Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1143278-Untitled-Roleplay
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Other · Fantasy · #1143278
roleplay between rosefire and me unless we say otherwise
This is an RP between me and rosefire, unless I say otherwise. Haya and Korbin are main as far as I know. It’s definitely a romance, as we all tend to have romances because we love that corny stuff.

Korbin, as far as I know, is a child of Drez and Kira’s, for those of you from AP or have Rped with us.

So…yeah, we’ll see how it goes. It could change in rating because it could go violent or very VERY romancy and…a hold load of other stuff.
Haya yawned as she wandered down a dirt road, rubbing her eye with the heel of her hand, “Don’t I just love sleep.” She sighed as she stumbled a little, making her roll her eyes.

“Dammit. I didn’t even think to get myself water,” she growled as she looked around. She hadn’t seen a village for a while. She knew she should have trusted her instincts.

“And why am I even TALKING to myself. TALKing TO mySELF?” she shook her head before screaming out loud and hard. The lack of water was making her a little mad in the head. So much, that she was even starting to hallucinate.

“Gods,” she rubbed her eyes again as she stumbled on, “I’m so tired. So so tired. But I can’t sleep, or I might not wake up again.”
Haya looked up at the sky tiredly, watching the clouds coming overhead and she smile happily, letting her body collapse on the dirt road.

“Rain,” she said hoarsely, but she knew it’d be a few minutes before it came. The sleepiness was too much though and she started to drift off, her body completely exhausted and drained.
Haya groaned, wanting to curl up into a ball in pain, but she was too tired to do so, she couldn't even cry out properly.

Still, she moved enough to notice that her breathing was more constricted.

"W-what?" she whispered as her she forced her eyes open into slits. Someone was laying on top of her and she couldn't see if he was awake on not. She could tell it was a he from his form.

She shifted a little as she forced out to say, "Hey. You're...crushing...me."
Haya just laid there for a moment, more stunned than anything else before she managed to call out to the man, "Hey! Wait! Could you...help me?"

She managed to roll onto her side, but she couldn't get up. Her body hurt from fatique as well as from the man who'd landed on him somehow. She had been too disorientated to know how he had.

"I can't...get up," she sounded even more hoarse than before, "So thirsty." She knew if she didn't get up now, and if he left, she'd die here.
Haya tiredly drank from the cantine, though she struggled with it quite a bit.

When she’d had her fill, she sighed, “I’m sorry. I can be such an idiot sometimes. I forgot to get some water before I left the last village.”

She tried standing up, but only stumbled down onto one knee. She punched the ground in an annoyed manner, “Dammit! I can’t even stand properly.” She shook her head before trying to stand again, “Are you heading to…another village by…any chance? I don’t want to get…like that again.”
Haya rubbed her eye again as she nodded, "I'm sorry. I'm such a pain, though it's nice of you to help me."

She got onto his back, feeling a little awkward in those moments. Usually, she'd try and go on by herself due to being stubborn, but she was too disorientated to bother.

"You heading somewhere then? Or leaving somewhere? I've done a lot of leaving in a hurry rather than heading for somewhere in a hurry."
Haya smiled slightly, “Now I really feel bad. But thanks anyway. Maybe you’ll get some luck soon. I haven’t had much of that. Then again, something might come along.”

She glanced down at the ground, seeing how swiftly he moved, “Wow, you’re a pretty quick runner.” She grinned as she looked behind her, her lilac streaked white hair almost covering her face from the speed. She wasn’t sure what she’d do when she got to the next village, but one thing she knew was the full moon was coming up soon and that meant she had to get away from people as far away as she could.
Haya glanced back again thoughtfully before looking down at the man, “I think it’d be rude of me to ask from what exactly. I’ll just take your word for it that you want to get away.” For this man’s sake, she hoped they’d get to the next village pretty soon.
Haya looked up, taking in some of the water in her mouth, though she knew she couldn't really get much. Still, it was refreshing.

"Well, you're like me then," Haya sighed, "I don't like giving out personal info either."

She glanced at a nearby Inn, her head falling onto the man's shoulder tiredly. She didn't even know the guy's name and he had helped her this far.

"You might as well get rest here too, huh?" she asked rhetorically, "It's too wet and cold. You might get ill if you travel." Her speech was more tired now as a small smile touched her lips, "Hopefully they've got more than one room if that's the case. Or I might have to sleep in the bar."
Haya raised an eyebrow, "Knowing me, I'd be so tired I'd steal all the covers. I tend to wrap myself up in a ball without realising it and wonder why I'm so hot."

She felt a blush on her cheeks for a moment, "As in heat hot. Not physical...hot...yeah."
"Oh!" Haya blinked with wide eyes, blushing darkly then, "I thought you meant..." she shook her head, "Forget it. It's embarrassing enough as it is."
Haya couldn't help but smile also, "I didn't think you were the type. I guess curiosity does kill the cat, ironically," she flicked her feline ears as the twitched, a little put out at their random twitching, "And gladly, I'm not like that either...with guys."
Haya burst out laughing though, "That's a nice term to use. I prefer to call it harlotry or self-promoting." She giggled, "I'm joking."

She cocked her head to look at him better, "Well, the non-whore on your back is called Haya. And the non-whore between her legs is...?" She laughed harder when she realised how bad that sounded, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it to come out like that." She gave an apologetic look, "I'm never going to get over that one."
Haya giggled behind her hair, "Haya's pleased to meet you too." For a moment, she felt awkward having her legs draped either side of him, then reckoned she shouldn't seeing as he was only helping her because she couldn't walk.

As they neared the Inn, Haya fished around with one hand to look for her money, muttering under her breath, "For once I'd like to find things easily."

"Korbin's a nice name," she said with a smile as she kept searching, "rare."
Haya pouted, "You're stubborn. You should have let me pay. Well, I'll pay you back somehow. If I can find my money, that is, or I'll have to go earn some to pay you...however long that will take."

She sighed as she looked towards the bedrooms. She probably should have kept her mouth shut and they would have had two rooms...maybe.
Haya stretched up her arms with a yawn before rubbing her eyes again, "I still feel I need to pay you however I'll do that." She shrugged, "I'd feel guilty otherwise. After all, I'm sharing the bed." She smiled up at him, "Thanks for putting up with me anyhow."
Haya giggled, "I couldn't remember. Our conversation was a bit all over the place."

She stretched again before turning, putting a pillow on one side of the bed and dropping down onto her stomach across the bed, letting her head drop onto the pillow. For some reason, she didn't like to sleep normally on a bed if she could help it. Laying sideways allowed her tail and feet dangle off the side quite comfortably.

"Have a comfy night," Haya said with her eyes closed as she yanked some of the cover from the head end over her upper legs and lower torso in a strange fashion.
Haya didn't have trouble for the first few hours. But after a few, she started to dream of her parents.

'You failed it AGAIN,' her mother spat, 'You stupid little girl! How could you fail it AT ALL? It's a simple dark magic TRICK!'

'I'm sorry Mum,' Haya hesitated, 'I-'

She was cut off by her mother slapping her across the face.

In her dream, Haya stumbled back while in reality she groaned and gripped the bedsheets.

Then her father's voice made her turn around and she saw a dark figure standing over her. He raised his fist and struck her. Haya screamed as her father's words spoke over her, 'They should have been EASY to do. There's no room for FAILING, Haya. You should know better.' He hit her again.

