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A family guy episode I wrote just for fun. Hasn't even been spell checked :)
FAMILY GUY INT.GRITTHEN HOUSE - Day Peter and the brian are sat on the couch. BRIAN A hundred million dollars? That's a lot of beer money peter. PETER that's a lot of beer money brian. Brian looks at peter. wait a beat BRIAN What's it for? PETER Remember that time I went into space? CUT TO INT.Space Shuttle - One year ago. Peter is sat flanked by two all american looking astronauts. Sweat is rolling down peter's face. Wait a beat. He Looks left. He looks right. PETER Geez, turn up the friggin air conditioning, it's like a volcano in here. ASTRONUALT The temputure is calculated based on the atmopsheri... Peter gets up as he talks. ASTRONUALT (Con'td) Conditions of Peter walks upto the door. And stands looking at the handle. ASTRONUALT And.... The astronualts senses what he's about to do. Peter opens the door, and everything flies out as the vaccume sucks the air out of the room. EXT.Space - Continueing Angle on peter's face, as he flies away giggling. Int.Griithen House.-Back to the present. BRIAN Yeah, you really sucked the air out of that one. PETER Heh, you said sucked. BRIAN So anyway, what are you gonna do? PETER I have two choices brian. Become a pimp, or become a whore. I have the body for both, yet the heart for neither. BRIAN You sure there's a market for middled age fat balding guys with glasses? PETER I click my fingers and woman come. Heh, I said come. BRIAN You might want to think of another way, just in case. PETER I've got it! I'll become... Stands up and shadows drape his face. PETER Zool, the atomic ninja assiasian from the 9th Dimension. CUT TO Ext.Chinese Plain fields - Fantasy Peter is stood with a swoard across his back, and his quasi arch nemesis, Largo is stood a hundred feet on front of him. They circle each other like scorpians. PETER Your time is now, infidel. LARGO No, I think you'll find, it is your time that is now. And what's an infidel? PETER Oh it's a type of muslim guy who loves god, but decides to act on that by blowing up innocent people with bombs. It's neat. LARGO Yes well. I AM YOUR END MR PETER PETER I think you'll find is it is I who is your. And what's an end? LARGO AVAST! LARGO rips out his swoard. (No, I said swoard - Geez) And gets ready to rumble. PETER No wait. Did you say avast? AVAST? Geez, mr depp sure you havn't got an aunction to open somewhere? Avast. LARGO IT is acceptable bad guy lingo PETER It's acceptable if you're in a b-movie directed by Shelman Bomb, this is family guy mister, class it up! LARGO Very well. On guard! PETER Screw it, I'm going to my trailer. Call when mr Olivier here is finished. Peter walks away. Cut Int.Gritten House - Kitchen - Same Day Stewie is sat studying the patterns of movement of his Louis STEWIE Her movement is primitive. Like a...premitive movement. Yes, this will be easy. Tonight, she will Slips. face first on the table. STEWIE ....Mental note : Destroy all tables. Chris walks in, strutting. CHRIS Hey mum, guess what. I got a date LOUIS Finally! I mean, err, I mean, with who sweetie? CHRIS Steve Holt LOUIS the guy from arrested dvelopement? CHRIS He's not gay. LOUIS ...... PETER walks in.. PETER Ah chris, the heir to the gritthen throne. The prodigal dark prince of the jedi Sith. The Green laten The back door knocks. Peter walks over to the door and opens it. a Lawyer is stood there holding a clipboard. PETER Yes? LAWYER Peter Gritthen? PETER Perhapbe. LAWYER I represent the state of George Lucas and Mr Lee, PETER Both of them? LAWYER Their grandmothers had a four way with the lees, it was sordid.. PETER I'm listening LAWYER I must issue an immediate cease and decist order on your continual and baffling copyright infringements. PETER Here