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Rated: E · Book · Comedy · #1143512
Every day my Blog is getting Better and Better!
I'm a 57 year old ex-Air Force Missile Crew Dog, Electrical Engineer, and Emergency Manager. I was born in the first half of the last Century in the Previous Millenium. I remember our first Black and White TV, and I taught 3,500 people to use an Apple II, and did a search on the Internet in 1994 for subsurface water levels - and it was in there! I love to fly and I love my wife Wren - as you all do! I have two great kids!
August 13, 2006 at 2:05am
August 13, 2006 at 2:05am
Blog Entry #3 - Wanna feel old?
Hi all - just back from morning Physical Fitness testing with the Civil Air Patrol Cadets - Mile run, sitting stretch, sit-ups in 60 seconds, and pushups.

I brought my folding chair, so I wouldn't be too tired after watching!

My flying buddy Ted (you HAVE heard of Bill & Ted's excellent adventures, right?) told the kids "If you run in front of a car, you could get 'Tired' but if you run BEHIND a car, you could get 'Exhausted.'"

Man, that Ted - he's a kidder!

Our Cadets are great - and I'm so proud of the way these young men and women are working hard to be the best they can.

Civil Air Patrol - the slogan is "We serve, so others may live." I tried to get them to use the Coast Guard slogan "You have to go out....But you don't have to come back" but I guess they have no sense of humor up there.

Anyway, I went by after PT and touched "Racer Skylane," our Cessna 182P - soon as I can figure it out, I'll post pictures. Right now - no flying, until I can get the FAA to issue my Medical certificate - what a slack bunch of bureaucrats up there! I've lost almost six months of flying!

I have another plane - Carrie Nation - our Beechcraft Sport 150, and it's not getting 1) flown or 2) sold. HELP! Ann (Wren) and I named it Carrie Nation because we wanted it to Carry us around the Nation! Also, the tail # is N1927W - did you know there was NO Whiskey in 1927? Guess you had to be there.

When we got the Skylane, my kids got us new hats - ya gotta have hats! - that say "Howard Airlines."

My dad and I listened to thousands of hours of comedy records in the late '50s and '60s. Bob Newhart used to do bits where he pretended to talk on a phone - "uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. Well, thanks for calling." ONE story he told was about the 'Grace L. Ferguson Airline (and Storm Door Company)' and his trip to Hawaii on a three day pass on a DC-2. "Bob Newhart - The Button Down Mind Strikes Back, 1960" After the Pilot starts his announcements, he askes "Has anybody ever been to Hawaii before? Kinda kidney-shaped, isn't it?"

The GLFASDC slogan was, and I use it for Howard Airlines, 'We do without extra cost items like maintenance, training and radar!' So much more fun than the usual - 'Time to spare? Go by air!'

Wow - does that fit now? Hey, I wanted to bring my Cappachino machine with me next flight!

So, I'm driving around on the lookout for a guy (or gal) on a corner with a sign "Will Fly for Food."

Jokes - I gotta million of 'em. When I'm telling them, I say, 'Stop me if you've heard this' and then turn to Wren and remind her - "I don't mean YOU!"


Blog Entry #2 - I write, therefore, I AM!

What does a 57 yr old guy need with a blog, anyway?

Hey - I have two planes I can't fly and that doesn't make any sense, either!

Here's things you might care to know - Male, 57, married, Electrical Engineer, Advanced degrees in Business & Engineering Management, working in Emergency Management.

Prior USAF - Titan II Missile Combat Crew Commander and Electrical Engineer - got out after Viet Nam in 1977. STILL dream of my days 'Home in the Hole.'

Divorced but have two great kids - both very successful, and living as far away as you can get! Their mother lives pretty close.

I have done everything except stick with it for the long haul: Financial Planner and broker, Lumber Yard owner, local Apple Expert from the Apple II days through the uprising of the Internet.

Pilot since college - the SMALL kind - over 1,000 hrs flying for Civil Air Patrol. But it took my wonderful Wren to say, "hey, let's buy a plane so we can go to the Grandkids faster!" WOW - what a gal!

I live in the wonderful North West - on the dry East Side of Washington and Oregon, where we have more Wineries at the airport than in all of Northern California!

First joke - Did you hear about the two Antennas that got married? Not much of a ceremony, but GREAT Reception!

Well, that is certainly enough of THAT!

Hope to hear from all you'all soon!

Hook 'em Hogs!


Blog Entry #1 - every day - I write lots of stuff - invoices, payables, eMails - mundain.

Every night I dream epic dreams with a cast of thousands.

I hope to bring some of the complex ME into this environment.

If you find me amusing or entertaining, I'm happy - if not:

I ALWAYS welcome Questions, Comments, and Gripes!

BeechSportBill (BSB)

"I believe in Quality over Quantity - as long as there's enough of it!"

© Copyright 2006 BeechSportBill (UN: miltonbill at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
BeechSportBill has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1143512-BeechSportBill---Keeping-up-with-Wren