'No!' Haya cried, holding up her hands to block his, 'Don't hurt me again! I tried dad! I'm sorry. I'm sorry!'

Haya turned onto her back on the bed, her arms starting to flail weakly above her as she muttered, "Sorry...dad. Don't hurt me...again. Sorry. I'm...sorry!..." there was a long pause, then she called louder, "Ow! No! Stop hitting me! Stop it! I couldn't help it! Don't don't DON'T! Mum! Help me! No...don't hurt me too! I tried. I TRIED!" By this time, her arms were flailing higher and harder, her legs kicking as she turned her head from side to side in panic.
"No! Let go!" Haya cried as she tried to push herself away from Korbin, but her eyes suddenly snapped open and she stared at him, panting.

For a moment, she was frozen there, but then moved off of Korbin and sat up, pushing the hair off of her face as she took a few deep breaths, "I'm sorry. I must have woken you, right? Sorry." she rubbed her eyes before curling up into a ball, "Just a nightmare. That's all. Nothing much. Just a nightmare."
"Yeah, yeah," she nodded, "That's right. Only a nightmare. Nothing more. It wasn't really there. Just..." she giggled uneasily, "Something from my mind."

She turned her wide eyed gaze to Korbin, "You didn't see any of it, did you?"
Haya shrugged, looking back ahead again, "Sometimes people can see it if I touch them. I guess it's a good thing you didn't. Just some weird people hitting me, that's all, so it wasn't that bad anyway."
Haya stared ahead of her for a while in a trance before moving back onto the bed and dropping hard with a sigh.

After a moment, she giggled quietly, "Well, at least I got you back for falling on me. *I* fell on *you*." She yawned as she yanked the covers over her, "I'd wonder what you mean by 'if you say so' but I'm so tired...I'll see in the morning." She was more thinking aloud than anything else, not seeming to realise it at all.
Nitika raised an eyebrow, though her eyes were still closed, "Whatever. It was nothing." Not long after, she was soon back to sleep, her tail shifting from side to side as she purred quietly.
Haya hadn't heard him and awoke in the early morning hours later.

She groaned as she sat up, rubbing her eyes before stretching her arms, legs and tail. Then she looked down at Korbin to see if he was awake.

On seeing his eyes closed and peacefull expression, she poked him lightly, "Up, up. You wanted to get up earlish. Up!"

She then furrowed her brow, "I still need to know why you don't believe me."
Haya sat up to watch him collect everything, "I still need to pay you." She scratched the back of her cat ears, "Good thing I woke you up." She looked around the room quickly before standing, "Where you off to? Do you think I could..." she gave an awkward expression, "tag along for a bit?"
Haya watched him going with a raised eyebrow, then sighed glumly as she sat back on the bad, resting her chin in her hands.

She sat there for a while before finally moving again, hurrying off to catch up with Korbin. She had absolutely nothing else to do, no friends, nothing. She might as well stick with Korbin if he let it...for now.
Haya, rather than travelling by foot on the ground, she used the buildings to leap across. Seeing as she was part feline, she was quite the jumper. Anyway, she wanted to avoid most people on the ground.

Soon, she spotted Korbin and she followed him quietly. He'd probably figure out she was following him but...she was curious as to what he was running from exactly and...well, he WAS an interesting character.
Haya leapt off the rooftops and landed on the ground gently. She pouted and folded her arms as she watched him fly off.

"No fair," she growled, "I can't fly!" She rolled her eyes as she sighed, but continued on her walk. Maybe she'd come across him later. After all, she was very fast at running.

Deciding to use that attribute, she got down on all fours and took of in a sprint into a woodland area to keep her covered.
Haya took a few minutes and almost tumbled over Korbin. She snagged his arm and crashed down on her side near him.

She winced as she pushed herself up onto her knees, groaning, “Ugh. What happened to you? You just want crashing down.” She scratched behind her ears, “I guess that explains how you fell on me before.” She cocked her head at him as she reached down to help him up, “Are you okay? You fell pretty hard.”
Haya took it before standing up also, wiping herself down. She didn't have much clothes to wipe off though.

"That's really dangerous," she said as she took a leaf out of Korbin's hair with a slight smile, "That was a nasty fall. If you do that too much you might end up worse and not be able to travel at all."

She put her hands on her hips as she tilted them, "Even if you think it's nothing, at least *I'm* concerned, believe it or not."
Haya's eyes widened for a moment, "Stalked you?" She folded her arms with a pout, "I wasn't *stalking* you." She rolled her eyes before glancing back at the town, then back at Korbin.

Then she sighed, "Fine, whatever, I was in a way, I guess. I've just got no family or friends. I'm on my own. It's boring and you seem quite interesting. There, I admit it." She held out her hands, fingers splayed, "You can tell me to get lost if you want. I just didn't think you'd want me hanging around with you. Reall, I do actually owe you my life. Might as well stick around until I save yours or something, if the time ever comes."
Haya furrowed her brow at him, "I've a feeling you can be a right pain in the backside." She folded her arms as she shook her head, "No excuse. Well, the who saving your life thing is true. After all, if you HAD left me, I would have died. I was on the brink of it."

She walked up to Korbin then to join him, "So I'll pay you back in that way too." She tried to ignore the smirk he had the whole time. Okay, so she DID use it as a bit of an excuse just to follow him...but whatever.
Haya shook her head with a sigh before she continued following him, "you've DEFINITELY got a bit of an ego, haven't you?" She didn't care about stating the obvious.

She wandered beside him with a frown, "Even if you don't need my help, I still owe you, so there."
Haya rolled her eyes, "You're as stubborn as I am, probably more. Well, come hell or high water, I WILL pay you back. Believe me. Or I'll just feel guilty and in debt to you."
"Uh huh," Haya said, "Well, I'm not the type to give up or let things like that go."

She was silent for a while before sighing, "It sounds like we're arguing. We shouldn't be arguing about *this*."
Haya shook her head, "Seriously. Looks like you won't be able to stand me then." She gave a slight smirk before studying the area they were walking through.

She loved watching nature and her feline senses made her want to climb on all the trees and play with the plants, corny as that sounded. Then she felt like she wanted to fly through it all, but there was no way she could fly unless...

She looked up at the sky with a furrowed brow before asking, "Do you know when the full moon is? How many days or weeks?"
Haya's eyes had widened for a moment, but she forced herself to look expressionless, "Oh, no reason. Just...wondered."

she stared back up at the sky, "I'll...nip off for the night then. I'm bound to come back later so...yeah." She smiled, "When I go, don't expect me to not come back...nor WISH I would stay away."
"Nothing," Haya averted her gaze from him completely, wrapping her arms around herself, "I like the full moon. There's nothing wrong with *that*."

she resisted glancing at Korbin, saying unconvincingly, "Just prefer not to be around people when it comes."
Haya muttered something under her breath before saying, "Well, I'll still catch up with you anyhow afterwards." She sighed, running her fingers through her hair, "And I don't need to tell anybody about it. Just don't follow *me* this time round. It'll do you no good at all."
Haya squeezed her eyes shut for a while. When the full moon came...she could fly too.

