Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1143257-Untitled-RP-between-me-and-rosefire
Rated: GC · Campfire Creative · Other · Fantasy · #1143257
An RP between me and rosefire...a fantasy romance thing
okay. The main characters for this one are Nitika (my character) and Leverette (rosefire's character). This RP is set really more around their homelife, though anything can happy. We tend to plan as we go along as more and more ideas come to our minds.

Basically, the main aim is to get Nitika and Leverette together, though Leverette isn't so keen. It should be interesting, especially to see HOW they get together. :)
Nitika chewed on a string bean as she read from her book outside her house. There was a big get together back in her home where all her family were as well as her friends, but now she wanted some quiet time. She loved to read and had her head buried in one in those moments, lying on her stomach, holding her head up with her hands.

When some laughter burst from the house, she glanced back at the front door to see Melan and Yukio’s daughter walk past. She smiled, but faltered as she saw Leverette’s form walking out of the house. Leverette had always been a quiet one and…rather cold at times, but Nitika had found that utterly intriguing.

She looked away quickly back to her book to hide the blush, letting her platinum hair fall either side of her. Thank the gods she had her back to the house.
[aww! Ellen! :D]

Nitika hummed to herself, still beet red as she turned a page of her book. She could feel Leverette’s gaze on her and it felt rather uncomfortable right then, especially as he was behind her. Then again, she was more of the shy, self-conscious types unlike her older sister Elvina.

She looked back, trying to keep her eyes off of Leverette as she watched Ellen wander out of the house absently. The girl was quite the naïve one, just like Melan. Thankfully, though, Yukio was following her, grinning. Even though he was quite loud in moving, Ellen didn’t seem to notice him.

Elvina glanced out of the kitchen window as she threw away some of her children’s food. Gods, triplets could be a right palarva. The eldest of the triplets – all boys - wasted half his food on another of the three while their daughter, younger than the triplets, just sat on her own, playing with her plate as she tried to roll it like a wheel. It didn’t work and, seeing as the girl, Cytheria, was quite stubborn at the age of seven.

Though, Elvina’s and Diente’s eldest was similar in ways. The guy often liked to have a wander. Having four boys made her want to have more girls, though for some reason they seemed to be more inclined to have boys. Though seeing as Cytheria was the only girl, she was very clingy to her father – a daddy’s girl, as Elvina used to be once.

She shook her head at seeing Leverette and Nitika outside. Both were quite secluded, except Nitika used to follow Leverette a lot. The girl seemed to have an infatuation with him that Elvina once had. She hoped the girl would be hurt like she had been also. After all, Nitika was just seventeen.

[hope you don’t mind all the boys, heh heh o.o]
Nitika watched him go and chewed her lower lip as she wondered whether to follow him or not. She couldn't help it. She sensed something dark in him that she felt in Kira, a different type of darkness which she saw in her mother and Raidon.

Her tail whipped from side to side impatiently, but was suddenly suprised to feel someone grab it. She turned to see one of Elvina's triplets holding onto it. The triplets were twelve, as far as she remembered, but they acted like five year olds sometimes.

"Let go," Nitika frowned.

The triplet laughed, "Nope."

"I said let go...uh," Nitika pondered.

The boy laughed hard as he released her tail, "You can't even tell who it is! You're so stupid!"

"I'm not!" Nitika stood up defiantly, picking up her book and heading away from the house. The boy only shrugged and went back looking for his other two brothers.

Nitika growled, muttering under her breath as she went into the woods. There were many dangerous creatures in there then, but she really didn't care about that in those moments. Honestly, she'd totally forgotten about them.
"Stupid kid," Nitika muttered, "I can't believe he's my nephew! Bleeding heck." She pouted as she folded her arms under her chest before looking around.

"Hm, looks like I followed him after all," she thought aloud, rolling her eyes. Even without thinking, she'd follow him. Well, she couldn't help it and it looked like her sub-conscious couldn't either.

She hummed to herself as she slowly made her way further into the woods. She wasn't too good with the woods. She'd heard the stories about Elvina getting hurt by a monster when she was little. Nitika hoped they hadn't moved there.

A yelp escaped her when she tripped over a tree root. She came crashing down onto her elbows, which made her cry out again as she grazed one.

She sighed as she sat up, holding her arm, "Why do I always hurt myself? I'm so clumsy! It's ridiculous!"

She sat back against a tree trunk, taking refuge in its shadow as she studied her elbow. Blood streaked the skin a bit, dripping off slowly onto the ground, making her roll her eyes once more. The amount of times she saw blood coming from her, she wasn't afraid of it anymore. At least it wasn't an artery.
Nitika had jumped obviously and blushed slightly. She stood up, still holding her arm, "Well, if my nephew didn't bother me, I probably wouldn't have."

Still, she found herself wandering after him, "Did you have to jump down like that? You frit the hell out of me. You always seem to make me jump."
Nitika stopped beside him, staring at those eyes that sent pleasant shivers down her spine. Surprisingly, his cold look was always pleasant to her.

"I'm not blaming," she folded her arms, "I'm telling the truth. I didn't even realise I was following you. I guess it's kind of automatic now."

She resisted the smile that tried to reveal itself, "It's probably a good thing you make me jump. It should get me more prepared and used to that sort of thing. With all the problems and things our family's have went through in the past, I think I need it, just in case."

She then tilted her head, "My other nephew wanders off a lot too, though he's more in his own world than anything else. And you're always on your own, pretty much. It's just intriguing, I guess." Sometimes she wished she didn't have her father's honesty at times.
“How do you know it’ll break my heart?” Nitika slipped her hands in her pockets as she continued following, “And since when would YOU care?”

She kicked a few twigs as they walked, “Come on. Seriously, nothing’s really going to change whether I stop being around you or not. I guess I’m too stubborn for that. I figured something went on between you and Elvi, but it got her with Diente, right? Found the one.”

Nitika stretched her arms up over her head before placing them on the top of it, her fingers laced together, “Do you honestly like being on your own so much? I can feel something in you that’s in Kira, but no one tells me what exactly. It’s annoying. I want to know but it doesn’t look like anyone will. Anyway, maybe something could help you with that. Sometimes I like to be on my own, but it’s nice to be around other people too.”

She was silent for a moment before raising an eyebrow, “And don’t yell at me for saying something like that. I’d prefer to understand what’s going on.”
Nitika didn’t know how to react. She just stood there, staring up at him.

Then she finally said, “Get my heart broken? I guess it might, but I don’t there’s anything to get started to get it broken. As for romance, I’m not sure. You don’t let yourself get emotions like that. It’s quite intriguing, actually. How you do that.”

She linked her fingers behind her back as she tilted her head at him, “Why don’t you tell anybody about it? You never know, someone could always help you. Kira would be best for that, I think. Even if it’s different in ways. It would be good.”

She heaved in a breath before saying anything else, “I guess I want to understand you better. A lot of us do. Not understanding if part of the reason I follow you anyhow.”

"It's always nice to have people to fall back on incase something happens, you know," Nitika said, "And I can't help but follow. It's a bad habit. I've done it since I can remember."

She glanced at the ground when she thought about the love thing he mentioned. Gods, that was a bit embarrassing.

