Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1131698-Mama-where-is-God
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1131698
A little girl askes where is God? Mama answers.
Katie and her mother were walking along the shore as the sun begins to descend in the sky. Hand in hand they shuffle through the waves as they lap at their bare feet. Katie looks out across the ocean. It stretches to the horizon aflame with color as stars start to open their eyes and the moon looms in the growing gloom.
"Mamma,” Katie asks, "Where's God?"
"God is everywhere, and in everything all the time" she replies.
"Yes Darling, everywhere"

Katie bends over and picks up some colorful shells glistening wetly in the fading sun. As she digs in the sand to retrieve them a thought strikes her and she asks, “Mamma is God in the ground?"
"Yes Darling, God made the ground. He makes the rich soil that grows so many good things to eat. He makes the trees grow tall and the flowers smell so sweet. It is He who makes the mountains touch the clouds and the valleys so low. So yes Katie, God is surly in the ground."
Katie holds the shells close to her as she and Mamma start towards home. She glances over her shoulder at the sky ablaze with a glorious sunset. "Mamma,” She asks,” Is God in the sky?"

“Of course Darling,” Mamma replies,” He makes the sun shine and the moon glow the hung the stars and named every one. He makes the clouds grow and blows them where they should go. He tells the wind where to blow and the rain where to fall. Oh Yes Katie, God is surly in the sky."

Mamma picks her up and carries her inside. Later Katie is splashing in the tub making the bubbles foam over the sides as Mamma scrubs her hair.
"Mamma,” she asks,” Is God in the water?"
“Yes Darling, God is in the water. He scooped out the oceans and lakes and ponds, He traced the rivers' paths. Then he filled them with all the life beneath the surface. He directs the way the river flows and pulls the tide in. So Yes Katie God is in the water too."

Katie pulls on her pajamas and crawls into bed. She smiles as Mamma pulls her covers up.
"Mamma, how big is God?"

"God is so big that the stars would get caught in His hair and He still wouldn't have enough room. And God is so small he can fit inside your heart."
Mama kisses Katie and turns to leave.
Katie sits up calling her mother.
"Yes Katie?"
"God is everywhere ALL the time?"
"Yes, every where all the time"
"Even when I'm naughty?"
"Even when you're naughty"
"And when I'm sleeping?"
"Yes even then, Darling. He is EVERYWHERE ALL the time."
She leans forward and whispers, "Is He here right now?"
"Oh Yes" Mamma replies as she covers Katie up again. She touches Katie's chest and says, "He is right here, in your heart. All the time."

“Mamma, if God is SO big, and He is EVERY where, and with me ALL the time; He must really love me an awful a lot. Huh?" Katie smiles sleepily.

“Oh yes He does Sweetheart." Mamma smiles back, “SO very much. Would you like to talk to Him?"

Katie nods and smiles as she crawls out of bed. She and Mamma kneel next to her bed and pray;

"Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this beautiful day.
Thank you for making the earth that grows so many good things.
Thank You for the sky that the sun sits in.
Thank You for the water that refreshes us very day.
Thank you God for everything.
Please bless my family and friends.
Thank you for giving them to me.
Thank You for loving me God.
Please bless me too
And help me be good
So I can make tomorrow a better day.
© Copyright 2006 Mrs Lizzard (shamless at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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