"Don't fly," she said with her eyes still shut, "Not so that it's easy to see you."
Haya placed her hands on her hips, scuffing the ground with the toe of her boots, "Well..." she was silent for a while before giving a fragment of explanation, "'She' comes out then. Even if she can't hurt you much, she'll still hurt enough. If you fly, she'll spot you and come after you, like she does with every person she sees."
Haya turned her back to him, thinking about it for a moment as she debated on whether to tell him or not.

She decided not.

"You don't need to know, okay? It's put people off enough already and it's safer if you don't know. At least...I think...it is."
Haya almost dug her nails into her head in frustration. If he hadn't helped her beforehand she might have left it, but she felt a duty to tell him if it would save him.

"Alright then!" she called after him, "I might kill you! Or at least try! 'She' is *me*!"

She sat down on the ground and curled up into a ball, not caring if he continued on or not. It was probably better that way anyhow. She could never save anyone when the night came. She could never stay away from people. 'She' always found them, no matter what, so all Haya could do was go as far away as possible from people in order to hope that 'she' won't get as many people as she would if Haya stayed around people.
By this time, Haya had put her hands over her head, her voice coming out as a muffle as she said, "Yes."

She peeked at him from under her hair, tears prickling at her eyes, "Every full moon...she kills. I don't. I'm innocent. I...I *have* to be. I *am*. *She's* not. *She's* the one who goes looking for prey. She doesn't even have to kill them either. Just hurt them, but she mostly kills and...friends...I can't make friends." Her eyes disappeared back between her knees, "Because friends won't want to hurt me, so they'll get killed instead. But I want friends. I want to live and not hurt. I don't want to die...but death's the only way of killing her."

She took in a trembling breath before continuing in almost a whisper, "She is me but she *isn't* me. I don't...understand it...either."
"But..." Haya started, staring at the ground ahead of her, "I don't want to hurt anyone even just a little. Maybe you *should* leave me alone. I just...don't want to be alone. I hate it. I'm worse when I'm on my own."

She felt like clinging to Korbin right then. She was so frightened of the other part to her. Of 'Her'. She wished there was a way to get rid of 'Her' or at least dumb it down or make 'Her' dormant.
Haya didn't see his expression. She was just looking even more miserable ahead of her.

"How can anyone help me? I'm cursed with 'Her'. she won't ever go. I've heard of merging but..." she shook her head, "I don't see how anything like that will work for me."

She chewed on her lower lip before she finally asked, "Who...do you think could help me?"
"With...my problem?" she followed his gaze before pulling her hand away from his. She let out a long, sad sigh, "You do have a choice. Leave me and that'll be it, right? I don't want to push you into anything."
Haya felt her lips twitch into a smile for a moment, "You really care that much about others? It sounds like it's more in your blood than what you want to be. If you know what I mean."

She shook her head, "No. You shouldn't feel like that. It's good if you leave me. Everyone else did."
Haya folded her arms, "Ha! Like you'd tie me up and carry me. Believe me, you shouldn't be sticking around with me right now if you don't want to. I just cause too much trouble if you stick around."

She ran her fingers through her hair in exasperation, "Seems a little contradictory, doesn't it? Me following you, now I'm telling you you should just leave me be. well, for today and tonight at least."
Haya gave a snort, "You *never* bluff? Yeah, right." She shook her head, wafting her hand, "Really." She folded her arms and walked to the side, heading for a forest off the side of the road. Maybe she'd tangle herself in some ivy or something of the sort to waste more time for 'Her'.
"Eek!" Haya squealed, barely registering the rope swooping down around her. She only noticed when it tightened around her.

She looked down at it as if to confirm what Korbin had done and she had soon turned around to face him as she snapped, "What are you doing? Are you crazy? Let me go!" She wriggled to get free in vain. She growled before snapping at him again, "Do you *really* need to *do this*? Huh? Really? come on. Seriously!"

She wriggled again but it was only futile.

She rolled her eyes but planned on keeping her feet firmly on the ground, "What's with you? Honestly, any normal person would have just let me walk or *something*."
Haya had fallen down onto her knees, making her growl lowly. She gave him a dark look as she sat down, "DRAG me." Her expression darkened even more as she muttered rather childishly, "Idiot."
"Hey!" she cried, "Alright. ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT!"

When she felt the rope slacken, she got up off her reddened knees, stomped over to Korbin until she faced him before yelling, "Are you DESPIRATE! WHAT's the POINT?" She shook her head hard as she calmed down her voice to normal, "geez! Why are you so determined to keep me with you? I'm nothing but just some cursed feline, okay? Nothing more. Now...let me go. I'll walk with you, blur de blur, whatever." She gave a pout as she looked away from him, her expression clearly showing she wasn't happy with letting him have control like that.
Haya still kept her frown, "Yeah, yeah. Okay, I do want that, but like you could help me. Nobody can help me, get it? And don't expect me to hang around this evening. You'd have to tie me up if anything and that will only bring hurt upon you, believe me."
Haya sighed, giving it some thought for a minute.

finally, she followed Korbin, "You know. You sure as hell are stubborn."
"Great," Haya muttered, "Hopefully it won't be too many full moons until then."

The walk was certainly going to be a long one and continuous Haya checked the sun to see when dusk was coming. She'd have to leave before it even started to get dark. Maybe an hour or two before, just so that she could get far away.
Haya rolled her eyes, "I'd rather try or at least make sure she takes less victims than she would if I stay around or near people. You know, if I ran, then she WOULD come after you. It'll just take 'Her' a while and give you more time and relief."
Haya could have torn out her hair, "That's insane! I might as well stick around and let you watch! Let you see all the pain it gives me!"

She folded her arms under her chest, "It's not a pretty sight."
"Her way of catching isn't always straight catching," Haya whispered in a rather embarrassed way, "She likes to...'play' sometimes...depending on her mood and who she's with."
Haya frowned, "It's not funny. She can be so seductive, it's horrible. I'm glad I'm not like that...much."
“Well that’s good then,” Haya said, “I happen to dislike the sort unless they have a real good reason for doing so.” She studied Korbin for a bit before saying anything more, “You’re really…hard to figure out, you know that? One minute you seem to be one sort, then the next you’re like another. Complex.”
"Yeah, I'll be aware of that now," Haya said, "It'll stop me from throttling you if you annoy me badly." She gave him a slight smirk, "Because if that's the case, then I should remember there's a nicer side to you."
Haya smirked even more, "Really? Well, that would be interesting to find out about seeing as you're going to se *my* worst."
"I see," Haya said before nudging him lightly in the side, "It'd still be interesting to see though. Wait...you're not at all male slutty are you?" She raised an eyebrow with a grin.
Haya gave a surprised look. She hadn't expected that.

Instantly, she was straight after him, soon catching up with him as she spent half her time on all fours.

"Hey!" she stood up on her feet as she continued to run, "What was that about?" She shook her head, "You're so strange. Anyway, at least you haven't got that side of you. That would be a bit too weird for me." She giggled, "Especially if it happens more than once a full moon."
Haya was beginning to pant as well, "That's...nice. I like the...odd few runs." She smiled, "How easily...are you...enraged?"
Haya skidded to a halt to stay with him, her heart pounding in her chest, "Don't...worry. I...won't." She took a few deep breaths to calm down her heart pace.