"And I'm not saying you need to open up and let love in. I'm just saying it's always nice to have the support. Then again," she shrugged lightly as she looked back up at him, "What do I know? I don't really understand what it is to give advice."

She resisted a smile as she said, "I figured I'd answer that before you lectured me on something about that subject."
Nitika furrowed her brow in perplexion for a moment, but just shrugged the feelings off. She didn't understand what he meant by 'impossible for me to control it myself,' but maybe she'd find out in due time.

She didn't ignore people's lectures or anything, but she just never took them personally really or she didn't understand it, or they just didn't hurt like they did to most of her other siblings. She guessed she was a bit like her dad that way.

"Saying it like that really makes me sound bad," she said as she folded her arms in thought, "But honestly, I can't help following. It's even a pain to me sometimes. I used to follow a lot of people, but I can't seem to get out of the habit of you."
Nitika jumped, but had to pull herself over with her hands. Even though she had wings, she was the clumsy sort and didn't want to risk getting caught in some ivy or hitting a branch.

"I guess so, though I probably don't have much will power unless I might lose control of my anger...which I rarely get because I'm patient and all."
Nitika nodded, "I reckon I'm a lot like dad. self-sacrificing, patient...though I'm a bit oblivious like mum sometimes, so." She shrugged, "Must have quite a bit of mum in me too."

She glanced up at Leverette before saying, "From what I can tell, you're a lot like your dad too, but a lot like your mum in other ways. All good. You've got nice parents, so you must be nice too," she said innocently as she hopped over a rock.
Nitika glanced back at the trail. She hadn't noticed how far she'd come out.

Then she shrugged, "I'm sure I'll be okay. I'm with you after all and I'm sure you're not easily beaten." She grinned, "From what I can tell, you're quite the fighter."
"You don't need a weapon to fight," Nitika said as she continued her following. Then she pondered for a moment, her brow furrowed as she said to herself quietly, "Unless I dreamt it...weird." She shrugged. Maybe she HAD dreamt it. As far as she could tell, it wasn't a vision or anything.

She glanced back again, hoping her parents were okay. Well, if they were worried, her dad was bound to come after her and carry her home over his shoulder or something stupid like that. Well, she WAS childish in ways.
Nitika chewed the inside of her lower lip, "oh, nothing. No reason. no." She shook her head, forcing on a smile, "Just...guessed?"

She thought about her dream with Leverette preparing to attack someone, his eyes flaring literally as she stood nearby. She wasn't sure if it was good or bad, but it must have been a dream. Yet...it seemed so so real. She was...so sure it was real. It felt like it. She had all her senses. It couldn't have been a vision. She had a faint seer ability her mother had that her mother received from her own mother. Maybe...

Nitika shook her head again. No, it must have been a dream...oddly enough.
Nitika folded her arms, "People get suspicious of what I dream about, okay? I obviously DREAMT you fighting anyway, and it was only dream." She scratched her temple, "A pretty realistic dream, but," she shrugged, "I don't know. You looked angry anyway. Eyes flaring and all. Not sure if it's good or bad."
Nitika looked at him quizzically, "So you reckon it might not have been a dream? I'm not even sure if that dream was good or bad but I had a strange feeling in it. I don't know how to describe it."

She held out her hands either side of her, "I don't know but it seems like it'll happen soon so...I guess we'll see, huh?" She glanced Leverette over, recalling that she'd never seen him so angry in her entire life, yet seeing him like that in her dreams and what he said made her wonder if she'd see it any time soon.

Then she found herself giggling, "You dreamt of my birth? That must have been strange. Though you're probably used to all sorts of things. After all, my seer ability's only minor."

She tilted her head, "Had any recently?"
Nitika smiled slightly, "Hopefully they're good ones then. Especially if you get them that often."

She looked up at the sky also and clapped her hands together, "Ooo! My favourite time of the day!"

She turned her gaze to Leverette, saying enthusiastically, "Can I show you my favourite spot? All of us have one but I haven't shown anyone but Mum and Dad it. It's really nice and hardly anyone knows about it. You can go there on your own and not be seen all day!"
Nitika raised an eyebrow before putting her hands on both hips, frowning slightly, "I wouldn't bother you if you're *there*. Well...maybe a little, but only because I have my books there and such. My favourite ones that I don't want anyone ruining or nabbing."

She folded her arms under her breasts, "Believe it or not, I *do* have some respect for you. And anyway, you don't *have* to go if you don't want to. You could just say no."

She drummed her fingertips on her arm, "Want to see it though? You don't even have to stay."
Nitika rolled her eyes, "You didn't answer the question. Did you want to go or not? And besides, even if you want to be alone I can't help but follow you. You should know that by now."
Nitika shrugged, "Well, then I guess I don't want to stop." She folded her arms with a slight frown. If it was one thing that was different from most of her siblings, she didn't feel much embarrassment or shame.

"You know," she started laughing, "when you first started talking, I thought you meant *I* hadn't tied *you* up to take you up to my spot." she nodded in the direction it was in, "That was a bit odd."
Nitika burst out laughing harder, holdjng her stomach, "No. I couldn't imagine that either. That's why it's so funny!" She grinned up at him then, "And I'd doubt you'd let it at all. You're not the type that likes to be tied up."
Nitika gave him a little salute, "Yes sir." Instantly, she took his hand and teleported them further away. It wasn't too far but saved them a job. Then she walked along, pulling Leverette after her with a large and pleasant smile on her face.

Finally, they walked through the last set of trees and came to the edge of a cliff face. Looking below was a massive lake, like a miniature sea and land could be seen nearer the horizon. Looking to the left, the cliff face ran round and grew higher, leading up to a huge waterfall that went crashing down into the lake.

Some overhanding rocks in the waterfall parted the water a bit and if you looked closely, you could just make out an opening behind the water.

"Over there," Nitika pointed, "I didn't want to teleport there incase I misjudged and teleported into air." She laughed, "I do that sometimes."
Nitika shrugged as she looked up at him, "I can't seem to get where I want to go properly. But that's just me. You know, clumsy me? I'm always a bit clumsy."

She stretched her arms in the air, going up on tip toe before flying out and turning to look at Leverette, "Come on then. Check it out. You know I won't leave you alone until you do. It's especially nice at sunset like now. It's all a fiery red in there! And there's water trickling down one of the walls too like some," she gestured, "Pretty moving picture. It's really peaceful and relaxing. Good for meditating and everything."
Nitika raised an eyebrow before shaking her head, "I'm sorry. I'm so oblivious." She sighed before flying over to him, snatching up his hand, then sending her flight power through him with her elementalist powers.

She then took to flight again, still holding onto Leverette, "Okay now?"
Nitika had giggled at Leverette's comment, thinking he looked rather sweet when he looked surprised.

"Yeah," she put her hands behind her head, "I'm often away reading here. Sometimes if I have a bad night from certain dreams and things, I'll come here and read too for hours. It's nice. I like losing myself in stories and such things. Sometimes I wish I was in something like that." She glanced at Leverette, "Like all of you were in something. Especially our parents and everything. Even though they had bad times, it must have been a good experience too."

She looked around at the fiery red walls before turning her gaze out at the sunset. From behind the wall of water on either side of the cave's mouth, the sunset looked more like a moving painting.

