Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/quiz/item_id/1145017-Poetry-Terms
by Joy
Rated: ASR · Quiz · Writing · #1145017
How well do you know the poetic language? Test yourself with 10 questions at each try.
A painting by Van Gogh

          Like most living things, poetry has a language with special terms of its own.

         Sometimes, we receive reviews for our poems including some poetry terms.

         Sometimes, when we read a poem, we want recognize poetic devices the poet uses.

         Sometimes, we want to write poems using the poetic devices.

         All in these cases, knowing the terms enhances our appreciation of poetry.

         Here is a fun quiz to see how well you remember some of the terms of poetry.

          This quiz has a lot of questions. You may take it as many times as you wish. Each time you take it, it is possible to encounter different questions.

Good Luck!

1. Poetry Terms:
 What is pathetic fallacy?
       A form of spatial prosody        
       An artificial character created by the speaker in a poem        
       Attribution of human characteristics to inanimate objects        
       Using derogatory remarks while praising someone        
       An oral-formulaic strategy of archaic poetry        
2. Poetry Terms:
 What is an invocation?
       The carrying over of one line into the next without any grammatical break        
       An adressing of a god or goddess usually in the beginning of an epic poem        
       A poem of loss, lamentation, regret, and sorrow        
       A poem that is a journal of the poet's daily activities ending in an epiphany        
       A half stanza concluding some French forms        
3. Poetry Terms:
 "Others will enter the gates of the ferry, and cross from shore to shore; Others will watch the run of the flood-tide; Others will see the shipping of Manhattan north and west, and the heights of Brooklyn to the south and east; Others will see the islands large and small;" Walt Whitman in "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry" repeats the word "Others" in the beginnings of his lines. What is the name of the poetic device he has used?
       Masculine Rhyme        
       Feminine Rhyme        
4. Poetry Terms:
 What do we call those rhymes in a poem when the end rhymes share a similarity but do not exactly rhyme like in "jade" "head" "bead," ?
       Slant rhymes, half rhymes, or off rhymes        
       Resounding rhymes        
       Shakespearean rhymes        
       Elevated rhymes        
       Shifting or turning rhymes        
5. Poetry Terms:
 What do we mean when we say "diction" in a poem?
       Word choices or the vocabulary of the poem        
       All the words with concrete images        
       The sporadic use of a foreign language in a poem        
       The theme of the poem        
       A poem without line breaks        
6. Poetry Terms:
 What is a rhyme scheme?
       A metered line of verse        
       Words related in meaning        
       A pattern of end rhymes        
       A pattern of internal rhymes        
       Systematic implying of the same meaning in each line        
7. Poetry Terms:
 What is synechdoche?
       A part that is used to signify the whole        
       Repetition of vowel sounds        
       Uneven meter        
       The theme of the poem        
       A badly written poem        
8. Poetry Terms:
 What is the figure of speech that uses exaggeration called, as the one John Donne used in the following lines? "Go and catch a falling star, Get with child a mandrake root, Tell me where all past years are, Or who cleft the Devil's foot, "
       Masculine Rhyme        
9. Poetry Terms:
 What is assonance?
       Repetition of vowel sounds in different but closely placed words        
       Repetition of the same name in the beginning of each stanza        
       Repetition of assurances in different but closely placed lines        
       Another word for alliteration        
       Repetiton of the same phrase in the beginning of consecutive lines        
10. Poetry terms:
 "*Once in a life, they tell us, // and once only,* *So great a thing as a great love may come--* *To crown us, // or to mark us with a scar *No craft or custom shall obliterate"* From Roman Bartholow by Edwin Arlington Robinson---- What is the pause called, which falls naturally within a line of verse and is sometimes designated by a mark like // in scansion?
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