She stared at him a moment, wondering more about his life and...about him really. Also, what he had been so desperate to get away from which he was risking right now.
Haya shook her head, "I wouldn't do that unless I did accidentally."

She flicked her hair out of her face, "Besides," A smile spread across her face, "I kind of like this side of you, strange and complex as it seems."
"I see," Haya giggled quietly, "Well, at least you have a family. I don't. Well, I have parents but..." She wafted a hand, "They don't care about me at all. Up and left me."
Haya shrugged, "I don't miss them that much anyway. They abused me until I did things right and even then they had their bad days." The look on her face made it worse because it seemed more or less normal to her, "I thought it was normal. But then I snuck out of my tribe and saw the real world and realised it was wrong. I was beaten badly for that too. Then..." she shook her head, "I'm sorry. You don't need my life story."
Haya gave a light shrug, "I guess I'm used to it. Just mainly lacerations," she gestured behind her, "On the back? Sometimes they'd make me do it myself really hard. Ones with barbed wire all sticking out and everything so that it went deep."

she scratched her back as her eyes went distant when they turned up to the sky. She could faintly feel the pain in the back of her mind, "Did it to me from when I was...about five? Yeah. They all abandoned me about three years ago or something. I can't remember."
"What?" Haya blinked as she removed her hand from her back, "It's not a big deal, really. I grew up with it anyway. It's just...another one of those things." She gave a nod as if to confirm it, "Well, at least I don't have them around anymore. I HAVE been looking for them, I don't know why. I think I want to...pay them back somehow or something."

She folded her arms as she looked at the ground, sighing, "I don't know. I don't even want to see them. I don't remember any good times with them really...at all."
Haya tilted her head, "I don't know. I know it was wrong but...it's not a big deal. I got through it, right? Though my back got the worst." she managed to smile slightly, "Had a rough time but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
"What? What camp?" Haya asked in a confused manner as she hurriedly followed Korbin, "Anyway, with the whole abuse thing. Well, I can't help it really. I don't think it's normal. It's just...one of those things. It's long over now. I just hope I don't meet a guy I like that's just as bad as them."

She gave a light shrug with a sad smile, "I guess I can't really imagine me being with anyone who won't hurt me. So I prepare for the worst."
Haya found herself smiling, "Thanks. I hope I find someone who's like you then. Who won't hurt me." She folded her arms, "AND who WOULD slap some sense into me when I need it. Honestly, I can be uncontrollable, especially when I turn."
“A youwarkee?” Haya giggled, “That’s a nice thought, though I heard there wasn’t many around. So tough luck for me. Like I’d find a youwarkee for me.” She shook her head, “Would be nice though.”
"I see," Haya tilted her head with a slight smirk, "So how would I get a youwarkee then. You must show me. After all, there's only your family, right?"

She started to laugh heartily, "Just kidding with you. My luck doesn't come *that* easily."
Haya laughed, “You’re a match maker now? Well, are YOU taken too?” She tilted her head with a look of curiosity, “How many of them ARE free?…and male.”
Haya covered her mouth as she giggled, "I can't believe we're actually talking like I could just pick one up."

She held her hands behind her back as she grinned at Korbin, "So YOU'RE free. That's lucky for me, though maybe not so lucky. I'm not exactly good to deal with." She gave a mischievous grin, "And seeing as you're attractive, that gives me some hope that the rest of your family are too."

She laughed again as she gave Korbin a pat on the arm, "At least I'll have less choice with there being less guys, though I'm sure they'd rather just be friendly or run away from me."
"Me? Hit on you? Never," Haya said with mock disbelief, then she giggled again, "Come on. I don't even know HOW to hit on people. I just say whatever's funny or whatnot." She shrugged, "Don't know. I'm not very good at that sort of thing anyway. Do you mind being hit on then?"
"I see," Haya looked pensive for a moment, then smiled ago, "So which one do I check into, if any. Am I an alright person? Or one you wouldn't give a second glance to?"

She folded her arms, "Do you like me or hate me despite we don't really know much about each other."

She scratched her temple as she thought about how those questions sounded, "I'm only asking them out of curiosity, by the way. Nothing more. Like I always say," she held her arms out to herself, "Curiosity killed the cat. Or feline, in my case."
"I see," Haya tilted her head in more curiosity, "I'm not sure what I'm like." She thought about it for a while before answering.

"I..." she gestured, "More or less don't think about things like that. I just get on with my life, whatever little that is. Well, at least I can be grateful that you don't hate me." She gave him a pleasant smile.
Haya giggled, "Well, that's good then, because I *certainly* don't hate you." She gave him a wink before looking around, "I wonder how much time we have left until dusk."
Haya followed him quietly for a while before finally speaking.

"A few hours, huh? That's not good," she shook her head before sighing, "You know, sometimes I've thought about killing myself off, but I don't want to. It confuses me. I don't know what to do because, even though you said you'll help me...as well as showed," she smiled slightly before it faded, "I...really don't want her to hurt you. Honestly, she can be such a slut if she want's to be. Whatever you do, keep your trousers tied or *something*."
Haya rubbed her forehead, "If she had a mating season it would be all year." She looked up at the sky as a sigh escaped her, "Thankfully she only comes out once a month."
"She probably would," Haya groaned, "Though don't get any big ideas on hurting her because she'll only pass on the pain to me in the back of her mind."
Haya sighed, "I hope there's not too many people there...though I doubt that's the case. Just my luck. You're going to risk even MORE people with me, you know. Try and remove her, she might try and come out other than full moon nights."
Haya gave a slow nod, "That's good then. Hopefully I won't hurt a lot of people." She then smiled up at Korbin in a soft way, making her eye brighten, "Thanks for helping me, even though you don't want to."
"I'm sorry, really," Haya said innocently as she held her hands behind her back, "I don't want to trouble you. You know, why don't you just direct me to your home and I'll go and you can move on. You don't have to keep someone like me company."
"Oh, okay," Haya said as she walked with him, "Well, I hope your 'distracting' methods will work...which they probably would. Just don't let your guard down."
"Insanity's sometimes a good thing," Haya smiled up at Korbin, "And I'm glad you won't let your guard down. Just don't hurt me too much, okay?"
Haya folded her arms and thought deeply, "You have to hurt me in ways, but not too much, okay? Or it'll just backfire on me. She likes certain pains too."
"She would, if you start something with her beforehand," Haya said sheepishly, "Fight her a bit or something. Draw blood from her. She likes that in a guy. Finds them more interesting."

She shrugged as if it wasn't much, but Haya's expression showed she found it embarrassing, "You'd have to hurt her...not deep, but enough to stun her a bit. But mainly sort of...wrestle? You know, twist an arm or two, but don't break it. I don't want a broken arm."
Haya frowned at him darkly, "What? You want to know THAT?"

She gave a look of disgust as she looked away, "She's sick. Out of all the times I remember," she blushed, "About ninety percent of the time."
"No, you wouldn't," Haya said quietly with a pout, "Not very nice when you wake up underneath a naked, dead body without your clothes on and covered in blood."
Haya shuddered, "I don't want to even think about it." She rubbed her arms, suddenly feeling cold. Well, she WAS just in shorts and a strap top, "For once, I'm glad she kills them before I take over again."
Haya bit her lip before saying, "When the light's almost gone. Just a few more minutes."