"So, what do you think of it?" she asked Leverette with a smile as she skipped to the left wall where water was trickling down the surface, poking at it every now and again, "If you ever want to get down you can always go through there," she pointed to the right wall in the corner where a dark and narrow passageway was, "It's a bit of a walk, but it's nice. Leads you right down into the woods."
Nitika raised an eyebrow before sitting heavily on the ground between two stacks of books, running her index finger down one a moment later, though she wasn't really reading the book titles. She had no idea why she kept going at Leverette. She just couldn't help it. He was so intriguing, and yet, so annoying. Sometimes she just wanted to slap him and other times she wanted to hug and kiss him. Strange...

"I suppose you're going then," she said as she glanced up at him before looking out of the cave again, "If you see Mum or Dad, tell them I'll be back a little later."
Nitika folded her arms in return as she watched his figure disappear into the darkness, "Like I will." She pouted, "Like anyone gives a toss anyway. I know *you* don't. You just don't want the blame on you. But there won't be any blame on you. I'll make sure of that. It's always my fault anyhow."
Nitika frowned all the more, "Yeah, whatever." She sighed as she got up, not letting what he said get to her, and ran out of the cave's mouth. Instead of flying, she let herself drop and fall into a dive.

She crashed into the water before swimming back up to the surface. She loved to do that too. Whenever she had a break from her reading, she'd go and have a dive like then. It was so cool and refreshing. Sometimes she'd do it without any clothes on but...she didn't trust doing that right in those moments.
Nitika was soon back out, ringing out her hair before going back to the cave to read some more...and think about Leverette.

Elvina sighed as she tapped her foot. Everyone was still around, having the party, but now she was starting to worry about Nitika. She hadn't come back yet and the girl could be quite oblivious and clumsy half the time, she could have gotten herself hurt. Though Leverette was gone too, so maybe she was with him and just fine.

She looked at her youngest daughter, her eyes flicking over the girl's human coloured skin, metallic hair and bright blue eyes as she sat staring at the floor, drawing an invisible picture with her finger on the floor. She had been a bit of an anomally, especially with the human skin. It obviously came from Elvina, a jump back from the dilute gene in her blood. Nitika and Leverette were both a bit like anomalies too. She wondered if they really were alright.

[We should really give Di's and Elvi's children names and descriptions <.<]
"Hm?" she snapped out of her thoughts as she looked at him, then smiled slightly, "I guess I'm just worried about Tika, that's all. But she's probably just following Lev again." She glanced away sadly, "At least, I hope she's okay even then. She...reminds me of me quite a bit. Maybe I'm just overly worried, I don't know." She shook her head, "But the amount of trouble she gets into..." She rubbed her upper arms nervously.
Elvina smiled, "Yeah, but it brought me to you." She wrapped her arms around his waist, nuzzling his chest before she let out a sigh of content, "You just might have to punish me again." She let a giggle slip out as she looked down at their daughter.
Elvina giggled, "It won't be. Anyway, yeah, I probably do enjoy it too much..." she tilted her head, "Unless you can think of something new to do."

She nipped at his neck and lips playfully, keeping her arms firmly wrapped around his neck.
"Awww," Elvina moaned, "That's SO not fair. It was just for...five seconds." She tapped her feet together impatiently, "Aaaaanything else. Anything. I'm just..." she pondered for a bit, "A bit needy of you right now."
Elvina laughed, "Yeah, I'll take it." She looked down at Cytheria again, "You know, you're really good with the kids. You doubted you would be, but you are."
Elvina giggled behind her head before she nodded, "Yeah. I probably need to work on being a more...controlled mother."

She straightened her dress before latching her arms around him again, whispering, "You know, you're getting me a little frustrated already."
[darn! I meant hand, not head <.<]

"ow!" Elvina laughed as she rubbed where he hit her quickly before saying, "After all these years, I STILL can't have much self-control when it comes to you. You're so difficult to resist. ESPECIALLY when you DELIBERATELY get me frustrated."
Elvina hurried after him with a wide eyed expression, “What do you mean?” she had the most innocent and curious expression on her face as she tilted her head, “I haven’t forgot anything. Unless I did something I didn’t realise I did.”

She pondered on it for a moment, but couldn’t think of what she’d done wrong.
Elvina folded her arms, "No, I guess not. Maybe you need to...re teach me?" She grinned, "Or punish me in order for me to remember. Your choice obviously." She put her hands behind her head, fiddling with her hair, making her dress raise up a little. Really, she had no idea about it, but it went pretty high up her thighs.

"After all it haaaass been a while. I mean, with the kids and all."
Elvina glanced down at herself, "What?" She stared at her legs for a moment before furrowing her brow at Diente in a confused expression, "Tempt you with what? It's just my legs. What's good about those?"

However, she dropped her arms anyway before turning to look down at Cytheria, "See anything hun?"

The small girl looked up at Elvina in silence, chewing on a pencil like a dog chews on a bone. She looked rather blank then, but just shook her head and looked back to the floor.

Elvina sighed as she took the pencil out of Cytheria's mouth, "Come on Cy. You know you could get lead poisoning, doing that." Instead, she gave Cytheria a stick of celery to chew on. Thankfully, the girl loved celery, but because she chewed on them so much, she went through a lot.

"Um...the exercise..." Elvina chewed on her lower lip when she stood back up again, "I think I know what you mean." She smiled slightly, "Mean really."
Elvina stamped her foot before her hands went up to her cheeks, "I can't help it! There's just so many things and it's confusing me. And I can't help being oblivious. That annoys me too but I can't seem to get out of it. It's a pain."

A look of despair crossed over her face as she tried to be sure of what he meant. She couldn't remember which punishment went with what. She just knew she enjoyed half of them.

Then she gave a tired sigh, looking at the floor as she mumbled, "I'm sorry. I'm so useless sometimes."
Elvina fiddled with her hair with a slight smile, "Well, in a way it's a bad thing to me. It gets annoying sometimes because I feel like an idiot."

She walked up to him and slid her arms around his waist, slipping her fingers up his shirt and stroked his warm back, "As long as you're okay with it."
Elvina giggled at the poking, making her grab his arms before gently pushing him against the nearest wall, slidding her hands up his chest and over his shoulders a moment later, "Now why would I want to cheat on you, hm?"

She played with his hair, twirling it around her fingers, "Every day I just have to *think* of you and I get frustrated and yearning." She giggled as she said it, "If I ever *thought* about cheating on you it would be with another you...which there isn't."
Elvina laughed as she nodded, "Definitely. *All* for you."

She nuzzled her face into his neck, nipping it before asking, "Could we nip upstairs just for a little bit? Mum's in the next room so she can look after Cy for the moment. Not that Cy would do anything wrong."
Elvina slid one of her hands down his chest and waist to his hips, then ran her fingers across the hem of his trousers, saying innocently, "I don't know. Just a little 'us' time. Nothing much. Just...something away from the kids?"
Elvina sighed, still smiling though, "Aww, I thought you might forget about that for once." She gave him a pout, "You're punishing me enough. Soooooo not fair. Once you've done the punishment, you're so going to get it, reeeally."

She put her hands behind her head again pensively, "Well, any idea of the punishment?" She bit her lower lip, "Long? Hard? Paaaainful?" She tilted her head at him thoughtfully, "Soon?"
Elvina stared at him for a moment before giving a small wave to Cytheria who was staring at them curiously.

