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A poem describing the battle of the Cleansing,written as history aterial for a story. |
It's quite long. Here goes. 1 Horde of Night Marched from mountains white, Elves, Dwarves, Men Arranged in companies:Ten tens by ten None knew Who might win 7 Plain of Tor Theater of War, All who bow, Not knowing how, The one they praise, Would work victory 13 A thousand comapnies, in battle lines Men of all kinds, Traveling far and wide, To fight upon the side, Of He who fights, And the of the light. 18 Bonewalkers charge, Elves charge, Men fight, Dragons fly away from the light Dragonknights, with lances sharp Flying now, in formation 24 The rush comes, And with it drums, Ten thousand strong Like hammer and tong At their work In smithy. 30 Mage's fire, Dwarven cannon Booming with loud abandon. Dwarven guns light up the night, Felling Bonewalker and dread Kite Swrods and tainted steel Clashed with feirce strength 36 Lance meets claw, A solid wall, Of evil was waiting The Dragonknight's strength waning. Then they fell, those so noble, Upon the Plain of Tor 42 And did those brave souls fight, Against Hordes of Night, Bow and Sword and flame, Atop dragons who were not tame, Till only one stood tall, By'or of Rall. 48 And By'or pulled his sword from it's sheath, And slashed at those who were benaeth, Bonewalker's knell, And now all tell, Of By'or the brave And Dragon fell. 54 And seeing that he was the last, He looked back into the past, And remembered the gong Called Al Sher Rong, The call of the Strong, To fight again, against the dark 60 The gong, Which called the strong, Rang out against the din of battle, Magic sped it's urgent tones, and called to battle All those who were willing. And all those who could come 66 And Foxkin rode, Face blue; painted woad, A thousand strong, Roused by the gong. They heard the call Of By'or the strong. 72 Wolfkin came, Roused by the same, The Axe sang, The gong still rang, Dragon roared; Battle joined. 79Barking orders, assigning quarters* he ordered them to build a carrage, that he may wield the wizard's fire, by carrying it. 86Carrage built, in quarters arranged, the cries in the distance of horde enraged, loading the mages, In carrges like cages, attached to the dragon, safely inside 93 Wizard's fire raining down, hitting bonewlakers on the ground, The dark ones fall, Basilisks crawls away from fore and magic fury 100The day is won, and not one, of the allies were unscarred and this poor bard, knows not how to describe them 107 Retiring to the town of Tor away from the endless war, Kin stand guard, amid the marred, and desolate plains near Tor 114New day comes, dawn approaches, and with it, the evil horde encroaches, upon the plains near the towen of Tor, Once again, to fight the war, Foxkin cry out, alarmed at their misfortune 121Elders**, numbered ten, Led the Foxkin, fireballs flying, Bonewalkers dying, But on they come, An unstoppable wave 128 An Elder comes, running fast, crying aloud "Woe and alas!" "The horde comes, a million strong, "Against the ones brought by the gong." While Kin prepare Valient defense 135 Mar of Tor, wasting little time, Held his sword aloft and cried "rally to mine!" Led the humans, double time, Hoping to make it in time, ready there, the Fire Of Blaize, master of Kin 142Blaize, hands aflame, hurled fury sure to maime, Foxes, fire roaring, Charge, soaring, Beating back, The horde 149The horde advances, flanking Kin It seemed there was no way to win, Human knights, charging fast, Did, with Bonmewlakers, clash With By'or overhead, Basilisk attacking 156Roc calls and flies, By'or hears the cries, Bow sings, Battle gong rings By'or the brave, Takes his prey 163 Humans hard pressed, Their battle line now badly stretched, By'or flies, with a plan, Over the heads of the Ki'twel clan* Drygan, By'or's mighty steed, Soars above the Horde 170 Mages attack, Flame and Lightning driving back, Bonewalker's begin to run, They frantically chase the sun, And day ends, The second. 177 Elven guards are set Expecting by horde to be met, Dawn comes, And with it drums, The shinig host, called to battle, once again 184 Final charge, battle song, Louder now then the gong, fills the plain, warriors raise, Songs of courage and of praise, Swords held high, Sheilds clash 191 By'or, ever brave, Humans now to save, Dives low, lance seeking Rocs, now shrieking, Converge upon their new pray, By'or is lost amidst the fray 198 Humans cry, in loud expectation, Of a hero gone, of some station, And falling now, from shreiking cloud, A Dragon and Rider, into the crowd, amisdt the fallen now, By'or the brave, and dragon fell 205 Cries of rage, Fires of Mage, the horde flees, To the trees, No safe place, their to find, Elven bows sing loud and long. 212 At last, evil done, It seems now that good has won, But silence, the rule of the day, Mourns the heroes lost in the fray, Thanks is given, And vows renewed, 219 "Honor the fallen!" they cried, And to quiet the crowd, they tried, Body carried, Mourners did tarry A man came forth, At the funeral pyre 226 "remember this!" he cried aloud Those there were startled at the sound "Remember he who gave his life, "But remember also, his role in strife, "Honor him now, Rejoice in victory sayeth He who has sent me!" 233 The men did sing, Even the King, And peace did come, By opne man won, By'or the brave, And Dragon fell. * Quarters here is used not in a number sense in the original elvish, but litteraly as in "cut into quarters" two quarters were put on either side of the dragon and one was on it's belly, with another containing By'or and two mages **Elder here does not mena old. It erefers to a totally different species or group. "Elder" is used as an honorific. According to Foxkin records, they were like Foxkin only with twice the skill with fire powers and severla other smal differences (Example: longer tails. Note: Foxkin are humans with Fox tails, fox ears, and fire abilties. Wolfkin (there can only be two at any one time) have wolf tail, fur and ears, and use Aaxes in addition to claws. |