goes nothings. I mean, Why pinnocho why? LAWYER Oh god no, PETER What's a matter timmy? LAWYER STOP IT PETER You can't always get what you want, LAWYER OH NO NOW YOU'VE DONE IT PETER I did it! I Did it! I did It! LAWYER I'm writing in my book, I'm so writing in my book. PETER I'll just go back to the future before the jurrasic parks and change the past with my long wooden nose and make it so that you were never made a tin man with no heart. LAWYER ..... Lawyers head explodes in a shower of sparks. LAWYER(ROBOTIC) ERROR. HEAD DISMOUNT. ATTACH NEW HEAD. LAYWER UNIT MALFUNCTION. HEAD NOT FOUND. PLEASE INSERT HEAD. PETER slams the door shut. Louis Peter, chris..chris is gay. PETER Holy crap! Wait a beat. PETER You're a woman! She looks at him. Wait a beat. Louis: Peter, you're not listening. Our son, the throne to the sith, of, Interuppted by LAWYER(ROBITIC) I HEARD THAT. LOUIS He's got a date. PETER Good on him. Geez, you'd think you'd understand. You've been knocked up more times than a volley ball. LOUIS With a man. PETER(SEMI-ROBOTIC) PETER UNIT MALFUNTION. REALITY DISTACH. PLEASE INSERT REALITY. CHRIS Cool, dad's just like grandpa now! hahaha! LOUIS Grandpa has more hair. Brian walks in. Takes a look at louis, then peter. BRIAN that's his 'oh my god my son's a queer' look. LOUIS Brian, that's a terrible word. Queer. BRIAN I'm sorry, where are my manners. I mean, poof. LOUIS That's...an improvement. CHRIS Wait a minute. I'm gay? ARGGGHHH! BRIAN Well you know what they say, your hetrosexuality is always in the last place you look. Cut.to EXT.Superbowl.Next Day Two quaters back from opposing sides are lined up in front of each other. RED QUATERBACK I'm gonna knock you down, like I knocked your mother up! BLUE QUATERBACK I'm...wait a minute...dad? RED QUATERBACK ...Son? BLUE QUATERBACK DAD! They run into each other arms and hug. Wait a beat. Forty five linebackers pile into the both of them. Pan to stadium seats, brian and peter are sitting down with beers in their hands. PETER Thanks for the ball game Brian. I had to get out of the house. Everything was reminding me chris was...that way. A british man sat in front of peter turns around and asks, BRITISH MAN Fag? PETER HEY WATCH IT BUDDY! BRIAN NO peter, he was asking for a fag. He's british. PETER Oh god, oh sorry, sorry fella, you almost got your. BRITISH MAN Reach around? PETER OK NOW YOU'RE BRIAN No peter, he was asking you to reach around, his left arm is in a cast. PETER Oh god again, I'm just, BRITISH MAN Bend over? PETER NOW COME ON NO BRIAN No peter, it's a brand of british cigerette, Bend over's. See. Points to a passing blimp advertising bend over cigerettes. PETER Oh sheesh I'm on fire today! British man looks at peter. Blinks. Wait a beat. BRITISH MAN So your son's gay? Peter knocks him out with a single punch. BRIAN He had it coming. PETER What are we going to do? British man slumps out of his chair onto the floor. BRIAN Ever considered detraining? PETER Oh no, remember that time I thought I was a planet? Cut to Ext.Park - Sometime ago. Peter is turning, humming like the gentle hum of the stars at night. PETER I am the planet Omicron. He bumps into a woman. PETER You are now in my orbit. Resistence is futile. She rolls her eyes and walks away. PETER I am the plan - A space shuttle lands flat on his head and paves him into the ground. Cut. Ext.Ball park - Present Day. BRIAN Yeah or that time you thought you were Bruce Willis? Cut. Int.Nakatomi Plaze - Sometime ago. Peter is looking down through a skylight onto a band of terriosts lead by William Dafoe. DAFOE And then we'll nuke 'em. And once we've nuked 'em. We'll fusion bomb them. And once we've fusion bombed them, we'll nutron bomb them. and once we've Fade out as the focus is pulled back on peter. PETER(TO arm band communitor) Target