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this is the second item i have submitted, i have took previous comments to heart, thx! |
Prelude: "Everyone, into that bunker NOW!" screamed Scott, as an another RPG shell cut though the air and exploded just meters away, the tragectory of the missle made it a danger to the party as the shrapnel poured over them. The sound of screeching tires filled the air as rival gangs fought for control of the large maze of fear known as Central London. A piece of shrapnel cut Scott's leg, spilling crimson blood on the blackened concrete ,and all he could hear was a constant buzz. As his hearing shot back, he instantly cursed the immense pain. Maggie heard Scott swear, and instinctively spun round, swinging her dirty blond hair. Catching sight of the blood though the thin smog, she allowed her self a little gasp. A frown crossed her face, a small flicker of love and concern filled her heart. Clenching her fist and resisting temptation she doused the flame and carried on running to the bunker "Leave him...He deserves it". Scott started limping back to the bunker, holding his now gashing wound, leaving a distictive red trail. All he could see was smoke, lights and familiar faces calling to him. He heard running footsteps. "What the hell?" looking round he saw a small group of thugs wielding broken bottles, chains and various other makeshift weapons. Panicking, he started to limp faster, faster, too fast, he felt himself lose control over his legs as the pain became to much, his leg lost the strengh to keep him up. He fell onto his stomach, winding himself, as the air was rudly knocked out of him, just once sentance crossed his mind. "This is it" covering his head with his hands he waited for the inevitable end. But instead of hearing and feeling the laughter, taunting and searing pain. All he heard was a shot being fired, from close range, followed by groans and screams, looking up he saw the thugs sprinting away; yelling something that was inaudable, with one of them not moving,he gave himself a quick grin. His quick smile was quickly brought back down to a frown , when he spotted a mysterious figure standing on the scarred bunker, he wore a red waist-coat and clutched a smoking 9mm in his right hand. "Get in" was all he said. Chapter 1: Freinds for life As the cool light filterd into the room, Birds began there early calls, and the orange plate which is the sun asended to the hevans; just one very simple thought crossed young Scott's mind. "I wish it was Saturday" Scott knew that he would have to get up quickly or face Terry, his strict and disliked supervisor. So he manged to pull himself out of bed with much reluctance, he streched his tall but athletic figure, clicked his knuckles and headed for the bathroom, after cleaning his teeth and washing his face he went downstairs to have some breakfast, as he was eating his regular bowl of Coco Pops, which he was starting to dislike as the ceral had gone soggy from all the milk, he rasied an inquistive eyebrow to the chatting radio. "Last night, the capital of Finland, Helsinki, was brutally bombed from there border country, Russia. This follows many strikes made by this now very aggressive nation, who it seems want to take over the whole of easten europe. Once again the G7 are going to meet, this time in London, to discuss there next move against the war machine which is Russia. The nuclear cap..." Scott was already late for work, so he decided to turn off this dismall news. He ran up stairs, got changed into his work clothes. And as he was gelling his hair in the mirror, a dark thought crossed his mind. " and why the hell are we sending OUR soilders to sort out THERE problams...jeez" he frowned and shook his head at his secret proclamation. He heard a knock on his front door. As he went downstairs he took a glimpse at the front title on his paper on the doormat. "Russian agents uncoverd in Britain!" was what it exclamed, pushing his worries out of his mind he opened the front door, his girlfreind, Maggie, greeted him. "Heya babe!" Maggie was obviously excited about something. "err, hi?" Scott returend, "she is supossed to be a work" he invited her in, but she declined. "I want to show you something!" her blond hair once again caught the sunlight, she was tall slim, and pretty, which was all good for scott as he was pretty shallow. "Listen, I need to go to work, I am already late!" he started to close the door, all this russian buisness had made him edgy. Maggie began to frown and walk away, but Scott's consience got the best of him. "Wait, I will call in sick, then you can show me, ok?" This greatly pleased Maggie, who excitidly clapped her hands. "On second thoughts, where is this "thing"?" Scoot said, leaning on the doorframe. "At home!, Come on!" she done the old doggy eyes. "ok, ok i will call in sick on the way to yours" they then left the house, blissfully unaware of future, sinister events. Involving a fireball, lots of smoke, and a broken heart. |