot of work. I think you’re done.” she said and smiled. I kissed her and held her close.
“I’m sorry. I’ll never do it again.” I said.
I felt her heart slow down. Then with a burst of terror it raced. She shoved me to the side of the road. Julia had used her mystical light to push me to the ground. With some strange burst of speed she was pushed off the side of the road and tumbled with some strange figure into Treim’s Forrest. It was Vergil.
I jumped to my feet and dashed after them. I found Both Julia and Vergil standing over a waterfall. I ran up to them.
“Please,” Julia began, “you don’t have to do this. We are family. You’re my older brother; you should look out for me. Reconsider your actions.”
“It’s not about family, Julia. It’s about revenge.” Vergil said with such hatred.
“Revenge? Against who, me? What have I done to deserve a brother’s hatred?”
“Ha. You honestly think your petty words of nonsense woe me? Think again. I have waited too long for this, Julia.”
“Tell me before I am forced to bring you in, why me?”
“You took mother from me! The only one who loved me!”
“It was not my fault her strength went with my birth. It was the decision of the gods, not I.”
“Say what you will but you will still die! Besides I need to win this war and you are one obstacle in my way. So dear sister any last words?”
“Yes; BACK DEMON!” she said holding her hand covered in this blue light. Whatever magic she used it sent Vergil crashing to the ground. Just as I was about to interfere, Julia held her hand out to me.
“No.” she said. “This is one fight I must fight alone.” I stepped back and watched.
Vergil jumped to his feet and ran towards Julia. Julia ran towards Vergil. Julia was the faster out of the two, but Vergil had incredible strength. One blow from him could end the fight.
Julia kept hitting Vergil and dodging his mighty blows. I felt a great sadness in the Forrest that day. That day was the day Elves fought each other; what was said to be perfect creatures, fighting to the death. Finally Julia landed the final blow. Vergil went head first into a stone and looked up at the woman towering over his whimpering body. As I waited to see what was to happen next a bone chilling feeling came over me. It was as if something tore viciously at my soul.
Julia held her hand out to Vergil. She was tired. Tired of the fighting the arguments, the hatred. I marveled at the peace and innocence this elf carried.
“Come Vergil,” Julia began, “Let (pant) us stop this fight. (Pant) You have lost.”
“No dear sister you have.” Vergil said.
A long thin steel blade appeared in his hand. Vergil drove the blade through the torso of my lover. I ran towards them. Vergil then flung Julia over the edge of the waterfall. I immediately dove over the side and caught her body in the air. We both hit the icy cold water together. I remember how cold the water was, it made my body go numb. I never let go of Julia though. I swam up to the surface and dragged her body out.
I laid Julia next to a blooming red maple tree. I remember seeing her lips turn blue and her skin pale. I remember weeping. I remember rain. Lots and lots of rain. I remember the last sweet words that Julia told me just before…just before that bastard took her!
“Marcus,” she said. “I know I haven’t told you this but I think you should know; I love you. I always have ever since you saved me that night at the palace. You tried your very best and I love you for that. You know you don’t have to cry, right? I had a dream we were going to get married and we were going to live so happily, but I…trust too easily; even my enemies.”
“No no. We still are going to get married and we’re going to have lots of babies and we will live happily ever after. Just don’t leave me please, don’t leave.” I said.
“Marcus, look at my wound. I know the damage, and I know my survival rate is low.”
“But there is a chance.” I said. I lifted her off the ground and walked. It rained and rained. I cried. I saw the amount of blood she lost. Any normal person would have died.
I walked and walked always making sure Julia was awake. I found myself in the city of Treim. I walked to the building were Julia met her council members. I kicked open the door. Several men sat at a long wooden table. An Elf with silver hair gently rushed over to us. He had Julia’s eyes. He had to be her father.
“Julia,” the elf said, “what happened?”
“Daddy,” Julia said coughing up a dangerous amount of blood. “I’m couldn’t do it. I couldn’t kill him.”
“No- why, he is a traitor!”
“No daddy he is my brother, and your son. Do not disown him for he has lost his way.”
“Sir, please.” I said. “She needs medical help.”
I felt it. Julia’s heart began to give out. I laid her on the floor of the council room. I looked into her eyes and she mine. She reached up and kissed me. I heard gasps and snickers.
“Julia marry me. Be with me forever.” I said.
“I will marry you, in this life or the next. Marcus Strife, last of the wolf clans.” she said and faded into the after life. I rocked her gently crying and crying.
