Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1139629-Ch1-How-It-All-Began
by Locky
Rated: E · Serial · Action/Adventure · #1139629
Introduction to the main characters and how Locky gets his special abilities.
Episode 1
How it came to be

I woke up with a start. I shivered as memories of a rather strange dream ran through my mind. I tried to slow my breathing; taking long deep breaths. Looking at my clock, I noted that I had awoken just before my alarm. I sighed.

I lived in a hostel; my actual home is a few hours away in the country. I had gotten a scholarship to a school in the city, and had to come here for accommodation. I missed home, but I was grateful that I could get the education that I wanted.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and then I went to stand up. I was overcome by a strange sensation so I sat back down again. I looked at the clothes I was wearing. Yesterday I hadn’t been feeling well so I just flopped on my bed and passed out. Looking at the floor I saw my school tie, shoes and bag. My heart leapt.

“The paper!” I whispered to myself as I searched my bed for a couple of pieces of parched paper. Someone had given it to me in the dream. The dream was so strange; I had to make certain that it wasn’t real. If I didn’t find the paper then what I had seen in the dream was just that, a dream. After searching all through my bed and around it I gave up and smiled. It was all a dream. It was all a dream! I smiled again and shook my head.

I had this very peculiar dream while I was asleep.

I was walking back to the hostel after a long day at school. I had just hopped off the bus, and was walking down a quiet back street. Next minute an old woman wearing a deep blue, puffy dress, and a purple bandanna on her long white mop, came stumbling onto the road.

“Stop,” She wheezed, “You’re the one.” Her wide pale blue eyes stared deep into mine.

“The one what?” I asked. “Are you alright?”

“Shhh.” She urged. “Calm your mind.”

“Uh, lady. I think…” I started.

“No! I am not mistaken. You’re definitely the one.”

She grabbed my hand with her cold, pale paws and closed her eyes.

Suddenly her hands felt warm. I was compelled to close my own eyes. A moment later when I opened them, the witch was gone, and all that was left was a smoky wisp and two folded pieces of parched paper. Shocked by the experience, and taken over by a sudden wave of tiredness, I walked the last two hundred meters back to the hostel.

I moved my green magnetic name tag from its year 12 box on the name board, to underneath ‘sick’. I trudged into my room. I didn’t even bother to shut my door.

Then I flopped down on my bed. In my school uniform, with my bag on my back, and that paper clutched tightly to my chest. I fell asleep.

I guess now you can imagine my relief as I couldn’t find that paper. It meant that it had all been a dream. Wahoo, no weird witches coming to haunt me. I slowly tried to stand up again, this time with much more success. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

As I turned around to walk back into my room something in the mirror caught my eye.

I looked again into the mirror. Looking back at me was the witch I had seen in my dream. I shivered and blinked a couple of times and looked again. My reflection was back where it was supposed to be, I shivered again.

“I don’t think I’ll have a shower this morning,” I mumbled to myself as I turned off the wet taps.

I changed into some more appropriate clothing for breakfast then walked out of my room.

I walked down the long corridor of my block of rooms. Yellow doors with the numbers one through sixteen framed in red. Harsh, dirty cream bricks glared at me as I half stumbled down the corridor.

I eventually made it out of the block. I waddled over to the Administration and Dining Block and entered the dining room.

I was greeted by several surprised looks to which I just shrugged a ‘good morning' I walked over to move my name magnet back to Year 12.

The manager asked me if I was feeling better. Of course I replied ‘yes’, but I didn’t feel that much better. In fact, I actually felt worse; I just didn’t feel like sleeping anymore.

Just after I had moved my name to Year 12, someone called my name in a high-pitched, excited squeal. I turned slowly to see one of my best friends from the hostel, Lisa, running towards me. I was embraced by an enormous, tight, bear hug, which seemed to never end.

Eventually she let go and started firing questions at me.

“How are you?”

“What happened?”

“Do you feel better?”

None of which I felt like answering at the time so I just nodded and sat down at the nearest table. I started thinking about the questions she asked. Why would she ask me those questions? I was only sick for one night. Lisa sat down beside me. She was staring at me with her big concerned hazel eyes, waiting for a response. So I just said that I would be OK. She smiled generously at the sound of my voice. Eventually I stood up and made three bits of toast, then sat back down at the table with a glass of orange juice. I gulped down the O.J., and spread strawberry jam on my toast. That’s right! No margarine. YERK! Who would want to ruin a perfectly good piece of toast?

Certainly not me. But anyway, back to the story.

While I was eating my toast I noticed one of the guys who was sitting at the table. Dean wasn’t one who usually came out early. Except on Thursdays, which was when he went to work experience, but today was Wednesday.

“What are you doing up so early?” I asked him.

“It’s Thursday. I am going to work experience.” He replied with the most serious face he could hold. I swallowed hard, and shivered again.

“How long was I asleep?” I asked softly.

“That was your second night!” Lisa said just as softly, deep compassion leaping from her eyes. I stared at her, slowly comprehending what she had said.

I have never been one to sleep long at all. But for me to sleep for almost 40 hours was extremely strange. What could have made me sleep that long? There was only one thing. But it had to be a dream. I hadn’t found the paper! I smiled quietly to myself. It must be all a dream! I must have caught some sort of virus. There was no need to worry about disappearing witches or faded papers.

I stood up, took my dirty dishes and placed them on the pile for the people on breakfast duty. I half ran back to my block of rooms my heart beating hard. I crashed into a guy from my block called Jack as I raced through the door, knocking him onto the ground. He looked up at me with a face white with fear.

“Sorry.” I said sleepily, embarrassed at my clumsiness. I held out my hand to help him up. He ignored it and helped himself up.

He sidestepped around me, keeping his eyes on me at all times. I shrugged my shoulders and continued on my way.

I didn’t worry about Jack’s response, because I just wanted to make sure the witch was a dream. So I searched my room again for the aged paper.

I searched my desk, the floor, my bathroom, school bag, and then finally my bed. Much to my disappointment, underneath my sheets on my bed was the couple of pieces of parched paper. I sighed as I picked them up and sat down on my bed. It must have slipped under the sheets as I slept. I must have missed it earlier.

I walked over to my desk and sat down. I thought about reading the pages, but I left them unfolded and placed them on my desk.

It took me until Saturday night to get the guts up to read the first of the two pages. And even then, I didn’t really absorb much. It said something about me being ‘the one who will make it safe for us all.’

I had no idea who ‘us’ was, it didn’t really say, and it also mentioned some of my powers. That was when I stopped. I shook my head in disbelief as I thought over the powers I was supposed to have.

“Hi Locky. I am so happy that you are now reading this. The trouble I went through to get this to you, you wouldn’t understand. We will explain in more detail as time goes on, but for now you have to trust us and believe everything that we tell you. It may save your life, and ours.

I think that I will tell you some of your powers straight away, though I must warn you, even though I say that you have them, you may not be able to use them for a while, so please be patient.

Your first and most important power will be your ability to read fingerprints…”

The writing went on, but my eyes stopped. I had to have a break from insanity.

Read on to Episode 2 here...
 Ch2 Cat's Out of the Bag  (13+)
Locky explores his powers a little and discovers that a friend already knows his secret
#1141685 by Locky

© Copyright 2006 Locky (myesp at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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