Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/handler/first_in/1/item_id/1142599-We-have-the-power-to-change-the-world
Rated: E · Survey Form · Spiritual · #1142599
Fellow blogger Prosperous Snow believes the future is bright. I strongly agree. Do you?
Do we have the power to change the world? With the terrorist scares, global warming, economic stress, war, it is easy to become pessimistic.

Some of us refuse to give up our optimism. For Prosperous Snow celebrating and me it is because we are Bahá'ís. Today is the day of Power of the month of Power (Kamal) according to our calendar. A befitting day to speak of this.

Prosperous Snow celebrating explains this in her eloquent blog entry: "Deep Thoughts on Monday Morning. I dare not try to match her skills or logic or clear concise writing (I'm what they call a poet). These quotes come from her argumentation to support her premise that the World is a good place and getting better in spite of the present darkness around us.

Whether you are Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, Sikh or Wiccan or one of many religions that I have failed to mention, please take a moment to read this survey and respond. Atheists and Agnostics are welcome too! I've tried to give everyone options that won't embarass. Some questions are not required for that reason. And feel free to email me or leave comments.

A final humorous quote from Prosperous Snow celebrating :

"... stressed is desserts spelled back words."

Break out the chocolate! I've had enough stress for a lifetime!

Peace, KÃ¥re.

For questions about the Bahá'í Faith it is easiest to click on this international site:


To read Prosperous Snow's blog, click here: "The Snowflake Chronicles [18+]. You'll even find a poem about Oklahoma (another thing she and I have in common and hold dear!)
*Dollar* Reward for completing this survey: 200 Gift Points
(R) denotes a required field.
You may submit your survey anonymously by checking the box to the left, however, you will not receive any gift points if you do!
1.   I don't think people understand the power that they have. (R)
        Totally agree
        No opinion
        Totally disagree
2.   We have the power to control our own emotions, to learn about ourselves and each other. (R)
        Totally agree
        No opinion
        Totally disagree
3.   We have the power to change the world by changing ourselves.
        Totally agree
        No opinion
        Totally disagree
4.   We have the power to question reality and to change our view of life and of ourselves.
        Totally agree
        No opinion
        Totally disagree
5.   We don't know the power that we have to change the world by changing ourselves. (R)
        Totally agree
        No opinion
        Totally disagree
6.   The only person in the world an individual can control is him or her self. (R)
        Totally agree
        No opinion
        Totally disagree
7.   The individual human being has no control over anything in the world, except the individual. (R)
        Totally agree
        No opinion
        Totally disagree
8.   Every person on the planet should decide to control him or herself and take responsibility themselves. (R)
        Totally agree
        No opinion
        Totally disagree
9.   Did you know that God loves laughter?
        Yes, and I laugh right along.
        Yes, but ...
        No opinion
        No, but I hope so.
        No, I strongly disagree..
        I don't beleive in Dog, er, God, but I beleive in Laghteur!
        I don't believe in god nor laughter.
10.   God wants us to be happy.
        Yes! I strongly agree!
        Yes, I agree.
        No opinion
        No, I don't agree.
        No! I strongly disagree!
        I don't believe in God, but I'm happy.
        I don't believe in God or happiness.
11.   Despite what anyone tells us the human soul is eternal and lives beyond the death of the body.
        Whole-heartedly agree!
        Don't know, but I hope so.
        No opinion.
        Don't know, don't care.
        Whole-heartedly disagree!
12.   The only thing one takes with them to the next world is the positive qualities they develop in this life.
        Strongly agree.
        No opinion
        Strongly disagree
        I don't believe in a next world, but I hope so..
        I don't believe in the next world. Period.
13.   The positive qualities are the spiritual qualities, the divine attributes we develop here on earth.
        Strongly agree.
        No opinion.
        Strongly disagree.
14.   The soul survives and reflects the divine qualities, abilities or attributes developed.
        Strongly agree.
        No opinion
        Strongly disagree.
        There is no soul.
15.   I believe that the world will become a peaceful place.
        Strongly agree.
        No opinion.
        Strongly diagree.
16.   One last humorous thought: 'stressed is desserts spelled back words.'
        Yes, I want my desserts now, have been stressed enough.
        No opinion.
        Nope. I love my stress. Don't want no nasty desserts.
        Is it chocolate? Is it gooood chocolate?
        Hey, this isn't funny ...
        Great! Send Snow a Chocolate Badge!
        Yeah ... and God spelled backwards is Dog.
17.   Any final thoughts?

18.   This survey allows the sending of Gift Points.
      Thank you for taking this survey. Regardless of your opinions, you are valued! Peace.

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Important: Gift Points included will be sent to KÃ¥re Enga in Montana . Writing.Com will deduct a processing fee of 2.5%. Gift Points sent via this form are non-refundable.
*Note* Disclaimer: The information submitted will be sent to KÃ¥re Enga in Montana . Do not submit anything private or confidential.


Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/handler/first_in/1/item_id/1142599-We-have-the-power-to-change-the-world