"Alright," Elvina said as she returned her eyes to Diente, "I'll see you up there then."

She teleported into her room and soon, she started to a little dance, singing quietly as she waited patiently.
Elvina spun around to face Diente before scratching her temple pensively, "Huh?" She looked rather blank for a moment before she covered her mouth, "Oh, I'm sorry! I forgot." She sighed, bowing her head, feeling rather aggrieved. THAT probably meant ANOTHER punishment. She wasn't sure she could take two right then. It depended on what they were.
Elvina bit her lip before she laid back down on the bed, letting her dress slip up off her legs and around her hips.

"Okay," she said as she pulled off her underwear to do as she was told, slipping her hand between her legs to start, her eyes flicking to Diente.

As soon as she began, she was biting her lower lip as she arched her back, trying not to make a sound nor release. It was so hard, but she had to do it for Diente.
Elvina was soon gripping the bed sheets with her other hand, struggling now as she closed her eyes, wondering if he wanted her to stop now. She was feeling hotter than before and her body was shaking a little, her breaths ragged.

Gods, was this going to go on forever? She didn't know if she could hold back much longer, though she wanted to. This time she would try the best she could to not release.
'Not for much longer,' she thought. She wasn't doing *that* well. She was tensing up already, her legs shaking as she moved in a slow writhe. It was extremely difficult and she made a promise to herself that she'd definitely not go back to her old ways again. This was punishment enough. Honestly, she couldn't understand why Diente would watch her do that. There wasn't much to look at and...well, the smell. Nothing good about that either. At least, that's what she felt. Diente looked like he thought otherwise.
Once he'd said that, her mind became distracted as she thought of his words. Instantly she lost her hold and released just before she could control herself again.

She laid there in surprise for a moment before sitting up to look. Seeing what she did, she bit her lip and let herself drop back down on the bed, letting her legs fall together. She couldn't even hold that! She never could! Why was she so useless?

She closed her eyes as she took a few deep breaths to regain her heart pace, then whispered, "I don't please you enough. I'm a failure." She felt utterly miserable right then, wishing she could do better. Wishing she could be better for Diente.

Her head tilted away from Diente, feeling bad if she even saw him out the corner of her eye as if she didn't deserve it. Well, she didn't really. She always failed.
Elvina just stared at him for a moment before turning away again, "I fail to learn from mistakes and fail to gain control in my practices. That *does* make me a failure."

She sighed and realised that turning away from Diente was wrong of her to do too, especially when he was trying to comfort her.

She gripped the sheets tight again, angry at herself, before she sat up and hugged Diente.

"I'm sorry," she said. After a moment, she tore herself off of him. No, she wasn't allowed to do that after her failing her self-control. She had to be really good this time. Really good.
It was then that Elvina clung to him, her arms wrapped tightly about his waist, "But I want to please you. I want to make you happy. I *need* to but I just keep doing things wrong all the time. My best isn't good enough, I know that."

She closed her eyes as she thought about how bad she was at this. Miliani was so much better at this sort of thing. sometimes Elvina wondered why she couldn't deal with things like her older sister did. Maybe even wondered whether Elvina was right for Diente.

"I'm a bit of a useless pet, aren't I?" Elvina asked Diente quietly, looking up at him with glistening eyes, though she didn't cry.
Elvina forced on a slight smile as she said quietly, "Okay. I just wish I could do better." She wished she could kiss him right then in gratitude but she resisted that.

Her eyes trailed down to the floor where her underwear was and she realised that her dress was still almost up to her hips.

"Uh...I...need to put them on," she said as she looked at the underwear, a blush deepening on her cheeks.
Elvina nodded slowly before slipping off him and putting on her underwear. She barely glanced at him and left the room soon after to the bathroom where she washed her hands.

Rather than teleporting, she walked down the stairs to the kitchen where she began to prepare for the cooking in silence. She wasn't upset with Diente or anything. She was upset and disappointed in herself. She sword it had to be inherited or contagious, like from her mother.
Elvina looked up to see Leverette and bit her lip in response. Gods, Nitika wasn't with him! Where the hell could she be?

'Nitika?' she called out mentally, but she couldn't feel the woman, nor got a reply.

She looked over at Diente in worry. Nitika always came back with Leverette, no matter what. It was like routine.
"You know what she's like," Elvina said quietly, "Tika's bound to get into trouble." She decided she'd wait for Leverette to get inside before she'd ask him where she was.

Meanwhile, Nitika was still swimming, completely oblivious to the creatures underwater. Most were harmless, but in her relaxation, she didn't notice the harmful ones making their way over slowly behind her.
"We have to make sure she's alright," Elvina said as she put some vegetables into a saucepan, "That will be okay for fifteen minutes. Plenty of time."

She turned to Diente in silence before going outside. She did have a right to know that Nitika was okay.

When she was outside, she called to Leverette as she headed up to him, "Lev! Where's Tika? She alright? You didn't leave her anywhere did you?"

Nitika swam towards the nearest shore where a small bank was before the high cliff to where her home was. It was wonderful to do things like this. It allowed her mind to wonder and think of other things and make up her own stories in her head.

However, when she reached the bank, putting her hands onto the grass, a sudden pain shot up through her leg.

She cried out loud, latching her claws into the ground as the pain came again, making her scream once more before she thrust her hand into the water. There was something biting her, she knew it!

She felt in her trouser pocket and found a dagger. she hadn't been so relieved to be armed.

As soon as she snatched up the knife, she stabbed at whatever it was repeatedly until a crimson colour stained the water and the tightening around her leg ceased.

Quickly, she lifted herself out of the water and onto the bank, daring to look at her leg.

Around the middle of her calf were huge teeth wounds and blood streaked down her leg like a small fountain. Already she was feeling quite nauseous.

She took off her shirt, making sure her bra was straight before tying the shirt around her leg.

"Looks like I'll...have to go home," she said through gritted teeth as she stood up. She had to fly up there but the nausea made her flight clumsy.

However, she managed to make it to the top, having to pull herself up and, seeing as she had no energy to teleport and couldn't even concentrate on teleporting to the right place, she made her way home on foot, bleeding profusely.
Elvina placed her hands on her hips, "You LEFT HER! You KNOW you shouldn't LEAVE HER!" She was getting angry now. The emotions from her failure were making her easily angered and irritated.

In the distance they would have heard a faint cry had they been listening out for it.

"Are you really that DENSE?" Elvina ended up snapping before she could think, "She ALWAYS gets hurt. ALWAYS! What if she's HURT? Ever thought of that? You could have at least teleported her home, DUMPED her there and THEN left her!"
"You could have used HER teleportation. All you have to do is touch her and her power spreads. She can't control it. And another thing, I was busy and you were there to get her! It's the responsibility of the person there!"

She tensed her fists, "Are you really that cold? Really? Do you really not care at all? Are you REALLY heartless? Don't you even give a toss enough to bring her here?"

Nitika gradually made her way through the forest, becoming more shaky and nauseous every step she made.

After a while she was nearing home and she could just about make out Elvina's voice, though it was so faint and seeing as her hearing was brilliant, she could have been over a mile away.
Elvina growled lowly, her eyes flaring as her voice turned hoarse, "You're such a stupid fool! all you do is hurt!"