The room filled with a lifeless love. My love. My true companion. And it’s his entire fault. He did it; he killed her. I just couldn’t stop him. He was too smart, too quick, and too strong. And I’m sorry. Sorry for not keeping her safe. I kept my promise though. I got her home. Just not safely. I’m sorry Julia, so sorry. I swear though, he will pay. He will pay for the sweet shed of hope he took from the world. I swear it, until the last dying breath in my body, I will kill him. I will kill your brother.
I sat out side of the steps of the building where Julia’s body was kept. I failed her. I failed everyone. I failed Gorge and Nemik. I failed Vincent, Rao and Mayhue. I am no leader. I’m a wolf. A dangerous predator who seeks to feed on the flesh of my enemies. Vergil is thee only blood I want to taste on my tongue. I’m not like Julia, I am not compassionate. I will show him NO MERCY.
I waited until it turned dark. When the moon was out. I remembered the sweet scent of my Julia. I remember when I could feel her presence, her thoughts, and her very emotions. Now, humph, now I only feel the gaping wound that was once filled by her love. This loveless feeling gnaws at my soul, and I am bound to it until death. Yes death, the only way I could get to my Julia. I know she hated vengeance, but it is the only way I would rest in peace.
Once the moon was high in the sky I was prepared. I was going to bring back Vergil’s head!
As I rose from the stairs I had sat on all day, I saw Rao and Mayhue, Jacob and Vincent. They all watched me. I looked at them.
“Marcus, my son, you have done your duties as an officer; go home.” Jacob said. Everyone nodded their heads.
“My brothers in arms, and father, my home was with Julia. Before I just wandered aimlessly looking for a home. I have to go and retrieve my enemy’s carcass. If I don’t then I will never be sane.” I said.
“Why can’t things go back to the way things were, sir.” Rao said.
“Because Rao I was blind and ignorant before Julia. She showed me things I was stripped of when I was a child. I can not undo what has been done. This is my destiny.” I said.
“What about the ranks, and the academy?” Vincent asked.
“Tell them I resigned. I’m not fit to be a captain or any rank for that matter.” I said.
“But you’re a great leader. Look you got us here. That’s a hell of an accomplishment, sir.” Rao said.
“Yeah and what about the casualties. Have you forgotten Gorge and Nemik? They died, and it shall not be in vain! I am very thankful for the courage you soldiers showed, but I am not one of you, I’m no leader. I’m just a wolf without a pack.” I said.
“No, sir. You have a pack, us. And whether you like it or not a pack stays together no matter the casualties. If you leave the academy, well hell I am too, sir.” Vincent said.
“Y-yes. I am a-and al-always will be o-one hundred per-percent behind you s-sir.” Mayhue said.
“Through thick and thin, a pack stays together. So I guess we’re all going after this son of a bitch.” Rao said.
I looked at my comrades, no my brothers. I admired their dedication. I looked to the ground. I looked back up. “Brothers whatever happens in the next few hours I just want to let you know one thing, I cherished every moment we were together. And if I die, at least I know I died next to my brothers and their pride.” I said.
I walked past the city and up the trail. I walked to the waterfall were I last saw Vergil. He was there standing, waiting.
“Vergil,” I said. “We never finished our battle.”
“We have no fight wolf-boy. I just needed Julia dead.” he responded.
“Well I guess you didn’t hear but I am your karma. You just can’t kill someone and think that’s it. So I’m here to send you to hell.”
“Very well, wolf-boy. I accept your challenge. When you die tell Julia I said hello.”
“The name’s Marcus and I am the last true wolf. Respect.”
“Right, come wolf-boy let’s hurry this up I’m waiting for someone.” he said. I ran at him. Vincent began to shoot from the trees. Vergil dodged every shoot then jumped towards me. I transformed and locked my jaws around his right forearm. He pushed and I tossed him. He twisted in the air and ran towards Rao. Rao rammed his fist into the ground creating a minor earth wave. The ground moved as water. Vergil was sent stumbling to the ground. Vincent clipped Vergil’s shoulder. Vergil let out a scream. He looked over at me. “I see, since you can’t kill me yourself you have your friends bring me down. Fight to the death, me and you. No help and no interference. What do you say Marcus?” Vergil said.
“Fine I shall let you die with honor.” I said. I looked at Vincent then at Rao. They both stood-down. I retransformed and took a fighting pose. Vergil rose from the ground.
He held out his hand and the same cold-steel blade that killed Julia appeared. I could still hear Julia’s voice lingering in my head.
