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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · History · #1134748
Bella gets a letter from Izzy her twin sister that shall change her life forever.
My hazel eyes look past the mirror of my bathroom wall. Past the present days; into the past of seven years and fourteen days. Into the tragic day that I lost my twin sister, Izzy. The one that said if we were ying and yang, she'll be the better half and I shall be the evil one. I had once gotten myself to forget that I even had a twin sister and forget my past also that dreadful day... until now.

It was November 12th in the country part of Sodonna of Arizona. That day it was rainging, as if the weather knew how I had felt. The rain reflecting as my tears and the lighting as my rage. I was 20 then, full of love and life with a man that was suspose to be my soon to be husband.
I was sitting on my finace's lap Darren while giggling of a joke that my sister told us. Darren was a strong man and he loved to work out everyday to keep up his build. His hair was blond and was always messy but it always seem to bring out his blue eyes ever so perfectly.

We were laughing and joking around but I sensed something was wrong with this picture. Something that they are not telling me. I can see it in their eyes as the look at me or the way the look at each other but I had put it off... for now.

"Bella.." My sister said, her voice now serious and seemed to be filled with an other emotion. What was it? Guilt?

"Hm?" I moaned slightly while I smelled in Darren's scent. For a cat demon, he did smell good. My sister coughs, slightly as I soon have my hazel eyes to leave Darren's to look at my sister's own hazel eyes.

Her apperance is the same as mine but slightly different. We both have blond hair but mine is always long and silky as for my sister's her hair was short like a tomboy's hairdo. She was also a bit more chubber then me since I am skinny enough to be a model.

"I... uh...we... Darren and I..." She stutters out with her eyes looking at Darren for assistance. Sighing, he picks me up to place me on the couch to stand up to waltz over by my dearest sister.

He clears his throat as his eyes hold so much guilt that my heart ached for him. "What she meant to say is.... Izzy and I are going to have a baby.. and we got married yesterday." The words stung and my eyes started to water up but I didn't want to let them know how I had felt. "Wh-what?! How can this be?" I yelled as my eyes started to have a small glitter of red. My demon side was started to take over.

"I'm sorry... sis... it is just that... we... um fallen in love." That was all I could take. I took off my engagment ring and threw it at them both. "Damn you and don't you dare call me your sister! You are never to call me that again!!" I screeched out with rage before disapearing in a thick black smoke.

I had gotten myself to forget that dreadful day where I learned that my sister had stolen the man I loved. The day where I grew bitter and never knew the feeling of love at all again. Until now.... for I had gotten a letter in the mail from my sister. The very thing that has shooken me up to the core.

Sighing, I look down at my hand that is holding the letter. The very thing that I gew to dispise. It was so tempting to tear it up now but curosity got the better of me. My other hand as if it had a life of its own tears open the evenlope to then take out a peice of paper.
As I open up the paper I could tell the letter was writting in a hurry of black inked pen. My eyes went down cast to read what has been written.

Dear sister,

How have you been after all these years of silence? You have every right to hate me and I know I said this so many times before but I'm sorry. So very sorry but this isn't what I am writting to you about. So I'm hoping that you are reading this because it is very important if you do. I am here to ask you to do a favor for me. You know of your neice don't you? The one I sent you a picture of and never gotten a single letter back so I stoped writting to you after that? Well, she is now 6 years old and going to be 7 soon. She is in danger and as for me, her mother can no longer protect her. I want you to come down here to get her from the hidden place I placed her in. The key is in my left pocket of my jacket and she's in the secret door of the floor. You know? The one we used to play in when we were little. The vampire's are convinced she is the choosen one so they are out to get her... so I need you to hide her and protect her. Do it for me or if not for me do it for her, Sandrea. By the time you get this, I may be already dead so please help me. If you do, thank you.

Your dearest sister, Izzy.
© Copyright 2006 Jessica Darkclaw (reby at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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