Haya felt her skin start to tingle and she had the sudden feeling that she had to run. Run as far away from Korbin as she could.

She took a few deep breaths, her eyes flicking closed drunkenly as she stepped back away from him right back into a tree trunk. Her breaths became heavier as if she was running out of oxygen and she didn't see him with her eyes, though she was still Haya and could hear and see him perfectly.
"You should get away," Haya managed to choke out, "I changed my mind. I can't...have you near...me."

Suddenly it looked as if she was snapped forward and she crashed to the ground hard. She let out a cry of pain before crawling up onto her hands and knees, still panting and out of breath.

Then a piercing scream escaped her lips, one filled with agony and dread.

Ripping out of her back slowly were a pair of black, feathery wings. Her tail seemed to disintegrate and her cat ears turned black.

She was still screaming when her lips turned blood red and her claws turned to normal hands with long nails. Her hair turned ebony and perfectly straight as her irises turned black also, except the pupils turned silver. Fangs grew larger in her mouth and slowly the scream died.

Then Haya lifted her head and she smirked in her transformation at Korbin, "Hello, Love. Care to get to know her other side?"
"Aww, getting home, Love?" Haya stood up and strolled up to Korbin before slipping her arms around his neck, "Really, darling? You can make yourself at home with me."
The woman tilted her head before following Korbin closely. Then she grabbed his shoulders and whispered in his ear from behind him, "Well, my kind tend to have more than one mate, as I'm sure Haya told you. That girl's a little rude as she didn't introduce me. I'm Ayah. Easy to remember as well as easy to scream."

She nipped his earlobe before pushing him down onto the ground and straddling him and stroking his cheek, "My, you smell divine. All that lifeblood bubbling within you." She stretched her arms up high over her head, "It's raising my bloodlust quite a bit."
"Aww," Ayah purred as she sat up before getting to her feet, "That's not very nice."

She tilted her head at Korbin and stared at him for a long moment.

The next thing Korbin knew was that Ayah disappeared and he was suddenly slammed in the back so hard that he was knocked down onto his knees.

Before he could get himself up, Ayah was on his back, nuzzling his neck.

"Well, I like being rude," she smirked, "But I'll make it quicker for you if that's what you want."

She went to bite his neck, but Korbin shifted before she could do so and bit his shoulder instead. It wasn't the best place, but at least she got a mouthful of blood.

She grinned and dragged her nails down his back, splitting his flesh as she unhooked her teeth out of his shoulder and asked him, "Do you like pain, Love?"
Ayah smirked as she pushed herself up onto her feet, “Weeeelll, I like my dominance, and I like my way. Fine,” she shrugged, “If you can’t take it then I guess I’m going to have to finish you off quicker than I thought.”

She then shoved Korbin against a tree trunk and started to tear at his clothes quickly. She wasn’t going to make it THAT quick.
Ayah held her face, feeling blood streaking down from her nose to her lips. She wiped it away before frowning, “Fine. Have it your way.”

She suddenly span around and punched him hard across the face, then backflipped, kicking him under the jaw as she did so. She land on all fours and pushed herself hard towards him and catapulted. Her arms latched around Korbin’s waist and she shoved both of them onto the ground.
“All the better,” Ayah smirked as she pushed herself off the trunk and teleported behind Korbin, jumping up into the air and kicking him in the back of the head in midflight.

As the youwarkee fell forward, Ayah landed lightly on her feet, “The harder the fight, the more joy I get. Just be warned it won’t be me who’ll suffer the pain.”
Ayah crashed down hard. She laid there motionless for a while with a deep, angry frown. Then she pushed herself up onto her feet and wiped herself down.

"Right," she said, "If that's the way you want it, we'll play dirty."

Instead of running after Korbin, she ran in the direction of the nearest lifeform she could find. It only took her a few minutes, but she found a young fairy girl innocently playing with a few flowers.

Ayah snuck up on the girl and in one swift motion, she snatched the fairy off the ground before teleporting near Korbin.

When she was back on the road, she ran after the youwarkee and yelled, "Don't you dare run from me! If you do, the little fairy will die right here."
Ayah growled lowly, but let it go and shrugged.

"No," she said, "I just don't want you to run like all the others do. And besides," she smirked herself, "I just like the different taste fairies have."

The fairy in her arms quivered as she glanced between the two, uncertain of what to do and too frightened to scream.

However, the girl screamed when Ayah grabbed her by the back of the head and waist, tugged her head back and bit her hard in the throat. Slowly, Ayah drew the blood flowing from the girl's wound.

Ayah grinned as her eyes lit up and she spoke telepathically to Korbin, 'Yes. Their taste is so much sweeter. You know, you still have time to save her if you want. But I'll get her back anyway after I deal with you...or maybe I'll just get her again while I'm still after you. Who knows?'
"Time ticking away," Ayah hissed as she unlatched her teeth from the girl's neck.

The fairy squealed and clasped her hands over her neck wound, blood seeping between her fingers. She trembled violently in Ayah's grasp and looked at Korbin desperately.

However, Ayah spun the fairy around to face her, grabbing her arms as she asked her, "So, what's YOUR name, pretty?"

The fairy squinted as tears started tumbling down her cheeks.

"Latisha," she squeaked, still holding tightly to her wound.

"Latisha, hm?" Ayah tilted her head in a sweet way that made Latisha's skin crawl, "Let's call you Lati. Or Tisha. Yeah, Tisha's better. Well, Tisha." Ayah shifted Latisha's body to her crooked left arm and gestured with her right hand, stabbing towards her eyes, "How abouts I pluck out both your eyes, hm? For every minute that HE doesn't help you. And then I'll tear off you nose maybe. Slowly." She smirked as Latisha shook even more, trying to wriggle free, but it only opened the wound up more on her neck.

"Then I can pull out your hair clump by clump. You've got such beautiful light blue hair, Tisha. Yes," she twirled the girl's hair between her fingers, "And such pretty blue eyes too."

"What do you think, Kori?" Ayah tilted her head at Korbin, "Don't you agree?"
Latisha clung to Korbin with a free hand as she still covered her wound with the other. She looked down to see Ayah grinning up at them, folding her arms.

"What? No compromise?" Ayah asked rhetorically, "Okay then." She ran after him before taking flight also. First she'd kill Korbin and Latisha would be her second helping. They had a few more hours of darkness and she was still in 'mating season', not that she had a season really. Maybe she'd just take Korbin when he was weak. She'd see.
Ayah was a swift mover and evaded the trees as if with absolute ease. The whips from the branches didn't seem to bother her that much, but it was mainly because she was so intent on her prize. After all, she didn't have that long.

They spent a while doing that. Ayah didn't know how long but Latisha was weakening in Korbin's arms. Her head was lolling and her eyes were rolling. Still, the girl was strong or she would have been dead by then.

Suddenly Ayah put on a burst of speed and scratched Korbin along his back deeply.

"I'm catching up with you," she sang insanely as they flew.
Latisha nodded, feeling all the more giddy but at least the bleeding had stopped. She just looked at her bloodied hands wearily before resting her head against Korbin.

Ayah held her face and wiped her bleeding nose. Even her own blood tasted good to her.

She smiled as she licked some off her hand, then flew after Korbing once more. She closed her eyes as she went, then fired up her power. She moved so swiftly she ended up in front of Korbin and slammed both fists into his own face, knocking him backward from the rebound, but he still held onto the fairy.