Vergil ran towards me. I stood in my position. I waited until the last minute, and transformed. I jumped to Vergil. Vergil swung his blade and cut my torso. I landed on top of him and began to tare at his shoulder wound. He kicked me and it sent me soaring into a tree. I jumped up and growled at him. Vergil began to laugh. I ran towards him. Again he swung his blade, but this time missed. I quickly transformed and rammed my fist into his face. It sent him stumbling. I grabbed his blade. We both began to struggle for control of the weapon. I kicked him several times before he had released the weapon.
The moon revealed itself from behind the clouds. My strength increased. I dropped the blade and held my position. Vergil ran to me. He threw his fist at me. I caught it and began to crush every god forsaken bone in his hand. He dropped to his knees. I raised my fist above my head. I was about to take the finishing blow. I then saw a figure in the woods. Someone was watching the fight. I squinted my eyes. Vergil reached for the blade and forced it up towards my face. He cut my left eye. I released him. I cradled my face as I stumbled away from Vergil. Vergil ran towards me and forced the blade into my chest.
The End Result

I dropped to my knees. The waterfall was right behind me. I looked at the shadowed figure.
If you are death. I thought, then take my soul now. I don’t want to fight. Julia wouldn’t want this.
Get up. It responded. Fight back, don’t kill him, but stay alive. The world has wonderful things that must be learned by you.
Yeah, like what? The only thing I ever wanted out of this cursed world was Julia and even that was taken from me.
You must learn love, compassion. Now Marcus get up!
Please Great Spirit let my soul wander to Julia. I humbly beg you.
There’s no need for formalities Marcus.
“Julia.” I said. I pulled the blade from my chest. I swung down on Vergil’s right hand. I saw his hand fall to the ground. I jumped up and swung down at his other hand. Vergil dropped to his knees. He kept screaming in pain. I dropped the blade and gripped his throat. I raised him from the ground.
“P-please Marcus, don’t kill me. I’m sorry.” Vergil said.
“Sorry!” I roared. “SORRY! You killed Gorge! You killed Nemik! You killed JULIA! No you’re not sorry. You can’t be. I will not allow you to repent!”
“Please spare me!”
“Oh- I’m not going to kill you, no. I can’t. However I will leave your fate up to the gods. I hope you can swim.” I said. I hung Vergil over the edge of the waterfall. I released him. I saw Vergil disappear into the thick layer of fog. I dropped to my knees.
“AAAAHHHH!” I yelled. I huddled over my broken body. My blood kept gushing out. My eye throbbed. I remember hearing the sound of the wind. I remember the smell of the Forrest. I remember its anger. Blood stained its sacred ground.
“Great land of Treim,” I whispered. “I have defied your laws and I am willing to pay. I apologize for raiding your land of impurity.”
I then felt the calmness of the ground. The feeling of the Forrest eased down. It must’ve accepted my apology. I lied on my back looking up at the stars. I closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and drifted to sleep.

It’s Not Over

I could feel the light of sun beaming at my face. I opened my eyes. I was in a room. I could here many people talking.
“H-hey look h-he’s up, l-look.” someone said.
“Am I died?” I barely said.
“No sir just the opposite.” someone said.
“Why did you keep me alive? Just let me die.” I said. “What more do I have to live for?”
“Well,” a girl said. “You need to bring me back to Karpp, Marcus.”
I tried to sit up in the bed I found myself laying in. A severe pain rushed all over my body. I felt a soft and gentle hand touch the wound on my chest. It gentle pushed me back down. I kept trying to look around the room. I couldn’t see anything. I saw darkness.
“Why can’t I see?” I asked.
“You took an injury to your eye. We were forced to bandage you up, sir” someone said. It sounded like Vincent.
“Vincent is that you?” I asked.
“Yes sir. We are all here. Are you alright?” Vincent said. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t want to talk. I just lied there. I could remember the sweet smell of Julia. That’s what I wanted, Julia. I heard movement. Then I heard the door open and close. I forced myself up. Again a gentle hand touched me. This time it helped me up. It led me somewhere inside the room. We stopped. I could feel the gentle breeze of the air against my face. The folds across my eyes began to fall. The sun glared into my eyes. I held my hand up to shelter me from the light.
“Look.” someone said. I slowly dropped my hand. I was standing in front of a mirror. I moved closer to it. The left side of my face had a fresh scar. My eye itself was no longer green, but moonlight blue. I kept starring at the figure in the mirror.
I felt a gentle hand against my back. I could smell the scent of my beloved one.