Nitika stepped out of the forest having been able to teleport at least a little distance, but it had almost drained her completely.

She stood at the edge of the forest, seeing Elvina and Leverette ahead of her. She tried to focus on them but they only blurred as she swayed from side to side.

Elvina felt her aura and turned in shock to see her sister looking as if she were about to collapse with blood puddling around her left leg.

"Tika!" Elvina cried as she hurried over to her sister, catching the demoness before they sank slowly to the ground.

"Tika! What happened?" Elvina asked in a panic.

Nitika gave her a guilty smile, still swaying, "Swimming. Something attacked me and...bit me." She felt as if she was about to vomit, "It...hurt lots."

"Oh Tika," Elvina shook her head before glaring at Leverette, "SEE WHAT I MEAN WHEN YOU LEAVE HER?" she yelled as she held Nitika close to her chest, "SEE WHAT I MEAN? YOU SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT HER BACK! AND SHE *IS* YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. SHE'S *ALL* OUR RESPONSIBILITY! WE ALL HAVE TO LOOK AFTER HER!" All the past experiences with losing her parents, her family hurting each other, all the pain they went through, all that was coming through right then. It was why she was so concerned with Nitika. She couldn't bear to lose another. At least Nitika was too dazed to protest.
Elvina's eyes flared even more at the fact he'd called her 'pet' and said she'd be dead by then. Instantly her hand flew up and she slapped him hard across the face.

The next moment she had pulled Nitika up and away from him towards the house. Nitika needed desperately healing. She was already leaving a huge blood trail behind her.

Soon they were far enough that the barrier blocking the demon from taking over Leverette didn't reach him anymore.

In the house, Elvina sat Nitika down without a word and looked at the wound. Then she let out a loud sigh, "she needs healing badly, Diente. She must have lost a litre already. Probably more."
"Where's the kids?" Elvina cried, but was relieved when Cytheria was suddenly latched onto Diente's leg, gripping tightly. Then the triplets were outside with someone running over in the distance, obviously Kale, her eldest.

Elvina instantly pulled Nitika up and helped the girl outside.

"But...Lev," Nitika could just about register him falling, "Something's wrong!"

"Just concentrate on getting out!" Elvina cried.

As soon as they were outside, Nitika collapsed onto the grass, holding her leg to try and cut the bleeding more, "Lev. What's happened to him?"

Elvina bit her lip, trying to ignore the words he'd said to her mentally, "We need to concentrate on you right now, Tika."
Nitika was up in an instant and limping over toward Leverette. She knew something had happened but it was all a blur.

Her worry over Leverette made her even blind to Elvina just sitting on the grass expressionlessly and unmoving.

Nitika dropped directly beside Leverette and when she found out that he was alive, she was immediately trying to rouse him, which seemed to fail miserably.

“What was that?” she whispered to Diente, “What made him like that?” She brushed Leverette’s hair out of his face, “I could feel something dark get so strong and…” she looked towards the house, “And did that.”

Elvina didn’t really see anyone then. She just listened to Nitika’s words. What was that? She’d tell you. It was that thing that had frightened her that night about eighteen years before. That look had frightened her considerably before just as much as it had right then. There was something and it almost destroyed their house completely and…it had been her fault. Her worry about losing another of her family and the risk of Nitika getting hurt by Leverette had been too much and…she couldn’t control it.

She drew her knees up to her chest before burying her face into them. Self-control. Why did she even bother trying to learn? She still couldn’t do it. So useless.
Nitika bit her lip as she watched Diente leave with Leverette. She would have followed but she didn't know what to do right then. That explained why no one mentioned anything.

Elvina knew she would most likely be punished or something of the sort for her outburst. Gods, she was so so useless! Why couldn't she do anything right? Even now, at thirty-four she couldn't do anything right!

"Tika," she said as she stood up, "Look after the kids for now, okay? Don't go off on your own and...get into any more trouble."

"What?" Nitika asked with widened eyes, "Where are you going?"

"Nowhere," Elvina said as she started to walk away. The triplets were fine, aweing at the broken part of their house in amusement and saying how 'cool' the place looked. Kale was playing with Cytheria to keep her from getting upset from what just happened. There was nothing much else Elvina could do.

Soon she took off in a sprint, running just like her mother would do, disappearing into the forest Nitika had come out from. Running drained her and the feeling of exhaustiong made her feel good and helped get out her frustration. Yeah...running was good.
Nitika shook her head, “She shouldn’t get upset like that. It’s my fault really. I should have come home.”

Kale sighed as he stared in the direction his mother had disappeared off to, still playing with Cytheria, “I hope she doesn’t do anything stupid. She probably won’t. No one should blame themselves really.”

Nitika shrugged, “Tell that to Elvi.”

Kale gave her a weak smile, knowing that his mother would have none of that, believing she was all the problem.

Elvina came across Nitika’s blood too many times and it constantly reminded her of how she had reacted. She had been so wrong! So wrong to do that! She should have controlled herself better.

She gripped her hair in her fists tightly as she made her way deeper into the forest, the plants behind her dying as she walked along. Had she been happy, they would have bloomed and flourished, but the sorrowful emotions now were killing them rather than healing them, marking her trail clearly through the woodland.

“I’m so stupid,” she whispered to herself, “Such a failure. Why did I even bother with a family? Why did I bother with Diente?” She looked down at her stomach, “Why do I bother with *them*?” She knelt down in the grass as she started to cry. Once again, she’d ruined everything.

Kale glanced in the direction of the forest before pointing, "She went in there. You should be able to see her trail pretty much straight away in there."

Suddenly he let out a cry of pain and looked down to see Cytheria chewing on his arm.

He raised an eyebrow as he said, "Hey. Get off you little runt."

Cytheria grinned at him and had to be pried off, making Kale laugh, though it was only half hearted because most of his thoughts were on his mother.
Elvina was rocking back and forth, pulling her hair a little so that it slightly hurt. She was even wondering if leaving the family and everyone would be better. She tore her family apart after helping to fix it. She tore her older sister apart. She made her firstborn, Kale, almost die before he was born, but Kira had saved him. She couldn't even keep self-control and now she had risked theirs lives.

"What's the point?" she squealed to herself, "What's the point at all?"
"I *never* get things right," Elvina said as she looked at the ground, wiping her eyes, "Even before this type of relationship. I couldn't even get it right with my family. It's not just this short time. It's the whole of my life!" she started to cry harder as she covered her eyes, "I'm such a mess."
Elvina was still for a while before she finally nodded slowly. Then she hid her face into his neck, keeping her arms firmly wrapped around him. She couldn't bear to mess up and if she carried on, it'd drive her mad.

Right then, she didn't want to move from Diente. He could always comfort her and his scent and touch calmed her like nothing else at times like these.
Elvina looked up at him as more tears fell, "You're so much better than me though. You're so practically perfect and I'm..." she bowed her head, "So not. You get things right and I just get them wrong. I don't know why you bother with me or the practices."
Elvina managed to smile a little, placing a quick kiss on his lips, "You're nearer to perfect than I am though. Well, you're perfect to me anyway."
Elvina felt utterly terrible when he mentioned their home. He had to rebuild it and it was her fault.

She hid her face in his chest for a moment to calm herself with his scent, then lifted her head to look up at him as she nodded, "Yeah. Okay. I'll try my hardest to please you. I'll never stop practicing, I won't."