Ayah let out a growl. Korbin was starting to get to her. She stared at Korbin and Latisha. Latisha was clinging to Korbin's neck in fright, her eyes wide as she stared back at Ayah.

Ayah folded her arms.

"Want to compromise at all? How about you and me fight and whoever wins gets to do what they like with Tisha, hm? I could have hurt her then, but I didn't."
Ayah tapped her foot impatiently with her arms folded, "You're looking I don't turn on her when it comes to the end of the night."

She then took to flight again, following him as quickly as she could. She threw back her hand, then lashed it forward. A sharp light fired from her hand and struck through the end of Korbin's wing. It wasn't enough to affect his flying, but it'd hurt him.
Ayah was gaining on Korbing seeing as she didn't have to carry anybody and she rammed Korbin in the side, knocking him straight against the trunk of a tree. Though it should injure most, she wasn't so sure Korbin would go down that easily. Even so, it was fun playing with him.
Ayah smirked and somehow managed to punch Korbin across the face before spinning around and kicking him hard in the back. She needed to get him AND the girl.
Ayah watched him before chasing after him. She grabbed him by the shoulders from behind and wrapped her legs around his waist and she smirked over his shoulder at Latisha. Then she looked at Korbin, "How much longer til dawn, hm? How much playtime do I have left, honey?"
Ayah gasped as she doubled over, holding her stomach. She coughed a few times but then slammed her feet against the tree trunk and thrust herself off of it. She held her arms above her head and spun around quickly. She did it so quickly she caught Korbin across the legs and shoulder with her fists.

She flew past him then turned around to face him, "Well, I'd better get on with this then, hadn't I?"
Ayah followed Korbin soon after but found she had supposedly lost him. She was amongst the trees but she couldn't see him.

Suddenly she dropped five feet and growled.

"Dammit," she hissed, her hands over her heart before she glanced back at her wings, "Time ticking away. Well, it might be fun to stay high off the ground just to feel Haya fall."

She smirked and flew high up into the sky, well above the trees. She looked down at the woodland and called in a loud voice, "So, looks like you're the only one who has been able to avoid me. Next time we'll have to have a proper fight."

Strands of her hair was already turning back to their white colour along with some lilac. She held out her arms and tilted her head back, "Not a long night but...oh well." Then her wings started to disintegrate and as Haya gradually came back she began to lose her ability to fly.
Haya was so disorientated she really didn't know what was going on. She just knew her body was racking with pain. She was bleeding from somewhere too, wherever that was. She could feel it.

She let out a groan, now moving. She was laying on top of something but she couldn't really think to even care right then. All her mind did was focus on the pain.
"Hm?" Haya managed to register that she was, in fact, lying on top of Korbin. In a way, it felt nice, but she forced herself off of him anyway before laying limply beside him. She felt terribly beaten in and moving exhausted her even more than she already was.

"So--e," was all Haya could manage for a 'sorry'. She didn't know what had happened and if she had the energy she'd be shaking Korbing, straddling him, demanding him to tell her what had happened.
Latisha sat curled up into a ball, looking in the direction of every sound she heard, her eyes wide with fright. She had no idea where the youwarkee had gone and quite frankly she wasn't sure if he'd ever come back.

Haya felt like crying in those moments. She felt so alone and it seemed like Korbin just didn't seem to care much about her. Then again, Ayah had helped with that, she was sure.

"Damn you Ayah," Haya managed to mouth her words, "You always do that to me."

She forced herself to turn onto her stomach before pushing herself up onto her hands and knees. Staying with Korbing had been a bad idea. He'd run off now somewhere. Who knew where. Haya wasn't so sure about staying to see if he came back. What was the point anyway?

Tears trickled from under her eyeslids onto the ground, but she forced them back as she stood up, stumbling with the effort from just trying to stand.

But then she fell against a tree trunk and collapsed onto her knees. It was then that the emotions got to her and she burst into tears, covering her face with her hands.
Latisha nodded and snuggled up to Korbin, taking comfort in the one person who helped her.

Meanwhile, Haya had managed to get on the move. She needed to get as far away from Korbin as possible. All the blood on her wasn't just hers. She could feel it in her mouth and on her hands. It lined her teeth. So she searched for a creak and found one a minute or so later. The place was running with water. So Haya washed out her mouth before drinking some, but she didn't stay. She hurried off again, trying to make distance, though her wounds and exhaustion weren't helping her.
Haya was swaying left to right, making her journey take longer that it should have. Her eyes were trying to close and lay her down to sleep, but she knew she couldn't sleep. She couldn't risk that. Still, it was so hard. She felt so tired, so exhausted.

In the end, she stumbled down onto her elbows and knees, grazing the skin of them as she hit the ground. Then she sat and stayed there for a while, trying to control her breathing and her drowsiness. She had to move again or Korbin would catch up with her.
Haya's hearing picked up Korbin's voice as she walked on and she frowned, saying to him mentally, 'Just leave me be, alright? I'm not worth it. I'm not worth the trouble. It's all I ever was and still am. You're *crazy* if you'll follow me that far. You *can't*. I'm *not* going to quit it if it means it'll keep you safer. I can't risk it!"

She stumbled again and crashed down onto the ground and she let out a yelp. then she just lay there feeling absolutely pathetic.

"It's not fair," she whined, "Who cursed me with *this*?"
Haya coughed, trying to push herself further away from him, "Don't bother. It's useless. Maybe me dying would be a much better option. It's the easiest and the quickest and the safest. And don't heal them if you can, alright?"
"That's not a very smart thing to do," she said quietly, "I'm just a lost cause and needs to be dealt with, so deal with it. There's no point to it. I'm causing you enough trouble already."

Latisha blinked at the both of them, not saying a word. She didn't understand what this other woman had to do with this, but then again, she looked very alike to Ayah.
Haya held her cheek in shock, but then shoved him away from her, "You don't know me! You don't know anything!" She forced herself up onto her unsteady feet, "You can't trust me! Don't say I'm not a lost cause! A lost cause is all I ever was! Just a kid for her parents to abuse!"

She burst into tears, making her cover her face with her hands, "Just leave me be."
Haya stared at him for a long moment, then buried her face into his chest, sobbing. She didn't know what was stronger. The need and want for him to help or the fear that she'll cause more pain, making her not want his help.

"I just don't want to hurt anymore," she said between tears.
Haya wiped her eyes glanced down at herself before looking up at Korbin.

"I'm sorry," she said sadly, "For crying like this. I'm so stupid sometimes." She looked over at Latisha who sat quietly, picking at her clothes. The fairy seemed somewhat absent minded.

Haya nodded slowly, still keeping her eyes on the girl, "Yeah, we need to do that."

Then, as if only seeing it for the first time, leapt out of Korbin's lap, her voice giggling uneasily as she said, "I didn't realise I was practically sitting on you. Sorry. Um...should we get going now?"
Latisha didn't say a word. Instead she got up as she nodded, then gave him a grateful smile.

Haya folded her arms and scuffed her boots on the ground, feeling somewhat pathetic in those moments.
Latisha nodded slowly, "Okay." she glanced at Haya then looked on ahead again, skipping forward slightly until she was standing beside Korbin.