acuired. Going silent. BK Employee Err sir, it's a felony to hijack this frequency. PETER Geez what kind of code is that? BK Employee Ok, frenquency this hijack to felony a it's. PETER ....What? Back to dafoe DAFOE ...And once we've invertetronited them, we'll boomerang shackletop them. And... Sound of glass cracking. PETER Oh crap. Sound of further glass cracking. PETER Oh crap part duex. Sound of even more glass cracking. PETER Oh crap part.....three. Glass shatters. As he is about to fall, the screen turns black and white and it slows down. Then ron howard, the narrator from AD comes in. NARRATOR RON Peter had just made a huge mistake. When.. Sound of a thump. NARRATOR RON ARGHH. WHY!!! WONDERYEARS NARRATOR And ron was dead. And the guy from wonderyears got all his work for years to come. Fade back to normal color. Peter crash lands and looks up at dafoe. PETER Hey I know you. DAFOE Oh yeah, you've seen my movies? Or my oscar speech? PETER No I had sex with your mother. DAFOES face drops. DAFOE Mumsy! (Crying) Cut to. Ext.Ballpark - Present day PETER Or that time I... BRIAN Two's enough. Two's ENOUGH. PETER You're right. Wait a beat. BRIAN So your son's gay? Peter knocks him out. He rolls over and falls slump on the british man. Ext - Outside Gritthen House - Next Day Chris and Steve Holt are sat in the swings. Steve Holt looks exactly like steve holt in Arrested development. Angle:We can see both chris, steve and the gritthen windows and curtains. CHRIS I got that new game, Viper blaster. STEVE Oh yeah? I heard that's a good game. The curtain window can be seen being raised slightly, and a eyeball can be seen. Int.Gritthen House Front room - Continueing. Peter is stood crouched by the window. A framed human sized clock is against the wall. With a wooden door. Wait a beat. DRAGON *cough* Peter looks right. PETER What the... DRAGON (Under breath) Oh sugar! Still crouching. PETER Is that..is that a dragon? The clock door swings open. DRAGON Aren't you supposed to be a tiger? PETER And you're supposed to be dead. My great great grandfather Perspectus Waterwalker slayed the last dragon over 200 years ago. Cut to. Ext.Up in the clouds - Two Centuries ago. Perspectus is sat perched on a roraring dragon's back. It's head biting back and fourth trying to get perspectus. PERSPECTUS (Old sweedish accent ) Ah you've breathed your last breath of unholy fire lad. Raises swoard. Dragon breathes fire left and right, missing perspectus. PERSPECTUS Fight no more, tis no shame in dying at the hands of I. Lowers swoard into the dragon's neck. The dragon's head slumps forward. And the dragon begins to nose dive. Angle : Above and following Perspectus and the dragon hurtling ever faster towards the ground. PERSPECTUS Not thought this out, says I. Cut to. Int.Gritthen House - Back to the present. Peter is still looking out of the window. Angle:Peter's POV. Chris and Steve are still sat in the swings talking. PETER Christ. My own son, a woofter. LOIUS PETER! Show some respect. Res...who am I kidding. What are we going to do? PETER I'll tell you what we're gonna do louis. Peter looks at her, motionless. Wait a beat. LOUIS You don't know do you? PETER I've got it. I'll walk over and punch steve in the face. He'll be so humilated Chris will lose all respect for him. LOUIS You can't just go punching everyone in the face Peter. PETER Can't or Cannot? Wait a beat. PETER Think about it. CUT Ext - Swings - Gritthen house - Day. The door swings open. PETER Son, there comes a time in every mans life when has to watch his gay boyfriend get the crap beat out of him by his homophobic father. And that time is now. Steve holts eyes dart from side to side. CHRIS He's not gay. PETER Save it for the jury, buddy. Peter goes to pull up his sleeves, but they're already up so he just rubs his arm