She tucked her hair behind her ear as she averted her eyes away from him, "I can always...help you with the house too. I should seeing as I caused that."
Elvina sighed, holding onto Diente tightly as if something worse would happen if she let go.

"I know. There was something strange going on there. There wasn't that normal look, like he gave me when we went to revive Mum. Those eyes...they were different."

She looked up at Diente, "It's so confusing, but I hope we can figure it out. I don't want to risk much else. You know what Tika's like."

Meanwhile, Nitika was standing with Kira, hopping from one foot to the other, "Can I see him? Is he okay? If he's awake I want to say I'm sorry. I got myself hurt again and it kind of made him look bad. Well, to Elvi anyway."
Nitika sighed as she looked up in the direction of Leverette's room, "I can't believe what happened. It's insane. It just...exploded..." she said it slowly as she watched Einar chase the middle triplet, Zanobi, into the house and up the stairs. Einar could be such a trouble maker.

"Get off!" Zanobi his as he tried to push Einar away.

"I'm just mucking around," Einar put his hands on his hips, "What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing," Zanobi mumbled under his breath as he wandered off down the landing.

Einar smirked as he crouched down, then suddenly pushed off in a sprint. He almost caught Zanobi when Zanobi spun round and saw him, then dived to the side and disappeared into Leverette'r room. The boy didn't know his way around much. He could never remember, but he shut the door and slid down onto the floor, keeping his weight against the door. Why his brother wouldn't leave him alone for once was beyond him.

A low, quiet breathing sound distracted him as he turned to look at the bed. There, he saw Leverette laying unconscious. He stared at the man for a while, fearing fear grip him. Unlike Einar, he was more gentle and afraid. After knowing what Leverette had done, he could barely move from where he sat.
Zanobi stared at Leverette for a long time before he started to see the red glow. His own eyes widened and he started to shake in terror. He could hear Einar calling him from the other side of the door, then he felt the door being pushed as the handle was pulled down, but Zanobi kept his back tight up against the door, too afraid to move to let Einar in.

When he registered what Einar was doing, he called, “Einar! Get out! Get out now! Get Cy out! All of them! All of them!”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Einar raised an eyebrow on the other side, “What’s the matter? You’re in Lev’s room. Come out.”

“I…can’t…” Zanobi said, “Go…”

Einar kicked the door, “You’re scaring me now! Let me in!”

Still, Zanobi couldn’t. He just sat there like prey cowering in front of the predator.
Zanobi's jaw dropped as his eyes widened further, utterly speechless as he stared at Leverette's somewhat lifeless body, though it was moving. He couldn't put his finger on it, but the way Leverette moved scared him more than anything.

"Open up!" Einar was pounding on the door. He was beginning to panic himself. He could see flashes of it from a nightmare he'd had. Someone attaking Zanobi, except it hadn't been Leverette. Then again, Einar knew he dreamt of real situations, but without the right people. This had to be it and...it meant that Zanobi was going to be hurt!
Zanobi gripped the floor, trembling violently. What had gotten into him?

"Lev?" Zanobi said quietly.

"Lev? What about Lev? Tell me!" Einar demanded, trying to snap his brother out of it.

"He...he..." Zanobi couldn't say any more.

Einar began to panic, "Tika! Tika! Help! Zanobi! Hurry!"

Nitika raised her eyebrow before turning to the house. Something was wrong.

Without thinking, she ran towards the house, not having the energy to teleport. Hopefully it wasn't too much of a problem that was going on.
Zanobi started to choke desperately and soon his eyes started to roll. Einar could feel the pain and instantly rammed himself into the door. It took him a few goes before he finally bust through, but when he saw what was happening, he couldn’t move either. He couldn’t believe Lev would do something like that.

However, Nitika was heading up the stairs when she heard Einar cry, “Let him go! Let him go! Let go of him!”

Instantly, Nitika was off in a sprint and was soon up on the landing. For some reason, her mind told her she wasn’t close enough, though she didn’t know what that meant.

As she headed for Leverette’s room, her body started to emanate a white light as she called, “Einar!”

When she got to the door, her mind immediately registered Einar attacking Leverette, trying to free Zanobi as Zanobi just dangled from Leverette’s grip, no longer breathing. However, the look in Leverette’s eyes made Nitika believe it wasn’t him.

“No!” she cried as she ran at him. Einar could only stare as Nitika jumped, knocked Zanobi out of Leverette’s grip, wrapped her arms around Leverette’s neck and fell down onto the bed, with Nitika on top of Leverette.

Nitika could only feel the evil she’d felt from Leverette start to dissipate until it was no longer there and when she opened her eyes, she was stunned to see her skin was pure white, radiating a glowing white light. She started to tremble, unable to move as she felt the horn high on her forehead and the fact that all her hair was pure white.

“What….” She whispered as she tried to comprehend what had happened, but all she could hear was Zanobi taking in deep wheezing breaths as Einar said, “Tika…you’re….you’re glowing. What’s going on?”

Einar held his brother close to him as he stared at the back of his sister. Her wings were white, her tail was white. Everything was white…the sign of purity.
Nitika hadn't moved when Kira had come in, but when Kira spoke to her, Nitika slowly lifted herself up with her arms, staring down at Leverette blankly before turning her head to look at Kira. Her eyes were a full red now and dulled at her mood of distress.

She opened her mouth to speak but she couldn't find any words. Nothing would come out.

Einar and Zanobi stared at Nitika with jaws dropped, but both flinched, snapping out of their trance when Nitika suddenly leapt off of Leverette and stood in the middle of his room, staring at her arms, then body. She took handfuls of her hair and stared at them on either side before closing her eyes, pulling at her hair, "What's happened to me? What's going ON?" She started to hit herself all over, on the head, arms, body, legs, anywhere that was different.

"MUM!" she screamed at the top of her voice as she doubled over.

A few moments later, Ai hurried into the room, having teleported as soon as she felt Nitika's distress.

"Tika! Tika! Calm down," Ai grabbed the girl's arms gently before pulling them away from her face, "Calm down."

nitika had tears down her cheeks and quickly buried her face into her mother's shoulder, "What's going on mum? What's happened to me?"

"Tika, this is a good thing," Ai said soothingly, hardly able to believe it herself. She stroked Nitika's hair gently with a shaking hand, then smiled, "You have my pure side, Tika. This is the side I have opposite to the Devi, that Rai also has, remember? This is the light side, my light side, and yours. You're pure, honey. This is a part of you and you can take it better than I can. It's too much of a strain for me, but you can cope with it so well."

"I don't want it!" nitika cried, "How do I get out of it?"

Ai sighed, "Just calm down. Let your energy escape you, okay? Just calm down."

Nitika did as she was told, letting the light escape her and she soon turned back to normal.

She panted a few times to catch her breath before looking at her mother in disbelief. Then as soon as she looked at Kira, recalling what had happened, she collapsed in Ai's arms.
Ai gave a nod, "That would be a good idea." She hoisted Nitika onto her back gently before making her way out of the room.