Haya was hanging back a few feet away and watched the two. Something had happened between her and Korbin for sure, but something must have happened with Latisha too. She wanted to know but also didn't want to hear.
Haya stopped for a moment and closed her eyes, swallowing hard. That was a big enough hint to tell her what had happened. She'd attacked this girl!

"I attacked her," she said in a choked whisper, "I did."

She held back her tears and continued her walk, hurrying up closer to Korbin to keep the pace.
Haya shook her head, "It's not good enough. The fact I attacked her is enough to make me want to just drop dead. Might as well." She folded her arms stubbornly and glanced at the fairy. Latisha's skin was unusually pale and her red lips were off colour. A lot of blood lost.
Haya growled, "Easy for you to say! You don't have some freak controlling you! And what if there isn't any other way, huh? What if? Then death's the only way out, pathetic as you may think. Pathetic, yes, if I'm doing it because I can't cope with it, but it's not that. If it means to save others then it's a more honourable cause. You don't call someone going into a battle and using himself as a target pathetic, do you? No. You call it honourable because he's saving the lives of the others he's helping escape."

She shook her head, "Honestly. If there was certain of another way, I'd take it."
"Hmph, whatever," Haya folded her arms and looked away from him, though inside she was smiling, happy that someone would bother to try and help her, even though Korbin didn't really want to with his mind. It was just that urge he felt that made him.
Haya frowned, folding her arms as she muttered sarcastically, "Like I would."

When he started to wander away she began to look around for a way out. Forestry was probably the best way to escape and that was either they way they had come in or one other side of the town. It was a way away and she'd have to go through the town. If she took the small alleyways it would probably be easier, but then again, she wouldn't be able to see properly and she might run into Korbin.

In the end she decided she'd stay. He'd probably go after her and find her if she ran anyway.
Haya wasn't. She just hadn't stayed in the same place.

She was sitting on a bench in the middle of the town, staring at a large water fountain in front of her. She had spent so long with her mouth shut that her lips had started to stick together, her mouth dry from dehydration. she didn't know what she felt right then. She just knew that she wanted to get out of the place and away from absolutely everyone.
Haya averted her eyes away from him and forced herself to speak, "I'm fine." It was said if a girl said 'I'm fine' it meant she was lying. Hell was she lying.
"Fine," Haya turned and headed away, "Let's go then if we're wasting time. We need to cover ground so we need less talk, which means I don't need to explain anything."
Haya turned her head to look back at him and frowned, "Why don't *you* cut it? I'm going to walk on and you either come and correct the direction I'm going or leave me alone to go anywhere on my own because I really don't feel like talking at the moment. Maybe later when I feel better, but not right now."
"Well laSOO me," Haya growled back, "Hell, it's nothing much anyway so leave it be for the moment *please*."
Haya didn't say anything. She just looked from Korbin to the water bottle, then back up at him. She really didn't feel like it then. She wasn't sure if her stomach could take it, but it looked like Korbin wouldn't go until she drank something.

So she took the lid off the bottle and drank from it, then popped the lid back on and handed it back to Korbin. Her stomach twisted and she felt she might be sick, but nothing happened.

"What do you mean my IDIOCY could get this town destoryed? *I* sure as hell couldn't do that, so you mean something else." Honestly, she wondered why he really gave a toss if she fainted or not, but the more she thought about it she realised it was less that he cared and more that time was being wasted.
"*Don't* push me!" Haya snapped before storming off in the direction Korbin had directed her, her hands balled into fists, "This is the last night she'll come and then she won't for another month, okay? Though I'll have some side effects, but she won't be as strong! And besides, there's only a few minutes wasted and she's pretty much attracted to you, as far as I can tell because there was only one victim."

She knew Korbin was keeping up with her. It looked like he was going to keep a firm eye on her.

"And why the hell are you so stubborn about it too?" Haya looked back at him, "I'm more used to people not really giving a toss and that's how I like it because it makes me feel securer. Having someone push me around just makes me vulnerable, which I detest, I might add."

In a way, she figured her words would make Korbin leave her alone, which she sort of hoped for. Then again, Korbin seemed too smart for that.
Haya growled loudly in annoyance, "I bet you'd be the same way, hiding *your* 'unwellness' as you put it. Men always seem to do that. So is it because I'm a girl that I can't? Besides, dehydrating and everything makes her weaker too because we use the same body. So, as far as I'm concerned, I can do whatever the hell I want because I'm an adult."

She glanced over her shoulder at him with a deep frown, "And since when have I been whining, huh? I'm just giving an opinion and informing you of things. Nothing to do with whining. Anyway, don't judge me and why I keep secrets. You think I want people to know anything about me? People knowing things about me makes them find out more things and gradually friendships are made, maybe even closer things, which I can't risk. I can't risk anything like that because it'll only bring hurt to them and half of them won't let go."

She was silent again before saying quietly after a few moments, "Think what you want. It's probably better that you hate me. It'll benefit you that way."
Haya was just about to shove him over and straddle him, imagining giving him a punch, or at least a slap, but then when he spoke to her mentally she couldn't do it.

She stared at him for a long while but a cold wind picked up and seeing as she felt the cold easily, her arms instantly wrapped around her and she shuddered, "C-c...cold."

She glanced at Korbin again and mumbled, "We'd better get moving again...and don't mock me next time or I'll tackle you." There was no point in arguing, she could see that. They were both stubborn and could go on forever.

Then she walked on, her arms still wrapped around her as she hunched over a bit. Why was she wearing shorts when it was heading for autumn?
Haya wrapped the coat tight around her and snuggled into it so that only her eyes showed above the collar.

She was pensive for a moment before saying, "Thank you for going out your way to do this. Especially as it seems it'll take so long. I didn't realise it'd be that long."

She looked at Korbin through her hair that blew in front of her eyes, "And thanks for the coat. I just...don't have any money to get anything warmer and we can't really stop today so...I'll have to stick out the night." Her eyes suddenly filled with concern, "What about you? Aren't you cold?"
Haya giggled from under the coat, "I see. Being macho, huh? Well, I'm not macho and I hate the cold." She let out a sigh, "I don't know how I'll take the night."

She looked at Korbin, "Ayah will go back to being me three hours before dawn so...I'll be here part of the night and it's colder at night."
“Nah, you don’t have to,” Haya said quietly, staring at the ground ahead of her, “You shouldn’t be trying to do everything for me. I don’t deserve it, really.”
Haya closed her eyes tight, "I don't want to wake up while she's in the middle of doing that if it ever happens. I've done that twice before. I definitely don't want to do that a third time."

She pulled the coat down off her nose and mouth and asked quietly, "Tomorrow night...when I get traits from her...you won't hurt me will you? Because I'll be me but just under her influence. She isn't there at all. It's hard to explain but...I'm aware of everything."
Haya smiled slightly, "That's good. The influences aren't towards violence. They're towards..." she cut herself off and looked away, "I guess you can figure it out."
Haya squeezed her eyes shut tight, blushing darkly, "I'm...really sorry."
Haya frowned slightly as she thought upon that, "Yeah, I know, but I wish people didn't have to suffer because of me."
The feline glanced at Korbin again before turning her eyes to the ground, beginning to count in her mind every large stone they passed.

"I guess so," she said.

She let her mind go blank for a while, letting herself unfocus.