for no reason. Peter death marches over to Steve Holt. PETER Any last requests? STEVE Not the face, not in the face. Peter's arm goes back and the camera pulls out, as it is hurtling towards Steve, Just as it's about to land, Micheal Bein jumps in front of the blow, asborbing the impact. Sound of a motorcycle approaching. Steve jumps up, as peter recoils and falls flat on his back. MICHEAL Wanna stay alive, come with me! Micheal without looking, flying kicks the passing motorbike, knocking off it's passenger. MICHEAL Let's ride! They pull off as peter gets to his feet. Cut to Peter's point of view. Terminator robot hud. The bike is peering off into the distance. A red reticule locks on. TARGET ACQUIRED flares up on the screen. A further list of possible actions shows up. A) Sell body for bus fare. B) Use body as bait and hitchhike C) Get in own car. Save body for later. C) Highlights red, to signal it is the choosen course of action. Cut. Intercity section, traffic everywhere the eye can see. Bein and Steve are weaving in and out of the traffic like a firefly through rays of light. STEVE Where are we going? BEIN You don't move unless I say so. Don't breath unless I say so. STEVE Can you stop him? BEIN With these weapons? I don't know. Peter's car smashes into the back of the bike, sending steve and bein flying. Peter screetches to a halt and gets out. Bein and Steve are laying on the ground. Bein's one visible eye suddenly opens and looks at peter. He jumps up. BEIN My kung fu is better than your kung fu! PETER Impossible. My kung fu is the ultimate kung-fu, says so on the video cover. BEIN Round one, FIGHT! PETER Seriously you have to stop that, you've already got screen time, you don't have to narrate the damn thing. WONDERYEARS NARRATOR That would be wise. Sound of gun being loaded. Bein lunges for peter, he misses. Peter punches him in the face, blood flies through the air. Bein recentres himself and headbutts peter, whose head flings back. Peter's head still flung back he launches a right hook, it hits bein smack on. They push away from each other and prepare for the next onslaught. They run towards each other and both raise their right arm, as they both go in for the strike, their striking arms morph into metal claws CLANG They both stop, eyes open, looking at each other. PETER holy crap, you can do that too!? BEIN Oh no way, no way man. You too huh? PETER Yeah. Oh can you do that thing, with the girl's voice? BEIN Oh wait wait. "Hello this is sarah o'connor" PETER HAH, "Hello, my name is linda hamilton" BIEN Linda who? PETER She's the actress who played Sarah BEIN Actress? PETER You're like one of those vietnam vets arnen't you? The war's over pal. BEIN Ever use it to scratch your nose and you know? PETER OH GOD yeah, blood all over the place. BEIN Hah, hah, it's like thanks for the rain but I ordered salad. PETER IT's good for changing the channel over though. All serious looks now. BEIN Friggin' life saver. PETER Anyway, where were we? BEIN We were fighting to the death, and... PETER Oh yeah. HE headbutts bein unnanounced. Bein falls to the floor like a sack of spuds. Camera pans around as peter faces the sun. PETER Now there's only one thing left to do. Cut to Int. Molten Metal Refinery. - Contiueing Peter is hanging onto a chain above a pit of lava. PETER I must destroy the last remaining cop-u. Lowe.. He notices something. Pan to side to reveal unknown looking dude by the controls crying. PETER Who the hell are you, you wern't in terminator 2? UNKOWN GUY I was in T3, I'm the modern day John. PETER Jesus, I mean, you sacrifice your life for the good of mankind and they can't even get the original actor. Screw it. Lower me in. UNKNOWN Crying uncontrollably PETER (Shaking his head) Friggin' Z stars. Peter lowers slowly towards the lava. Sweat