"Uh, Kira?" Ai asked as she turned to look at the dragoness, "Would it be alright if Tika stayed here somewhere. When she wakes up, she'll be no end of asking about Lev and be trying to come and see him. Might as well leave her hear so that she knows she's nearby."
Ai sighed, "Well, okay then. I'll have to strap her down on her bed then." She gave a small smirk before glancing back at Lev's door, "If he has anything ask me about Tika, then he can ask."

She walked away, with Nitika still on her back, from Kira after she said goodbye before muttering under her breath, "Darkness and light."

Einar and Zanobi followed after their grandmother, with Einar wrapping his arm across his brother's shoulders.
Back at home, Nitika was resting in bed while Zanobi sat on his own in Ai's house, with his other brothers sitting either side of him. None of them said a word. Just being there was the comfort.

Ai had left them alone and was laying on her side of the bed, her hands behind her head as she stared up at the ceiling. When she had died, she'd found out a lot about the people around her, especially Leverette and Nitika. She knew things that would happen further in the future. It was all part of the afterlife with her. She guessed seeing as she was a seer, it didn't leave her after death.

"I wonder how this will turn out," she sighed to herself, tapping her feet together.
Zanobi looked up at his parents silently before looking back down at the floor.

Einar, feeling the need to explain, stood up and straightened his top.

"Well, uh..." he said, "I was kind of mucking around. I was only teasing Zan, dad. Honest. But Zan ran into Lev's room without realising it. He pinned himself up against the door and I couldn't get in. If I could, I would have teleported, but seeing as I can't, I tried kicking the door down."

He fidgeted as he glanced at his still brother, "Lev got up and sort of...uh...he...picked Zan off the floor and started strangling him, I think. I was panicky. But Tika came in and stopped him, but she turned into this white light thing," he gestured, "Grandma said it's something she has too." Even though it was quite blatant, Einar didn't know how else to explain it.

Zanobi just rubbed his neck at the thought of Lev, with Lev's eyes still haunting him in his mind.
Zanobi rubbed his neck in silence, the bruising already appearing on his neck.

Elvina glanced at Diente before hurrying over to Zanobi and pulling him into her arms. She kissed his cheeks and forehead before looking at his neck, “I’m so glad you got out of there. Though I hope Tika’s alright.” She held Zanobi tight against her as she turned to look at Einar.

Einar just stood there blankly, “No. Not really. Not that much.”

Cytheria peered into the room with one hand fiddling with her lips. Seeing and feeling that her family were upset about something, she hurried up to her father and latched onto his leg. She could feel all the emotions compressing but she didn’t say a word.

Elvina smiled at the girl reassuringly before sighing, “I think you need to get your father to look at them, Zan.” She kissed the top of his head as the boy nodded slowly.
Zanobi stood up out of his mother's arms and wandered up to his father quietly, rubbing his neck still.

Then he tilted back his head a bit to look up at him and said hoarsely, "Hurts still. Is it bad?" His neck was lined with deep, dark bruises and was clearly bad, but nothing too serious.

Einar dropped onto the floor next to his mother and rested his head against her arm. Elvina smiled and wrapped her arms around him. Einar always hid things from his family. Even she didn't understand a lot of things about him. He always tried to be strong and would act stronger than he actually was.

Cytheria saw the bruises on Zanobi's neck and nuzzled her face into his leg. She didn't like bruises. She didn't like to see anyone getting hurt. So she took comfort in her father's strokes.
Cytheria tilted her head, still hiding most of her face behind Diente's leg. She watched in awe, rarely ever seeing such things. It was still all new to her.

It wasn't so new to Zanobi and Einar. Zanobi rubbed his neck afterwards and smiled at his father, "Thanks dad." He then wrapped his arms around Diente's waist and hugged him tight.

Einar glanced at his brother before looking away. All the bad things that happened always seemed to be too similar to his dreams. It was all too alive. He absolutely hated it. It was such an emotional strain, but he could never tell his parents. He couldn't tell anyone. Could he?
Both Zanobi and Einar nodded in unison before Zanobi went back to Elvina. By this time, Einar had moved away and was staring out the window, pressing his left palm against the glass.

"Darkness and light," he whispered, "Darkness and light." Everytime he saw Leverette in his dream, he saw darkness around him. Whenever he saw Nitika, there was alright light. Maybe there was some meaning to that...

Cytheria stared at her brothers and was nibbling on Diente's trousers the best she could without realising it. She could feel something was wrong with one of the four but she couldn't point out who.

Elvina sighed and held Zanobi on her lap, smiling up gently at Diente without a word before looking at Einar at the window. She didn't say anything then either. She just stared at him.

'I wish he'd talk to us more,' she thought, wondering if Diente could hear her.
Cytheria glanced up at her father, still nibbling. It was then that she noticed the nibbling, but seeing as he didn’t stop her, she didn’t either.

‘Hopefully,’ came back Elvina’s reply as she continued to watch Einar. She then turned and looked at Zenobi, running her hand down his back gently. He didn’t feel it. He couldn’t feel anything in his back or the back of the arms. He was numb there.

Elvina flicked her hair out of her face before watching Zenobi carefully. He was sitting crosslegged again, staring at nothing. He looked dead…again. As if if you just pushed him lightly, he would tumble limply, like a corpse would….

Einar tapped the glass of the window slowly before forcing on a smile and turning around to face his family, “I’m going to see Kale.”

“Alright,” Elvina nodded.

Einar wandered past his brother, keeping his eyes fixed on him until he had gotten to the door, then he disappeared down the stairs, joining his older brother outside.

Elvina let out a sigh and asked Diente mentally, ‘Do you ever hear him crying at night? I don’t think he can take so much emotional strain, whatever he’s feeling. He just can’t. He’s getting worse.’ She chewed on her lower lip, trying not to be tearful.
'It's not your fault, love,' Elvina said, 'It's not really any of our faults. It just happened I guess.' She sighed, 'He keeps saying he just woke up crying but I know he's lying. Maybe you can talk to him? He'll be more open to you.'

"Einar!" Kale shouted from outside, "Why did you do that for?"

"Because I felt like it," Einar laughed.

"You little runt," Kale growled and there was a light 'pat' sound and Einar yelped, "Jerk! Don't hit me with that!"

"You hit me with it! Why can't I hit you?"

"Because you're stronger, idiot," Einar snarled.

"Well that'll teach you then," Kale said simply.

Elvina sighed, shaking her head as she put her hand over her face, 'Great. He always does that when his emotions are overpowering him.'
Cytheria nodded, now taking a clump of her hair and biting on it sideways.

"If she keeps that up she'll cut her own hair," Elvina giggled as she stood up with Zenobi, patting him on the back as she said, "Come on. You want to help too?"

Zenobi snapped out of his daydream and said, "What?"

Elvina sighed, fiddling with Zenobi's hair between her fingers, "You want to help with the cooking?"

"Alright," Zenobi nodded before heading downstairs by himself.

Elvina walked up to Diente and kissed him on the cheek, 'Yeah, talking to him tonight will be good. Just to make sure.'
Obviously he was right. She was sat beside the bed, her hands between her knees as she watched Leverette. She didn't know how she felt right then. She was full of mixed emotions, though they were more positive than negative.