“Let this not be an illusion.” I said. I slowly turned around. Julia was standing there. Her hair was down, and curtained some of her face. She wore a long white dress trimmed with gold lace. I stood there, watching her. I touched her face, and ran my fingers through her hair. She smiled at me. I couldn’t believe my eyes. She wrapped her arms around my waist and leaned her head against my chest. I held her. It was Julia. I had her back.
“How, how are you still alive?” I asked.
“Remember what I told you about the way things happen here. How everything revolves around magic.” she said.
“Well the waterfall that we fell in was actually the water to heal.” she said. I looked at her. I let her go and put my hands through my hair. Vergil’s still alive.
“What?” Julia asked.
“I tossed Vergil over the same goddamn waterfall.” I said. I reached for the door. She grabbed me. She shook her head.
“No. You can’t go. You’re still injured.” she said.
“I have too. If I don’t he’ll come back.”
“No Marcus I won’t let you.”
“Why because he’s your brother?”
“No because he’ll kill you. He entered the waters were you have not. The chances of him being healed more than you are very likely. I will not let you go.”
“Julia try to understand.”
“No. I have listened to you this entire trip. Now you will listen to me.” she said. I never saw her so determined. I leaned in and kissed her. I knew she wasn’t going to let me go.
“Fine.” I said as I let go of the door. “I won’t go after him now. I won’t go after him at all, but I will defend you if he comes around again, and I will show him no mercy.” I said.
“Fine.” she said. I walked over to the bed and sat down. She sat next to me. She looked at me then smiled.
“What?” I asked.
“Oh- I just remembered what you asked me before I ‘died’.” she said.
“Which was?” I said.
“You don’t remember?”
“Really what did you ask?”
“I asked Julia Rain, Princess of the Elves and council member to marry me. And she said yes.” I said.
“Do you really mean it? You could’ve just said that in the heat of the moment.” she said. I stood up in front of her. I grabbed her hands.
“Julia Rain, be my wife. There is nothing in this world that I wouldn’t want more.” I said.
“Well since you put it like that, then why not. It sounds good.” she said. I lifted her up, and kissed her.
“So.” I began. “Who are we inviting to the wedding?”
The door busted in.
“There will be no wedding captain.” an elf man said.
“Daddy, what are you doing?” Julia asked.
“Guards take him to the dungeon.” the elf said.
“Yes lord Keldo.” one guard said. Seven guards entered the room and tore Julia from my arms. They began to beat on my broken body. They wrapped chains around my hands and faced me toward Keldo. He had Julia by the arm. She tried to pull away. He was much stronger though.
“Father stop. What are you doing?” she asked looking frantic.
He looked down at her.
“Come, my son.” Keldo said.
Vergil walked into the room. His forearms were bandaged up.
“Yes father?” he said.
“Why, he is a traitor? He betrayed our family.” Julia said.
“Because he made an interesting offer. He offered me the throne once we take this republic.” Keldo said.
“What?” Julia said.
“Yes sister. I am no king. I am a warlord. I cannot rule, but father can. So we decided to take Basik, and rule it the way it should be ruled.” Vergil said.
“Guards take him to the dungeon.” Keldo said.
“I’m sorry Marcus I didn’t know!” Julia said.
“I will be back for you, I swear it!” I said. I was dragged out of the room.
They dragged me down several hallways. Then down some stairs. They dumped my body in a dark cell. I looked up at the only window that lead to the outside. I jumped up and looked outside. There they were, Keldo, Vergil and Julia.
“Come my son we must go to Deltas and erase the rest of the council.” Keldo said.
“Yes father. What about Julia?” Vergil said.
“She’ll be the last; besides we need to blame the councils’ death on someone.”
“Father why are you doing this, we are family?” Julia said.
“Because power must be taken. Basik is failing us and I am not going to let people like you destroy it. Now if you would kindly shut-up you unworthy creature!” Keldo said as he whipped his hand across her face.
“Marcus will kill you.” she said.
“Please darling. He is sentenced to die tonight. So that pup won’t get in our way.” Keldo said. They all entered a black car and drove off.
I looked around the cell and began to kick the bars.
“Sir is that you?” Vincent asked.
“Yes. Where are Mayhue and Rao?” I asked.
“The guards are still looking for them.”
“Vincent they took Julia.” I said.
“Then there’s only one thing we can do, and that’s get her back.” he said. I smiled.
Julia I’m coming.
© Copyright 2006 Subside (tifabutow at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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