starts to pour down his face faster and faster. PETER Hey this is getting pretty hot, and not in the oh my god they're having a catfight kind of way. He starts to squrm. He tries to climb up the rope, but the sweat on his hands acts as a lubricant. PETER Save me superman! His legs touch the lava, and he begins to melt Cut.Fortress of Solitude - Continueing. Super man is sat reading the paper. Lois is knitting. The phone rings. Wait a beat. SUPERMAN You gonna get that? Lois shugs and continues nitting. RING RING. Wait a beat. SUPERMAN 'Cos it could be important, you know, I am superman. She continues to nit. Wait a beat. Superman's eyebrows drop. He emits a gulf of fire from his eyes, lois burns uncontrollably. SUPERMAN Bitch. Ext . Baseball pitch - Next Day. Quagmire is at the mount, Joe is catcher, in his wheelchair and Cleveland is pitching. Quagmire swings the bat band and fourth. QUAGMIRE I'm gonna screw this ball. Gaghiggidy. His eyes open up. He notices something. ANGLE:Switch to his POV. There is a woman loading groccercies into her car, bending over to pick up the goods. QUAGMIRE Gahhiggidy higgidy. UMPRE Play ball. QUAGMIRE Wait what? Switch to view of Cleveland. He fast pitches the ball, quagmire unfocused takes a wild swing. Misses the ball and hits Joe in the leg. QUAGMIRE Oh god joe. Are you ok? JOE Hah it's fine Quagmire. These puppies havn't felt a thing since I was a cop on the NYPD beat. CUT Int.NYPD Blue headquaters - Some time ago. Sifflowitz is sat looking at a perp, joe is sat beside him. Siffowitz has four combs in his hair, hanging by threads. SIFFOWITZ You did it. PERP I , I don't know what you're talking about. SIFFOWITZ We have survillance footage of you commiting the crime. You're lies have no place in the a place of god. PERP This is..this is a place of god? SIFFOWITZ I am god! PERP Bull(bleep) Siffowitz clicks his fingers. And the cup of water on the tables turns from water to wine. SIFFOWITZ Oh yeah? PERP Like...ok WOW. Do it again. SIFFOWITZ I would but I get off on being withholding. PERP You must make a pretty lousy god. Siffowitz eyes drop. He clicks his finger. Instally, the man's face and crotch switch places. Pants where he head should be, and his head in his lap looking up. PERP I can't wait to kiss britney hello! YEAH! Ext.Ball park - Back to the present. Peter pulls up and gets out. He is wearing the same custome Kevin Costner wore in Field of Dreams. An angel appears beside. ANGEL Kevin? PETER Who? ANGEL Kevin Costner? PETER ....Who? Peter walks over to the mount. PETER Whose winning? QUAGMIRE JOE We don't keep score. WE ARE! PETER Well step backs boys. Peter the great is here. He takes batting position. PETER Watch as I score the perfect home run. The pitcher goes to throw. Th ball is half way home when, a space shuttle lands on peter, paving him into the ground. Cut to Ext.Casablanca airport - Present day. It's just like the famous closing scene in the movie, but present day. Bogarde is replaced by a bronx man, and the woman is from new jersey. Bogarde's friend is stood waiting behind him, a japanese man. A concorde is in the background, furthering the change from past to modern day. BRONX MAN Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day we'll have that three way with lola. WOMAN I don't think I can leave. BRONX MAN Sure you can. We can all leave, coming back's the hard part. WOMAN OK but we're having phone sex on the plane. BRONX MAN I already bought the lube. WOMAN Kthanxbye. She walks away. BRONX MAN (To japanese friend) You know what, this could be the start of a beautiful orgy. Peter walks into shot, with chris beside him. CHRIS But I don't wanna get deprogrammed PETER You're a griffen. Griffens like woman. CHRIS What about the women? PETER Go to your room. A man walks in the terminal, DR PHIL |