She didn't notice Diente's aura as she sat in silence. She was half expecting Leverette to get up and shove her out the toom if she looked away, so she wouldn't look away. It wasn't that bad though. In her opinion, he was nice to look at.
Nitika looked up at Diente and just shrugged, looking at him sadly, "I know. I just..." she looked at Leverette, "I don't want to leave him. I can't. I don't know why but...I just can't."
"I know," Nitika sighed, "I just want as much time as I can with him. He doesn't want me around when he's awake so..." she rested her elbows up on the bed and placed her hand on his arm.
Nitika stared at him and, unlike most of her family, she didn't blush. She just stared at him for a long while before she finally answered.

"Maybe..." her eyes trailed to the floor beside her, "Maybe...I do." She looked up at him, "I don't know. I don't know what these feelings are. They're just there." She looked back at Leverette, "I've never felt them for anyone else and I don't know what they mean. Maybe it is some sort of crush...or something more."

She looked back and saw Einar standing behind Diente. He'd come up so quietly and...

By the look on his face, Nitika wasn't sure if he was seeing them or something else.

The boy winced and backed away from the door, seeing a blinding light flooding from Nitika, reaching out towards Leverette.

He remembered dreaming about a candle, where the flame pushed back the darkness and the darkness couldn't come out again until the light went away. He knew for a certainty it had something to do with Nitika's like and Leverette's darkness...but he could never tell. They'd think he was insane.

"What's up Ei?" Nitika tilted her head.

Einar was squinting at Nitika as if looking through the sun's rays. Then he covered his eyes and moved from the door and leaned against the wall before sliding down it, still covering his face. He'd wanted to see where his father was because he just wanted to be near him right then...but had to come across that.
"It's too bright," Einar said, "And...so dark. It hurts. It's so confusing." He gritted his teeth before calming himself down, then forced his hands away from his face, staring into nothing.

"I...It's nothing dad. Nothing," he shook his head, "Just a funny moment. That's all."

Nitika stood up and walked to the door, peering around to look at him.

"You okay?"

Einar's eyes half closed and he covered his face again. Nitika bit her lip and moved back into the room, standing just inside so that he couldn't see her as she said, "What's going on with him?"
Einar tried to blink his tears away and quickly turned his face away so that it came off Diente's fingers before curling up into a ball, digging his nails into his shoulder blades, "No one will understand. None of you. It's crazy! You'll all think I'm crazy. There's just so much..." He bit his lip, "So much of it. So many nightmares. So many darknesses and lights. There's no end."
Einar stared up at his father before averting his gaze. He took a few deep breaths, trying to put it into words.

Then he finally came out and said them.

"Dad...I...keep...dreaming of things and...I think they're of the past, but not my past. Like...I dreamt of a man tearing up a woman and in my dream I knew they were my parents. Not my real ones obviously. I mean I was inside a person who's dad did that to their mum." He rubbed his arms as if to warm himself up, "I dreamt of my whole family being killed in front of me. I dreamt of a demon in my head. But the more recent ones...I dreamt that I was standing in an empty room. There was only a coffee table in there and there was one candle in there. It wasn't on at first and the room was all dark. In my dreams the darkness represents Leverette a lot or something in him. Anyway, when the candle's set alight then all the darkness is pushed away and kept back, like it's stuck and can't get out. The light in my dreams is like Tika." He looked towards the bedroom door, "When I just saw them now, Leverette was emanating darkness but it was smaller than before, and Nitika was glowing brightly it was blinding. It hurt my eyes. That's why I can't look at her right now."

He shook his head, "That's why I stay up at night sometimes or..." he looked embarrassed as he said, "Cry at night. It's because it's mainly all horrible. Is...Do you think what's wrong with me is all bad or crazy?" He looked up at his father with widened eyes.
Einar smiled, shaking his head, "No. Course not." He then sighed, "I guess I just felt I was different. Mum doesn't have it much so I should have less of it. I don't understand why I have it so much and why I have sight to the past too. Unless great grandmother on mum's side had it like that too. I know grandmother mentioned something like that randomly." He wiped his fringe out of his face, "But...what do you think the whole light and dark means? With pushing dark back and things."
Einar nodded slowly, "I guess so." To his own surprise, he hugged his father suddenly, "Thanks dad for that." He then stood up and wandered past the door, holding up his hand by his face to shield Nitika's light from his eyes as he went.

Nitika watched him sadly, wondering if there was something wrong with her for a moment, but then thought it through and shrugged it off. She then turned back to Leverette, her hand resting on his chest. Then she raised her hands and fiddled with his hair. She loved being close to him in those moments.
Elvina was sitting outside on the grass, watching the sky as clouds passed by. It gave her a sense of peace that she rarely felt.

Reaching out a hand, she hummed quietly as her palm hovered over a dying daisy and she watched it suddenly blossom into life. A smile touched her lips and she looked back up to the sky, watching her son Kale every now and again out the corner of her eye who too was sitting on his own, meditating. All her children seemed to have secrets. It seemed to be a part of their nature, her nature, like it was inherited. she wished things weren't that way.
"huh?" Elvina blinked as she turned her head to look at him, "Well, fine." She took a breath then shook her head, "Sorry. I'm a bit off in the head today." She looked back ahead of her, then back up at the sky, "Just thinking about the triplets, I guess, more than anything."
Elvina's arms slipped around his neck as she asked with widened eyes, "Really? Wow, I'm relaly glad you've found out. What is it that's been bothering him then?"
Elvina sighed, resting her head on his shoulder, mumbling, "Zenobi can't feel things. Einar has the sight." She then smiled slightly, "I guess it isn't so bad. I'm just worried that he's too bothered by it. Mother used to be bothered by it a lot." She lifted her head and kissed his cheek, "I'm glad you got it out of him though. How did you? He usually just goes bullying his brothers."
"Yeah," Elvina nodded as she smiled brightly, "We should really do that."

Nitika was still sat with Leverette, this time making small plaits in her hair as she hummed, checking on Leverette every now and again to see if he had woken up.
"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself you know," Nitika said nonchalantly as she felt his emotions before turning her head to look at him, "Nothing much happened. Everything's okay." She said okay because things weren't fine which was better than okay. She wouldn't lie. She couldn't really.

She turned her body fully in order to face Leverette and tapped him on the shoulder childishly, "Hey. You okay? I was really worried. I stayed here the whole time you were unconscious."
Nitika blinked at him before pouting, "Honestly Lev. You could at least be a little politer about it."

She took the plaits out of her hair. She doubted Leverette would be able to hurt her like he almost had done with her sister and others. She didn't know how she knew but she could feel it. Still that didn't mean he wouldn't hurt her at all.

"You know, your one worded answers are quite cute too, if I do say so myself," Nitika smiled, wondering whether Leverette could take her playfulness right then. Most likely not, as was usual.
"I talk like this with everyone else. You should know that by now," Nitika stood up, keeping her eyes on Leverette, "I'm not fawning. If I was i'd be all over you." She giggled at the thought before spinning around and wandering up to the window. She opened it wide and said, "Very well then Lev-Eeeee. I'll go if it makes you happy."

She stepped up onto the windowsill before flying outside, deciding that she would head through the forest to her secret place again. In previous years she had been forbidden to ever go in those areas because of monsters that roamed the place. However, they no longer existed in the parts she was going in, so she feared nothing, therefore making her oblivious to any danger at all.

(don't know what you wanted the attack to happen)

© Copyright 2006 Elsie Blossom, (known as GROUP).
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