After a minute or so, she said, "Can you tell me something about your life? You know, about you, your family, friends? We might as well get to know each other a little more, huh?"
Haya just shrugged, "Stuff. Like what each of them are like. What it's like having them around. Is it nice? What's the bad point that made you leave? Things like that."

She smiled up at Korbin, "Also, are they are friendly family?"
"Sounds nice," Haya giggled, "At least they're hospitable or friendly, however you put it. That's always a plus." She suddenly jumped sideways so that she was standing right up next to Korbin, arms touching, "Why wouldn't I like your Aunt? I probably would."

“yeah, well, depends on her really,” Haya said, “And besides, I like you, despite you getting in my face all the time.” She grinned up at him, “I need someone to boss me around anyhow.”

She then furrowed her brow in thought, “Though not physically. Apart from the lasoo thing you did, which I don’t mind. It’s just other types of physical that I don’t like.”
"Probably," Haya shrugged with a smile before linking her arm in his, "Better to be amused too than just plain scared. I'm sure I'll love them in their own ways."
“Are you okay?” Haya asked, “You don’t mind me holding onto you or anything do you? It’s just me being friendly. It’s probably the reason half of the people I got to know ran off.” She giggled uncertainly, hoping she wouldn’t scare Korbin off too.
Haya just shrugged, "Well, this is more like me, actually. I just use that 'stay away from me' thing because I don't want people to get hurt and things." She then let out a sigh, "But seeing as you don't seem to be staying away I might as well be myself, you know? Just be me. I'm glad you don't mind though."
Haya blinked, "Giddy girl crush?" She was quiet for a long moment, looking up at him blankly, "Uh...what's a crush?"

She then giggled, "Oh well. Doesn't matter does it. Probably something stupid. Well, whatever a crush is, I hope you don't get it on me." She wafted a hand as if pushing it away, grinning because she sure had no idea what it meant.
"Oh," Haya said slowly with widened eyes, then burst out laughing, "Oh I see! Nah, I won't do that to you. That would be intimidating on you as well as if you had a crush on me. Okay."

She shrugged herself then, "I don't know. I guess I'm a bit naive. I wasn't really open to things like that when I was younger so I never really found out."
"Well that's good," she said, "I can't really take another full moon. Not out here. Thank you for helping me, really." She gave his arm a squeeze before looking ahead.
“Well that’s good. Just one more night of putting up with me or whatever. I can’t remember now. Well, we’ll see. It just depends on how strong the moon is and the weather. I might just end up being flirtateous rather than turning into her. I’d prefer the former because I don’t want to risk killing someone,” said Haya.
Haya smiled up at him slightly, "Yeah. Just...humiliate myself and things like that." She sighed, "Well, that's better than killing I suppose. I wish I didn't have this curse."
Haya nodded as they continued to walk on. She didn't say anything for a while after that. She just watched the ground around her and the wildlife.

"Well," she spoke after what seemed forever, and laughed, "I just hope we don't come across my parents' camp, that's all."
She shrugged, "They just do. Part of the culture. Seeing new lands, coming to old ones. We all lived pretty much in tents and things. None of them really like to stick around in the same place." She looked at Korbin, "But I wish I could stay in the same place. I want that familiarity around me. But I haven't found that place yet. That's why I move around a lot too, on my own."
"Probably," Haya shrugged, "I'm just so used to moving, so I guess I'd like a change and settle down to see what it's like. That would be nice."
Haya raised her eyebrow at him. Despite all his blunt words and stubborness, he was actually a really rare and generous guy and she was getting to quite like that about him.

"And good luck with your moving around all the time," she said back at him.
Haya laughed before saying, "wow, you've a horse? That must be great. I'd love to have a horse but..." she shrugged, "Can't afford one. The only ones worth nothing are either dead or are little. Not for me."
Haya smiled, "How do you know I wouldn't want one, hm?" She laughed, "I'd LOVE to have one, or at least try one out and see, even if they ARE stubborn. You know, maybe you need to try a horse that isn't home bred because they probably just adopt your family's traits."
"Yeah, overall it's better," Haya stretched her arms up in the air, tilting her head back as they walked before letting her arms drop by her sides. Then she linked her arm in his once more.

The more they worked, the more tired she became. The lack of real sleep was having a bad physical effect, making her all the more exhausted. She sighed in aggravation, but more so in the fact she knew she'd have to have rest soon. Though she probably wouldn't bother Korbin about it.
Haya yawned then, using the back of her hand to cover her mouth before rubbing her eyes, "I guess so. No sleep. I don't know how I'm going to cope tonight if I turn into her." She let out another sigh before looking at the horizon, "Which will be soon enough."
Haya shook her head, "You're right. Half and half really. I may be half into her form, depends on how the situation is dealt with and my emotions mainly. I've got a feeling I'll have more control tonight, though really my 'control' isn't much." She shrugged helplessly.
"I know," Haya scratched her temple, "Even I don't understand it. I just know some things from what I find in the morning or from dreams. Nasty really."
Haya rubbed one of her eyes, "I guess so." she pulled the trench coat tighter around her, trying to give herself a bit more warmth before she settled down on the ground near him, curling up into a ball. She didn't know how to make a fire. That was beyond her, so she just relied on the coat to warm her up. She would eat something later. Right then she was too tired for anything but sleep.
Haya was soon asleep and breathing quietly, her tail whipping the ground now and again like a cat as her ears twitched. She stayed peaceful like that for an hour or so as the final light of the sun died and set the place in darkness.

After a while it seemed she wouldn't turn. She just stayed under the trench coat, sleeping quite happily. She was glad Korbin was there to help her, or at least offer that help.

It was then that her mind began to think on Korbin more and more and began to make her want to do things with Korbin she would never do to anyone. It continued to plague her and turn her mind until she found it quite attracting. Maybe she would try those things if she had the courage.
He didn't have to wait too much longer. Soon Haya started to yawn and stretch before sitting up slowly, rubbing her eyes.

"Well that was just a lovely sleep," she smiled at Korbin, one hand still rubbing her eye as her other hand held the back of her head, her back arching to stretch again.

"It was about you," she said as she let her arms drop, tilting her head, "Showing me what I'd like to do to you. Nothing bad like killing or anything, don't worry. I guess not torture either." She looked pensive for a moment, then shook her head, "Nope. No torture. Do you know what I was dreaming about exactly? I'm sure you'd like to know."
Haya twirled some strands of her hair between her fingers, her eyes looking up at the sky, "Something like that. Well, not actually that. But there was closeness involved." She smiled as she turned her eys to him, "I wonder whether your better or worse in real life."
"Aw, why not?" Haya crawled over to him before crouching in front of him, "I bet you want to really, am I right? You're just not letting yourself think that way. I'm all me, you know. That woman...thing is not influencing me. I'm just being myself for once. Can't you see that? You wouldn't mind if that was the case, would you?" She reached out her hand as she spoke until she touched his hair, letting the strands slide between her fingers.
Haya smirked, "Aww. I was only playing around with you. Of course it's me. Who else can it be? I haven't changed at all in my form, have I? Usually I do." She suddenly pushed him down onto his back and sat on his stomach, purring, "You feel good between there you know. You know, I've always wondered what you would look like underneath that top."

© Copyright 2006 Elsie Blossom, (known as GROUP).
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